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Venting Eating alone by myself again today... just wanted to vent



For Imperishable glory of the Kingdom of Heaven...
Feb 13, 2023
The abuse has gone on for way too long. Being treated like this is just not right, and I am afraid I am being pushed far over the edge. I don't want to end up kms, but that said idea constantly obsesses me and seems like the only way out. Sometimes the urge is so strong, I have to use a great deal of restraint to stop myself. It's an extremally draining ordeal that is becoming increasingly more consistent and harder to triumph over. I can taste death on the tip of my tongue, it's sweet. An easy way out. A total end to suffering, the ultimate release. Death is so freeing. I have tried to kms once in the past to which the curtain rod I had idiotically tied my rope to broke:feelskek:, I know I will never try again. One: I am too much of a coward, two: I will never let them win. They want to see me kill myself. That is ultimate submission to defeat. I am a victim of circumstance and a prisoner to severe tribulation. Living has become so painful for me that it becomes nearly impossible to bear. The simple task of getting out of bed in the morning has become so difficult that I am unable to mutter up the strength to move nor bend my limbs. I am a seeing, blinking, feeling, breathing corpse. I am alive, but I am not living. I'm in a public space, I'm struggling not to cry. I feel demoralized and defeated. I do not know where to go. What becomes of a person like me? Am I really just bound to the fate that I must shrivel away and rot in isolation? It's fitting I guess, dying in the same manner I have lived in. I don't even ask for much, when I was younger my goal was: somewhat successful financially with a relationship. When I figured that was unrealistic my goal became: make enough money to suffice and have some friends. Then it became, have A friend, just one good friend. My goal right now is just content, not happy, just content with life. I can't even have that. Talking to you all is really nice, I have never had a space that was my domain, this is kind of like a home to me:feelskek:. It's really helped being able to talk about my problems here. Ive never had anybody to talk to. I tried getting a therapist multiple times with no success since 'they were not equipped to handle the problems I have'.

It sucks incels get attacked so much online, but that's expected from such a shit backwards system. Have you guys ever read 1984 by George Orwell. Basically it's a dystopian prediction of how totalitarian and oppressive society will become. Propaganda is so widespread and effective that 'double-think' has formed. Double think is basically when the citizens of said dystopia have become so delusional and disenfranchised by propaganda, that they are able to both believe some value and its opposite are both true at the same time. Basically logic against logic. An example of this would be: "Freedom is slavery, war is peace, love is hate". This is basically what incel-tear does. EX: They believe incels are unhygenic and are virgins because they do not try/take care of themselves while also affirming the fact that incels are obsessed with looks and dating strategy. Another example would be believing figures like Andrew Tate or others of the manosphere are incels even though they have sex and relationships. It really comes down to just doing anything they can, cherrypicking, generalizing, etc. to justify hate against incels to fuel their own ego and make them feel better about their own lives. It has to be pretty bad for you if you spend time targeting lonely men online.
The abuse has gone on for way too long.
This wall of text (that i dnd rd) was abuse to my eyes
Screenshot 20230311 163540 DuckDuckGo
You said one true very important sentence, killing yourself is exactly what they want. I've lived through a lot of truecels' deaths in my life, one very recent and this death isnt mourned, it's not respected, it's not celebrated, it's a day like any other. Truecels death is equal to the death of a cat hit by a car, and the latter will be mourned, so maybe not even that. Normies want truecels to disappear and upper tier like the chadlites only need us as pets or slaves.
The abuse has gone on for way too long. Being treated like this is just not right, and I am afraid I am being pushed far over the edge. I don't want to end up kms, but that said idea constantly obsesses me and seems like the only way out. Sometimes the urge is so strong, I have to use a great deal of restraint to stop myself. It's an extremally draining ordeal that is becoming increasingly more consistent and harder to triumph over. I can taste death on the tip of my tongue, it's sweet. An easy way out. A total end to suffering, the ultimate release. Death is so freeing. I have tried to kms once in the past to which the curtain rod I had idiotically tied my rope to broke:feelskek:, I know I will never try again. One: I am too much of a coward, two: I will never let them win. They want to see me kill myself. That is ultimate submission to defeat. I am a victim of circumstance and a prisoner to severe tribulation. Living has become so painful for me that it becomes nearly impossible to bear. The simple task of getting out of bed in the morning has become so difficult that I am unable to mutter up the strength to move nor bend my limbs. I am a seeing, blinking, feeling, breathing corpse. I am alive, but I am not living. I'm in a public space, I'm struggling not to cry. I feel demoralized and defeated. I do not know where to go. What becomes of a person like me? Am I really just bound to the fate that I must shrivel away and rot in isolation? It's fitting I guess, dying in the same manner I have lived in. I don't even ask for much, when I was younger my goal was: somewhat successful financially with a relationship. When I figured that was unrealistic my goal became: make enough money to suffice and have some friends. Then it became, have A friend, just one good friend. My goal right now is just content, not happy, just content with life. I can't even have that. Talking to you all is really nice, I have never had a space that was my domain, this is kind of like a home to me:feelskek:. It's really helped being able to talk about my problems here. Ive never had anybody to talk to. I tried getting a therapist multiple times with no success since 'they were not equipped to handle the problems I have'.

It sucks incels get attacked so much online, but that's expected from such a shit backwards system. Have you guys ever read 1984 by George Orwell. Basically it's a dystopian prediction of how totalitarian and oppressive society will become. Propaganda is so widespread and effective that 'double-think' has formed. Double think is basically when the citizens of said dystopia have become so delusional and disenfranchised by propaganda, that they are able to both believe some value and its opposite are both true at the same time. Basically logic against logic. An example of this would be: "Freedom is slavery, war is peace, love is hate". This is basically what incel-tear does. EX: They believe incels are unhygenic and are virgins because they do not try/take care of themselves while also affirming the fact that incels are obsessed with looks and dating strategy. Another example would be believing figures like Andrew Tate or others of the manosphere are incels even though they have sex and relationships. It really comes down to just doing anything they can, cherrypicking, generalizing, etc. to justify hate against incels to fuel their own ego and make them feel better about their own lives. It has to be pretty bad for you if you spend time targeting lonely men online.
Seems like larp but I can see you’re as alone as me, brocel
This all rather sounds like a mental issue more so than anything that has to do with inceldom. I know theres no such thing as natural depression, its rooted in the blackpill and stems from severe inceldom but your inability to cope is a problem that I suggest to overcome first. Cope is ultimately the only antonym to rope, anything inbetween is a state of madness.
This all rather sounds like a mental issue more so than anything that has to do with inceldom. I know theres no such thing as natural depression, its rooted in the blackpill and stems from severe inceldom but your inability to cope is a problem that I suggest to overcome first. Cope is ultimately the only antonym to rope, anything inbetween is a state of madness.
That's really solid advice, thanks.
The abuse has gone on for way too long. Being treated like this is just not right, and I am afraid I am being pushed far over the edge. I don't want to end up kms, but that said idea constantly obsesses me and seems like the only way out. Sometimes the urge is so strong, I have to use a great deal of restraint to stop myself. It's an extremally draining ordeal that is becoming increasingly more consistent and harder to triumph over. I can taste death on the tip of my tongue, it's sweet. An easy way out. A total end to suffering, the ultimate release. Death is so freeing. I have tried to kms once in the past to which the curtain rod I had idiotically tied my rope to broke:feelskek:, I know I will never try again. One: I am too much of a coward, two: I will never let them win. They want to see me kill myself. That is ultimate submission to defeat. I am a victim of circumstance and a prisoner to severe tribulation. Living has become so painful for me that it becomes nearly impossible to bear. The simple task of getting out of bed in the morning has become so difficult that I am unable to mutter up the strength to move nor bend my limbs. I am a seeing, blinking, feeling, breathing corpse. I am alive, but I am not living. I'm in a public space, I'm struggling not to cry. I feel demoralized and defeated. I do not know where to go. What becomes of a person like me? Am I really just bound to the fate that I must shrivel away and rot in isolation? It's fitting I guess, dying in the same manner I have lived in. I don't even ask for much, when I was younger my goal was: somewhat successful financially with a relationship. When I figured that was unrealistic my goal became: make enough money to suffice and have some friends. Then it became, have A friend, just one good friend. My goal right now is just content, not happy, just content with life. I can't even have that. Talking to you all is really nice, I have never had a space that was my domain, this is kind of like a home to me:feelskek:. It's really helped being able to talk about my problems here. Ive never had anybody to talk to. I tried getting a therapist multiple times with no success since 'they were not equipped to handle the problems I have'.

It sucks incels get attacked so much online, but that's expected from such a shit backwards system. Have you guys ever read 1984 by George Orwell. Basically it's a dystopian prediction of how totalitarian and oppressive society will become. Propaganda is so widespread and effective that 'double-think' has formed. Double think is basically when the citizens of said dystopia have become so delusional and disenfranchised by propaganda, that they are able to both believe some value and its opposite are both true at the same time. Basically logic against logic. An example of this would be: "Freedom is slavery, war is peace, love is hate". This is basically what incel-tear does. EX: They believe incels are unhygenic and are virgins because they do not try/take care of themselves while also affirming the fact that incels are obsessed with looks and dating strategy. Another example would be believing figures like Andrew Tate or others of the manosphere are incels even though they have sex and relationships. It really comes down to just doing anything they can, cherrypicking, generalizing, etc. to justify hate against incels to fuel their own ego and make them feel better about their own lives. It has to be pretty bad for you if you spend time targeting lonely men online.
While there are some incels who DO refuse hygiene, they do it intentioonally, they are rotmaxxers and this is their revenge against soyciety, to make the normies smell their repulsive stenches.

Bluepilled normies are in denial and are delusional. They are so full of their own shit that they pretend that taking a shower and getting a haircut is the key to attracting a partner. They think every incel is some basement dwelling guy who has never seen the sun and never tried the self-improove meme. Yet if they saw many of us in real life I think they would be surprised that we are everywhere. All around them, yet they subconsciously treat us as the subhumans we are.

I can tell you right now if I told everyone I knew about the blackpill and how I identify as an incel that most (not all) of them would have probably just thought that I was a "late bloomer" and deluded themselves into thinking that "oh there are plenty of fish in the sea, he will find someone eventually". These people have totally bought into the "just world" fallacy and it is beyond stupid. They are ignorant of our situation and our sufferings because they do not have the experiences that we have.
I read it all but what resonated with me is that you're alive but you're not really living (just because one has enough nourishment & shelter) doesn't mean they're getting their needs met and it doesn't help with people thinking generic 1 size fits all advice solves the problems of today
I wish i can say i feel you but you wrote a big ass para and imma not read it, still imma say
yeah it's kinda sad but you must've overcome it by now so why bother

i'm mostly eating alone since death of my mother how many years...16 now, sometimes my asshole father joins in to consume food made by me and i just force myself to finish before him as to not have much conversation or staring with him
whenever eating at work or outside i just find the most peaceful corner without much noise and eat it alone, many of them think i'm stingy with food or i don't want to "share" (as in giving eachothers a ;bite; of food for tasting it-gossiping over food etc childish socialisation)
The abuse has gone on for way too long. Being treated like this is just not right, and I am afraid I am being pushed far over the edge. I don't want to end up kms, but that said idea constantly obsesses me and seems like the only way out. Sometimes the urge is so strong, I have to use a great deal of restraint to stop myself. It's an extremally draining ordeal that is becoming increasingly more consistent and harder to triumph over. I can taste death on the tip of my tongue, it's sweet. An easy way out. A total end to suffering, the ultimate release. Death is so freeing. I have tried to kms once in the past to which the curtain rod I had idiotically tied my rope to broke:feelskek:, I know I will never try again. One: I am too much of a coward, two: I will never let them win. They want to see me kill myself. That is ultimate submission to defeat. I am a victim of circumstance and a prisoner to severe tribulation. Living has become so painful for me that it becomes nearly impossible to bear. The simple task of getting out of bed in the morning has become so difficult that I am unable to mutter up the strength to move nor bend my limbs. I am a seeing, blinking, feeling, breathing corpse. I am alive, but I am not living. I'm in a public space, I'm struggling not to cry. I feel demoralized and defeated. I do not know where to go. What becomes of a person like me? Am I really just bound to the fate that I must shrivel away and rot in isolation? It's fitting I guess, dying in the same manner I have lived in. I don't even ask for much, when I was younger my goal was: somewhat successful financially with a relationship. When I figured that was unrealistic my goal became: make enough money to suffice and have some friends. Then it became, have A friend, just one good friend. My goal right now is just content, not happy, just content with life. I can't even have that. Talking to you all is really nice, I have never had a space that was my domain, this is kind of like a home to me:feelskek:. It's really helped being able to talk about my problems here. Ive never had anybody to talk to. I tried getting a therapist multiple times with no success since 'they were not equipped to handle the problems I have'.

It sucks incels get attacked so much online, but that's expected from such a shit backwards system. Have you guys ever read 1984 by George Orwell. Basically it's a dystopian prediction of how totalitarian and oppressive society will become. Propaganda is so widespread and effective that 'double-think' has formed. Double think is basically when the citizens of said dystopia have become so delusional and disenfranchised by propaganda, that they are able to both believe some value and its opposite are both true at the same time. Basically logic against logic. An example of this would be: "Freedom is slavery, war is peace, love is hate". This is basically what incel-tear does. EX: They believe incels are unhygenic and are virgins because they do not try/take care of themselves while also affirming the fact that incels are obsessed with looks and dating strategy. Another example would be believing figures like Andrew Tate or others of the manosphere are incels even though they have sex and relationships. It really comes down to just doing anything they can, cherrypicking, generalizing, etc. to justify hate against incels to fuel their own ego and make them feel better about their own lives. It has to be pretty bad for you if you spend time targeting lonely men online.
Please don't rope, just roidmaxx (in video game)
Better to indulge in a few copes than to kys
The abuse has gone on for way too long. Being treated like this is just not right, and I am afraid I am being pushed far over the edge. I don't want to end up kms, but that said idea constantly obsesses me and seems like the only way out. Sometimes the urge is so strong, I have to use a great deal of restraint to stop myself. It's an extremally draining ordeal that is becoming increasingly more consistent and harder to triumph over. I can taste death on the tip of my tongue, it's sweet. An easy way out. A total end to suffering, the ultimate release. Death is so freeing. I have tried to kms once in the past to which the curtain rod I had idiotically tied my rope to broke:feelskek:, I know I will never try again. One: I am too much of a coward, two: I will never let them win. They want to see me kill myself. That is ultimate submission to defeat. I am a victim of circumstance and a prisoner to severe tribulation. Living has become so painful for me that it becomes nearly impossible to bear. The simple task of getting out of bed in the morning has become so difficult that I am unable to mutter up the strength to move nor bend my limbs. I am a seeing, blinking, feeling, breathing corpse. I am alive, but I am not living. I'm in a public space, I'm struggling not to cry. I feel demoralized and defeated. I do not know where to go. What becomes of a person like me? Am I really just bound to the fate that I must shrivel away and rot in isolation? It's fitting I guess, dying in the same manner I have lived in. I don't even ask for much, when I was younger my goal was: somewhat successful financially with a relationship. When I figured that was unrealistic my goal became: make enough money to suffice and have some friends. Then it became, have A friend, just one good friend. My goal right now is just content, not happy, just content with life. I can't even have that. Talking to you all is really nice, I have never had a space that was my domain, this is kind of like a home to me:feelskek:. It's really helped being able to talk about my problems here. Ive never had anybody to talk to. I tried getting a therapist multiple times with no success since 'they were not equipped to handle the problems I have'.

It sucks incels get attacked so much online, but that's expected from such a shit backwards system. Have you guys ever read 1984 by George Orwell. Basically it's a dystopian prediction of how totalitarian and oppressive society will become. Propaganda is so widespread and effective that 'double-think' has formed. Double think is basically when the citizens of said dystopia have become so delusional and disenfranchised by propaganda, that they are able to both believe some value and its opposite are both true at the same time. Basically logic against logic. An example of this would be: "Freedom is slavery, war is peace, love is hate". This is basically what incel-tear does. EX: They believe incels are unhygenic and are virgins because they do not try/take care of themselves while also affirming the fact that incels are obsessed with looks and dating strategy. Another example would be believing figures like Andrew Tate or others of the manosphere are incels even though they have sex and relationships. It really comes down to just doing anything they can, cherrypicking, generalizing, etc. to justify hate against incels to fuel their own ego and make them feel better about their own lives. It has to be pretty bad for you if you spend time targeting lonely men online.
Trucel trait, Eating by yourself, Its over.
I actually prefer to eat alone. I can just enjoy my food in silence.
But what I hate is doing everything else alone too.
I wish I had someone to run with, hike with or just watch a movie with.
An incel should never commit suicide. That’s surrendering to our enemies. We should live as long as we can, enjoy life as much as we can.
Every time we have a moment of joy, it is a victory.

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