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Blackpill Ethnics not only are uglier than whites but have heart(true personality) darker than whites too.

Do ethnics have a darker nature and heart than whites?

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Transcended Trucel

Transcended Trucel

Peace & Dharma ; Vishwaguru India!
Feb 16, 2019
After watching multiple indian,Pakistani,Chinese,Korean dramas I have come to understand. Not only are ethnics uglier, often darker than whites. their hearts are vile as well. they only have kids for status or use them as a way to get resources or occasionally by accident. The vast majority of Asian couples get married and into have sex for kids than no sex for years,decades maybe never again. While white parents can be cruel and evil, they are far less likely to be than ethnic parents on average. Ethnic parents are known for beating their kids, forcefully arrange marriages(can be good thing many times but bad too), beating and brainwashing their sons to be dogs to their bidding. Many ethnic parents take 20% of their kids salary after he graduates college and all types of other horrible shit.
Thus I can only can conclude ethnics not only are uglier than whites and darker skin, their hearts are darker too.
After watching multiple indian,Pakistani,Chinese,Korean dramas I have come to understand. Not only are ethnics uglier, often darker than whites. their hearts are vile as well. they only have kids for status or use them as a way to get resources or occasionally by accident. The vast majority of Asian couples get married and into have sex for kids than no sex for years,decades maybe never again. While white parents can be cruel and evil, they are far less likely to be than ethnic parents on average. Ethnic parents are known for beating their kids, forcefully arrange marriages(can be good thing many times but bad too), beating and brainwashing their sons to be dogs to their bidding. Many ethnic parents take 20% of their kids salary after he graduates college and all types of other horrible shit.
Thus I can only can conclude ethnics not only are uglier than whites and darker skin, their hearts are darker too.
Of course they're darker. There are far more of them and yet much less resources for each person.

The worst part about being asian is the level of competition. Imagine you were American but for everything you do, there are 3 more dudes just like you competing for it. You would turn pretty nasty too

If you thought being mogged in the west is bad, try doing it in the east. Everyone there is to remind you that he moggs you
Unsure.But seeing as how people are getting robbed for their bones in Africa to make Skyrim potions idk
Lmao you have that ass backwards. Ethnics are the last stand against the onslaught of cucked liberal culture and modernity. You're just a victim of modern enlightenment which looks down upon the 'other' (cultures) as 'backward' and most of them as souless agents with no agency. I used to look down on paternalism too, but the idea that discipline and parental control are negative things is just a cucked idea I swallowed from my western upbringing. Are you a youngcel OP?

Whites are the biggest degenerates and most cold-hearted but feign to be paragons of moral excellence and virtue. You have fallen straight into the Jew's trap. Congratz.
Lmao you have that ass backwards. Ethnics are the last stand against the onslaught of cucked liberal culture and modernity. You're just a victim of modern enlightenment which looks down upon the 'other' (cultures) as 'backward' and most of them as souless agents with no agency. I used to look down on paternalism too, but the idea that discipline and parental control are negative things is just a cucked idea I swallowed from my western upbringing. Are you a youngcel OP?

Whites are the biggest degenerates and most cold-hearted but feign to be paragons of moral excellence and virtue. You have fallen straight into the Jew's trap. Congratz.
I am ethnic 27 yearold. I have been raised by traditional ethnic parents. They are extremely vile, toxic, Savage people. Many of my relatives only shower once a week, fart/burp in company of others, lick the plate amongst many other barbaric habits. Father verbally abused me daily when I was in school and college, always comparing me to his other ethnic friends kids. Many discussions with other ethnics have also solidified this belief. @universallyabhorred @wereqryan @Bleachcel @chudur-budur would most likely agree with me and they are all ethnic
@carticel @Mrpvolts @Rice Cel @ReallyRice @AsiaCel thoughts as fellow ethnics?
I am ethnic 27 yearold. I have been raised by traditional ethnic parents. They are extremely vile, toxic, Savage people. Many of my relatives only shower once a week, fart/burp in company of others, lick the plate amongst many other barbaric habits. Father verbally abused me daily when I was in school and college, always comparing me to his other ethnic friends kids. Many discussions with other ethnics have also solidified this belief. @universallyabhorred @wereqryan @Bleachcel @chudur-budur would most likely agree with me and they are all ethnic
@carticel @Mrpvolts @Rice Cel @ReallyRice @AsiaCel thoughts as fellow ethnics?
U got pretty much everything bro ngl
I am ethnic 27 yearold. I have been raised by traditional ethnic parents. They are extremely vile, toxic, Savage people. Many of my relatives only shower once a week, fart/burp in company of others, lick the plate amongst many other barbaric habits. Father verbally abused me daily when I was in school and college, always comparing me to his other ethnic friends kids. Many discussions with other ethnics have also solidified this belief. @universallyabhorred @wereqryan @Bleachcel @chudur-budur would most likely agree with me and they are all ethnic

You grew up in the West did you not? Trust me, ethnics live happier and fulfilling lives in plaes like Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Family and social links are strong. There is a strong sense of local community and human interaction and lonliness barely exist. These 'barbaric' habits were also being practiced with the whites you worship as well. Although, your parents just sound like your shitty parents.

In any case, you're comparing an economically underdeveloped nation with a competition for resources to modern lifestyles - I live in the UK and I know many second and third generation curries who are much better than their parents, but haven't become white-worshippers. They genuinely have the best of both worlds - not too restrictive or insular in their lives nor latching on to the "freedom" of the degenerate West.
You grew up in the West did you not? Trust me, ethnics live happier and fulfilling lives in plaes like Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Family and social links are strong. There is a strong sense of local community and human interaction and lonliness barely exist. These 'barbaric' habits were also being practiced with the whites you worship as well. Although, your parents just sound like your shitty parents.

In any case, you're comparing an economically underdeveloped nation with a competition for resources to modern lifestyles - I live in the UK and I know many second and third generation curries who are much better than their parents, but haven't become white-worshippers. They genuinely have the best of both worlds - not too restrictive or insular in their lives nor latching on to the "freedom" of the degenerate West.
the second and third gen curries will have incel kids and their wives have decent probability of cheating on them
I am ethnic 27 yearold. I have been raised by traditional ethnic parents. They are extremely vile, toxic, Savage people. Many of my relatives only shower once a week, fart/burp in company of others, lick the plate amongst many other barbaric habits. Father verbally abused me daily when I was in school and college, always comparing me to his other ethnic friends kids. Many discussions with other ethnics have also solidified this belief. @universallyabhorred @wereqryan @Bleachcel @chudur-budur would most likely agree with me and they are all ethnic
@carticel @Mrpvolts @Rice Cel @ReallyRice @AsiaCel thoughts as fellow ethnics?
can confirm, being a rice kid really sucks deek n bolls
the second and third gen curries will have incel kids and their wives have decent probability of cheating on them

Cope. Only if they secularize, and accordingly modernize in order to fill in the meaningless vacuum left in their lives. But in any case you probably want this since you'd consider it "progressive". Without realizing, it's precisely the reason why feminism. whoredom and inceldom exists .

OP you genuinely sound like you'd like parents to be like this guy.


Daughter or son. The rules should be no different.
Cope. Only if they secularize, and accordingly modernize in order to fill in the meaningless vacuum left in their lives. But in any case you probably want this since you'd consider it "progressive". Without realizing, it's precisely the reason why feminism. whoredom and inceldom exists .

OP you genuinely sound like you'd like parents to be like this guy.

View attachment 191134

Daughter or son. The rules should be no different.
ethnic parents aren't even based when it comes to their daughters nowadays. They will give free rein to their daughters while constantly berating, criticizing and emotionally manipulating their sons who are also often incel if curry or rice. they feel absolutely no remorse seeing their incel sons and refuse to accept even an ounce of blame
Many of my relatives only shower once a week, fart/burp in company of others, lick the plate amongst many other barbaric habits. Father verbally abused me daily when I was in school and college, always comparing me to his other ethnic friends kids. Many discussions with other ethnics have also solidified this belief. @universallyabhorred @wereqryan @Bleachcel @chudur-budur would most likely agree with me and they are all ethnic
@carticel @Mrpvolts @Rice Cel @ReallyRice @AsiaCel thoughts as fellow ethnics?
First part isn't true for me, my relatives shower once a day but everything else is spot on. I was also verbally, physically and emotionally abused by my parents and have PTSD because of this, along with being bullied and ostracized by my peers for being autistic.
I don't know enough ethnics tbh in my country most people are white or "latinos" i guess
If personality mattered, ethnics would still be fucked.
After watching multiple indian,Pakistani,Chinese,Korean dramas I have come to understand. Not only are ethnics uglier, often darker than whites. their hearts are vile as well. they only have kids for status or use them as a way to get resources or occasionally by accident. The vast majority of Asian couples get married and into have sex for kids than no sex for years,decades maybe never again. While white parents can be cruel and evil, they are far less likely to be than ethnic parents on average. Ethnic parents are known for beating their kids, forcefully arrange marriages(can be good thing many times but bad too), beating and brainwashing their sons to be dogs to their bidding. Many ethnic parents take 20% of their kids salary after he graduates college and all types of other horrible shit.
Thus I can only can conclude ethnics not only are uglier than whites and darker skin, their hearts are darker too.

No, whites are cucks.
I am ethnic 27 yearold. I have been raised by traditional ethnic parents. They are extremely vile, toxic, Savage people. Many of my relatives only shower once a week, fart/burp in company of others, lick the plate amongst many other barbaric habits. Father verbally abused me daily when I was in school and college, always comparing me to his other ethnic friends kids. Many discussions with other ethnics have also solidified this belief. @universallyabhorred @wereqryan @Bleachcel @chudur-budur would most likely agree with me and they are all ethnic
@carticel @Mrpvolts @Rice Cel @ReallyRice @AsiaCel thoughts as fellow ethnics?

True. But you are misunderstood. It has little to do with race. How a group of people will behave mostly depends on their socio-economic condition. Viking and Goths were whites, but they were vicious people, there are many descriptions of their savagery in Roman and Andalusian chronicles. Extreme poverty and desperation for resources that continued for generations made them savage. Same goes with mongols etc.

Whites are docile and well-behaved because most of them never saw poverty in their life. For example in the US, you can afford a car with your wage cucking job at Mc Donald's. But in curryland, you need to be in least upper middle class to afford a car. In the west, most of the things in their lives are taken for granted. So they don't need to be savage and vicious. Hunger can make people killing each other.

If you go to places like Skidrow in LA, you will see poor white people acting like ethnics.

This might be another reason why cuckery is so rampant in the west. Weak men tend to be more cuck.
True. But you are misunderstood. It has little to do with race. How a group of people will behave mostly depends on their socio-economic condition. Viking and Goths were whites, but they were vicious people, there are many descriptions of their savagery in Roman and Andalusian chronicles. Extreme poverty and desperation for resources that continued for generations made them savage. Same goes with mongols etc.

Whites are docile and well-behaved because most of them never saw poverty in their life. For example in the US, you can afford a car with your wage cucking job at Mc Donald's. But in curryland, you need to be in least upper middle class to afford a car. In the west, most of the things in their lives are taken for granted. So they don't need to be savage and vicious. Hunger can make people killing each other.

If you go to places like Skidrow in LA, you will see poor white people acting like ethnics.

This might be another reason why cuckery is so rampant in the west. Weak men tend to be more cuck.

Even if your country is rich, it doesn't help the issue if everything is still competitive.

Japan, Korea, HK ,sg etc. They're all rich and yet the people are unhappy.

The competition is just insane. It never stops. Even if you made it to a top uni, all that means is you will be fighting with your classmates for jobs.

The high cost of living hurts too
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in my experience whites are generally more idealistic and naive. they don't act strictly in terms of group loyalty, so sometimes whites get outcompeted by groups that willingly engage in selfish and nasty behavior for their own good. many would point fingers at historical atrocities committed by the west, but every empire that existed engaged in violence and conquest because that was the norm back then. it was a source of pride, not shame. they changed the rules of the game, and suddenly pretend as if morality dictated how the world affairs worked. it never has, and it never will.

so yes, I do think ethnics have darker heart. they are being hypocritical about their past and i hate it when ethnics pretend as if they have moral highground. no assholes you're not moral, you're just weak. Japan would've been 100x more brutal than Nazi Germany if they had had that kind of power.
The cope in this thread.
Whites for the past 100 years were fucking saints and some are only now going bad/insane because of (((radical feminism and destroyed nationalism))).
You need the white race to be the leaders of this world as much as we do. :feelsokman:
The cope in this thread.
Whites for the past 100 years were fucking saints and some are only now going bad/insane because of (((radical feminism and destroyed nationalism))).
You need the white race to be the leaders of this world as much as we do. :feelsokman:
whites don't servers to be leaders of the world imo, if a couple of Jews were able to turn literally every white country into their dogs that wag the tail at the Jews command, then the people of those nations are too naive, too brainwashed and too weak to lead the world.
Lmao you have that ass backwards. Ethnics are the last stand against the onslaught of cucked liberal culture and modernity. You're just a victim of modern enlightenment which looks down upon the 'other' (cultures) as 'backward' and most of them as souless agents with no agency. I used to look down on paternalism too, but the idea that discipline and parental control are negative things is just a cucked idea I swallowed from my western upbringing. Are you a youngcel OP?

Whites are the biggest degenerates and most cold-hearted but feign to be paragons of moral excellence and virtue. You have fallen straight into the Jew's trap. Congratz.
White goyim are so stupid...
After watching multiple indian,Pakistani,Chinese,Korean dramas I have come to understand. Not only are ethnics uglier, often darker than whites. their hearts are vile as well.

Yes. Just consider how they treat animals. Animal rights and love for pets, companionship with a dog is a white trait. Ethnics are brutal monsters when it comes to how they treat animals. Or just look at how Judaism/Islam promotes butchering animals by cutting their throat etc.
whites are the least dark triad because they come from generations of easy upbringings. i don't believe that is a positive thing for whites tough.
Let me grace this thread with one of the greatest race rants to have ever happened to this forum. Spoken by ogre himself @Tellem--T :

Once I fully realized how most whites are superior to me In about everything, it changed my attitude towards them, I can never mog any white guy, whether it's a chad or incel, because there skin colour is 10x more superior than mine, they live in a different world than me. I have accepted defeat and already know my place in society, I know people or girls will reject due to my skin color, you have to be 9+ ethnic to be seen As human in this society or have a godly status

I accept myself as the inferior one, and I am living in low class area and being low status, if you are white chances is you will be born into a upper middle class family. Being coloured is hell, because in bad lighting you look so bad, but a white guy can still glow,

The racepill completely changed my worldview and attitude towards it, I know realize why all females go for or prefer/pursue white guys. They were the ones slaying and fucking our coloured weemen in school and such. I'm not even mad Because if I was a chick I would prolly prefer white guys too,

If you are coloured and are sub9 or not high status than you will be inferior at all times

I feel at peace after accepting and swallowing the racepill

It doesn't get anymore harsh than the racepill, especially if you are ethnic, the racepill is a tough one to swallow and only a few people here have fully swallowed it, most people won't accept the reality of this, because racism is subconscious and it plays a role intentionally or unintentionally, race plays a big halo,

It's over for coloredcels
whites are the least dark triad because they come from generations of easy upbringings. i don't believe that is a positive thing for whites tough.
Morality is always a positive thing.
Also 100% I know that ethnics have a black heart, I know this because I have to live in a 3rd world shithole where everybody is a ethnic. It's a 3rd world shithole BECAUSE everyone is a ethnic and are too stupid to exploit our natural resources, also "people" here behave like dark eldars, fucking nasty fellows. And all the cultures in the region are disgustingly degenerate and ass backwards, completely stifling any chance of us becoming 2nd world
Morality is always a positive thing.
Also 100% I know that ethnics have a black heart, I know this because I have to live in a 3rd world shithole where everybody is a ethnic. It's a 3rd world shithole BECAUSE everyone is a ethnic and are too stupid to exploit our natural resources, also "people" here behave like dark eldars, fucking nasty fellows. And all the cultures in the region are disgustingly degenerate and ass backwards, completely stifling any chance of us becoming 2nd world
this. many of the people are psychopathic to the extreme. not caring a bit about everyone else. while this can be good for a family or a business, it's absolutely horrible when everyone is like this. you get dirty streets since no cares to clean up, incompetent government who only helps it's supporters, lots of suffering.
I'm ethnic myself and I actually agree with this. I'm often dumbfounded by how easy whites trust people and the amount of empathy they have.
I try not to judge a person's personality based on race, but all of the whites I've met tend to be very naive and arrogant of their surroundings, probably due to their higher economic/social status.

Blacks of course can be worse in certain situations, but I also feel that we have much more of an understanding of eachother, given how were apart of the same race.
I'm ethnic myself and I actually agree with this. I'm often dumbfounded by how easy whites trust people and the amount of empathy they have.
It just makes me feel even more subhuman cause I know I could never do the same in reverse.
I try not to judge a person's personality based on race, but all of the whites I've met tend to be very naive and arrogant of their surroundings, probably due to their higher economic/social status.
Even most of the low-class whites I've met were less racist than the majority of middle-class ethnics.
Even most of the low-class whites I've met were less racist than the majority of middle-class ethnics.

I never said it had anything to do with being racist.
whites don't servers to be leaders of the world imo, if a couple of Jews were able to turn literally every white country into their dogs that wag the tail at the Jews command, then the people of those nations are too naive, too brainwashed and too weak to lead the world.
>Demons got the upper hand over Angels through under-handedness, therefore Demons should rule the world
Do you think yours and every race's grandchildren won't be racemixed with blacks and then enslaved by these people? :feelsseriously:
It's environmental I'd say.
Being a paki let me tell you, never trust a paki. they'll fuck you over when they get a chance. I hope my country gets fucking nuked. Fuck this shithole!
Being a paki let me tell you, never trust a paki. they'll fuck you over when they get a chance. I hope my country gets fucking nuked. Fuck this shithole!
Same I am half Pakistani and half Indian. And neither group of people is trustworthy. Pakistan more untrustworthy overall, I would say, my father a few Pakistani tenants over the years in rental property and they would not pay rent and say please give us some time for Allah or similar excuses. Since my father is Desi, and too altruistic/kind he would give them few more months and the tenants would just leave without paying multiple months of rent that was left over. And it's not like this happened once but multiple times.
Considering the kill count of medieval Europeans, I doubt it.
Whites may seem kinder on average, but whites won't defend their own kids from ethnic gang beatdowns or anything out of fear of being called racist. So much for kinder upbringings.
A while back there was a study done on ethnics and T. Ethnics have a higher chance of living in slums and shit neighbor hoods which causes their T levels to constantly be up along with anxiety and tension and willingness to fight. Perhaps this manifests itself into their moral compass and compassion capacity. Maybe it even affects their mirror neurons as they like to listen to rap and shit.
A while back there was a study done on ethnics and T. Ethnics have a higher chance of living in slums and shit neighbor hoods which causes their T levels to constantly be up along with anxiety and tension and willingness to fight. Perhaps this manifests itself into their moral compass and compassion capacity. Maybe it even affects their mirror neurons as they like to listen to rap and shit.
true that def has an impact. Hard times make strong/aggressive men, easy times make weak men.
true that def has an impact. Hard times make strong/aggressive men, easy times make weak men.
They see a lot of disgusting shit too. Like those gore videos of people turning into roadkill. they all usually happen in slums and shithole countries (no offense)
Tolkien was right.
Yes and it’s largely due to the centuries of dysgenics ie rape and squalor that produced them or as my old YouTube cult leader Rassisten would put it...

“It’s due to their mongrel misery”.

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