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It's Over Even if I do get a gf (I won't), I'm afraid of what would happen, small dick problems, autism etc.



babyfaced subhuman
Apr 16, 2018
Say I manage to looksmax through leanmaxxing, surgeries etc. and in 3 years I'm a 6/10.

Say I eventually manage to get a girlfriend. I'm afraid of that. I'm afraid of what she'd think of my dick which is "average" in length, but it's thin like a pencil dick. It would definitely be a problem and I'd be embarrassed to even show it. She'd probably dump me soon after seeing my dick or post on reddit about how she's not satisfied with her partner's dick size. I don't want that to happen.

Second of all, I'm an aspie. That's a big problem if you're sub7. None of my hypothetical relationships would last. It's just impossible if you have autism.

What would I even do in a relationship? I know nothing about relationships and how to entertain a woman. All I can think about is movies and maybe dinners, that's it. I can be funny, but that's not enough. I'd be lost. I like video games, music, movies, I play guitar, I like drawing so basically generic normie tier shit. That's not exciting enough.
I'd also constantly be worried about the inevitable day she tells me it's over or finding out she's cheating.

It's crazy how so many normie men go through shit like this and for what? What's even the point of modern relationships?
Before someone says "dude it's all about sex anyway" and maybe that's true for most people here, but I'm not like that. I want a family or at least just a partner so I don't die alone. I don't think that's possible nowadays, even for normie men. I don't want to be a beta bux either, I want love and validation.
She'd just cheat on us.
If I somehow managed to get a gf I know she'd dump me for a hundred reasons.
My high inhib.
My average dick.
No money.
Completely ugly.
Am a kissless virgin.
Yeah even if I get into a relationship there’s no way I can maintain it for long because of my autism.

So It’s over even if it isn’t. JFL.
dw about it. It's over. You can relax about that stuff.
I guess long lasting families, love and validation really is reserved only for 7/10+ tall men these days. I'm not saying it's always been like this.
My grandma for example loved my grandfather dearly and even though he died fairly early from combat-related injuries she still to this day cries almost every day because he's gone. He was somewhat short for being a balkanite, around 5'9" in his prime, shrunk to 5'7" by the time he was 50 because of severe injuries and physical work. He was robust and strong, had a massive frame, huge wrists, high T. He wasn't ugly, but he wasn't particularly good looking either. You could say he was normie handsome when he was younger.

Back in the day men provided and helped around the house, women took care of the children, cooked, maintained the house etc.
Maybe that's why women could actually stay with their partner forever? Probably, I don't know. It's not the same anymore. Women can always get more and they have many choices.
thats why its always going tro be over for us no matter what happens
Dude try being black AND having a small penis.
This shit sucks because thanks to the media all blacks are expected to have 8+ inches and I have JUST over half of that.

But yeah even if you ascend it's over for you boy, you haven't experimented in your youth and lack the social skills to deal with a foid, being aspie just exacerbates that.
This is the problem with surgery. If you have radical medical procedures performed on your body to increase SMV, you are probably not NT.

Autism or any type of brain disease makes it impossible to have a meaningful relationship with the opposite sex.
If you like drawing you should join an art class after you’ve looksmaxxed, you might have some luck there due to sharing a common interest and the likelihood of a high woman / man ratio.
Being afraid of foids like that is cucked. Don't overthink it, as if you have to be some perfect man for her. If I somehow got a gf, I would keep her under strict control, like a pet, but more strict. If she complained about anything, I would make her drink a cup of salt water or take a scalding hot shower and that would sort that headache out.
I'd also constantly be worried about the inevitable day she tells me it's over or finding out she's cheating.
The thing is the whore wouldn't even tell you if she is cheating, she wants to still keep you around as a betabux, most men have to find out by themselves. Meaning that she could be cucking you from day 1 and you wouldn't even know.
the hard part is not getting the girlfriend, its preserving her
This is why It's truly and completely over.

I've said before that getting a gf is only the beginning keeping her around is the true test.

People here act like once they get a gf and ascend all their problems will be solved but in truth your problems have only just started.

Now you have to keep this bitch interested and entertained or she'll move on, foids have that luxury you don't. They can jump from one man to the next easily, we are highly disposable to them nowadays.
I feel the same!
Back in the day men provided and helped around the house, women took care of the children, cooked, maintained the house etc.
Maybe that's why women could actually stay with their partner forever? Probably, I don't know. It's not the same anymore. Women can always get more and they have many choices.
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Whenever I type in autism/asperger and dating I always find guys with autism that have been in relationships and have friends. Bones>Autism.

Anything an attractive person says or does is good and anything an ugly person says or does is bad.
Whenever I type in autism/asperger and dating I always find guys with autism that have been in relationships and have friends. Bones>Autism.

Anything an attractive person says or does is good and anything an ugly person says or does is bad.

First guy is high tier normie bordering on Chadlite, the second guy is a normie. They're both NT normies seeking attention.
Being afraid of foids like that is cucked. Don't overthink it, as if you have to be some perfect man for her. If I somehow got a gf, I would keep her under strict control, like a pet, but more strict. If she complained about anything, I would make her drink a cup of salt water or take a scalding hot shower and that would sort that headache out.

>joined 2 feb
Oh I see.
I don't want a girlfriend tbh, i'm too schizoid for relationships.

Look who's there jfl.
What are you implying?
He meant you're larping as how the media portrays incels, which you probably are(a larper?)
Imagine finding someone that says I love you back and then laughs and leaves you the moment she sees your small dick.
He meant you're larping as how the media portrays incels, which you probably are(a larper?)

I'm not a larper, I'm a misogynist and proud of it, and I don't give a shit how the media portrays incels, noids have always hated us. I may have joined incels.is Feb. 2, but I've been on braincels for longer until the cuckery made me move here. You guys don't need to be such soft fucks, shy and afraid of the world that has wronged you.
Just focus on looksmaxxing and don't think too far ahead. it's all you can do at this point.
I'm not a larper, I'm a misogynist and proud of it, and I don't give a shit how the media portrays incels, noids have always hated us. I may have joined incels.is Feb. 2, but I've been on braincels for longer until the cuckery made me move here. You guys don't need to be such soft fucks, shy and afraid of the world that has wronged you.
Okay lol.

I use my spell card to deflect 20% warnings for low effort posts.
This is why It's truly and completely over.

I've said before that getting a gf is only the beginning keeping her around is the true test.

People here act like once they get a gf and ascend all their problems will be solved but in truth your problems have only just started.

Now you have to keep this bitch interested and entertained or she'll move on, foids have that luxury you don't. They can jump from one man to the next easily, we are highly disposable to them nowadays.
Well said. Women get bored so easily when they have so many better options available. If she doesn’t “feel it” anymore she will decide to emotionally cheat on you, talking to other dudes etc. then comes the monkey branching. After that she will have fucked another guy before you have noticed the relationship was already over. Fuck getting into a relationship as an average or below male in 2019
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Men with autism don't voluntarily film themselves for millions of people, fucking dumb redditfag.
Eggman and Ice poseidon are diagnosed with autism and look what they do. Stop the cope.
"average" in length, but it's thin like a pencil dick. It would definitely be a problem
I got the inverse. I've got a 4 incher but it's a chode. Either way it's still a problem for the both of us
Imagine finding someone that says I love you back and then laughs and leaves you the moment she sees your small dick.
what kind of love would that be? A shallow one. The kind of love foids can give you.
LOVE= What you can do for her
there is no ascension bro its over youre ugly

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