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Venting DON'T HAVE KIDS WITH SHITTY WOMEN: a cautionary tale

Were you breastfed?

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jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
TLDR my mother almost certainly gave me brain damage and then failed to socialise me properly, most of my problems are her fault when you factor in genetics on top of all this, I am incredibly butthurt at this irresponsible cunt

I despise my mother more than any other person on Earth does and I am completely justified in it. I now know for a fact that this cunt 100% ruined my life before it even started. I can very confidently say that she should not have had any children whatsoever, and that any man with the opportunity to breed with the juggernaut because he's a balding manlet like my dad did should just hang in the towel and go masturbate. I shouldn't even have been swallowed, I should have been washed out of an old towel. What was done to me was completely avoidable and admittedly (by her) accidental in the first place, surely the chances of shit being this bad must've been pretty low. I am a walking argument for the most brutal eugenics program possible.

I was overhearing her talk to some people while she thought I was either asleep or not paying attention to her, and she started going on about how she experienced postnatal depression and panic attacks after she had me. I internally wince every time I hear about stupid fat cow dumpster fire women not only talk about their problems, but also incredibly nonchalantly talk about exposing other people to their problems by being single mother scolds that can't shut their neurotic mouths or their cellulite-ridden legs. I don't think there is a word in the English language that appropriately describes the way in which women completely fuck other people over without thinking about it because of their own retardation, but it has to be one of the defining features of their gender whenever they're tasked with looking after the wellbeing of another person.

Why does this matter? Surely the only issue here is that the foid almost certainly made her child incredibly neurotic, right? Nothing else could be wrong lel surely. Nah, it gets worse, because I was told by her I wasn't breastfed properly and this is far more likely than not attached to her bullshittery. I've been told before that I "wouldn't gain weight" on her breast milk when asking if I was breastfed out of curiosity half a decade ago, which either means she had shitty breast milk or she was on antidepressants (given it was the tail end of the 1990s, it really wouldn't surprise me if she was prescribed them while breastfeeding and I'm sure she would never admit it if I asked her). The second possibility could be the case in two ways - firstly, antidepressants have been known to interfere with breast milk production, and secondly the meme that her breast milk wasn't good enough could easily be a bullshit embarrassment-induced cover for the fact she knew not to breastfeed a baby while on antidepressants and didn't. Either way, I missed out majorly on being breastfed, was probably some degree of malnourished at some point and may or may not have been forced to drink zoloft titty milk as a newborn. For any inceltears users reading my posts and wondering how a person can be this retarded, you have your answer. I remember telling someone at some point that I wasn't breastfed properly (there was context, I don't go around talking about this) and got a "that makes sense" as a response a few years ago. I am also very low T and have bad muscle tone.

Furthermore, the whole thing also shows in my mother's behaviour towards me.


Ted Kaczynski, who is obviously endowed with a greater capacity for self-reflection than a brain-damaged university student on an incel forum that can't do algebra due to brain fog, is reported to have remarked at one point that his mother contributed to his inability to start a family by failing to socialise him properly as a child. Correct or not, it's a no-brainer to everyone with one that if you don't interact with your kid properly it'll fuck them up. I don't recall my mother ever really expressing a normal level of affection towards me as a child, and she certainly didn't give my younger brother (whose early childhood I was able to observe better than my own) much love. This sack of shit of a woman was in all likelihood so hormonally dysfunctional she couldn't bond to her children during their formative stages, and had a permanently-crippled bond with them after that.

This showed in the exact conversation I was overhearing; after talking about her absolutely retarded psychiatric issues, she went on to say that it was important to create ways of coping with her anxiety attacks because I ended up having Asperger's and that she would deal with bad situations by telling herself they'd be over soon. This fucking hole sees her child that she made partially retarded as being purely a stress-inducing burden that fortunately only has to be dealt with temporarily. This woman unironically enjoys nothing other than whoring, eating and substance abuse, when she gives birth to a whole new person with its own conscious experience of the world and half of her genetic code she thinks of it as an annoyance. There is no way on God's green Earth you can think that way about your progeny and sincerely treat it as anything other than dogshit, which is exactly what evidently happened. I think I understand why, with the exception of similarly-trashy single mothers, the families and parents of my childhood friends always seemed so warm and wholesome. Just don't normally socialise your kid after giving it brain damage after conceiving it accidentally with a subhuman betabuxx boyfriend theory.

Despise unironically having a learning disability, abysmal motor skills, no social awareness and a permanent look of being baked on my face (it's a wonder I ended up being intelligent enough to get into a low-level STEM course, I'm sure that's the one positive fluke event that occured here given the fact I am literally fucking RETARDED), I think my mother is still a bigger retard than me, as are women in general, because her comprehension of the consequences of what she was doing were completely absent the whole way through. She has the mindset of a hedonistic adolescent and likely thinks it's the end-all be-all, and although she never takes me seriously because she was in a room with me while a psychiatrist told her I was autistic, I think that if I were in her position I would have ten times the decision making ability and appreciation for new human life that she did. What a worthless cunt honestly, I'm bummed that of all people I have to be one that slid out of her. I wish I could hop in a time machine and backhand her before she hopped in bed with my dad at the wrong time. I will never understand men who romanticise having a mentally ill GF while simultaneously wanting children.

This is cringe autistic venting, hence the tag, but I think it's definitely a story with a moral at least. It's not a completely pointless "fuck you mom" edgepost when I cannot unpotato my brain and the whole situation can be prevented simply by not doing anything. Does anyone else have a similar situation, out of curiosity?
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Alot of mothers just gives their children useless formula instead of breastfeeding or they do neither. They don't care or don't know what it takes to be a natural mother. I believe it's more common nowadays tho the non breastfeeding part. My nephew weren't breastfeed much if at all i'm afraid. My half cousins were not breastfed either and all of them have had some sort of problem/disease. According to my mother i was breastfed until i was 2, not sure if she was lying or not. It's important for growth and even facial development.
Alot of mothers just gives their children useless formula instead of breastfeeding or they do neither. They don't care or don't know what it takes to be a natural mother. I believe it's more common nowadays tho the non breastfeeding part. My nephew weren't breastfeed much if at all i'm afraid. My half cousins were not breastfed either and all of them have had some sort of problem/disease. According to my mother i was breastfed until i was 2, not sure if she was lying or not. It's important for growth and even facial development.
There unironically needs to be a return of wetnursing
My mother just ignored me throughout my early childhood and smoked during her pregnancy.
TLDR; don’t put your dick in crazy
My mother just ignored me throughout my early childhood and smoked during her pregnancy.
My nephews mom did snuff when he or his sisters was in her womb. I swear these fucking foids shouldn't be allowed to be mothers.
Dude... my mom ruined my life to by damaging me as a baby/fetus. My life was ruined before it even started. You have my most heartfelt sympathies, it truly is aweful living this way.

My mom needs to be sterilized. She needs to never have the opportunity to do this to a child again.

Here is my first post describing my situation:
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Dude... my mom ruined my life to by damaging me as a baby/fetus. My life was ruined before it even started. You have my most heartfelt sympathies, it truly is aweful living this way.

My mom needs to be sterilized. She needs to never have the opportunity to do this to a child again.

Here is my first post describing my situation:
how much booze in utero does it take to have nihilist in your name and nietzsche in your profile picture
I feel for you too though bro, that sounds garbage. I am thankful my mum didn't go as far as to drink while pregnant.
how old your mom were when she gave birth you
how much booze in utero does it take to have nihilist in your name and nietzsche in your profile picture
I feel for you too though bro, that sounds garbage. I am thankful my mum didn't go as far as to drink while pregnant.

All it takes is one drink during a critical stage of brain development to fuck that child's life up.

It must not have been too much, but it was enough to ruin my life.

You know what's really fucked up? My mom doesn't even care. I confronted her about it like 2 years ago and she flat out just didn't give a shit. She acted like I was talking about the weather. My mom unironically needs to be sterilized so she can never do this to another person again. I'm dead serious when I say that.
I never got breastfed by my mother and even if I did I wouldn't even remember.

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