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Serious Does anyone else feel like they're the ONLY one who doesn't get some sort of IOI?



Nov 11, 2017
I swear, I used to think it was only good looking guys who got checked out or approached by women but it's starting to feel like almost every guy experiences this except me. I could see a guy who I think I'm better looking than and yet I hear him talking about how some bitch was checking him out at the gym or some girl randomly gave him her number...meanwhile I freak out when a female cashier is unusually nice to me which almost certainly doesn't mean anything anyway.

Please tell me I'm not alone.
I never get any but I see plenty of men who are ugly and old as fuck who claim to get them all the time.

Most men are delusional and by most I mean 99%
I don't see girls giving other guys IOIs that often. A lot of guys lie about getting attention from women anyways.
I swear, I used to think it was only good looking guys who got checked out or approached by women but it's starting to feel like almost every guy experiences this except me. I could see a guy who I think I'm better looking than and yet I hear him talking about how some bitch was checking him out at the gym or some girl randomly gave him her number...meanwhile I freak out when a female cashier is unusually nice to me which almost certainly doesn't mean anything anyway.

Please tell me I'm not alone.

Same, after a while it made me stop gauging my looks because nothing makes sense, I just think of myself as average looking, but even if I see a guy uglier than me I don't rank myself above him, I think every other guy by default has a better chance than me.
Very few guys get IOIs, don’t believe stories that guys tell you or that you read.
I'm too ugly for IOIs. In my area, fatties can date chadlites and even Chads occasionally
youre not the only one friend
yeah i never got one in my entire life i think or i just don't notice them

i wouldn't say those men are necessarily lying, literally almost all normies get laid or at the very least get in relationships. however, they may be drastically over-exaggerating

every guy nowadays wants to think he is some chiseled giga-chad, deluded people out here lmao.
Everyone who's NT lies all the time about everything. Especially about this sort of stuff. It's why I find this forum refreshing.
Same, after a while it made me stop gauging my looks because nothing makes sense, I just think of myself as average looking, but even if I see a guy uglier than me I don't rank myself above him, I think every other guy by default has a better chance than me.
I feel the exact same way. I look at guys with GFs and think, I have to be more attractive than that guy. It's just a natural lie humans tell themselves, along with friend and family who perpetuate the lie that we aren't as ugly as we think.
Everyone who's NT lies all the time about everything. Especially about this sort of stuff. It's why I find this forum refreshing.

That's why I can't fucking stand normies.
I feel the exact same way. I look at guys with GFs and think, I have to be more attractive than that guy. It's just a natural lie humans tell themselves, along with friend and family who perpetuate the lie that we aren't as ugly as we think.
Hate it when I see a girl on my level and moments later see her incredibly good looking, tall bf. Men need to stop lowering their standards to give us all a chance.
IOI is such a pua retard cope word. If a chick wants your cock in her, she will make it blatantly obvious.
I get them all the time but I'm also white, 6'1 and decent looking, too bad I'm a complete Aspie incel who would scare off any woman with my sperglordness

An incel is an incel.
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I get them all the time but I'm also white, 6'1 and decent looking, too bad I'm a complete Aspie virgin incel who would scare off any woman with my sperglordness

An incel is an incel.

Describe them.
Sadly it's true. I know a lot of subhuman tier people who get lots of messages by femoids. Last time I was gymcelling with a subhuman tier friend, he got called by a woman. She wanted him to come over, he said that he'll be there after training. He probably had fun with her while I was crying in shower.
most guys are either lying or delusional
If you get IOIs consistently and do nothing, you're very mental and not a truecel. Act on thosr IOIs.
The only IOIs that count is penis in vagina.
I get them all the time but I'm also white, 6'1 and decent looking, too bad I'm a complete Aspie virgin incel who would scare off any woman with my sperglordness

An incel is an incel.

just lol at actually getting IOI's and never capitalizing on them. i'm more aspie than you and even i would likely know what to do. i mean how much more obvious does it need to be for you? do they need to pull off your pants and start sucking on your dick?
Describe them.
- smiles from girls.
- making eye contact with me more than once, or making eye contact and breaking it very quickly if I make eye contact back, and then looking again
- playing with their hair, just general friendly body language
- complimenting my appearance (perfect example recently, my gym has a sign in system that shows the people behind the front desk the member's birthday and one of the girls there said I looked like I was maybe 21 years old "because of my looks" and was surprised to see I was 30
- generally happy and friendly interactions
- when I was in REALLY good shape before I got injured and depressed, I remember the one time a girl blatantly checked me out, she was prolly underage though and I'm an Aspie, so whatever

I guess I'm a decently handsome "pretty boy" aka no masculine features whatsoever, former 300 lb fat fuck, and also I used to be severely balding but I've been on Finasteride for almost 3 years and Minoxidil for 1 year and now my hair is "ok"

But again I'm a complete Aspie social retard and not good looking enough to pull it off as cute or tolerable, that only works for Chad, so I'm an incel.
just lol at actually getting IOI's and never capitalizing on them. i'm more aspie than you and even i would likely know what to do. i mean how much more obvious does it need to be for you? do they need to pull off your pants and start sucking on your dick?

Have life long body issues, used to be 300 lb Fatcel all my life, got down to 175 got injured and depressed ballooned back uo a to 300LB+ ALMOST WENT INTO A DIABETIC COMA (100% serious) currently about 230 and with some of my muscle definition returning will need to get skin removal surgery one day, which thankfully I can afford, basically FML
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Have life long body issues, used to be 300 lb Fatcel am currently about 230 will need to get skin removal surgery which thankfully I can afford, FML.

kek. body literally does not matter unless you're a giga-framecel or such a landwhale that you can barely even move as in obese.
You are not alone
kek. body literally does not matter unless you're a giga-framecel or such a landwhale that you can barely even move as in obese.
Yep that was me I was addicted to world of Warcraft from 2006 to like 2011 a complete loser fat fuck shut in autist.
What severs??

i was legit the biggest wow nerd ever but i only played tbc-wotlk private servers

got 2.9k in 2's on Arena Tournament back in the day and various 2.3+ in 2's and 3's, never really did pve though.
i was legit the biggest wow nerd ever but i only played tbc-wotlk private servers

got 2.9k in 2's on Arena Tournament back in the day and various 2.3+ in 2's and 3's, never really did pve though.
I started at the ass end of vanilla nobody was a bigger loser than me. My mom enabled a LDAR lifestyle directly after highschool literally my day was wake up at like 5pm smoke pot all day play wow all day order takeout delivery, pizza, etc. My family is decently wealthy I didn't have a job or friends lol I have one best friend whom I am very close with who also played wow and got me introduced to it, I was pretty good not Uber hardcore but I hit 2k in arenas, raided most content except the ultra hard stuff

The funny thing if I could it all over one more time, I wouldn't change a thing. 2007 was probably the best year of my life I was completely addicted to wow and only wanted to play wow and smoke pot and I was able to. No more school after being in school forever just free time pot and wow.
Guys are just coping. I have friends who always think some girl is looking them, JFL because i'm with them when they say that and the girl is absolutely not giving a shig about them.
Wouldn't know i don't leave my room i'm isolated and do classwork by myself absolutely alone in the class.
When i was hospitalized multiple times a few girls approached but i think they just pitied me being an aspie.
I get them all the time but I'm also white, 6'1 and decent looking, too bad I'm a complete Aspie incel who would scare off any woman with my sperglordness

An incel is an incel.
reading these piss me the fuck off
I get them all the time but I'm also white, 6'1 and decent looking, too bad I'm a complete Aspie incel who would scare off any woman with my sperglordness

An incel is an incel.
I started at the ass end of vanilla nobody was a bigger loser than me. My mom enabled a LDAR lifestyle directly after highschool literally my day was wake up at like 5pm smoke pot all day play wow all day order takeout delivery, pizza, etc. My family is decently wealthy I didn't have a job or friends lol I have one best friend whom I am very close with who also played wow and got me introduced to it, I was pretty good not Uber hardcore but I hit 2k in arenas, raided most content except the ultra hard stuff

The funny thing if I could it all over one more time, I wouldn't change a thing. 2007 was probably the best year of my life I was completely addicted to wow and only wanted to play wow and smoke pot and I was able to. No more school after being in school forever just free time pot and wow.

same. those days of playing wow literally all day were FANTASTIC

you really started that long ago? god damn, i used to play on trail accounts all day before i found out about private servers. it was like finding el-dorado for me
Women avoid me in public. It's over. :feelscry:
i don't go out in public so i don't really think about IOIs very much
Only chad/chadlite gets IOI.

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