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Venting Does wageslaving make anybody else extremely angry at foids?

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
And I don't mean on the job, I mean after work as a result of work. I was walking from work to the bus stop along a path and every woman I saw made me incredibly fucking angry. First I started thinking about how I gave my mother 300 dollars out of my 800 wagecuck monies to "pay bills" because I thought my welfare payments she takes would be cut for having a job, then when I found out it wouldn't affect the 300 dollar welfare payments which she otherwise took all I got her to promise to give "what she had left of it" back. She of course has given 0 dollars and 0 cents back and has said absolutely nothing about anything even tangentially related to it since. She doesn't seem to starve to death when she isn't given 300 extra dollars to "pay bills" but all money given to her seems to disappear as if it was thrown down a well. I'm sure bills were randomly 300 extra agreement-violating dollars more that week.

My warning level is too high to say what I would do to her for making me what I am, putting no effort into raising me and then taking almost half of my pay that I was able to earn in spite of falling out of her cunt while claiming she would give it back. I swear to god that it gets harder to look her in the eye without going apeshit on her every single day. She asks me why I seem so angry and drained whenever I wagecuck and says she "hopes" I find a job I "enjoy" some time soon, then says she wants to see me to be happy as if she means it (she unironically told me to smile once JFL). I want to make her feel what she has made me feel concentrated into a much smaller amount of time. Maybe then she would actually give a shit instead of pretend to for money and being percieved as a good person by others. Fortunately for her I am well aware I would not function well in prison and convicts are huge white knights (probably because their average IQ is like 90) so nothing bad will happen.

Other cunts are no different. When I wageslave for 8 and a half hours so I can go enjoy my hour long commute home, foids who are better dressed than me and far happier and more relaxed than me continuously walk past me, often chatting on their mobile phones to their roastie friends or Chad, with the smuggest expressions humanly possible on their faces. The idea that cunts in the workplace are earning livings just like men are is the most ludicrously cucked and retarded statement imaginable. I'm sure when I go to work and get demeaned, treated like a child because I'm the shortest and quietest guy in the room (I can't help either), worked like a dog, forced to interact with people who hate me and given no sincere positive reinforcement for anything even if I do a good job and women don't, it's because I deserve it and women don't. I'm sure that when femasites go home from their oh so difficult jobs to either men far above their looksmatch they matched with on Tinder while at work or simp cucks unwittingly donating thousands of hours of their lives to a vagina with a body attached to it, it's because they have amazing personalities. Either that or that's not the case and cunts are just like you and me, isn't that right cucks? Maybe they even have it harder because inkels like me harass them by breathing the same air as them.

Whenever I walk past a femoid on the path after work an insatiable and uncontrollable urge emerges inside me to scream at her, assault her and throw her off the path railing into the river. I want to take advantage of the smaller, rounder geometry of a femoid's head by putting as much kinetic energy into one small area as humanly possible. I don't actually want to be violent when I see these thieving femasites because I don't want to break the law and that is immoral obviously, but when I see one after work I vividly imagine it and get a primal ape-like calling to do so.

I am so unimaginably pissed off at an entire gender of people that as I passed a particularly smug looking one on the path today I uncontrollably said "hole" after passing her. Being delivered quietly and in a monotone, the foid (who was on her phone) likely either didn't notice or had no idea what was going on, but I swear that the more I wage slave the closer I get to having a retarded spergout at a hole. When I arrived at the bus stop (where I am still waiting) a foid walked past and went out of her way to smile at me uncomfortably because I was glaring at her so angrily without even realising it.

I feel like I am going to be the first inkwell to act like I do online in real life as a result of my retardation combined with the absolute fucking worst torture wage slavery imaginable. I swear to god that I am going to have a meltdown soon, although it will likely be in private, nobody will know or care and nothing will change. If I wagecuck indefinitely and Murphy's Law applies I will probably just lose it honestly
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If you behave like a child ..they will treat you like a child , frameless , heightless ... doesnt matter
If you behave like a child ..they will treat you like a child , frameless , heightless ... doesnt matter
I'm sure I behave like a child while at work JFL that's why I still have a job
ur mum sounds like a cunt. should wait till she is dead then get the assets
ur mum sounds like a cunt. should wait till she is dead then get the assets
She spends all her money on dumb shit, drugs and alcohol instantly
The cost of her death certificate will probably be more than what she leaves
Eh tbh Kinda cuz Ik she can sell her shit and piss online for 6 figures in a month while I would have to work year(s) to get even close
I'm on autismbux and women are in jobs I should have, that are paying my autismbux. Very funny, but still, clown world.

I bet if it was only still men in the work force, even those of us with autism would have an employment rate at the same level of NT, because we'd actually be NEEDED, where as with women in the workforce, autistic men aren't wanted, so we have a very high unemployment rate, but if women weren't there, I'm sure we'd be needed.
And I don't mean on the job, I mean after work as a result of work. I was walking from work to the bus stop along a path and every woman I saw made me incredibly fucking angry. First I started thinking about how I gave my mother 300 dollars out of my 800 wagecuck monies to "pay bills" because I thought my welfare payments she takes would be cut for having a job, then when I found out it wouldn't affect the 300 dollar welfare payments which she otherwise took all I got her to promise to give "what she had left of it" back. She of course has given 0 dollars and 0 cents back and has said absolutely nothing about anything even tangentially related to it since. She doesn't seem to starve to death when she isn't given 300 extra dollars to "pay bills" but all money given to her seems to disappear as if it was thrown down a well. I'm sure bills were randomly 300 extra agreement-violating dollars more that week.

My warning level is too high to say what I would do to her for making me what I am, putting no effort into raising me and then taking almost half of my pay that I was able to earn in spite of falling out of her cunt while claiming she would give it back. I swear to god that it gets harder to look her in the eye without going apeshit on her every single day. She asks me why I seem so angry and drained whenever I wagecuck and says she "hopes" I find a job I "enjoy" some time soon, then says she wants to see me to be happy as if she means it (she unironically told me to smile once JFL). I want to make her feel what she has made me feel concentrated into a much smaller amount of time. Maybe then she would actually give a shit instead of pretend to for money and being percieved as a good person by others. Fortunately for her I am well aware I would not function well in prison and convicts are huge white knights (probably because their average IQ is like 90) so nothing bad will happen.

Other cunts are no different. When I wageslave for 8 and a half hours so I can go enjoy my hour long commute home, foids who are better dressed than me and far happier and more relaxed than me continuously walk past me, often chatting on their mobile phones to their roastie friends or Chad, with the smuggest expressions humanly possible on their faces. The idea that cunts in the workplace are earning livings just like men are is the most ludicrously cucked and retarded statement imaginable. I'm sure when I go to work and get demeaned, treated like a child because I'm the shortest and quietest guy in the room (I can't help either), worked like a dog, forced to interact with people who hate me and given no sincere positive reinforcement for anything even if I do a good job and women don't, it's because I deserve it and women don't. I'm sure that when femasites go home from their oh so difficult jobs to either men far above their looksmatch they matched with on Tinder while at work or simp cucks unwittingly donating thousands of their lives to a vagina with a body attached to it, it's because they have amazing personalities. Either that or that's not the case and cunts are just like you and me, isn't that right cucks? Maybe they even have it harder because inkels like me harass them by breathing the same air as them.

Whenever I walk past a femoid on the path after work an insatiable and uncontrollable urge emerges inside me to scream at her, assault her and throw her off the path railing into the river. I want to take advantage of the smaller, rounder geometry of a femoid's head by putting as much kinetic energy into one small area as humanly possible. I don't actually want to be violent when I see these thieving femasites because I don't want to break the law and that is immoral obviously, but when I see one after work I vividly imagine it and get a primal ape-like calling to do so.

I am so unimaginably pissed off at an entire gender of people that as I passed a particularly smug looking one on the path today I uncontrollably said "hole" after passing her. Being delivered quietly and in a monotone, the foid (who was on her phone) likely either didn't notice or had no idea what was going on, but I swear that the more I wage slave the closer I get to having a retarded spergout at a hole. When I arrived at the bus stop (where I am still waiting) a foid walked past and went out of her way to smile at me uncomfortably because I was glaring at her so angrily without even realising it.

I feel like I am going to be the first inkwell to act like I do online in real life as a result of my retardation combined with the absolute fucking worst torture wage slavery imaginable. I swear to god that I am going to have a meltdown soon, although it will likely he in private, nobody will know or care and nothing will change. If I wagecuck indefinitely and Murphy's Law applies I will probably just lose it honestly

Friendly reminder that your effort, time, and life are wasted to make money for women. The ones with jobs consume more resources than welfare queens. They take up the spot of 2-3 men at work and make relations between co-workers really bad.
Long as fuck post bro. But yeah it did when I had a job
I'm on autismbux and women are in jobs I should have, that are paying my autismbux. Very funny, but still, clown world.

I bet if it was only still men in the work force, even those of us with autism would have an employment rate at the same level of NT, because we'd actually be NEEDED, where as with women in the workforce, autistic men aren't wanted, so we have a very high unemployment rate, but if women weren't there, I'm sure we'd be needed.

Every single job I had, you could fire all the women (except secretarial type work) and it would improve efficiency and get more work done.

If you fired all the women in the office I work in (accounting) I would be able able to handle the work load myself and spend less time working because I don't have to deal with these fat idiots.

If you gave me their salary I'd work twice as hard and hire a smart competent man to help me.

tldr; fire all the women and everything improves in almost ANY situation except maybe a hostess as a restaurant
Wageslaving made me angry at everything.
I'm sure I behave like a child while at work JFL that's why I still have a job
Lmao your mom scammed you.
Stop paying her and try to find job with less hours? Unless u need to save money
I feel like I am going to be the first inkwell to act like I do online in real life as a result of my retardation combined with the absolute fucking worst torture wage slavery imaginable. I swear to god that I am going to have a meltdown soon, although it will likely he in private, nobody will know or care and nothing will change. If I wagecuck indefinitely and Murphy's Law applies I will probably just lose it honestly

Nope, I have been been having public meltdowns for 20 years, so you won't be the first.

These days, I just follow my instincts which are leading me out of society altogether. Next year, I'll be retiring from traditional work, selling my semi-rural home and investments, and moving to an unpopulated area of the country where I won't constantly be judged for my looks. That's the only thing keeping me sane right now besides my sexdolls which gave me the most sensational orgasm of my life the other night.
Lmao your mom scammed you.
Stop paying her and try to find job with less hours? Unless u need to save money
I need to save to move out
just scam your autistic son theory
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it's been well over a year since there was a prolific case of going ER...I don't want to get another warning by a mod so i'll just leave it at that.
Friendly reminder that your effort, time, and life are wasted to make money for women. The ones with jobs consume more resources than welfare queens. They take up the spot of 2-3 men at work and make relations between co-workers really bad.
They take all the hours and best positions by default for having a hole as well.

Any cuts or anything like that, women will never feel the effect of.
$800 a week? I would get the equivalent of $280 per week if I am lucky.
$800 a week? I would get the equivalent of $280 per week if I am lucky.
damn how come? easily farm $500 a week on min wage in blue states but cost of living rises.
damn how come? easily farm $500 a week on min wage in blue states but cost of living rises.
UK minimum wage is £8.21 per hour and that is high for a European country
I remember breaking my back everyday and working my ass off to the point I almost fell asleep on my feet some times in the construction site. Then I would go eat my sandwich during breaks and see all the gorgeous women passing by, well-dressed, with shit bought with the money of their rich parents, sugar daddies or bs government jobs and handouts. It was nuclear ragefuel.

I pray to God everyday and thank Him that I'm home and don't need to do that anymore. I get rage fits just remembering it all, and how some of my colleagues treated me to boot. I would 100% choose becoming homeless over doing blue-collar work ever again.

Having to work in shitty jobs is without any shadow of doubt the worst thing in life bar torture and mutilation shit.
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I quit my job because of foids. Am neet happily living @ home now. :feelsautistic:
And I don't mean on the job, I mean after work as a result of work. I was walking from work to the bus stop along a path and every woman I saw made me incredibly fucking angry. First I started thinking about how I gave my mother 300 dollars out of my 800 wagecuck monies to "pay bills" because I thought my welfare payments she takes would be cut for having a job, then when I found out it wouldn't affect the 300 dollar welfare payments which she otherwise took all I got her to promise to give "what she had left of it" back. She of course has given 0 dollars and 0 cents back and has said absolutely nothing about anything even tangentially related to it since. She doesn't seem to starve to death when she isn't given 300 extra dollars to "pay bills" but all money given to her seems to disappear as if it was thrown down a well. I'm sure bills were randomly 300 extra agreement-violating dollars more that week.

My warning level is too high to say what I would do to her for making me what I am, putting no effort into raising me and then taking almost half of my pay that I was able to earn in spite of falling out of her cunt while claiming she would give it back. I swear to god that it gets harder to look her in the eye without going apeshit on her every single day. She asks me why I seem so angry and drained whenever I wagecuck and says she "hopes" I find a job I "enjoy" some time soon, then says she wants to see me to be happy as if she means it (she unironically told me to smile once JFL). I want to make her feel what she has made me feel concentrated into a much smaller amount of time. Maybe then she would actually give a shit instead of pretend to for money and being percieved as a good person by others. Fortunately for her I am well aware I would not function well in prison and convicts are huge white knights (probably because their average IQ is like 90) so nothing bad will happen.

Other cunts are no different. When I wageslave for 8 and a half hours so I can go enjoy my hour long commute home, foids who are better dressed than me and far happier and more relaxed than me continuously walk past me, often chatting on their mobile phones to their roastie friends or Chad, with the smuggest expressions humanly possible on their faces. The idea that cunts in the workplace are earning livings just like men are is the most ludicrously cucked and retarded statement imaginable. I'm sure when I go to work and get demeaned, treated like a child because I'm the shortest and quietest guy in the room (I can't help either), worked like a dog, forced to interact with people who hate me and given no sincere positive reinforcement for anything even if I do a good job and women don't, it's because I deserve it and women don't. I'm sure that when femasites go home from their oh so difficult jobs to either men far above their looksmatch they matched with on Tinder while at work or simp cucks unwittingly donating thousands of hours of their lives to a vagina with a body attached to it, it's because they have amazing personalities. Either that or that's not the case and cunts are just like you and me, isn't that right cucks? Maybe they even have it harder because inkels like me harass them by breathing the same air as them.

Whenever I walk past a femoid on the path after work an insatiable and uncontrollable urge emerges inside me to scream at her, assault her and throw her off the path railing into the river. I want to take advantage of the smaller, rounder geometry of a femoid's head by putting as much kinetic energy into one small area as humanly possible. I don't actually want to be violent when I see these thieving femasites because I don't want to break the law and that is immoral obviously, but when I see one after work I vividly imagine it and get a primal ape-like calling to do so.

I am so unimaginably pissed off at an entire gender of people that as I passed a particularly smug looking one on the path today I uncontrollably said "hole" after passing her. Being delivered quietly and in a monotone, the foid (who was on her phone) likely either didn't notice or had no idea what was going on, but I swear that the more I wage slave the closer I get to having a retarded spergout at a hole. When I arrived at the bus stop (where I am still waiting) a foid walked past and went out of her way to smile at me uncomfortably because I was glaring at her so angrily without even realising it.

I feel like I am going to be the first inkwell to act like I do online in real life as a result of my retardation combined with the absolute fucking worst torture wage slavery imaginable. I swear to god that I am going to have a meltdown soon, although it will likely be in private, nobody will know or care and nothing will change. If I wagecuck indefinitely and Murphy's Law applies I will probably just lose it honestly
Why are you giving your mom money if you hate her. My parents love me and I make sure to take advantage of that and take as much of theirs money so I can put mine in savings
yes yes yes and if ai work whit them

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