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JFL Ethnic roastie notices JBW



Nov 19, 2017

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/15e11zy/help_me_understand/

I grew up out here in the Bay and live here still. Almost every single Asian American girl friend I had in high school exclusively dated white guys. Fast forward to now, in our 30s, all are partnered with or married to white men.

Someone. Please. Explain this to me. I also don’t know why I’m so bothered by this. Maybe because every time I step out, we are SURROUNDED by it. As a mom of two half-Chinese girls, I don’t want this to happen to them.

She thinks she can go against noodlewhore nature jfl. It's over for them, future pornstars in the making :feelshaha:

@starcrapoo @pyromancer1234
What does "XF" mean?
noodlewhores are the lowest of the lowest when it comes to female nature. no shame at all
hope Kim yun yan take all over china, japan and S korea
Do Asian Americans perpetuate without fresh immigrants? No, they White out in two generations. Do they establish monetary or cultural ownership? No, they're repeatedly and consistently cucked in Hollywood. Do they uplift their home countries? No, Asia did that itself.

The whole point of Asian America is so Asian parents can raise sons to be coolies and daughters to be whores for WM. In the end, that's the entire output of the venture.

*hits pipe*
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>My office in SF

I mean what else does she expect to find in there besides rich nerds fucking ugly gooks 3 points below them?

Lol at those comments of asians going 1488 and being allowed to because they are slanty eye chinks, ahhhh shit never gets old.
sickening. 90% of asian men will be sexless in 3 years
What the absolute fuck even compels white men to be attracted to those disgusting yellow bugs? I've never found asians to look good and I'm 1% mongolian jfl
Do Asian Americans perpetuate without fresh immigrants? No, they White out in two generations. Do they establish monetary or cultural ownership? No, they're repeatedly and consistently cucked in Hollywood. Do they uplift their home countries? No, Asia did that itself.

The whole point of Asian America is so Asian parents can raise sons to be coolies and daughters to be whores for WM. In the end, that's the entire output of the venture.

*hits pipe*
Fucking brutal. The white man's biggest act of mercy to the mongoloids was to give them the blessing of the Chinese exclusion act. Removing that law was a curse upon the yellow race
The whole point of Asian America is so Asian parents can raise sons to be coolies and daughters to be whores for WM. In the end, that's the entire output of the venture.
Which is why right-wingers who hate Asians are our best allies. Imagine they actually manage to kick out all Asians, suddenly all the liberal zuck lookalikes with their chinkwhores aren't gonna look so happy :feelshaha:

This might actually happen in Canada and Australia if the Asian population gets out of hand.
Which is why right-wingers who hate Asians are our best allies. Imagine they actually manage to kick out all Asians, suddenly all the liberal zuck lookalikes with their chinkwhores aren't gonna look so happy :feelshaha:

This might actually happen in Canada and Australia if the Asian population gets out of hand.
Fuck right-wingers. They encourage race-traitors like noodlewhores to whore themselves for JBWs even more since their own foids are too far gone. Have you not seen how they are worshipping that North Korean defector.
Do Asian Americans perpetuate without fresh immigrants? No, they White out in two generations. Do they establish monetary or cultural ownership? No, they're repeatedly and consistently cucked in Hollywood. Do they uplift their home countries? No, Asia did that itself.

The whole point of Asian America is so Asian parents can raise sons to be coolies and daughters to be whores for WM. In the end, that's the entire output of the venture.

*hits pipe*
noodlewhores are the lowest of the lowest when it comes to female nature. no shame at all
hope Kim yun yan take all over china, japan and S korea
They're pretty autistic when it comes to whitu cocku onry
am along with aznidentity are the most oblvious puafag subs on reddit
Fuck right-wingers. They encourage race-traitors like noodlewhores to whore themselves for JBWs even more since their own foids are too far gone. Have you not seen how they are worshipping that North Korean defector.
That's just the neoliberal and libertarian cuckservatives. Much of the far-right hates Asians, especially in Canada and Australia since those countries are already overrun with chinks.
That's just the neoliberal and libertarian cuckservatives. Much of the far-right hates Asians, especially in Canada and Australia since those countries are already overrun with chinks.
Interesting. Nick Fuentes, someone young, comes to mind. He maybe wouldn't compromise his morals. What is their demographic you reckon? I think most of them are pretty old.
That's just the neoliberal and libertarian cuckservatives. Much of the far-right hates Asians, especially in Canada and Australia since those countries are already overrun with chinks.
They hate them yet you always see these same far riggers with noodle whore wives
Interesting. Nick Fuentes, someone young, comes to mind. He maybe wouldn't compromise his morals. What is their demographic you reckon? I think most of them are pretty old.
Most of them are old Christian fundamentalists, conservatives and white nationalists. But if we're being honest pretty much everyone in the west hates chink immigration except for the guys who want to fuck noodlewhores. A new Chinese exclusion act would have broad support by people from all over the political spectrum.
They’ll claim that Asian cultures are the most patriarchal, that’s why they could never date an Asian man. I come from a culture that is ten times more patriarchal, but would NEVER say or think something like this.
The lack of domineering controlling masculine patriarchy in East Asian culture is actually part of the problem.
Monkey see monkey do perfectly describes these noodle slurping foids
It seems noodlewhores are like this everywhere. Noodlewhores are the foids I hate the most, they are so goddam evil
It seems noodlewhores are like this everywhere. Noodlewhores are the foids I hate the most, they are so goddam evil
is it best to see all women like this as self hate race traitors that need to be confronted?
is it best to see all women like this as self hate race traitors that need to be confronted?
I think it is important to specifically single out noodlewhores. No other foids do what they do
That's just the neoliberal and libertarian cuckservatives. Much of the far-right hates Asians, especially in Canada and Australia since those countries are already overrun with chinks.
Dawg the Nazi types love noodles MORE
Ethnic conscious people rarely see issue with alien women, they just don't like men because they're the actual competition
Yea asian american women are arrogant as fuck that they manage to get a white bf. when in reality the joke is on them.

i see a blonde becky with a white dude and the white dude is some normie, high tier normie, chadlite, or chad.

I see a noodlewhore with a white dude and I would say 70 percent of the time the white dude looks like he would lurk this forum, 4chan, or richard spencel's alt right white separatist movement. or is a closet homo/pedophile. usually a beta low value white male with a high chance to be involved with white alt right movements.

its plain to see.

Also, the only reason those white dudes are with noodlewhores are because white american foids are completely out of reach for most men regardless of race. but obviously, even moreso for men of color. You gotta be really exceptional in terms of height, looks, or money as a man of color just to land a mid tier white becky.

EurasianWriter said it all back in the day. Hapa sons have to deal with beta white male autistic/racist fathers and self hating asian women who hate asian men. Brutal WMAF and hapapocalypse pill.


Two racist anti asian white dudes with asian wives. Thats insane.

I'll straight up tell you that even if I managed to ascend with a white becky and she was racist to asians, I'd pump and dump her, bitch slap her, then dump her.

Thats what I would do but thats not what Asian women would do obviously. These two dudes are obviously anti asian yet their asian wives still tolerate them. These two literally tell you everything about the WMAF dynamic.
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View: https://old.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/15e11zy/help_me_understand/ju6efvj/

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/15e11zy/help_me_understand/ju6ozbn/

These ricecels are just defeated, you can feel the pain of inceldom in their words :incel:

Two racist anti asian white dudes with asian wives. Thats insane.

I'll straight up tell you that even if I managed to ascend with a white becky and she was racist to asians, I'd pump and dump her, bitch slap her, then dump her.

Thats what I would do but thats not what Asian women would do obviously. These two dudes are obviously anti asian yet their asian wives still tolerate them. These two literally tell you everything about the WMAF dynamic.
Why would they dump them? Noodlewhores are even more racist towards Asians so it's really just like attracts like :feelsclown:
EurasianWriter said it all back in the day. Hapa sons have to deal with beta white male autistic/racist fathers and self hating asian women who hate asian men. Brutal WMAF and hapapocalypse pill.
Sounds like the dark side of noodlewhoring.

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/15e11zy/help_me_understand/ju6efvj/

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/15e11zy/help_me_understand/ju6ozbn/

These ricecels are just defeated, you can feel the pain of inceldom in their words :incel:

Why would they dump them? Noodlewhores are even more racist towards Asians so it's really just like attracts like :feelsclown:

Woah The Australian one. Just Damn

A billion times better to be seen as a ISIS sympathizing religious fanatic that could be behead you at any moment that whatever the hell is going on there.
read every word
very brutal, how can ricecels even manage to live in the west like this, it's truly mind blowing.
can't imagine being an ethnic and seeing women from your race everyday with other males from another race
The WMAF couples here in Sydney AU, while being similar in numbers, are also just as brutal toward the AM living here. Whenever I walk past a WMAF couple in the street, or are near them waiting in line etc, 7/10 times they will make sure to make eye contact with you, then hold hands, kiss, hug etc right in front of you. And if they see you are uncomfortable, they will be sure give off some kind of mocking smirk or sneer at you. It appears to me to be some kind of weird fetish/kink of theirs, similar to voyeurism or exhibitionism, or how some guys love sending random women dick pics.
As bad as curries have it, their women aren't doing this.
I don't even know where to begin for this. How is the cognitive dissonance this strong.
I did a count myself, to count how many WMAF then AMWF I saw. Seemed to be 1 in every 20 couples were AMWF.
ur so racist, it's called preferences sweaty, and I am entitled to them :foidSoy:
Here in Europe its the same but different. Incel guys above 30+ usually travel to Thailand and Philippines to get a wife.

I dont really know if these Asian bitches know that they are dateing the bottom of the barrel white trash incel guys. And they probably dont care since life in the west moggs life in the jungle.

These hapa children sure have a strange future ahead of them thou. Many future ER's
noodlewhores are the lowest of the lowest when it comes to female nature. no shame at all
hope Kim yun yan take all over china, japan and S korea
Based, may Best Korea reign eternally fuck those plastic bugs
Sounds like the dark side of noodlewhoring.
Yup literally ER tier if you are a male, if you are a female hapa even more infinite SMV (asian features while not looking as gooky) just look at the difference between ER and his sister absolute brootal
Do you think there will ever be a noodle reckoning they are so blunt and unsubtle about white cocku that not even the super illuminati globohomos can cover it all up, I mean that stats have got to be crazy about no native noodlewhores that somebody is going to have to bring it to the mainsteam eventually, right.....?
Do you think there will ever be a noodle reckoning they are so blunt and unsubtle about white cocku that not even the super illuminati globohomos can cover it all up, I mean that stats have got to be crazy about no native noodlewhores that somebody is going to have to bring it to the mainsteam eventually, right.....?
They don't have to cover it up because most people don't care. White men benefit from it, white women don't care because they don't want the mayocel losers who go for noodlewhores anyway and are happy when they are gone, only Asian men care and clamor about it but of course nobody cares about Asian men.
They don't have to cover it up because most people don't care. White men benefit from it, white women don't care because they don't want the mayocel losers who go for noodlewhores anyway and are happy when they are gone, only Asian men care and clamor about it but of course nobody cares about Asian men.
Yeah thats probably the brootal part, mayocels get noodlewhores while white chad gets whatever he wants and white stacy gets husky, as long as whites are winning no one cares, brootal for non-whitecels
What are the Asian men all doing?
They can't all be incels, right?

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