I have.
Certainly to a few.
I am just a broken person. It's best to stay away from me because it seems like I just destroy everything I see.
Nah, I cannot stay away from my brocels. Also, I don't feel destroyed.
Wanna know what I feel destroyed by?
I promised a former friend to build a gaming PC for his son a few days ago.
So I've built it for him yesterday. I was literally starving beecause I didn't get to eat much.
My stomach was growling. You'd think he'd offer something after I mentioned that I am starving. Nothing.
Then I told him that his son should come and watch. He might learn a thing or two.
After all this PC is for him. I also was there on saturday.
Yesterday I had to fix an issue because the PC wouldn't even turn on.
It's working now, of course.
So, on both days I have noted that his son should watch and learn.
On the first day he told me that his son was downstairs, playing on his phone.
What kind of stupid reason is that?!
Then that little ungrateful shit came upstairs, looked atit and told us that "we" wouldn't finish it then.
We? Nigga, we?! I was doing the whole work. Your fucking dad had no idea what to even order.
The next day he did not show up at all.
Do you think he has at least thanked me for it?
Hell fucking no.
And his father did not remind his son either to thank me for it.
Hell, the little shit hasn't even properly introduced himself to me and thanked me in advance for my help.
I swear, these normie kids are the most spoiled and badly mannered POS I have ever met.
I will tell him this today, how I felt about this.
Compared to this, you're an angel, man, even if you did say mean things to some brocels here. We all lose our shit sometimes.