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Does anyone else feel like you're making a fool out of yourself every time you open your mouth/interact with another human?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7448
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Deleted member 7448

Deleted member 7448

Name is Abdu, live in Laos, born on 24.08.1992.
May 16, 2018
Over the years I've experienced this way too much. It's like I can fuck up during the smallest of conversations.

So many times I have told myself "THAT'S ENOUGH, FROM NOW ON YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AT ALL TIMES". But it doesn't work, living in society you need to speak, and every time I speak I seem to screw up in some way.

I've trained myself to be a mute most of the time. But maybe I'm bipolar or something idk, I legitimately suspect I may be bipolar, cause eventually I always crack and say stuff that seems normal to me at the time, but then for like 2 days afterwards I analyze it in my head since it just seems so cringy in some ways.

And it's not like I say stupid things, it's just that I guess I'm not used to talking to people that much so I tend to not be able to put my thoughts into words right away, so when I have to talk to people I think something but I say something that's somehow almost what I want to say, but not quite. Tiny mistakes pile up on the mountain of cringe.

Also (another reason why I think I might be bipolar) my opinions and thoughts change so much. At one moment when I say something it might feel absolutely right to me, and then afterwards I'm mortified at how cringy I think it was.
The way you interact with people including your demeanour, is a direct reflection of your thoughts (insecurities) and looks.
All my human interactions find a way to become awkward no matter what i do
It is in my DNA to be socially retarded
You're autistic and you're caught up in your own head.

You need to drink more alcohol and smoke more weed.
Really reminds me of a quote from the Joker movie:
"...those of us who’ve made something of our lives, will always look at those who haven’t, as nothing but clowns."
This is why I avoid saying anything unless only I am being forced to, which is I why choose rotting in my flat whenever possible. I just can't talk with people - neither do I have the ability nor am I comfortable with it.
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Whenever I open my mouth people ignore me. All the 'friends' I had in this life were people who only wanted to talk about their own problems. I don't participate in any social activities unless my job requires it from me.

Most normie conversations are boring and shallow. I sometimes feel like a npc in an open world game - all the other casual normie NPCs have a few lines of dialogue and behavior patterns and so do I.

Chad is the protagonist while he fucks Stacy in his luxury condo
I right there with you. I must be low iq and a sperg tbh.
I've trained myself to be a mute most of the time. But maybe I'm bipolar or something idk, I legitimately suspect I may be bipolar, cause eventually I always crack and say stuff that seems normal to me at the time, but then for like 2 days afterwards I analyze it in my head since it just seems so cringy in some ways.

I do the exact same thing. I am also analyzing myself while talking and shirtly afterwards. It is over at this point.
Yeah because I'm worthless garbage.
So many times I have told myself "THAT'S ENOUGH, FROM NOW ON YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AT ALL TIMES". But it doesn't work, living in society you need to speak, and every time I speak I seem to screw up in some way.
We as social animals are hardwired to be social. To try and stop what evolution says we should do is difficult. It is even harder to influence a herd of Human Sheeple. A call as old as time. The Shepherd and the Sheep Hound. The Shepherd is the mega phone, the Sheep Hound is the prison guard. Keeping us all together in our social bubble not thinking to much about our lot in life. Except some of us have broken through. Listening to Elder knowledge from the Ancients that once were completely okay to talk about, suddenly we are told the utterance of these old scrolls is to be considered treasonous.. worthy of death. We do not fear death.. we welcome it. If they come to kill us then we shall die as martyrs. There is no thing of greater value than the truth.. too many lies are shadowing the truth about Women from the world and we must be the ones to shed light upon the lies which harm all Men and relinquish all blame from Women.
Yeah because I'm worthless garbage.
At least you are living garbage. People hate it when they are reminded of our existence. That their actions have consequences.
I've trained myself to be a mute most of the time. But maybe I'm bipolar or something idk, I legitimately suspect I may be bipolar, cause eventually I always crack and say stuff that seems normal to me at the time, but then for like 2 days afterwards I analyze it in my head since it just seems so cringy in some ways.
I've said and done things years ago that I analyse and cringe at. Decades ago. It is torture.
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I've said and done things years ago that I analyse and cringe at. Decades ago. It is torture.
Ohh yeah, several times a day I physically STOP out of cringe. When I'm alone I sometimes semi-scream things like "I WANNA GO HOME" (when I'm already at home) just to stop the images from my head. There's just so many moments that I regret, every day at least a few of them are remembered.
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Whenever I open my mouth people ignore me. All the 'friends' I had in this life were people who only wanted to talk about their own problems. I don't participate in any social activities unless my job requires it from me.

Most normie conversations are boring and shallow. I sometimes feel like a npc in an open world game - all the other casual normie NPCs have a few lines of dialogue and behavior patterns and so do I.

Chad is the protagonist while he fucks Stacy in his luxury condo
You do right.. I do social things and it honestly feels like torture to me.. to actually see people enjoying their lives. When your life has been so hellbent out of shape and to see people enjoying life on the same hellish reality as you.. it makes me angry inside. :feelsree:
Ohh yeah, several times a day I physically STOP out of cringe. When I'm alone I sometimes semi-scream things like "I WANNA GO HOME" just to stop the images from my head. There's just so many moments that I regret, every day at least a few of them are remembered.
I regret even getting educated. If I was dumb I wouldn't even register the world and the problem with it. I would have no conception of cringe and just act stupid until I died never knowing of any hardship. This is why sentiency is bad. It is not enough for nature to be structured so the top 20% of Males get the biggest selection of mates.. but to actually conceive them enjoying the delights 80% can only dream of achieving? What kind of curse have we endured to be put here at this exact point in time? Our stupid mothers should have closed their damn legs. :feelsree:
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I always crack and say stuff that seems normal to me at the time, but then for like 2 days afterwards I analyze it in my head since it just seems so cringy in some ways.
I've posted about this in one your earlier threads. This happens to me all the time.
I say something that's somehow almost what I want to say, but not quite.
I never quite say what I want to say. My vocabulary is poor when speaking to people IRL and my choice of words is weird, but I can't stop myself from fucking up.
Tiny mistakes pile up on the mountain of cringe.
This is why we're aspies. A bunch of small mistakes make you sound and look like a weirdo. I often do ok in short conversations or when I first meet people. I feel like they generally don't suspect a thing in the first couple of minutes of meeting me, but after a while they start to notice things and slowly start ignoring or avoiding me.
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I never quite say what I want to say. My vocabulary is poor when speaking to people IRL.
Yeah it's like I sperg out and mispronounce words or use the wrong words or even generally express the wrong idea. It's like between my brain and my mouth the message gets all disjointed. Maybe I'm just not used to talking to people.
mispronounce words or use the wrong words or even generally express the wrong idea.
I do this all the time IRL. For me grammar is often an issue and I struggle sometimes, but I also tend to use completely wrong words. I can't talk smoothly like most people. Everyone seems to just say whatever is on their mind and it always comes out sounding natural and intentional whereas I'm constantly stumbling over my words, stuttering and using poor grammar especially when I'm slightly excited about something. I'm often aware that I sound weird even during conversations, but I can't stop myself.

For people reading this thread, we're talking about our native language, not English. I struggle with English too, but the nature of internet communication allows me to take my time and review what I'm about to say.
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back when i had friends i was always regarded as the stupid friend. it used to piss me off, and it still does, but when a think about how i conduct myself from day to day, i can see why. i'm really bad at articulating my thoughts in a clear manner and communicating in general. honestly, the saddest thing about it is that i'm only noticing it at 32; how low iq am i that it took that long for me to notice?
Also (another reason why I think I might be bipolar) my opinions and thoughts change so much. At one moment when I say something it might feel absolutely right to me, and then afterwards I'm mortified at how cringy I think it was.
Same. Sometimes I feel like I sound clever or witty, but upon further review I realize how cringey I actually am. It's just so tiring.
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back when i had friends i was always regarded as the stupid friend. it used to piss me off, and it still does, but when a think about how i conduct myself from day to day, i can see why. i'm really bad at articulating my thoughts in a clear manner and communicating in general. honestly, the saddest thing about it is that i'm only noticing it at 32; how low iq am i that it took that long for me to notice?
It's not necessarily a low IQ, there's more likely other aspects in play. I see normies that I know for a fact are much dumber than me, and yet because of all the other aspects that are wrong with me, I could sound like a weirdo and an idiot compared to them. Fortunately I've learned years ago that I need to limit how much I speak because if I let loose my personality I just sound and look like a complete sperg. I can appear quite intelligent if I restrict my speech, but if I speak too much the idiocy is more visible.

Ohh shit I just remembered some things about how I used to be before I started censoring myself heavily. Ohh god I'm definitely autistic + some other things.
Same. Sometimes I feel like I sound clever or witty, but upon further review I realize how cringey I actually am.
I could go back and forth and have radically opposing views on the same subject within hours, or even less. That's if I ever have a view, I'm usually undecided so I just spout some bullshit with a fancy word salad so people think I know what I'm talking about. And then I regret it afterwards cause I don't actually believe any of that and yet now people think I do.
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I could go back and forth and have radically opposing views on the same subject within hours, or even less.
I know what you mean, but I eventually concede that I'm an aspie and that I probably always sound like an aspie, although there are a few specific memories I keep going back to and obsessing over. The problem is I never learn from my mistakes. I can't control myself.

It's so frustrating because sometimes I want to talk when I'm around normalfags at college and I get excited to get a word in, but I always make a fool of myself. I actually enjoy conversations with some people and I do sometimes get a strong urge to talk to someone, but it's almost always a stressful experience. I feel so good when I string a few normal sentences and don't do anything too aspie. I feel so normal and kind of proud when that happens, but it doesn't happen often.
I regret it afterwards cause I don't actually believe any of that and yet now people think I do.
That sounds like me. We're aspies there's no question about it. There's so many other little things that bother me, but it takes too much energy to describe everything that bothers me because these issues I have are obscure and quite specific.

There's so much going on in my head. It's like I'm constantly arguing with my own brain.
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I usually remember things I have said and then I regret it. So every day and I say "disgusting" muttering.
Autistic, so yes, happens all the time
Yes I cringe when I think about myself
I feel the same way I screw up conversations because sometimes I mishear the person or I jumble my words, I think the meds I am on muddle my thoughts too and I constantly mistaken for a women on the phone which knocks my confidence alot so I understand where you are coming from.
That sounds like me. We're aspies there's no question about it. There's so many other little things that bother me, but it takes too much energy to describe everything that bothers me because these issues I have are obscure and quite specific.

There's so much going on in my head. It's like I'm constantly arguing with my own brain.
Yeah, there's just too many problems with me, could fill a book with them and I'd still probably be forgetting some. And no matter how hard I try, I always seem odd to people, just can't contain the autism or whatever I have.
Over the years I've experienced this way too much. It's like I can fuck up during the smallest of conversations.

So many times I have told myself "THAT'S ENOUGH, FROM NOW ON YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AT ALL TIMES". But it doesn't work, living in society you need to speak, and every time I speak I seem to screw up in some way.

I've trained myself to be a mute most of the time. But maybe I'm bipolar or something idk, I legitimately suspect I may be bipolar, cause eventually I always crack and say stuff that seems normal to me at the time, but then for like 2 days afterwards I analyze it in my head since it just seems so cringy in some ways.

And it's not like I say stupid things, it's just that I guess I'm not used to talking to people that much so I tend to not be able to put my thoughts into words right away, so when I have to talk to people I think something but I say something that's somehow almost what I want to say, but not quite. Tiny mistakes pile up on the mountain of cringe.

Also (another reason why I think I might be bipolar) my opinions and thoughts change so much. At one moment when I say something it might feel absolutely right to me, and then afterwards I'm mortified at how cringy I think it was.

Can relate to that. Those would be written by myself. When I was young I would enlarge upon any kind of provocation and would go apeshit after being confronted with minor insults. As I grew older I realized that I was making a fool out of myself. But sometimes I just go into a mode where a certain program starts running and cannot be stopped. I know that I will regret opening my mouth/doing certain things but I do it anyways. Afterwards I am prone to overthinking. I regret it and curse myself in an inner monologue, sometimes those rants against myself are spoken out loudly and I make an even bigger fool out of myself. I am also not consolidated in my ideological/personal views and often jump between opposing ends of the spectrum (politically/ideologically). I also tend to speak very fast and incoherent when speaking about something I am passionate about. Nowadays, I tend to be quiet even if someone says something I consider to be idiotic, but I cannot hide my discomfort. My aversion towards their statements can be seen in my facial expression (rolling eyes, groaning, open mouth, sometimes minor cursing). I am just extremely bad in hiding my feelings and sometimes (after reaching my boiling point) I just yell opinionated things out there which I regret a few seconds later.
Yes my speech is very bad now and gets worse and less coherent to people supposedly day by day
Can relate to that. Those would be written by myself. When I was young I would enlarge upon any kind of provocation and would go apeshit after being confronted with minor insults. As I grew older I realized that I was making a fool out of myself. But sometimes I just go into a mode where a certain program starts running and cannot be stopped. I know that I will regret opening my mouth/doing certain things but I do it anyways. Afterwards I am prone to overthinking. I regret it and curse myself in an inner monologue, sometimes those rants against myself are spoken out loudly and I make an even bigger fool out of myself. I am also not consolidated in my ideological/personal views and often jump between opposing ends of the spectrum (politically/ideologically). I also tend to speak very fast and incoherent when speaking about something I am passionate about. Nowadays, I tend to be quiet even if someone says something I consider to be idiotic, but I cannot hide my discomfort. My aversion towards their statements can be seen in my facial expression (rolling eyes, groaning, open mouth, sometimes minor cursing). I am just extremely bad in hiding my feelings and sometimes (after reaching my boiling point) I just yell opinionated things out there which I regret a few seconds later.
Are we aspies really this similar? I can relate to every single thing you said.
We as social animals are hardwired to be social. To try and stop what evolution says we should do is difficult. It is even harder to influence a herd of Human Sheeple. A call as old as time. The Shepherd and the Sheep Hound. The Shepherd is the mega phone, the Sheep Hound is the prison guard. Keeping us all together in our social bubble not thinking to much about our lot in life. Except some of us have broken through. Listening to Elder knowledge from the Ancients that once were completely okay to talk about, suddenly we are told the utterance of these old scrolls is to be considered treasonous.. worthy of death. We do not fear death.. we welcome it. If they come to kill us then we shall die as martyrs. There is no thing of greater value than the truth.. too many lies are shadowing the truth about Women from the world and we must be the ones to shed light upon the lies which harm all Men and relinquish all blame from Women.
Sage tier IQ
Cringing is for empathetic sheeple.

You should have no empathy, not for 'yourself,' and not for 'others.'

If 'you' do something embarrassing, how could it possibly effect 'you' if 'you' have no ego?

If 'your' reputation is threatened in the eyes of 'others,' what concern is it to 'you?'

Stop trying to appease 'others,' most of all 'yourself.'
Cringing is for empathetic sheeple.

You should have no empathy, not for 'yourself,' and not for others.

If 'you' do something embarrassing, how could it possibly effect 'you' if 'you' have no ego?

If 'your' reputation is threatened in the eyes of others, what concern is it to 'you?'

Stop trying to appease others, most of all 'yourself.'
Those are wise words my man. And I constantly tell myself I don't care about what people think. I am in fact a misanthrope, a cynic and a nihilist, why should I care about what others think? I never had any friends, I don't have a career - what am I so concerned about?

And yet, I can't help but be very affected by what others think. It's uncontrollable, it's on a subconscious level.
You have more power staying silent but using that unused conversational energy to listen to the information volunteered by other people.

That information is like a kind of capital that could exceed what you'd earn through speaking. Work behind the scenes of you are a sperg.

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