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Does anyone here even go to clubs?



Feb 5, 2018
I do and it sucks.

It´s just girls dancing with their girlfriends in a circle, never making eye contact with anyone and rejecting every single guy that approaches them. Then you have chads going out with their hot girlfriends making out in the corner and you have incels standing in the other side of the club with their beers to their chests, awkwardly nodding to the music. Then you pretend to have fun, spend $50+ and go home with your dick in your hand and cry.

Tried speed dating, online dating (lol) and cold approaching. Absolutely nothing works when you are incel. I legit get rejected by dozens of 2/10 landwhales at speed dating events. Just lol at my life.
Clubs are degenerate.
Years ago, I went a few times. It’s a miracle I’m still here.
I've been a few times but I don't do it regularly. It was basically the same as what you described.
I've only ever been to the club once. The mogging was so brutal. If I ever go again I will wear platforms
Never, cuz its haram, degenerate and not the best way to escape inceldom
That's true I don't understand how people are supposed to hook up or date in a club setting, all the girls are hanging out with each other and don't talk to the guys.
i used to go to clubs and get very drunk then find the drunkest girls and grab their asses and tits it would usually take them a few seconds before they pushed me away i recomend other incels do this
Nah fuck clubs. Hate them. I don't mind bars too much, but really only go on vacations, but mostly because it's a place to get fucked up lol. I like strip clubs but they depress me a little now because of old man dick.
I hate clubs and dancing
Clubs? Hell no. It's exactly as OP described it. Just a loud, sad place with egoboosting, selfieshooting foids and a few couples here and there. I go to brothels. Very rarely to bars.

@Getlooksordie Speeddating? What is it like and how do you find events? I never tried that one.
>going to club as an incel

I've tried two times but I always pussied out when I stood in front of the dokr
I would go if I can get away with groping the girls there. Is it possible?
yeah, and I enjoyed it until recently.

Getlooksordie said:
I do and it sucks.

It´s just girls dancing with their girlfriends in a circle, never making eye contact with anyone and rejecting every single guy that approaches them. Then you have chads going out with their hot girlfriends making out in the corner 

I fucking hate that shit so much. These types should be banned. I don't understand why they even bother going out. Just fucking stay home tbh
iblamemyself said:
Clubs? Hell no. It's exactly as OP described it. Just a loud, sad place with egoboosting, selfieshooting foids and a few couples here and there. I go to brothels. Very rarely to bars.

@Getlooksordie Speeddating? What is it like and how do you find events? I never tried that one.
Tinder and online dating completely killed speed dating in my city.

I live in a major city with millions of people and there is only one major speed dating company. It took them over 6 months (6 fucking months!!!) to get one speed dating event set up and only five women showed up. All hypergamous cunts like you see in the Tinder catfish videos. The reason is there are hundreds of men who sign up for speed datings, but pretty much no women.

If that isn´t proof how fucked the dating game is for men then I don´t know what is.
NeverSubmit said:
I would go if I can get away with groping the girls there. Is it possible?

yes read my above post its very easy to do im small curry and i have done it multiple times
Getlooksordie said:
Tinder and online dating completely killed speed dating in my city.

I live in a major city with millions of people and there is only one major speed dating company. It took them over 6 months (6 fucking months!!!) to get one speed dating event set up and only five women showed up. All hypergamous cunts like you see in the Tinder catfish videos. The reason is there are hundreds of men who sign up for speed datings, but pretty much no women.

If that isn´t proof how fucked the dating game is for men then I don´t know what is.

Fuck. I get nothing from tinder.
Yea, I´ve done it around a hundred times. Used to approach girls there every weekend, but now after all the rejections I just go with my friends to talk shit and have drinks with them. Kind of depressing. But at the same time I see how normies really don´t get any there either. 90% of them doesn´t really talk to strangers and the rest get turned down. Chad on the other hand... He doesn´t have to approach to get a random bitch
I've been to nightclubs twice and hated them. I just didn't understand them entirely. Girls go there to dress slutty and dance drunk. Guys go there hoping to get a quick crotch-grind from a girl and maybe make out with her. But that only works for the hottest of the hot guys.

But nightclubs are designed to cuck men. Women get in for free, get free drinks, and are treated like royalty there. Men have to spend a shitton of money and handle rejections and the bouncers are always ready to beat a man's ass.

I don't understand why any self-respecting man would support an industry that is openly treating him like garbage.
It's not a good idea to go to one as an ugly male.
Clubs are the pERfect target, bunch of degenerates piled up in a confined space
Don't go to them alone, even here in Thailand. It's like a Jew going to a Nazi rally if you're not super social and NT.

I don't mind going to them with a girl I already know though.
Why would a pretty girl look at an incel that doesn't interest her
I did the last few years because i was in my tryhard phase. But now that im getting closer to becoming 28 this year and my hair slowly started balding recently i almost have given up all hope. Im 27 now, never had a girlfriend and not even friends. Going to places like clubs, discos or bars just doesn't work for people like me with no social skills. I just stood there awkwardly in the corner getting drunk and realized how mogged i got by most other men there.
That's true I don't understand how people are supposed to hook up or date in a club setting, all the girls are hanging out with each other and don't talk to the guys.
I guess it's just old fashion. Now there is tinder and online hookup/dating apps that there is no need to go to the club to try to get laid, now it just for fun I guess
nothing more infuriating than girls dancing with girlfriends.....why even come?
Good place to go ER.
Nope. Music too loud.
Mostly dumb/drugged guys and slutty girls.
Not my kind of social event.

I'd much rather go see a good movie or go to the bar with some friends.
Don't go to them alone, even here in Thailand. It's like a Jew going to a Nazi rally if you're not super social and NT.

I don't mind going to them with a girl I already know though.
agreed even in Thailand you have mega stuck up bitches all gazing on to their mobile phones. not a smile . Its better to be alone in the room than paying for ovrpiced drinks and treated like an Indian nut vendor
Jfl@incels who leave their house
Dude why would I even go? I have no chance
Ugly oldcel. I would be arrested for pedophillia.
No thank you.
I legit get rejected by dozens of 2/10 landwhales at speed dating events. Just lol at my life.

I know how it feels. You seem to be strong, tho. I did this for years and it broke me deeply. Constant rejection is too much for me
I did the last few years because i was in my tryhard phase. But now that im getting closer to becoming 28 this year and my hair slowly started balding recently i almost have given up all hope. Im 27 now, never had a girlfriend and not even friends. Going to places like clubs, discos or bars just doesn't work for people like me with no social skills. I just stood there awkwardly in the corner getting drunk and realized how mogged i got by most other men there.
Exactly the same for me. Im 27 and i dont try anymore. My complete lack of social skills dont help my subhuman face
MDMA changes all of that.
I went to a club this month in a date... the girl treated me like invisible and i got 100% forever alone all the party watching niggas getting girls and those who werent getting girls were with their friends smoking weed.

The only time someone who werent the girl of the date spoke with me were 3 guys asking for weed because i look like a weed user.
i used to go to clubs and get very drunk then find the drunkest girls and grab their asses and tits it would usually take them a few seconds before they pushed me away i recomend other incels do this
I'm surprised you didn't end up thrown out, beaten up or even in jail

I have done this once or twice also though when I was much younger
Fuck no, sounds humiliating.

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