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Serious escort go-ers = weak faggots

doomed 7

doomed 7

believer. j3ws are your enemy. get back to god!
Jul 13, 2019
I'm deadly serious and speaking raw pure thoughts -sober-

1- female worth dog shit especially as a blackpill treasure haver this should be a sticker fuck in your skull.

2- health > money > mother > everything else
●●●this all what should matter to you.●●●
*without health ur a dead rat
*without money you cant practice copes like gaming/drinking/etc
*without mom you'll have brutal soul pain (and I'll talk about soul pain in details later)

3- few minutes for a serotonin/dopamin/oxytocin dumps??? paid too??
bruh you could get such thrill and MORE if you camp alone on streets or woods.

no more words. you get it.

if you give female money = kys
if you hire female over male for faggotry reasons based on emotion (i hire sluts for lower price wage and scam them, i never scam bros) = kys
Use a condom to fuck whores
You can do it in moderation. Personally I prefer sticking my dick inside a woman more than I do paying for shitty pixels on a screen that you can pirate anyway.
And drinking is bad for... your health. lol.
*without mom you'll have brutal soul pain (and I'll talk about soul pain in details later)


Yes, very true. My mother used to criticize my autistic behavior.

She would say "I was 'square' myself as a child, but your behavior is weird. You are w-e-i-r-d", "I'm embarrassed to have a son that 'does this'(Making fidgeting gestures)", "Please! I don't care about your anxiety. Do you want to live on the streets?"

As typical of femoids, she cannot listen to my problems without redirecting to her own problems.

Yes; my father would regularly batter Mother and break things. When angry, Mother would grab my stimming objects and shake them in my face while tightly grasping my neck.

Mother moved into a separate apartment and stayed with relatives, at times. We also had to live with my paternal grandparents.

My grandmother would often ask me to do things for her. I obediently tried to follow her instructions and received denigration as a result. She would yell at me and say things like "Look! Use your eyes!"(Because I was anxious and had visual processing issues), "Did you hear me!?! That isn't the way I told you to do it!"(When I would drop things or make mistakes because I was sweating and anxious out of fear of upsetting her). She would tell me "Put your head up. No one did anything to you" because I was too anxious to make eye contact with her.

Yes. Mother suffers from narcolepsy and would grab me if I woke her up by dropping items while fidgeting. This meant being grabbed very forcefully by the neck and having the item repeatedly shoved in my face to demonstrate the embarrassment she would have if someone saw me doing it.

My father would hit me if I didn't get dressed quickly enough. He also told me I was shameful for having so much anxiety.

Yes, true. When I was eighteen, I attempted to apply for jobs. However, I could barely do the interviews because of my stuttering problem(ASD-caused). My mother wanted me to get employed despite knowing about my disability("You should get a job", "When you become an adult, I want you gone!").

The result was living in a youth commune for some time...

Mother would've recorded me fidgeting and showed it to my grandmother so she could criticize me and tell me, "What are you doing with your hands? Stop all that". She also would've told me I was an embarrassment for fidgeting.

My mother, as kind as she may be, used to grab me very forcefully(By the neck, as I was fidgeting with items; I would ache from it) and repeatedly tell me "Do you hear me!?! If people see you doing that, they will think you are men-tally retar-ded!" while shaking me and shaking the item near my eyes. She would tell me how embarrassing it is to have an autistic son who fidgets with items as a form of stimulation. Other times, she would hit me. When I said, "Please don't hit me!" once, she started laughing.
I'm deadly serious and speaking raw pure thoughts -sober-

1- female worth dog shit especially as a blackpill treasure haver this should be a sticker fuck in your skull.

2- health > money > mother > everything else
●●●this all what should matter to you.●●●
*without health ur a dead rat
*without money you cant practice copes like gaming/drinking/etc
*without mom you'll have brutal soul pain (and I'll talk about soul pain in details later)

3- few minutes for a serotonin/dopamin/oxytocin dumps??? paid too??
bruh you could get such thrill and MORE if you camp alone on streets or woods.

no more words. you get it.

if you give female money = kys
if you hire female over male for faggotry reasons based on emotion (i hire sluts for lower price wage and scam them, i never scam bros) = kys
and what does your mother have to do with it? She's a whore too anyway.
*without mom you'll have brutal soul pain (and I'll talk about soul pain in details later)
Depends on the mom, don't assume everyone else's mommy is as nice to them as yours is to you

3- few minutes for a serotonin/dopamin/oxytocin dumps??? paid too??
bruh you could get such thrill and MORE if you camp alone on streets or woods.
Depends on cost tbh. It's cucked to pay shit like 10x the minimum wage (150+ per hour instead of 15 per hour? wtf) for such a low-skill occupation.

If you're paying below minimum wage like 10 dollars to fuck her for an hour, that's fine IMO.
Women don't deserve minimum wage or higher for a low-effort thing like this.

if you give female money = kys
Giving women a fair amount of money is fine, it's not cucked or simping as long as it's a reasonable amount.

It's just a pragmatic thing realizing we have to compensate people for services.

IE yeah Chad gets free meals and free waitressing or free laundry or free driving from his girlfriend but we need to pay for people to cook or serve our food, or wash our clothes or drive us places.
Same thing here.

The problem is escortcels are paying them unreasonable amounts because the thirst is excessive and foids exploit this.

One alternative to an hourly wage (unless you set it very low like 1 cent per hour regardless of what she does) might be to give bonuses like "1 hour per orgasm you induce" and of course clients can give tips to cover gray areas like if you want her to practice edging w/ you and she's really good at that but it doesn't quantify for an orgasm bonus yet is high-effort than lying there getting fucked or cuddling

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