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LifeFuel East Asian isolationism is ideal.



Nov 12, 2022
In the face of multiculturalism and diversity, many problems will abound from all those different peoples. Best thing to do is to just stick to yourself and only care about your own problems. Stop feeling like you need to be charitable to the problems of foreign parasites who shouldn’t even been in your land in the first place. Also stop getting involved in foreign affairs.

I genuinely do not understand why Western countries are so involved in Middle Eastern problems and conflicts. So much money is being wasted to just destroy, and this has repercussions for both sides involved. I wish that the U.S. would become isolationist just like many Asian countries and only focus on improving itself giving little or no attention to the world outside.
Because our leaders want it that way. Same reason they gave foids rights
Yes but the reason why jews aren’t forcing east asians at all to accept üntermenschen immigrants is because they never had colonies or colonial past like (very few) european countries so they cannot be moral cucks regarding them/making them feel guilty
Its cause retarded cucked castrated men and sperm toilets keep voting globohomos and green faggots into power,
who then go and blow up random desert fags up.

Thats why western serfdom states are like that
Its cause retarded cucked castrated men and sperm toilets keep voting globohomos and green faggots into power,
who then go and blow up random desert fags up.

Thats why western serfdom states are like that
God. I hope that Gen Z men will succeed or at least plant the seeds for kicking women and sexual deviants out of politics. lol
I genuinely do not understand why Western countries are so involved in Middle Eastern problems and conflicts.
(((Philosophy of Deception)))

IMG 5861
God. I hope that Gen Z men will succeed or at least plant the seeds for kicking women and sexual deviants out of politics. lol
If they wont the muslism in the coutry will after they reached the critcal mass
If they wont the muslism in the coutry will after they reached the critcal mass
The only silver lining to a Muslim dominated future
idk i think its pretty based to destroy shithole countries. fuck those ethnic subhumans
the reason why jews aren’t forcing east asians at all to accept üntermenschen immigrants is because they never had colonies or colonial past
lol and Muslims coming into Europe never invaded Europe and other neighboring regions?
Yes but the reason why jews aren’t forcing east asians at all to accept üntermenschen immigrants is because they never had colonies or colonial past like (very few) european countries so they cannot be moral cucks regarding them/making them feel guilty
Wut? Japan never had colonies?

The reason they aren't accepting immigrants is because asians don't hate themselves
there's too many foreigners/too much foreign influence in east/southeast asia
The reason they aren't accepting immigrants is because asians don't hate themselves
And because European countries are so small that most of the people can easily be brainwashed or indoctrinated.

Good thing about USA is that it’s far too enormous to easily brainwash everyone. lol
Yes but the reason why jews aren’t forcing east asians at all to accept üntermenschen immigrants is because they never had colonies or colonial past like (very few) european countries so they cannot be moral cucks regarding them/making them feel guilty

Hope east Asia remains homogeneous
Wut? Japan never had colonies?

The reason they aren't accepting immigrants is because asians don't hate themselves
Yes, but jews didn’t moralcuck them to believe that they’re less “worthy” or “pure” because they didn’t have colonies anyway while white people, including slavs or nordics that never had any colonial past are still moralcucked by jews since WW2 and at the same time the death of St. Adolf even though only few european countries had colonies, actually.

First of all, I don’t actually believe that colonialism was morally “wrong” and on the other hand, it’s extremely low IQ what do jews do with our minds (bashing a race of people just because some of it’s nations had colonies which again, isn’t wrong morally.Without colonialism, there wouldn’t be anything that we have nowadays and even niggers/shitskins who are so worshipped by jews and their bootlickers, the soys would’ve lived worse if colonialism never existed).

In my opinion, the only morally wrong colonizers were actually spaniards and portuguese and not because of the “crimes” when they started colonising and everything that the juice “teach” us about them.They were morally wrong because they allowed miscegenation/race mixing with niggers in their colonial empires.This is why latin iberian america is such a shithole now compared to north america, period.
They were morally wrong because they allowed miscegenation/race mixing with niggers in their colonial empires.This is why latin iberian america is such a shithole now compared to north america, period.
Yeah. I’m Latino, and I can tell you Latin culture is trash. Precisely for this reason do I dream of living far away from those communities (isolationism in other words, not making other people’s problems, issues, shortcomings my problem).
Shut up daleet weebs
Yeah. I’m Latino, and I can tell you Latin culture is trash. Precisely for this reason do I dream of living far away from those communities (isolationism in other words, not making other people’s problems, issues, shortcomings my problem).
By “Latin” are you referring to latin american culture or to med (spanish, italian, french) culture?

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