Mine never wanted kids apparently, my dad regretted marrying my mother, despite the fact I'm the 2nd born.
It's the stupidest boomer shit when your parents don't want you AND they give you shit genes so everyone else hates you too.
I'm past being angry, I just laugh at how fucking dumb my life is
Sort of, I guess.
I remember when we were sitting in the living room, after we've had another argument about my grades being "so bad". I had good grades except in history, geography and chemistry classes. In those I'd get an D, but never worse. I just hated those classes. It was suoeer boring and the teachers weren't interrested in teaching us.
But I was already a bit older and starter defending myself.
Then my father said to my mum "Let's have another child so we can do right were we've failed with _____." .
My mum didn't even contest.
Also, a few years ago, when me and my father had another argument, he told me that the money and house I should normally inherrit, he will give to one off my female cousins, who lives abroad, instead.
And you know what? I've told him that I don't even give a fuck. He can burn it all before he dies, for all I care.
I don't rely on this shit or him.