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May 9, 2018
Any other white nationalists here?


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we should be united against women
There's no reason for us to have white pride, we're all subhumans together regardless of race. White women reject us and despise us, why should we care about them?
You could be the guy in your picture on the ground getting kicked, and white women would laugh at you. Ethnonationalism is not for the incel.
No, I prefer curry and sand foids.
I think white incels who have "racial pride/allegiance" are an ironic joke, imagine being completely rejected due to genetics not by just your own race, but basically by all races in entirety yet still clinging on to some sense of superiority over others and seeing yourself as "part of that race". Its the biggest joke and these idiots are just coping, and I con't see it with white incels.

Never seen a black incel, indian incel, etc incel on this site or any site that tries to pretend like they are "a part of their race", they full acknowledge that they aren't even really a part of the "human race" and not even their women are fucking them, but for some reason white incels delude themselves into some false sense of pride and allegience to a group that doesn't give one fuck about them (their own race)

If they succeeded and created some magical all white country they'd ironically still be sexless and depressed losers........... I guess you won't have to see any shit skins am I right? :lul: (any incel with racial pride is completely fucking retarded and coping hardcore). Seriously what is it with white people and race, its really weird, no other race of people does this to the extent that whites do.
There's no reason for us to have white pride, we're all subhumans together regardless of race.

That's what they don't get because they are coping, they actually believe that by separating the races it'll make their lives easier and increase their chances, but ironically they would have just made women's lives easier (white women that is) by helping them filter their "lists" even further, now they can pursue white chads with ease, there's no extra competition to obfuscate their "field of vision", ironically by decreasing the competition you've only made their objective clearer AND more easily obtainable.

On that note I think some of them are aware of this and are taking the coping to another degree, with an extremely cucked mindset, they don't hate getting mogged, they hate getting mogged by ethnics, they value their women so much (ironically seeing as their women couldn't give a shit about them) that they hate ethnics being with them as they see it as an offense to their race. So they are alright with being sexless losers so long as its a white chad that's being chosen over them, like they can "find solace in it" JFL.

These white nationalist incels are either the most idiotic or the most cucked. One side actually thinks the seperation is to their benefit, the other knows it isn't but doesn't care, because they are so racist and deluded that they are alright being cucked as long as its a white man getting "their women". You can't reason with idiocy like that, its a good thing guys like this don't actually do shit about it and simply just come online and complain JFL.
That's what they don't get because they are coping, they actually believe that by separating the races it'll make their lives easier and increase their chances, but ironically they would have just made women's lives easier (white women that is) by helping them filter their "lists" even further, now they can pursue white chads with ease, there's no extra competition to obfuscate their "field of vision", ironically by decreasing the competition you've only made their objective clearer AND more easily obtainable.

On that note I think some of them are aware of this and are taking the coping to another degree, with an extremely cucked mindset, they don't hate getting mogged, they hate getting mogged by ethnics, they value their women so much (ironically seeing as their women couldn't give a shit about them) that they hate ethnics being with them as they see it as an offense to their race. So they are alright with being sexless losers so long as its a white chad that's being chosen over them, like they can "find solace in it" JFL.

These white nationalist incels are either the most idiotic or the most cucked. One side actually thinks the seperation is to their benefit, the other knows it isn't but doesn't care, because they are so racist and deluded that they are alright being cucked as long as its a white man getting "their women". You can't reason with idiocy like that, its a good thing guys like this don't actually do shit about it and simply just come online and complain JFL.
No, the main reason white incels are drawn to WN is because they get blamed for all of the bad things white people have done but they don't get any of the benefits of being white because they're ugly, leading them to resent everyone. It's on you as an ethnic to win over SF-cels, stop mocking them and you may just make some new allies.
No, the main reason white incels are drawn to WN is because they get blamed for all of the bad things white people have done but they don't get any of the benefits of being white because they're ugly, leading them to resent everyone. It's on you as an ethnic to win over SF-cels, stop mocking them and you may just make some new allies.
its okay to play the victim card when youre white :think:
its okay to play the victim card when youre white :think:
If you still believe in morality, you're an idiot. This is a world of cause and effect. Has nothing to do with playing the victim card, it has to do with explaining why people believe certain things. No one actively chooses to be racist and no one actively chooses to be not racist. There's no reason to blame foids for being massive sluts, and there's no reason to blame low-iq blacks for becoming criminals, and there's no reason to blame disenfranchised whites for becoming racist. You can cope all you want and pretend that they are somehow doing something horrible, but there are material conditions that made them the way they are the same way there are material conditions that made us all incels.
and pretend that they are somehow doing something horrible
i never actually implied that they were doing something wrong.
i've replied to similar posts on /pol/ hundreds of times. cope all you want, i dont care.
just know that you're playing the victim card. are white men under attack? sure. but it's up to you to harden your skin and actually refute the arguments with words the sjw cunts hurl at you. enlighten them that you aren't like jerry from stormfront, but akin to tom who hasn't yet reaped the benefits of being born a white male

its a similar situation with incels; i despise people who generalize us and think we're all misogynistic mgtow-tier chads complaining about lack of wet holes when it couldn't be further from the truth. there are some of us out there with illnesses such as chronic social anxiety that make it increasingly difficult to even go shopping for groceries at times.

cute avatar btw where is it from
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You could be the guy in your picture on the ground getting kicked, and white women would laugh at you. Ethnonationalism is not for the incel.
I'm a racial separatist - everyone should stick to their own
it's not limited to race (as in white, black, yellow, red or whatever) - Nordics shouldn't mix with the Mediterraneans, Ethiopians with Zulus etc.
I'm only attracted to white women similar to me, so obviously 14 words are important
nothing against people of other races, but race-mixing should be punished by death
I'm a racial separatist - everyone should stick to their own
it's not limited to race (as in white, black, yellow, red or whatever) - Nordics shouldn't mix with the Mediterraneans, Ethiopians with Zulus etc.
I'm only attracted to white women similar to me, so obviously 14 words are important
nothing against people of other races, but race-mixing should be punished by death

Everyone should stick to their own. If you want to mingle with other people that's fine, but that does not mean you are going to fuck their women and reproduce with them.
White nationalist here. White women are the worst race traitors.
and yet... all of us are here...
No, the main reason white incels are drawn to WN is because they get blamed for all of the bad things white people have done but they don't get any of the benefits of being white because they're ugly


JFL nobody is blaming them, this is some high level cope, how can you blame a group that you don't even acknowledge or care that they exist, when normies are talking about white privilege etc, they are talking about wealthy business men, etc, who are usually rich and in most cases handsome, not white sexually starved losers living in their parents basement, not once have I ever seen an article, tweet, etc referencing white privilege and incels were used as an example.

What kind of mental gymnastics is this shit.

Also I call BS, because notice us blackcels don't get drawn into the "pro-black movement", because we aren't race obsessed like whites.

It's on you as an ethnic to win over SF-cels
So its up to me to convince a racist who literally hates me beacuse of my skin colour to not hate me, the only logical way to do that is to magically change my race and skin colour, you are retard if you don't see how flawed the logic is of this request.

stop mocking them and you may just make some new allies.

1. Allies
2. Plans on seperating from you and excluding you from the society they create and banning you from having sex with their women

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but race-mixing should be punished by death

Imagine saying this with a straight face.


JFL nobody is blaming them, this is some high level cope, how can you blame a group that you don't even acknowledge or care that they exist, when normies are talking about white privilege etc, they are talking about wealthy business men, etc, who are usually rich and in most cases handsome, not white sexually starved losers living in their parents basement, not once have I ever seen an article, tweet, etc referencing white privilege and incels were used as an example.

What kind of mental gymnastics is this shit.

Also I call BS, because notice us blackcels don't get drawn into the "pro-black movement", because we aren't race obsessed like whites.

So its up to me to convince a racist who literally hates me beacuse of my skin colour to not hate me, the only logical way to do that is to magically change my race and skin colour, you are retard if you don't see how flawed the logic is of this request.

1. Allies
2. Plans on seperating from you and excluding you from the society they create and banning you from having sex with their women


Bang on. People forget that white "asocials" were put in the same concentration camps as ethnics.
I'm only attracted to white women similar to me, so obviously 14 words are important
JFL guys like you legitimize the phrase - "whitecels are mostly volcels"

nothing against people of other races, but race-mixing should be punished by death
1. Nothing against people of other races
2. Race-mixing should be punished by death

Pick One

You sound retarded by saying you have nothing against a group, but someone associating sexually with said group should be killed.

"I'm a vegan, I have nothing against meat, but omnivores should be killed for the act of eating both meat and veggies"

Everyone should stick to their own. If you want to mingle with other people that's fine, but that does not mean you are going to fuck their women and reproduce with them.

You don't own any women, you have to see the irony in a guy who can't get laid talking as if he owns or has selective choice over women that are his race.

All this BS is a cope, you guys lack control in your life so you want to pretend that you have control in other areas, who is going to enforce these rules............. exactly. Its a cope. You have no say in anything, focus on actually "ascending" first, then maybe talk this BS.
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1. Allies
2. Plans on seperating from you and excluding you from the society they create and banning you from having sex with their women

You're not having sex anyways. If ethnic women weren't allowed to go for white men then that would help you, but you can't give up on your dreams of an Aryan woman. You're coping just as hard as they are, you just happen to be on the opposite spectrum where you hate white men instead of being a white man who hates non-whites. But by all means, keep on pretending that you're special.
I'm a racial separatist - everyone should stick to their own
it's not limited to race (as in white, black, yellow, red or whatever) - Nordics shouldn't mix with the Mediterraneans, Ethiopians with Zulus etc.
I'm only attracted to white women similar to me, so obviously 14 words are important
nothing against people of other races, but race-mixing should be punished by death
we should be united against women
I'm a racial separatist - everyone should stick to their own
it's not limited to race (as in white, black, yellow, red or whatever) - Nordics shouldn't mix with the Mediterraneans, Ethiopians with Zulus etc.
I'm only attracted to white women similar to me, so obviously 14 words are important
nothing against people of other races, but race-mixing should be punished by death
We should support the world coming to an end.
You're not having sex anyways. If ethnic women weren't allowed to go for white men then that would help you

I see you like playing the pick one game because you keep making these contradictory sentences so lets play again

1. You're not having sex anyways
2. If ethnic women weren't allowed to go for white men then that would help you


If I'm not having sex anyways then I'm not really worried about one particular race of men having sex with "my women". Also they aren't "my women", they don't want me, that's what you white idiots don't seem to get, you aren't "their men". you are "their problem", they don't want you around.

but you can't give up on your dreams of an Aryan woman.

Actually I like asian women, if you idiots think you can establish a "global rule" like white women are off limits to other races and asians won't follow (asians, the most "xenophobic" group on the planet) then you are retarded, If I actually ascend what would be the point if I can't get my QT-AZN-GF lol.

Oh you guys need to take it down with your obsession with white women like you think they are the holy grail of beauty. I've already made a post before detailing which of the 3 main races I prefer and why. Age ranges determines their attractiveness because there are certain ages where the "traits" that make said race attractive are more "efficiently expressed".

For me there are age ranges, I selected black women for the worst because there are some beautiful ones, but on average they have "man face" and that shit is a boner killer, they have very masculine physical traits on average.

AGES 10-15:
Most Attractive - White Women
Medium Attractiveness - Asian Women
Least Attractive - Black Women

AGES 16-20:
Most Attractive - Asian Women
Medium Attractiveness - White Women
Least Attractive - Black Women

AGES 20-25:
Most Attractive - Black Women
Medium Attractiveness - Asian Women
Least Attractive - White Women

AGES 26-30+:
Most Attractive - Asian Women
Medium Attractiveness - Black Women
Least Attractive - White Women

White women always end up being the least attractive with time though because they age like shit, they only beat the rest in their younger years in my opinion, when their youth has passed ITS OVER.

White women in my opinion are legitimately the worse choice if you are looking at it as a "market" and you are buying a "product", and all men pay at the end of the day, why would I pay for a high maintenance product that spoils at a faster rate than the rest based on the percieved status of its "counter part product" (white men). They age too fast, they beat the rest ONLY WHEN THEY ARE JAIL BAIT:lul: (Last time I checked that's illegal these days, so you guys don't even really get yo enjoy your women "at their best")

You're coping just as hard as they are

Coping how?, I don't get what you're saying here or what it was that I said that you'd call "coping".

you just happen to be on the opposite spectrum where you hate white men instead of being a white man who hates non-whites.

JFL speak for yourself, you're projecting hardcore, I'm the one who hates whites to the point where I literally don't care if they are fucking my women, damn that's some hate. The only one who hates any races here is you white nationalist idiots, you don't see the irony of a bunch of virgins/guys who can't get laid "coming to the defense" of their women that will never fuck them to protect them from "the defilement" of ethnic men who they actually want to fuck.

But by all means, keep on pretending that you're special.
Lol what?, what the hell are you even on, when you say vague shit like this without an example there's no way for me to know what the hell you are talking about.
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If you still believe in morality, you're an idiot. This is a world of cause and effect. Has nothing to do with playing the victim card, it has to do with explaining why people believe certain things. No one actively chooses to be racist and no one actively chooses to be not racist. There's no reason to blame foids for being massive sluts, and there's no reason to blame low-iq blacks for becoming criminals, and there's no reason to blame disenfranchised whites for becoming racist. You can cope all you want and pretend that they are somehow doing something horrible, but there are material conditions that made them the way they are the same way there are material conditions that made us all incels.
I dunno what the context for this was, but high IQ post, either way.

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