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Feb 24, 2020
Society rejecting you is a declaration of WAR. They are rejecting you from living a normal life by taking away friends, validation, lovers, peers, opportunities and more, giving you a lower quality of life by a huge margin. If you're reading this, then society has made it's choice to make you an outcast. Elliot Rodger was smart enough to realize this and wrote it down in his manifesto. He wished to be apart of society yet was rejected by it.

All throughout human history, when someone was cast out of the tribe, they were essentially being selected to die alone. Society is no different, they cast you will die alone. Being rejected by society has detrimental effects, you will have no friends, no community, no opportunities, no lovers, nothing, you will miss out on almost everything life has to offer.

And make no mistake, this is the work of society. Your peers who ignored you, your bullies who humiliated you, the bystanders who watched as you suffered; they all played a part in casting you out, they are a hive-mind who filters out the undesirables.

Elliot Rodger was not a mad man. He realized that society had ABANDONED him and forced him to a life of loneliness. This was WAR, so his only logical decision left was to complete his retribution against society that denied him his life. Society is scared of people like him, loners who know that they have been selected to die. They will label people like ER as mentally ill, but they know deep down that he is the symbol of a generation of loners who are starting to realize the betrayal society had dealt to them.

A mother abandoning her child is evil
A person who abandons their dog is evil
Yet when society abandons a man, it is seen as "natural"

All I ever wanted was to fit in and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existence of loneliness and insignificance, all because the females of the human species were incapable of seeing the value in me.

There is no pride in living as a lonely, unwanted outcast. I wouldn’t even call it living. I am not meant to live such a pathetic, miserable life. That is not my place in this world. I will not bow down and accept such a horrific fate. If humanity will not give me a worthy place among them, then I will destroy them all.

The Day of Retribution is all I have. It is the final solution to all of the injustices of this twisted world.

I didn’t start this war… I wasn’t the one who struck first… But I will finish it by striking back.

- Elliot Rodger, My Twisted World
Very true tbh. We didnt choose to be in this shitty situation.
Elliot Rodger was born to go ER
I read My Twisted World before becoming blackpilled, it was a very good read. Eye opening when I realized how we felt almost the same way and I was just in denial. I might reread now that I have blackpill knowledge tbh. I still remember the day I became blackpilled, November 30th. Hard to believe its only been a few months.
thats the way i view it also, if you imagine yourself as in a battle with society it takes away from the tediousness that is uneventful,monotonous suffering existing as a low value,ugly virgin male.
As the Males of the species it is our duty to make the world bend to our will, not bend to what society would brainwash us to believe. If we cannot physically achieve our goals we must look at other means. Corporeal Supremacy, Artistic Supremacy, Memetic Supremacy etc.(this is all actually Corporeal in nature since Art and Memes activate the brain to feel certain ways, Corporeal Supremacy however is more about attacking the senses and not physically striking), we must try every method in our attempts to shift the Overton window.
Elliot Rodger was born to go ER
Looking at nature.. every Male of every species acts the same way. They have power or seek to get it. They get to mate or they want to. There is no middle ground for Males. You do or you don't there is no try. You either have the Genes that Toilets want or you do not.
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Extremely high iq, seeing normies view on him is laughable.

No fbi agent could write a high iq thread like this
Nice personality on your pfp tbh ngl
A mother abandoning her child is evil
A person who abandons their dog is evil
Yet when society abandons a man, it is seen as "natural"
didnt read, but you should read my avi and fuck ton of bishes. :feelsthink::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelsEhh:
Elliot had based views
People like to call him an autist, (which he kind of was ngl) but he was able to see the world for what It is, the same way we do.

He had the courage to exact his plan, knowing well that there was no turning back. And that's more then any of us can say.

Was the day of retribution fool proof? Was he successful? No, but he wasnt going to accept his fate as an incel, and hes far better off wherever he is now then if he was alive.

Had he done better planning he would have caused a greater impact.

4105867 RWBOAIHV 7
True...he went ER because he had enough,if you lived a shitty life for a long time...chances are your life will not improve.We are gentic prisioners.Society won't change and we will never ascend if we don't change.Just give us free surgeries or a mercy kill at this point,otherwise more loners will fight back.
when society abandons a man he is just told to “man up”
I read My Twisted World before becoming blackpilled, it was a very good read. Eye opening when I realized how we felt almost the same way and I was just in denial. I might reread now that I have blackpill knowledge tbh. I still remember the day I became blackpilled, November 30th. Hard to believe its only been a few months.

You know it is over when you've read his manifesto and can relate a lot.
Looking at nature.. every Male of every species acts the same way. They have power or seek to get it. They get to mate or they want to. There is no middle ground for Males. You do or you don't there is no try. You either have the Genes that Toilets want or you do not.

"Do it or do not. There is no try." Yodacel IQ tbh.
He showed the way. Only if we can catch some political power some how. Yes the society will not let that happen by always stomping on you. But if incels would unite maybe we can achieve something.
He showed the way. Only if we can catch some political power some how. Yes the society will not let that happen by always stomping on you. But if incels would unite maybe we can achieve something.
he was high iq rip
You can't blame him. You shouldn't play nice with a society that abandons you as subhuman trash and expects you and your bloodline to die without fighting back. ER was right, I just wish he had a higher high score and reached deeper levels of basedness and blackpilledness before going ER.
Elliot Rodger was born to go ER
One of the best threads i´ve read about elliot rodger.
Whenever i read his manifesto, it seems to me that he is describing my life. We are not meant to be alone.
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Oh good, I thought this thread was deleted glad I found it again.

The stuff about the tribe was good.

I don't understand why er killed who he killed tho. He killed his roommates or something like that rather than the main specific people who actually outcast him n all dat.

Same with the Toronto van guy. Why kill innocent people on the street that you don't know. There are good people in the world or they b at least good enough to not be run over. I don't understand y he kill strangers rather than the ppl who actually bullied him.
Oh good, I thought this thread was deleted glad I found it again.

The stuff about the tribe was good.

I don't understand why er killed who he killed tho. He killed his roommates or something like that rather than the main specific people who actually outcast him n all dat.

Same with the Toronto van guy. Why kill innocent people on the street that you don't know. There are good people in the world or they b at least good enough to not be run over. I don't understand y he kill strangers rather than the ppl who actually bullied him.
Because he was a emotional angry idiot, he was in pain and angry and decided even people who did nothing or did not know him were also to blame because they didn't come to rescue him.

Its the same reason mass school shooters never target the people that bullied them. The other students are guilty because they didn't stop the situation. Its human nature for the other students to avoid low status bullied males as in for their own status to not be lowered.

Its only when people get older, have no looks and low social value they care less about these things. Then its all about loving caring and sharing.
Because he was a emotional angry idiot, he was in pain and angry and decided even people who did nothing or did not know him were also to blame because they didn't come to rescue him.

Its the same reason mass school shooters never target the people that bullied them. The other students are guilty because they didn't stop the situation. Its human nature for the other students to avoid low status bullied males as in for their own status to not be lowered.

Its only when people get older, have no looks and low social value they care less about these things. Then its all about loving caring and sharing.
lol at this bluepill


Imagine how many federal agents are being blackpilled reading this site. How many 45 year old betabucks who have been divorceraped are being blackpilled. How many 25 year old agents who are wondering why they still don't have a GF after agent school are being blackpilled. JFL

I agree with how ER felt about foids, but I don't agree with what he did.. I mean he even had status and that wasnt enough for them; he should have at least had dates. Imagine if someone just gave him a chance. It would have saved lives.
You can't blame him. You shouldn't play nice with a society that abandons you as subhuman trash and expects you and your bloodline to die without fighting back. ER was right, I just wish he had a higher high score and reached deeper levels of basedness and blackpilledness before going ER.
same tbh
Yeah he just should of picked better targets, going after fellow losers in his dorm ain't the best.

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