Yea asian american women are arrogant as fuck that they manage to get a white bf. when in reality the joke is on them.
i see a blonde becky with a white dude and the white dude is some normie, high tier normie, chadlite, or chad.
I see a noodlewhore with a white dude and I would say 70 percent of the time the white dude looks like he would lurk this forum, 4chan, or richard spencel's alt right white separatist movement. or is a closet homo/pedophile. usually a beta low value white male with a high chance to be involved with white alt right movements.
its plain to see.
Also, the only reason those white dudes are with noodlewhores are because white american foids are completely out of reach for most men regardless of race. but obviously, even moreso for men of color. You gotta be really exceptional in terms of height, looks, or money as a man of color just to land a mid tier white becky.
EurasianWriter said it all back in the day. Hapa sons have to deal with beta white male autistic/racist fathers and self hating asian women who hate asian men. Brutal WMAF and hapapocalypse pill.
Two racist anti asian white dudes with asian wives. Thats insane.
I'll straight up tell you that even if I managed to ascend with a white becky and she was racist to asians, I'd pump and dump her, bitch slap her, then dump her.
Thats what I would do but thats not what Asian women would do obviously. These two dudes are obviously anti asian yet their asian wives still tolerate them. These two literally tell you everything about the WMAF dynamic.