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Epigenetics: The answer to why your brother is a well hung Chad and you are incel



St. Bluepill
Dec 29, 2018
Why are you a 5'4, skin and bones incel while your father was a 6'2 200 pounds of lean muscle, jawline that can cut a sandwich Tyrone and your mom was a 10/10 Aryan giga Stacy and your 33 year old brother is just like how your father was and still bangs 16-25 y/o Stacies on a regular basis like he's been doing since he was 13 while you are 28 and still a virgin?

The answer is epigentics. How your environment influences the expression of your genetics. I can almost guarantee with certainty that if you investigate into your past, you will find that you experienced some sort of environmental stressor between the time you were conceived and the time puberty hit that your father and brother didn't experience. And that stressor stunted the full expression of your genes. The difference between you and your brother is that he was able to reach his full genetic potential due to his environment being favorable during his development, while something in your environment hindered the full expression of your genetics, so you were cheated of your genetic potential.

These can include but are not limited to:

1. Your mother being sick or having some other difficulties during pregnancy. While on the other hand, everything went well when she was pregnant with your Chad/Tyrone brother.

2. Having a stressful or difficult birth, being deprived of optimal amounts of oxygen while being born or being born in a way other than what nature intended. Were you induced or born by C section? Were you deprived of oxygen? Did you have to spend time in an incubator? Was your mother in labor with you for hours or perhaps days? It probably was different for your brother. He likely had a normal, natural birth and got optimal amounts of oxygen. His birth was relatively quick and easy for your mother.

3. Being seriously ill during infancy or your first 5-7 years of life. Your brother likely din't get very sick during this time.

4. Emotional problems. Chronic negative emotions can drastically increase the amount of cortisol in your blood. Cortisol is a stress hormone which suppresses testosterone. It also hinders bone growth. Your Chad brother likely didn't have any emotional issues.

5. Malnutrition. You weren't adequately nourished during your childhood while your Chad brother was.

And there are other things that can be added. The point is, you are 70 percent your genes and 30 percent your environment. And if you don't think that 30 percent is significant, think about if you went to work today and were informed that you'd be taking a 30 percent pay cut.

Now, some of you have sisters that may have suffered the above issues but grew up to be super Stacy. What gives? Good question. The female sex is the default setting for human beings. Being a male is like the deluxe setting and involves a significant amount of transformation. After the first day or 2 of conception, if the fetus receives an adequate dose of testosterone, the fetus develops as a boy. If not, it continues as a girl. So to develop optimally as a male, everything must go right from conception to puberty with little margin of error. Girls have lots of margin of error for their optimal development to be derailed. For example, a woman's emotional state during pregnancy will have drastic effects on a boy. If she's depressed or stressed, the boy won't receive optimal amounts of testosterone. If she's joyous and happy and stress free, the boy will receive optimal doses of testosterone. And it has been found that women who are anxious, depressed and stressed during pregnancy with a boy, typically have less masculine sons.

On the other hand, a stressed woman can have just as feminine a daughter as a stress free woman. The mother's stress doesn't seem to have an effect on the production of estrogen. Only on testosterone. So for a male to have optimal development, it includes a lot of things in the environment falling in his favor from the time he is conceived until puberty. Even if he has great genes. For a girl, girls have a lot more leeway for things to go wrong in the environment due to the fact that being male requires a transformation from the default state while the female sex is the default state for human beings.
my dad was a chad, hunter eyes, great jaw, not a manlet.
lololol you forgot the two biggest ones

This is really interesting. It’s always frustrated and confused me why my brother is a literal chad while I’m a rotting autistic incel.

My mom did say that my birth was really difficult and it could’ve been fatal. I don’t think my brothers birth was like that though so that could be a factor. Didn’t really think about it before tbh..
This is cope. "Epigenetics" is attempting to humanize and rationalize nature.

Nature doesn´t care. Its all genes.
Why are you a 5'4, skin and bones incel while your father was a 6'2 200 pounds of lean muscle, jawline that can cut a sandwich Tyrone and your mom was a 10/10 Aryan giga Stacy and your 33 year old brother is just like how your father was and still bangs 16-25 y/o Stacies on a regular basis like he's been doing since he was 13 while you are 28 and still a virgin?

The answer is epigentics. How your environment influences the expression of your genetics. I can almost guarantee with certainty that if you investigate into your past, you will find that you experienced some sort of environmental stressor between the time you were conceived and the time puberty hit that your father and brother didn't experience. And that stressor stunted the full expression of your genes. The difference between you and your brother is that he was able to reach his full genetic potential due to his environment being favorable during his development, while something in your environment hindered the full expression of your genetics, so you were cheated of your genetic potential.

These can include but are not limited to:

1. Your mother being sick or having some other difficulties during pregnancy. While on the other hand, everything went well when she was pregnant with your Chad/Tyrone brother.

2. Having a stressful or difficult birth, being deprived of optimal amounts of oxygen while being born or being born in a way other than what nature intended. Were you induced or born by C section? Were you deprived of oxygen? Did you have to spend time in an incubator? Was your mother in labor with you for hours or perhaps days? It probably was different for your brother. He likely had a normal, natural birth and got optimal amounts of oxygen. His birth was relatively quick and easy for your mother.

3. Being seriously ill during infancy or your first 5-7 years of life. Your brother likely din't get very sick during this time.

4. Emotional problems. Chronic negative emotions can drastically increase the amount of cortisol in your blood. Cortisol is a stress hormone which suppresses testosterone. It also hinders bone growth. Your Chad brother likely didn't have any emotional issues.

5. Malnutrition. You weren't adequately nourished during your childhood while your Chad brother was.

And there are other things that can be added. The point is, you are 70 percent your genes and 30 percent your environment. And if you don't think that 30 percent is significant, think about if you went to work today and were informed that you'd be taking a 30 percent pay cut.

Now, some of you have sisters that may have suffered the above issues but grew up to be super Stacy. What gives? Good question. The female sex is the default setting for human beings. Being a male is like the deluxe setting and involves a significant amount of transformation. After the first day or 2 of conception, if the fetus receives an adequate dose of testosterone, the fetus develops as a boy. If not, it continues as a girl. So to develop optimally as a male, everything must go right from conception to puberty with little margin of error. Girls have lots of margin of error for their optimal development to be derailed. For example, a woman's emotional state during pregnancy will have drastic effects on a boy. If she's depressed or stressed, the boy won't receive optimal amounts of testosterone. If she's joyous and happy and stress free, the boy will receive optimal doses of testosterone. And it has been found that women who are anxious, depressed and stressed during pregnancy with a boy, typically have less masculine sons.

On the other hand, a stressed woman can have just as feminine a daughter as a stress free woman. The mother's stress doesn't seem to have an effect on the production of estrogen. Only on testosterone. So for a male to have optimal development, it includes a lot of things in the environment falling in his favor from the time he is conceived until puberty. Even if he has great genes. For a girl, girls have a lot more leeway for things to go wrong in the environment due to the fact that being male requires a transformation from the default state while the female sex is the default state for human beings.
This explains why all my sisters are above 6 and Mr along with most of my brothers are subhuman trash:feelsohgod:
With me my mom mostly consumed fucking sofa and ate whatever shit fucking diet, I was born a month premature along with complications (Iam a c section baby) when I was born I was described to be deformed looking along with missing muscle tissue around my ears and chest area which I now try to hide because people always stare at them or ask questions:cryfeels: because of my mom's lack of adequate education she never breastfed me and would often give me juice to drink, who tf gives a fucking toddler orange juice as fucking milk substitute fucking retarded cunts:reeeeee:
This explains why all my sisters are above 6 and Mr along with most of my brothers are subhuman trash:feelsohgod:
With me my mom mostly consumed fucking sofa and ate whatever shit fucking diet, I was born a month premature along with complications (Iam a c section baby) when I was born I was described to be deformed looking along with missing muscle tissue around my ears and chest area which I now try to hide because people always stare at them or ask questions:cryfeels: because of my mom's lack of adequate education she never breastfed me and would often give me juice to drink, who tf gives a fucking toddler orange juice as fucking milk substitute fucking retarded cunts:reeeeee:
There's more to what led to my imceldome but Iam too pissed off right now, if you want the rest yoy could ask me in private message
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Can attest. 5'6 manlet, bald, hunchback, constant trauma as a kid. Brother is 6', full hair, multiple partners, didnt get abused, favorite son.
You forgot the biggest reason

Genetic recombination
yea my dad lost his job before i was born, but my brother was born during the tech boom
brother slays
I rot
This is cope. "Epigenetics" is attempting to humanize and rationalize nature.

Nature doesn´t care. Its all genes.

Genetic recombination is the critical moment of creation where everything is decided.

I don´t believe in epigenetics because it is a form of anthropomorphism. Epigenetics provides causality and explanations for what happens with our bodies. But look at identical twin studies, environment means nothing. Genetic determinism is real.
My two brothers died as fetuses, RIP my niggers, may your stink haunt the Kasserine regional hospital's dumpsters forever.
Environment is cope. Look at identical twins separated at birth, they always end up remarkably similar looking, despite lifetimes of distinct environments, stressors, etc.
Damn my whole family is Chad. both mom and dad side.. including my dad,and grandpa had 12 kids lmao he was gigachad but I failed genetic lottery
I wouldn't gain weight on my mother's breast milk when I was drinking it. Ended up with me having to drink formula, but not until after I'd gone a few months not being adequately nourished as an infant.

It's over lmao
does the mother actively trying to end the pregnancy count as a 'stressor'
You would only be able to measure the effects of epigenetic changes in people who are genetically similar, such as in twins. Even twins are not perfect copies of one another. Genetic recombination is why siblings dont all look the same.
Yup my parents were in the process of moving to America when my mom was pregnant with me. Also I'm a C-sectioncel so I didn't come out normally like my Tyrone brother and Stacy sister did. I was also an incredibly shy kid and I was stressed out as a kid. JFL it's over.
This is cope. "Epigenetics" is attempting to humanize and rationalize nature.

Nature doesn´t care. Its all genes.
If it is, then why would one brother be a Chad and the other an incel or how would a Chad father produce an incel son. An incel is as close genetically to his Chad brother as one can get without being an identical twin.
does the mother actively trying to end the pregnancy count as a 'stressor'
Most likely.
Genetic recombination is the critical moment of creation where everything is decided.

I don´t believe in epigenetics because it is a form of anthropomorphism. Epigenetics provides causality and explanations for what happens with our bodies. But look at identical twin studies, environment means nothing. Genetic determinism is real.
Identical twins are more rare so there can be some exceptions and who's to say that they weren't affected in other ways by having separate environments? One brother could live to be 100 and the other keel over at 50 from a heart attack, even though they have the same genes but different environmental factors.
You would only be able to measure the effects of epigenetic changes in people who are genetically similar, such as in twins. Even twins are not perfect copies of one another. Genetic recombination is why siblings dont all look the same.
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I hate this fucking wolrd:woke::woke:
Why am i an incel while my brother is a full blown chad:woke::woke::woke::woke::feelsree:
my father is ugly and my mother is ugly.
Chad's son can lose the genetic lottery but at least he had a chance to win.
unlike me
Please stop, this is depressing. I'm 5'5.5", brother is 5'11".
Environment is cope. Look at identical twins separated at birth, they always end up remarkably similar looking, despite lifetimes of distinct environments, stressors, etc.

Bullshit. Why do people from India come here and see their sons and daughter grow closer to the country average?


Problem is no one knows the truth, so you can't just straight up call it COPE...
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im mental 5.10 ( you need to be 6 ) black low tier
If it is, then why would one brother be a Chad and the other an incel or how would a Chad father produce an incel son. An incel is as close genetically to his Chad brother as one can get without being an identical twin.

Because of the number of possible outcomes in genetic combination is astronomically high. This way, nature can create maximum diversity. Diversity is essential and safeguard the species survival in a changing world.

Nature doesn´t give a shit about our individual well-beeing. Recombination is a flawed process. Remember that 50% of fertilization and early pregnancies ends in abortion without the mother even knowing it. That is the built-in fail safe mechanism.

But the fail-safe mechanism is far from perfect. The obvious chromosomal errors, Downs and Turners syndrome are visible to us. Less visible is Klinefelders syndrome. Other heritable syndromes like Aspergers is visible in the face if you know what to look for.

Physical abnormalities are actually more common than not: "...Many, if not most, people have one or more minor physical anomalies if examined carefully. "

Inceldom is just another extension of this. Something went slightly wrong in recombination causing asymmetry, weak bones etc.

When you start reading about genetics you have to swallow a black pill far worse than any Tinder experiment.
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Because of the number of possible outcomes in genetic combination is astronomically high. This way, nature can create maximum diversity. Diversity is essential and safeguard the species survival in a changing world.

Nature doesn´t give a shit about our individual well-beeing. Recombination is a flawed process. Remember that 50% of fertilization and early pregnancies ends in abortion without the mother even knowing it. That is the built-in fail safe mechanism.

But the fail-safe mechanism is far from perfect. The obvious chromosomal errors, Downs and Turners syndrome are visible to us. Less visible is Klinefelders syndroms. Other heritable syndromes like Aspergers is visbile in the face if you know what to look for.

Physical abnormalities are actually more common than not: "...Many, if not most, people have one or more minor physical anomalies if examined carefully. "

Inceldom is just another extension of this. Something went slightly wrong in recombination causing asymmetry, weak bones etc.

When you start reading about genetics you have to swallow a black pill far worse than any Tinder experiment.
Of course things can go wrong and a lot of times environment can be the culprit. And in a lot of cases it is the culprit.
Hey come out back so i can shove this rusty hatchet up dat ass for speaking such inane bullshit, meanwhile ghetto welfare tyrone drug dealers dodging gunshots have slayer tier features just lol at muh stressors, just admit you lost the genetic lottery and that its fucking over.
Of course things can go wrong and a lot of times environment can be the culprit. And in a lot of cases it is the culprit.
The whole point of strong genetics is that they are resistant to a hostile environment and stressors.

If your genetics are weak, you might need special food, pharmaceutical drugs etc.

The Chernobyl accident exemplifies this point, some individuals could tolerate more radiation than others before getting sick. Its the same with smoking, a person with strong genetics can smoke 20 cigarettes every day without getting lung disease. While others die off from small insults like passive smoking or smog.
The whole point of strong genetics is that they are resistant to a hostile environment and stressors.

If your genetics are weak, you might need special food, pharmaceutical drugs etc.

The Chernobyl accident exemplifies this point, some individuals could tolerate more radiation than others before getting sick. Its the same with smoking, a person with strong genetics can smoke 20 cigarettes every day without getting lung disease. While others die off from small insults like passive smoking or smog.
Strong genes don't make you invulnerable, they just increase your resistance to stressors. Like you said, some could tolerate more radiation, but it doesn't mean that they wouldn't eventually be affected and get sick from the radiation.
Strong genes don't make you invulnerable, they just increase your resistance to stressors. Like you said, some could tolerate more radiation, but it doesn't mean that they wouldn't eventually be affected and get sick from the radiation.

But this is the same process that makes someone Chad and others not. When the genes are lining up and working you become Chad.
But this is the same process that makes someone Chad and others not. When the genes are lining up and working you become Chad.
But you still can't get pass the fact that outside influences can disrupt the lining up and that they would have lined up in the absence of said influences.
But you still can't get pass the fact that outside influences can disrupt the lining up and that they would have lined up in the absence of said influences.
I agree on this. Thalidomide is a clear example of that.
High IQ thread . I've got good genes too but I was totally screwed out of them because everything you listed happened to me
Coping manlets who think they would not be incel with average heigh - The thread
Both my parents were the popular kids, both chad and stacy

Something went wrong in the process to have a freak

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