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SuicideFuel Even if I doubt it will, I have to hope that life will be better for me one day.

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Deleted member 101

I just wanna be loved, but don’t think I’m worthy
Nov 7, 2017
As I said in the title, I doubt things will get better for me. I can easily see myself dying without ever experiencing a romantic relationship. I can easily see myself dying a virgin if I haven't gone to a prostitute by then. I can see myself struggling to form any sort of social life throughout my entire existence. I doubt I'll ever reach my goals or achieve my dreams. Find a career I really like. Make money that satisfies me. Start a family. Go out and see the world.

But I still have to hope. I still have to hope I can get lucky with some one-in-a-million unicorn type girl. I still have to hope that technology and/or society will one day provide me help to fulfill my needs of things like friendship, sex, and love. Maybe in my lifetime, immortality will become possible, and I can continue to live until, hopefully, something saves me.

Are any of these gonna happen? I have no idea. Life is extremely unpredictable. Some people will be down in their lives but then something out of nowhere saves them. Maybe someone struggling to pay bills wins a massive jackpot. Others will be high in life and feel unstoppable until one event causes everything to come crashing down. Look at Jeffery Epstein (not that I condone what he did). Life is unpredictable. The pessimist that I am says that no, none of them will happen and that this is it for me. But if I don't have hope, then I'll have zero reasons to live.

Is this all cope? Yeah, probably. But I don't really know what else to do. But hope.

Because without hope, if you cannot cope, you must rope.
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Buddy boyo, you were born and it was over. Destiny of an incel.
Are you honky, though?
If you're saying I should go to Southeast Asia then I hope you're gonna help me learn a new language, help the cost of a plane ticket and a place to live, and whatnot, all to become betabux (cuz Asians want attractive whites, which I am not, so at most I would be seen as a green card ticket) then I'll be all ears.
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If you're saying I should go to Southwest Asia then I hope you're gonna help me learn a new language, help the cost of a plane ticket and a place to live, and whatnot, all to become betabux (cuz Asians want attractive whites, which I am not, so at most I would be seen as a green card ticket) then I'll be all ears.
Bruh, it is southeast Asia not southwest asia(you won't return alive if you go to SW Asia).

Many noodlewhores know English well and you'd get visa on arrival.
Bruh, it is southeast Asia not southwest asia(you won't return alive if you go to SW Asia).

Many noodlewhores know English well and you'd get visa on arrival.
Maybe the Philippines, but the most of the Asian countries are toward the bottom in terms of knowledge/command of the English language except for like Singapore and maybe India. Even then, as I've said before, I am not currently in a position, nor have the money, to make such a radical change in my life such as permanently moving across the world. And I say permanently because even if I found a girl (who wouldn't actually find me attractive; yes Asians like white guys but they like Chads just as much as any other woman), I could never come home with her. Because once she's in America, she'll ditch my ass and we all know why.

This is cucked to you but I actually want a girl to desire me and actually want to be with me. Not be seen as a resource to escape a shithole country and get a green card. And that's even if JBW is absolute law.
“Everyone, at some point in their lives, wakes up in the middle of the night with the feeling that they are all alone in the world, and that nobody loves them now and that nobody will ever love them, and that they will never have a decent night’s sleep again and will spend their lives wandering blearily around a loveless landscape, hoping desperately that their circumstances will improve, but suspecting, in their heart of hearts, that they will remain unloved forever. The best thing to do in these circumstances is to wake somebody else up, so that they can feel this way, too.” — Lemony Snicket
This is cucked to you but I actually want a girl to desire me and actually want to be with me. Not be seen as a resource to escape a shithole country and get a green card. And that's even if JBW is absolute law.
That's not cucked. That's what every incel wants, a girl who desires you romantically or sexually. I don't care about love. All I want is girls who desire to fuck me.
This is cucked to you but I actually want a girl to desire me and actually want to be with me. Not be seen as a resource to escape a shithole country and get a green card. And that's even if JBW is absolute law.
That’s not how relationships work and they have never worked that way in history. Marriage has also been about resource exchange and women are incapable of love. They can lust for Chad, but even then, in time that will fade. Even Chad will have a largely sexless marriage after she has children.

Asian women are probably the most loyal because they actually need you to survive and you can provide them a much better life than most men. If you can get $300 month, you are making more than most SEA men.

I plan on getting some property to rent and paying someone to maintain my properties while I live in SEA and collect rent from my American properties. Even renting a couple cheap houses for $700 a month will make me very rich by SEA standards. I can come back to America 3 or 4 times a year to do some shopping for consumer goods and check on my business.
That's not cucked. That's what every incel wants, a girl who desires you romantically or sexually. I don't care about love. All I want is girls who desire to fuck me.
Even in Southwest Asia I may not even be desired just for my cock. I'd have better odds than an ethnic but I'd only be desirable as another form of betabux since I'm not an attractive white guy.
Good post OP.

Knowing it’s over and being delusional, but leaving the door open the 0.0000000000001% possibility of a change that may change everything.

The problem is you may not survive to experience the change for better, as it will most likely require WW3.
That’s not how relationships work and they have never worked that way in history. Marriage has also been about resource exchange and women are incapable of love. They can lust for Chad, but even then, in time that will fade. Even Chad will have a largely sexless marriage after she has children.

Asian women are probably the most loyal because they actually need you to survive and you can provide them a much better life than most men. If you can get $300 month, you are making more than most SEA men.

I plan on getting some property to rent and paying someone to maintain my properties while I live in SEA and collect rent from my American properties. Even renting a couple cheap houses for $700 a month will make me very rich by SEA standards.
I've been out of work for an entire month now on suspension because they still won't update me on whether they're gonna let me stay or if they're gonna dismiss me. So I'm not even making money.

I'm not even asking for a fairytale romance but the things I'd want in a relationship seem so unrealistic, and I often wonder if I could even get them if I was taller and handsome. I could get sex, sure. But nothing but no-strings attached sex, while probably the "safest" (as long as you don't get a girl pregnant), it just feels so...empty, to me.

Besides, while I'm also very skeptical about women's ability to love and whether it's even possible, it's just something I can't stop wanting. I mean even if it's the norm I find it insulting that some poor woman is only with me because I'm bringing in money. I know often times love is conditional (and this is okay, as I'd probably have "conditions" myself; would be hard to love a girl who cheats on me, or fucks my life up somehow), but it being this utterly cold and transactional is simply unacceptable.

Fuck it. We are meant to be alone.
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Even in Southwest Asia I may not even be desired just for my cock. I'd have better odds than an ethnic but I'd only be desirable as another form of betabux since I'm not an attractive white guy.
If I didn't have disability, I'd pump and dump foids by fooling them to be their betabux which I wouldn't become.
If I didn't have disability, I'd pump and dump foids by fooling them to be their betabux which I wouldn't become.
There's a possibility of the bedroom dying before it even begins by entering betabux lol
Post just described me.

I know the chances are so incredibly small and my time is fading away. Each passing day, my situation remains the same and I just dig myself a bigger hole. Yet, at the same time I dream and hope of getting with that 10/10 girl who is attractive, great to watch movies with, talk about current affairs with. I have spent so much of my mental energy daydreaming about being a guy in a fulfilling relationship with a girl (my onitis) hoping that one day, it will become a reality. I know full well the chances are infinitesimally small and it won't happen - as I get older I find myself replaying clips more and more of 'what could have been', maybe I'll just continue to do this for the rest of my life, even when it is beyond over at 60 years old.
Post just described me.

I know the chances are so incredibly small and my time is fading away. Each passing day, my situation remains the same and I just dig myself a bigger hole. Yet, at the same time I dream and hope of getting with that 10/10 girl who is attractive, great to watch movies with, talk about current affairs with. I have spent so much of my mental energy daydreaming about being a guy in a fulfilling relationship with a girl (my onitis) hoping that one day, it will become a reality. I know full well the chances are infinitesimally small and it won't happen - as I get older I find myself replaying clips more and more of 'what could have been', maybe I'll just continue to do this for the rest of my life, even when it is beyond over at 60 years old.
That's the tough thing about suicide (well other than my parents; I ain't gonna have them bury me).

You die now, you avoid the chance of things changing for the better, no matter how slim. But if you live your full life and it doesn't get better, then you'll be on your deathbed wondering why you didn't kill yourself when you were younger.
That's the tough thing about suicide (well other than my parents; I ain't gonna have them bury me).

You die now, you avoid the chance of things changing for the better, no matter how slim. But if you live your full life and it doesn't get better, then you'll be on your deathbed wondering why you didn't kill yourself when you were younger.

Modern society. It's a cope or rope world for incels.

I have meaning beyond a foid luckily (religion, family + *some* friends), but those cels without these things going in their life - it's truly over.
I'd just prefer to cease existing.

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