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RageFuel Entire town gets mad because one foid was killed. If it was dude no one would care



No road left but the one that leads to the end
Dec 3, 2019

View: https://youtu.be/4gOtH6-n08k

it’s infuriating. It sucks that these things happen, but seriously this literally DOES happen every day and mostly to men, but no one bats an eye. :feelsUgh:
In 2019, 14,861 people in the U.S. died from firearm homicide. Not one of them was talked about or mattered :lul:
In 2019, 14,861 people in the U.S. died from firearm homicide. Not one of them was talked about or mattered :lul:
50k (overall though) in Brazil :feelsrope:
Damn, imagine if they had a riot every time a murder happened. Why does the media love talking about foids so much?
Unrelated, but who is so down bad that they rob a burger king? At least make it a gas station or something. Damn.

Another example is Gabby Petito. Blonde white woman goes missing and the whole world loses their shit. I mean, respect to the family I guess, but it sucks that if a guy is killed or goes missing nobody even knows about it.
This poor girl. She complied with the robber and still lost her life. This goon deserves no mercy when they find him
Unrelated, but who is so down bad that they rob a burger king? At least make it a gas station or something. Damn.
At one point they were right. Guns should be abolished
if those fucktards have common sense they'd reinstate death penalty and hang those violent fuckers.

rather than condemning "gun violence" :lul::lul::lul::lul: :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy: as if those criminals wouldnt kill people if they dont have guns :lul:

those fuckers encourage crimes coz they're giga cucked and give unwarranted empathy to no-empathy and psychopathic criminals. the western society is beyond cucked

ever wonder why there's no such blatant robberies in islamic world even though gun is easy to get there? and also in asia in general? nor in russia? but so ramphant in the cucked west , latin america and africa where death penalties are all abolished coz muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh human rights? :feelsEhh:

whose human rights the cucked lefitists care more i wonder, the retard low IQ impulsive criminals or the victims? :feelsdevil: those leftist retards deserve to be kidnapped and their families massacred for they bring sufferings to this world via their cucked policies :feelsdevil:

They prohibited carrying firearms in Brazil and the only thing that changed was that criminals started using other means to kill people. Rates even increased after that:

''New disarmament statute'' in blue
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Yet people say that Men are treated better than women in this country. Hmph

It wouldn’t matter either for me.
In 2019, 14,861 people in the U.S. died from firearm homicide. Not one of them was talked about or mattered :lul:
Doctors killed 10x that amount
Is it not racist to be angry that this happened though? The killer was a black, so that mob is angry at a black, and it’s white supremacy to be angry at a black. :feelsclown:
At one point they were right. Guns should be abolished
Wrong. Niggers should be abolished. No other race would ever do something like that. If you removed blacks from the equation, the murder rate in America is pretty utopia tier. Imagine having to give up your guns because niggers with guns = chimp with a machinegun.

even with blacks spiking the murder rate, even with the occasional mass shooting, civilian ownership of guns is still better than a gun ban. Force parity with the state distinguishes between citizens and livestock. “Muh gubmint has tanks and nukes” is an argument in favor of local militias with even more powerful weapons, not “resistance is futile, give up your guns”

“Sorry whites, blacks clearly can’t help but to shoot everyone indiscriminately over the slightest thing, so we’re gonna ban guns. What’s that? You’re suggesting we just stop giving guns to blacks or segregate them altogether so they’re not our problem anymore? Silly goy, diversity is a strength. It is absolutely imperative that you continue to be enriched by rich and vibrant diversity.”
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Is it not racist to be angry that this happened though? The killer was a black, so that mob is angry at a black, and it’s white supremacy to be angry at a black. :feelsclown:

Wrong. Niggers should be abolished. No other race would ever do something like that. If you removed blacks from the equation, the murder rate in America is pretty utopia tier. Imagine having to give up your guns because niggers with guns = chimp with a machinegun.

even with blacks spiking the murder rate, even with the occasional mass shooting, civilian ownership of guns is still better than a gun ban. Force parity with the state distinguishes between citizens and livestock. “Muh gubmint has tanks and nukes” is an argument in favor of local militias with even more powerful weapons, not “resistance is futile, give up your guns”

“Sorry whites, blacks clearly can’t help but to shoot everyone indiscriminately over the slightest thing, so we’re gonna ban guns. What’s that? You’re suggesting we just stop giving guns to blacks or segregate them altogether so they’re not our problem anymore? Silly goy, diversity is a strength. It is absolutely imperative that you continue to be enriched by rich and vibrant diversity.”
Jfl, no it’s not considered racist because the hierarchy of “underclass people” is: foids > deathnics > LGBTQ

foids outclass deathnics, therefore they matter more. Foids reign supreme as always. You can’t lose as a foid. Tutorial mode.
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if it was me who was shot and killed, i’d just be another statistic and no one would even care :feelsbadman:
Theirs no point in having a car as a citizen, they kills hundreds of thousands a year across the world
But unintentionally that's the point. Everyone could be a potential mass murderer with a gun which makes it so dangerous.
It baffles me, Why are women treated like goddesses?
Niggers and some south american indigenous scum are the only ethnicities making unprovoced deadly attacks like that. But the west would rather destroy itself than except that.
Fat bitch! If that foid was at home cooking dinner for her boyfriend, or her husband - she would not have been shot in a Harlem Burger King.
In 2019, 14,861 people in the U.S. died from firearm homicide. Not one of them was talked about or mattered :lul:
Doctors killed 29x that many

Fucking masktards
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