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Blackpill Even in the cases of rape by strangers, those are usually done by charismatic guys the women have been spending time with already



There are no happy endings in Eastern Europe.
Oct 30, 2022
So this is something I've found a few days ago, and with this news now coming out of the UK

I think it's only fitting that this, which also came from the UK, get reposted along with it:feelsjuice:.

The researchers behind this have looked at roughly 400 rape cases reported to the UK police forces, and tried to find how many of them with the stereotype of "real rape," as in, what most people immediately think of when they hear the word "rape". A complete stranger whom a woman had never seen before attacking her during the night in an isolated area, using a weapon to force her into sex and leaving her with serious injuries.

The result? They didn't find a single one:feelskek::feelskek:.

One, one case out of about 400 almost fit, but the woman received only slight injuries and not serious one, so it failed the final criterium:feelskek:. That is how rare the scenario which all women and their soy male feminist always and immediately bring up as something waiting to happen to any woman at any moment is:feelskek::feelskek:.

These new data importantly indicate that, for this sample, cases that fit the ‘real rape’ myth are extremely rare. In fact, for the current sample, no cases involved every aspect of the ‘real rape’ myth. Only two cases in which a weapon was used were carried out by a stranger to the victim. One of these nearly fits the ‘real rape’ myth except the victim sustained slight injuries rather than serious ones.

And of course, I'll assume the following, that most rapes are done by someone known to the victim, and especially their boyfriends and ex-boyfriends, because they all have exemplarily working personality detectors:feelskek:, is something most people here know by now...

In reality, the majority of victims were attacked by someone they knew, in their own or the perpetrator's home, and, although they were often physically forced into sexual intercourse, most victims did not sustain physical injuries from the attack. These findings are very similar to previous studies’ conducted in other areas of the UK and the USA

But it doesn't stop there:feelsUnreal:. They also broke down the stranger rapes into ones where the two were genuine strangers to each other with there being no contact before the rape itself, and ones where the perpetrators were guys who the women were out drinking with, either meeting them for the first time there and just deciding to spend some time with them, friends of friends, and so on. Guess which ones were more common:feelsUnreal::feelsjuice:.

Even those cases that were categorised as stranger rapes did not fit the ‘real rape’ description. Most victims had spent some time with the perpetrator prior to the offence, thus not matching the ‘complete stranger that attacks in an alleyway’ stereotype. Frequently, the victim and offender had met in a pub, club, or in the town centre before the offence took place. This is particularly salient in conjunction with the findings related to alcohol consumption and the victims’ and offenders’ ages. Together, these new data suggest that stranger rape is strongly associated with the night-time recreational economy

Reading this, it almost sounds like they are just calling those rapes hooking up gone wrong:feelskek::feelshaha:.

That the offender meets his victim in a pub or club and that the victim has frequently been drinking suggests that these persons may be targeted because of their vulnerability following alcohol consumption. This is also supported by Feist et al. (2007), in which they found that stranger rapes were the most likely to involve a highly intoxicated victim. Victims tend to be young women and the offenders relatively young men, if slightly older than their victims (also found in Feist et al.’s (2007) sample).
These women may be socially attracted to the offenders to begin with, and may be more so due to their alcohol consumption (which has been found to increase ratings of attractiveness of opposite-sex faces; Egan and Cordan, 2009; Jones, Jones, Thomas, & Piper, 2002). This may reflect differing expectations of men and women for a social evening. Men may expect sex to follow from meeting someone when they go to a pub or club, whereas women may expect to be social and friendly, but not necessarily expect sex. The myth of easy sexual availability for persons enjoying the evening entertainment economy can therefore be seen as an influence on many sexual offences.

If you want specific numbers, 29.2% of all the reported rapes were classified as stranger rapes. But breaking them down further, 17.4% of all rapes were done by someone the woman had met in a club or a pub and was drinking and spending time with, while 3% of rapes were done by someone the victim had at least some knowledge of and recognized, but had never met before, meaning that only 8.8% of the reported rapes, not even 10%, were done by complete strangers.


Not exactly how rape is presented by most people, isn't it:feelshaha:? Hell, this actually makes me wonder, just how much are guys like us underrepresented when it comes to being rapists? A complete stranger rape is just about the only one possible for low-status social outcasts. No girlfriends, so domestic rapes are impossible, maybe some friends or colleagues but no real chance to be with a female one alone for any meaningful amount of time, ugly losers so no attracting female strangers to drink with in a pub or a club... Complete stranger one is just about the only type of rape possible for ugly social outcasts, but are those types just 9% of the population? Especially assuming that guys like us are behind all complete stranger rapes, which is almost certainly not true, because we know that every study on rapists and consensual sex has found that they can easily get it and may be even more sexually successful than normal guys, they just want sex even more than they get it and that's why they rape.

So, maybe 1-2% percent of male-on-female rapes are done by incels or social outcasts in general:waitwhat:? Obviously much less than the percentage of guys like that in the general population:feelshehe:. Just how much less of a threat to women are we than the guys they choose to be around and spend the time with:feelshmm::feelsjuice::feelshaha:?
one case out of about 400 almost fit, but the woman received only slight injuries and not serious one, so it failed the final criterium:feelskek:. That is how rare the scenario which all women and their soy male feminist always and immediately bring up as something waiting to happen to any woman at any moment is:feelskek::feelskek:.
"You never know when an attack might happen sweaty!" And then they proceed to spend the entire night with hyperNT playboy Chad :lul: :lul: (If they even consider rape by him a crime at all)
Ropeful, even rape is dominated by chads. no rape for your face.
"You never know when an attack might happen sweaty!" And then they proceed to spend the entire night with hyperNT playboy Chad :lul: :lul: (If they even consider rape by him a crime at all)
Plus they go for walks by themselves in the woods on deserted trails all the time dressed like sluts.

Unreal how safe they feel to do that. You’d think they’d at least have some fear of shit happening and wouldn’t do this, but the fact they do it without a care in the world shows that real attacks are not nearly common enough for them to even deem it a real concern.
As you said, it’s hard for a subhuman to ever find himself alone with a foid.

Foids will not even let us buy them a coffee at a crowded coffee shop.
They’d rather drink Chads piss than a coffee a subhuman bought them.

Looking back, I don’t recall ever being alone with a foid in an isolated place.

It is always Chads that foids willingly go to isolated places with.
Jfl, it's insane the discrepancy we see in what qualifies as rape to foids & what is the actual, literal definition of it. :feelskek:
If you want specific numbers, 29.2% of all the reported rapes were classified as stranger rapes. But breaking them down further, 17.4% of all rapes were done by someone the woman had met in a club or a pub and was drinking and spending time with, while 3% of rapes were done by someone the victim had at least some knowledge of and recognized,
In a way, this sort of shows the "roofie" incidents we hear about, in which guys -who obviously are charismatic & somewhat normie looking- go & flirt with foids, only to drug them & rape them.

@Fat Link pin this
Jfl, it's insane the discrepancy we see in what qualifies as rape to foids & what is the actual, literal definition of it. :feelskek:

In a way, this sort of shows the "roofie" incidents we hear about, in which guys -who obviously are charismatic & somewhat normie looking- go & flirt with foids, only to drug them & rape them.

@Fat Link pin this
the only time I ever heard someone openly all about drugging and kidnapping others was IRL chad at my trade school. They were talking about going to concert and one guy went "I will come if I don't have to take drugs" and chad said if you dont, someone will put some in your drink anyway. He also told us another time how he took a girl home, chained her to his bed, put earphones with music and blind fold on her and coomed on her tits. He said she was fine with it.

@WorthlessSlavicShit great thread and high iq. Your threads on sexual crime and women selecting violent partners have changed my view of society forever.

I recently linked you a book about the myth of trauma. It was written by a female psychologist who discovered that victims of sexual assault only get traumatized later in life after realizing what happened. This is only true if the assault was non violent which is the majority of cases. Children that are violently and painfully attacked

1. immediately report it
2. know what happened was wrong
3. feel less or no shame or guilt because they see themselves clearly as victims

However this type of assault is rare, the book has sources on this. Most of the time the child is just confused and moves on. The reason why these people get traumatized later is because of this process.

1.get sexual abused by trusted person (mom, uncle, dad) - this is the norm, strangers don't rape kids
2. confused, goes along with it because trusting the perpetrator, sometimes for months (important detail)
3. moves on or even forgets for years
4. learns this was wrong as adult
5. complete loss uf trust in humanity and other people because close person did it to them

6. this is where the trauma comes from:
they look around at how society portrays child abuse cases. Just like with adult rape, it's always depicted as extremely violent and immediately traumatic, often done by a stranger etc.
This does not match the reality of most victims and thus confuses them. They start blaming themselves and think that they did it to themselves, that they are special and somehow maybe even wanted it. This massive self blame and guilt + lack of trust generates the mental issues, NOT THE ACTUAL ASSAULT

the assault itself DOES NO IMMEDIATE DAMAGE IN MOST CASES - society and social expectations for what a trauma victim should be like create the trauma. These people get imposter syndrome basically and don't feel like real victims.
Just imagine being a 35 year old man and you are trying to tell someone that you jerked off uncle Bobby for six months because you got candy in exchange. It would make you seem like you wanted it or that you are gay or deranged.

The correlation to your threads on assault and how women retroactively yell rape, even decades later, is obvious. I've suspected this for ages but this confirms it for me - trauma can and is a social convention, with the exception of extreme physical harm.

This is the book:

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I recently linked you a book about the myth of trauma. It was written by a female psychologist who discovered that victims of sexual assault only get traumatized later in life after realizing what happened. This is only true if the assault was non violent which is the majority of cases.
That's the interesting part. They get "traumatized" when they are no longer the center of attention of the said man or if the man gives her an 'ick' later in life.

Edit: Not being the center of attention literally was the foundation of metoo if you think about it.
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That's the interesting part. They get "traumatized" when they are no longer the center of attention of the said man or if the man gives her an 'ick' later in life.
This is really dangerous territory here, but yeah, the participation of the "victim" is an incredibly taboo topic of course. What you say could 100% be true. Basically first milking the "abuser" for attention, and once hes gone, they start milking the "abuse" for attention. If you look into the book I mentioned, she actulally points out that this was the predominant position on child abuse until the 60s or 70s - essentially they believed that the victim is often participating in the attack. Idk what to think of this, I have heard conflicting information.

One chad whos shit I read years ago said anecdotally from fucking single moms and other gutter whores, that their daughters often get in on the action early. I don't want to go as far as to claim that little girls try to get older mans attention by mimicking moms sexual behavior (flashing, flirting) but I see it as possible, especially in a hypersexualized household. And women are pretty much hypersexual, in the sense they deliberately and constantly flaunt their sexuality everywhere. If little girls i.e. sisters are present, they would be caught in the barrage of sexual talk etc. Women raise little girls into their gender roles from very early age on.

Idk what the data says on this, but one way to support this claim would be to look at single mom households and if being raised by a single mom increases promiscuity among girls. I would say yes.
This is really dangerous territory here, but yeah, the participation of the "victim" is an incredibly taboo topic of course. What you say could 100% be true. Basically first milking the "abuser" for attention, and once hes gone, they start milking the "abuse" for attention. If you look into the book I mentioned, she actulally points out that this was the predominant position on child abuse until the 60s or 70s - essentially they believed that the victim is often participating in the attack. Idk what to think of this, I have heard conflicting information.

One chad whos shit I read years ago said anecdotally from fucking single moms and other gutter whores, that their daughters often get in on the action early. I don't want to go as far as to claim that little girls try to get older mans attention by mimicking moms sexual behavior (flashing, flirting) but I see it as possible, especially in a hypersexualized household. And women are pretty much hypersexual, in the sense they deliberately and constantly flaunt their sexuality everywhere. If little girls i.e. sisters are present, they would be caught in the barrage of sexual talk etc. Women raise little girls into their gender roles from very early age on.

Idk what the data says on this, but one way to support this claim would be to look at single mom households and if being raised by a single mom increases promiscuity among girls. I would say yes.
Basically, any household where the mother becomes the decision maker. I have an uncle who relegated himself to the background, abdicating all the family responsibilities. With my aunt in charge, she would always parade herself and the eldest daughter like some attention-seeking harlots in the streets. She admitted to openly gossiping with her daughter about how many guys checked her out. What do you know, her daughter got pregnant before even graduating from hs.

I clarified with a solid and recent example in the edit as to how it could be the case most of the times. Also, the 'ick' part is an underrated one. During the Amber Turd and Depp trial, there was a video recording of Turd openly disparaging Depp for his declining look in the courtroom. Now this is a guy who foids were fawning over in 80s and 90s. I bet Turd would never file a case against Depp if he was in his 30s (I beliving foids accusing men of not valuing or abandoning aging foids is in large part another projection.)
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Teehee look at me I'm a sexy slut don't you want me because I'm a sexy slut teehee it's OK you can touchy teehee....

I was RAPED.

Yeah but not by a fucking incel you weren't, yet we are the disgusting monsters to poke fun at and shame. Dumb bitches I don't care if they get raped or not, honestly not my problem.
As you said, it’s hard for a subhuman to ever find himself alone with a foid.

Foids will not even let us buy them a coffee at a crowded coffee shop.
They’d rather drink Chads piss than a coffee a subhuman bought them.

Looking back, I don’t recall ever being alone with a foid in an isolated place.

It is always Chads that foids willingly go to isolated places with.
So this is something I've found a few days ago, and with this news now coming out of the UK

I think it's only fitting that this, which also came from the UK, get reposted along with it:feelsjuice:.

The researchers behind this have looked at roughly 400 rape cases reported to the UK police forces, and tried to find how many of them with the stereotype of "real rape," as in, what most people immediately think of when they hear the word "rape". A complete stranger whom a woman had never seen before attacking her during the night in an isolated area, using a weapon to force her into sex and leaving her with serious injuries.

The result? They didn't find a single one:feelskek::feelskek:.

One, one case out of about 400 almost fit, but the woman received only slight injuries and not serious one, so it failed the final criterium:feelskek:. That is how rare the scenario which all women and their soy male feminist always and immediately bring up as something waiting to happen to any woman at any moment is:feelskek::feelskek:.

And of course, I'll assume the following, that most rapes are done by someone known to the victim, and especially their boyfriends and ex-boyfriends, because they all have exemplarily working personality detectors:feelskek:, is something most people here know by now...

But it doesn't stop there:feelsUnreal:. They also broke down the stranger rapes into ones where the two were genuine strangers to each other with there being no contact before the rape itself, and ones where the perpetrators were guys who the women were out drinking with, either meeting them for the first time there and just deciding to spend some time with them, friends of friends, and so on. Guess which ones were more common:feelsUnreal::feelsjuice:.

Reading this, it almost sounds like they are just calling those rapes hooking up gone wrong:feelskek::feelshaha:.

If you want specific numbers, 29.2% of all the reported rapes were classified as stranger rapes. But breaking them down further, 17.4% of all rapes were done by someone the woman had met in a club or a pub and was drinking and spending time with, while 3% of rapes were done by someone the victim had at least some knowledge of and recognized, but had never met before, meaning that only 8.8% of the reported rapes, not even 10%, were done by complete strangers.

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Not exactly how rape is presented by most people, isn't it:feelshaha:? Hell, this actually makes me wonder, just how much are guys like us underrepresented when it comes to being rapists? A complete stranger rape is just about the only one possible for low-status social outcasts. No girlfriends, so domestic rapes are impossible, maybe some friends or colleagues but no real chance to be with a female one alone for any meaningful amount of time, ugly losers so no attracting female strangers to drink with in a pub or a club... Complete stranger one is just about the only type of rape possible for ugly social outcasts, but are those types just 9% of the population? Especially assuming that guys like us are behind all complete stranger rapes, which is almost certainly not true, because we know that every study on rapists and consensual sex has found that they can easily get it and may be even more sexually successful than normal guys, they just want sex even more than they get it and that's why they rape.

So, maybe 1-2% percent of male-on-female rapes are done by incels or social outcasts in general:waitwhat:? Obviously much less than the percentage of guys like that in the general population:feelshehe:. Just how much less of a threat to women are we than the guys they choose to be around and spend the time with:feelshmm::feelsjuice::feelshaha:?
Guys I didn’t rape anyone
Jfl, it's insane the discrepancy we see in what qualifies as rape to foids & what is the actual, literal definition of it. :feelskek:

In a way, this sort of shows the "roofie" incidents we hear about, in which guys -who obviously are charismatic & somewhat normie looking- go & flirt with foids, only to drug them & rape them.
Exactly. Like, who, realistically, would even be in a position to roofie some woman:feelshaha:? Totally something an incel outcast would find himself in, of course:feelskek:.

@WorthlessSlavicShit great thread and high iq. Your threads on sexual crime and women selecting violent partners have changed my view of society forever.
Thanks for the praise boyo:owo:.
This is why so many male feminists turn out to be sexual predators, they're actually one of the types of men most likely to spend time around with women and get to know them better. And as established earlier, most victims knew who their rapists were beforehand.
The next time you hear a bluepilled cuck call you a potential grapist, it's just them projecting their insecurities onto you.

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