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Does it even matter who wins the election, when all are controlled by ZOG anyway ?



Discord: lauterbach2
Feb 15, 2023
I used to be excited over who wins the voting in the US, but since i got blackpilled and found out the truth about kikes, it feels like that it doesnt matter who wins because they are all Jewish puppets. It doesnt matter if Trump or Biden wins, they jews will still get what they strive for. If jews want something to happen, then it will happen, no matter what or how high the price is. To me it seems like this is just another way to let stupid goys think they are in charge, when their votes couldnt be more worthless.
I first found out about kikes controlling everything when I got redpilled 4 years ago, now I am blackpilled and think that it doesnt matter anyways because it's over. I can't seem to bother about politics and stressing over shit I have no control over. I want a nuclear war , so it would be good if russia got provoked an nuked all of Europe nothing of value would be lost anyways. The europe we once knew is dead.
If you are left-leaning, it is in your overall best interest if the Democrats are in power. Are they perfect for left-wing interests? No, but they are better than the alternative.

If you are right-leaning, it is in your overall best interest if the Republicans are in power. Are they perfect for right-wing interests? No, but they are better than the alternative.

It's not that difficult to understand.
It doesn't matter. Democracy is built on a lie that voting actually changes things when that isn't the case. The only people that change things in a government are the elite that control it, not the people who are voted in
true but all i know is things were a lot cheaper when trump was in office
I'm laughing at the retards who are voting for AfD and think they will save Germany or others who say that I would be a supporter of them because I don't like leftist/woke bs.
Last time I voted was over 15 years ago. Then I discovered the game is rigged by Shlomo and his ZOG friends and there is nothing to win for us goys. All candidates are part of the big club.
I used to be excited over who wins the voting in the US, but since i got blackpilled and found out the truth about kikes, it feels like that it doesnt matter who wins because they are all Jewish puppets. It doesnt matter if Trump or Biden wins, they jews will still get what they strive for. If jews want something to happen, then it will happen, no matter what or how high the price is. To me it seems like this is just another way to let stupid goys think they are in charge, when their votes couldnt be more worthless.
Reported for hate speech
I will stop saying negative things about Israel and Judaism if you give me One million Euro. Deal ?
Listen you filthy gentile I don’t even have 1 million euro nazicels are negative iq
Listen you filthy gentile I don’t even have 1 million euro nazicels are negative iq
Just steal it from your parents or gaslight leftist cucked gentiles into giving you shekels as reperations
Trump winning will make more foids seethe though :feelsthink:
It doesn't matter. Democracy is built on a lie that voting actually changes things when that isn't the case. The only people that change things in a government are the elite that control it, not the people who are voted in
I want to vote on which hand holds the whip that beats me!
I used to be excited over who wins the voting in the US, but since i got blackpilled and found out the truth about kikes, it feels like that it doesnt matter who wins because they are all Jewish puppets. It doesnt matter if Trump or Biden wins, they jews will still get what they strive for. If jews want something to happen, then it will happen, no matter what or how high the price is. To me it seems like this is just another way to let stupid goys think they are in charge, when their votes couldnt be more worthless.
You're very late to come to this, but well done. Jews always win, just depends on which sect of the Jews. There's sects that want low taxes + support for Israel, and there's sects that want woke shit and mass immigration + support for Israel. One of them will always win.
You're very late to come to this, but well done. Jews always win, just depends on which sect of the Jews. There's sects that want low taxes + support for Israel, and there's sects that want woke shit and mass immigration + support for Israel. One of them will always win.
Im kikepilled since about a year
The news is more entertaining when Trump is President. Otherwise they both bootlick the kikes
he will inherit his parent's shekels anyways.
I will also inherit from my parents one day, but whats the point of being a richfag when the time you get the inheritence is when you are ~50 years old ?
I will also inherit from my parents one day, but whats the point of being a richfag when the time you get the inheritence is when you are ~50 years old ?
if his parents are that rich as he claims them to be then he is at least safe from inflation and going homeless. He is secure af , if he's truly the child of millionaires but i think he's just LARPing.

That's not the case for the average gentile, one mistake and you may end up losing everything.
trust me when you get to like 35, 50 won't seem that old
My point was more that all that money wont do much for you at that age. Pretty much impossible to ascend at age 50
My point was more that all that money wont do much for you at that age. Pretty much impossible to ascend at age 50
At 50 you're near the end of your fertility (good sperm), so you might as well use the money to SEAmaxx and fuck hookers.
Your Votes dont Matter and you have no Say in the Matter what should / is happening in this World .

People in Power Play Age of Empires with People below them , thats how it is "
Your Votes dont Matter and you have no Say in the Matter what should / is happening in this World .

People in Power Play Age of Empires with People below them , thats how it is "
Nigga, I came to that realization in 2016. You had a choice between a zio-Lardbag and a zio-Dyke. Anyhow who cares about the US of Gay?

Fuck them! Even though they control most of the world we should just not care what they have to say. Zio-shills all of them.... That is what happens when you have a soyciety based entirely on Christian values. Fuck that daffy country!
Yeah it doesnt matter

But even if it did

The normies would just vote in a retarded candidate instead of an actual good one

It's a moot endeavour, something controlled by the masses will always suck
Nigga, I came to that realization in 2016. You had a choice between a zio-Lardbag and a zio-Dyke. Anyhow who cares about the US of Gay?

Fuck them! Even though they control most of the world we should just not care what they have to say. Zio-shills all of them.... That is what happens when you have a soyciety based entirely on Christian values. Fuck that daffy country!
USA isnt built on Christian values. If that was the case then monogamy would be strictly enforced and women would know their place
if his parents are that rich as he claims them to be then he is at least safe from inflation and going homeless. He is secure af , if he's truly the child of millionaires but i think he's just LARPing.

That's not the case for the average gentile, one mistake and you may end up losing everything.
I’m not LARPING you goddamn faggot yeah I’m safe from being homeless and starving to death but my life sucks because my dad doesn’t give me money
I’m not LARPING you goddamn faggot yeah I’m safe from being homeless and starving to death but my life sucks because my dad doesn’t give me money
jfl why does he have children then ? He probably gives you enough money tho.
jfl why does he have children then ? He probably gives you enough money tho.
I’m an only child and my rich piece of crap boomer dad is cruel, cucked, and doesn’t care if I’m miserable and broke and incel and tells me to wage slave and I refuse
At 50 you're near the end of your fertility (good sperm), so you might as well use the money to SEAmaxx and fuck hookers.
I hate Asian foids and would rather be publicly executed than spend my limited funds on SEAmaxxing with troons
USA isnt built on Christian values. If that was the case then monogamy would be strictly enforced and women would know their place
One word: Protestants.
The US of Gay is built on the book known as the Bible, a book that can be interpreted in a million ways because it is so retarded. One of the ways it was interpreted is that men and women are equal under the law of God and that meant that they became equal under the law of man too.
Feminism had it's roots in Christianity, research that shit. This bullshit that the christcucks are pushing about Trad housewives is a lie. Christianity has always been a rather libertine religion, I mean beating your wife is a sin.... And foids occupy a bigger role in the Bible than in other holly texts.
Doesn’t matter at this point our life’s won’t change anyways
One word: Protestants.
The US of Gay is built on the book known as the Bible, a book that can be interpreted in a million ways because it is so retarded. One of the ways it was interpreted is that men and women are equal under the law of God and that meant that they became equal under the law of man too.
Feminism had it's roots in Christianity, research that shit. This bullshit that the christcucks are pushing about Trad housewives is a lie. Christianity has always been a rather libertine religion, I mean beating your wife is a sin.... And foids occupy a bigger role in the Bible than in other holly texts.
The bible is clearly not pro equal rights. Too lazy to look up the specific verses, but according to the bible women cant be teachers and that the man is supposed to be the head of a family. Also man was created before the woman

And no, before you accuse me of being one, im no a christcuck. I dont believe in god anymore, but i think that the quran and bible have some very based verses
i think that the quran and bible have some very based verses
That much is true. However you can not put a few verses above the ensemble is all bible verses. Like.... You have to admit that feminism started in Christian circles by religious women. Don't believe me?

There you have it black on white. The reasoning feminism ever started was Christianity. So forgive me of I do not trust the Bible one bit and that I'd rather rope than apply a Christian principle to my life.
I’m not LARPING you goddamn faggot yeah I’m safe from being homeless and starving to death but my life sucks because my dad doesn’t give me money
JFL at (((((((((Dad)))))))))

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