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Brutal Ethnic lolis sent a German loli to psychiatric care after a prolonged beatdown/torture session.

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date


Oct 30, 2022

The young German victim remains in a psychiatric clinic weeks after the attack, and two of the perpetrators are unlikely to face any legal consequences. The girl, who is White, is targeted by girls who appear to have a foreign background. One Black girl is also seen in the background, but it is unclear if she participated in the assault. “Everyone knows that nothing will happen to them because they are so young, but my daughter will never forget it for the rest of her life,” said the mother of the victim in an interview with Schleswig-Holsteinische Zeitung. “When I saw the video, I collapsed. Everyone had fun tormenting my daughter. These are sadists.”
In the video, the girls tell the German girl to close her eyes each time before punching her in the face and slapping her (a censored version of the video can also be accessed here on Rumble). The girl hysterically cries in response. One of the girls spits on her, telling her, “Close your sh*t eyes.” Although there is no footage of the girl being stubbed with lit cigarettes in the shorter clip that has been made publically available, one of the aggressors asks where her cigarettes are as the victim weeps in front of her.
The incident reportedly took place on Feb. 21 in Heide, located in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein, and comes shortly after the murder of a 12-year-old Luise in Freudenberg, who was stabbed to death by two girls the same age.
We're reaching levels of empathetic gender that shouldn't be possible boyos.

Up to a dozen girls may have participated in the latest attack, but even those already identified may face no criminal responsibility. They are between the ages of 12 and 17. In Germany, any perpetrator under the age of 14 cannot be held criminally liable, which means the murderers of the 12-year-old victim will face no legal consequences whatsoever, a law that the Alternative for Germany (AfD) is seeking to change in order to hold young perpetrators accountable for serious crimes.
Over for all of us that didn't crimemaxx like crazy when the cops couldn't touch us:feelsugh:.

Even weeks after the attack, the woman’s daughter remains in a psychiatric clinic where doctors are taking care of her. The mother says she decided to go public with the case now because she wants to raise awareness about violence among young people. She says she also wants to encourage other parents to report similar acts.
Just call them children, faggot
Also this dude got an anime foid avi lmao

We're reaching levels of empathetic gender that shouldn't be possible boyos.

Over for all of us that didn't crimemaxx like crazy when the cops couldn't touch us:feelsugh:.
based, foids showing their true nature. I hope more dudes see this and realize what they are capable off
That's actually a dude.
The fact that this loophole is actually a thing is retarded as fuck. We all know what those chinks were drawing. :feelshaha:
already made a thread about that a while ago

so I was right. It was ethnics
The fact that this loophole is actually a thing is retarded as fuck. We all know what those chinks were drawing. :feelshaha:
The girls doing the torture were muzzies? Who would've though :feelsgah:

But I guess putting people 7 years in prison for using swastikas is more important than this
But I guess putting people 7 years in prison for using swastikas is more important than this
Why are people surprised when a zogged country has zog policies?
People think me or other curries on this forum are too self-hating but nobody on this earth hates their own race as much as the typical white normie

Stuff like this happens all the time, what will they do in response?

They will aim their vitriol not at the people and groups responsible for these incidents, but at folks who are unwilling to accept this shit as the new norm in their countries
Sweden and Germany are morons for letting in a bunch of 3rd world street shitters to their countries jfl

You reap what you sow
Germany, Sweden, France and the UK being cucked by all sorts of third world niggers, sandniggers and curries still makes no sense to me, why do you guys even allow this? These shitholes wouldn't be able to do shit if you just deported all of them, euro governments must be taken down
Also this dude got an anime foid avi lmao
Over for can't-tell-anime-characters-gendercels.


People think me or other curries on this forum are too self-hating but nobody on this earth hates their own race as much as the typical white normie
Amen brocel. That said, at least their self-hate is pretty funny at times:feelsjuice:.
Non-Germans can't even imagine the level of destruction Niggers have done to our country. You can't walk ten feet without bumping into some smelly shitskin fresh from the desert. And most of them are just bad people, with knives and everything. I'm just happy all the Ukrainians are now here so I can finally see some white people again.
Non-Germans can't even imagine the level of destruction Niggers have done to our country
Aren’t the UK, France, and Austria in an even shittier situation than you guys?

And don’t forget cuckerica
Aren’t the UK, France, and Austria in an even shittier situation than you guys?

And don’t forget cuckerica
UK and France are maybe a little bit worse. But Austria is definitely better. America ofc is the most fucked but their worst people are still Nigs from the hood which is really their own fault for bringing the slaves over.
Their self-hatred isn’t funny though, it’s just cringey and beyond retarded

Imagine hating yourself because you feel guilty that your ancestors were history’s winners

“Muh colonization”

“Muh slavery”

“Muh BLM”

Every time I see some fat white fucking irl soyjak spouting leftist or anti-white talking points I just want to split his head open with an axe
Their self-hatred isn’t funny though, it’s just cringey and beyond retarded

Imagine hating yourself because you feel guilty that your ancestors were history’s winners

“Muh colonization”

“Muh slavery”

“Muh BLM”

Every time I see some fat white fucking irl soyjak spouting leftist or anti-white talking points I just want to split his head open with an axe
Fair point.
What’s even cringier is when I see whites whose ancestors didn’t even partake in colonization (Irish, Polish, etc.) having “white guilt” and thinking that they have some privelege over ethnics and need to fill their own countries with them
America ofc is the most fucked but their worst people are still Nigs from the hood which is really their own fault for bringing the slaves over.
You’ll be surprised when you find out who owned those slave ships
What’s even cringier is when I see whites whose ancestors didn’t even partake in colonization (Irish, Polish, etc.) having “white guilt” and thinking that they have some privelege over ethnics and need to fill their own countries with them
Trust me, being from one of those groups, I hate this shit so much you can't imagine. In those cases it's so obvious that those people truly have absolutely no knowledge of history apart from what is served to them by American culture and academia, which is exactly the white guilt-inducing stuff that gets them to think like that. Seeing other Slavs, descendants of a group that was enslaved at such an industrial scale that the very word "slavery" derives from their name, hundreds of years before the US existed, spouting the bullshit that we are a part of some uniquely guilty and powerful (lol :feelskek: ) group that has special responsibilities to right its historical wrongs makes me legit want to rip my skin off sometimes:feelsugh::feelsugh::feelsohgod:.
brownies are low inhib, violent, and low IQ. if you live around them thats something you just have to always keep in mind when dealing with them.

the other day I was stuck in traffic and had to sit there and listen to some rich white suburban kids blast their loud nigger music. they were chads and stacies that looked liked they just got their license and that mommy and daddy just bought them their brand new luxury SUV.

I just thought that there were living in some fantasy land totally sheltered away from reality lol.

they definitely don't wanna be in a high school full of brownies and blacks
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Bummer she survived
brownies are low inhib, violent, and low IQ. if you live around them thats something you just have to always keep in mind when dealing with them.

the other day I was stuck in traffic and had to sit there and listen to some rich white suburban kids blast their loud nigger music. they were chads and stacies that looked liked they just got their license and that mommy and daddy just bought them their brand new luxury SUV.

I just thought that there were living in some fantasy land totally sheltered away from reality lol.

they definitely don't wanna be in a high school full of brownies and blacks
In EUrape, it's the shitskins and sand niggers. In the United Cucks of America, it's the niggers.

The countries are all ZOGed anyway, which means it's already over for them and they don't know it yet. I think we're seeing the third act here and people are finally waking up, but it's too little too late.
In EUrape, it's the shitskins and sand niggers. In the United Cucks of America, it's the niggers.

The countries are all ZOGed anyway, which means it's already over for them and they don't know it yet. I think we're seeing the third act here and people are finally waking up, but it's too little too late.

We're reaching levels of empathetic gender that shouldn't be possible boyos.

Over for all of us that didn't crimemaxx like crazy when the cops couldn't touch us:feelsugh:.
Deport them back to thier ethnic countries

We're reaching levels of empathetic gender that shouldn't be possible boyos.

Over for all of us that didn't crimemaxx like crazy when the cops couldn't touch us:feelsugh:.
Bhut ma kids are angels and shiet :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelsclown:

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