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Venting Does anyone else blame their inceldom on their parents?



Jun 8, 2020
This is my first post, and just a general vent for my situation. Sorry if it's too long-

Does anyone else blame their inceldom on their parents for either reproducing with such terrible genetics, or just awful parenting?

I personally blame my father. I am a half white, half curry mutt in America. My dad is a paki bald subhuman who came to America and quickly wifed up my mother, who was a 5'1, 250 pound, single mom at the time. Why did he do this? Because she was white, of course. Then he spread his disgusting seed in her, and out popped me, el goblino.

What's even more fucked up? Neither my mom nor dad made ANY fucking effort to raise me, whatsoever.

Since I was 5 years old, they just fucking put me in my room every day after school on my laptop. All day of every summer since age 5, just in my room on my laptop for 16 hours. Fed me fast food, which made me fucking obese my entire formative years until I starved myself at age 16 and lost 50lbs in 4 months. I asked to play sports, do any activities to get out of the house, and they said no. They never let me leave the house, period.

Another thing - they gave me the most disgusting, hard-to-pronounce, paki ethnic muslim name. What the fuck were they thinking? NOBODY CAN EVEN FUCKING PRONOUNCE MY NAME! Those fucking retards grew up where they had a perfectly normal name and were the same race as everyone else, then they make a mixed race abomination kid, and can't even give him an Americanized first name to help him fit in. Sometimes I lie about my name and people treat me noticeably better. People really ARE turned off by gross ethnic names. Idk why nobody talks about the namepill more. Why would any normal girl date someone with a disgusting foreign ethnic name nobody can pronounce? Fuck my life.

As a result, I spent my entire youth, childhood, and formative years in isolation, on top of being ostracized for being a fat fuck, and a mutt, with a repulsive ethnic name.

My only company was my computer and the internet friends I made online. Who knows how different I could've turned out if they had not made me an obese subhuman since I was a toddler? If they had given me a normal fucking name? If they had not raised me in complete isolation? If they had let me play sports? Etc

Also, despite living in an upper-class suburb and my dad having a shit ton of money, he is a greedy fuck. I'm not one for material things, I really could care less about having the latest fashion or iphone or whatever - I'm not a brat. I understand the value of money and am grateful for what I have. But keep in mind, my parents are making six figures, rich as fuck, living in a mcmansion in the richest country in the world, and they can't even do the bare minimum for their son. I have ONE outfit I wear to school every single day, and a shitty $50 android phone I bought myself.

I've 17 now, and I have basically lived my entire life in complete isolation, excluding some old friends I met in video games, and one other autist I met in school when I was younger, who I no longer am in contact with.

What's more, they have the audacity to get mad at me for staying in my room and being a complete shut-in now that I've grown older. They forced me to get a job right when I turned 16, wageslaving at a fast food job, and are currently trying to force me to join the fucking army (national guard) so they can ship me off to boot camp for the Summer. Are you fucking kidding me? I don't bother anyone, I don't ask for anything, I just want to be left alone in my room and rot in peace, for fucks sake. They did nothing for me as a kid and expect me to be some harvard-attendee, soldier, worker, hybrid model American. Just fucking lol...

I get filled with pure rage every time I see my dad's subhuman face, hear him loudly reciting his fucking durka durka quran bullshit and annoying the whole house, and have to hear his disgusting voice barking at me or others. He is such a fucking idiot. I never have loved him. I've absolutely resented him since age 5 or 6, as long as I can remember, since he used to scream at me and hit me (luckily he's mellowed out on the physical abuse with age). I never even went through that phase kids go through where they just blindly love their parents - I have always viewed him as a completely retarded subhuman (which he is).

When I graduate, I plan to leave as soon as possible, whether it be through joining the military, taking out large loans to get a dorm at a college, anything. And I'll leave at night without any warning or any goodbyes. I'll leave a note telling all my grievances to them, tell them what pieces of shits they are, then never speak to them again for as long as I live. I won't visit their funerals, assuming I haven't killed myself before they die anyway, which is likely.

But at the same time, I cannot help but wonder if I am just being ungrateful. After all, there are kids who's parents literally beat them blue or molest them, or grow up in Africa, so what right do I have to complain? But at the same time, there will ALWAYS be people that have it worse, so where do you draw the line? Am I justified in my grievances?

Does anyone else have similar experiences with ridiculous parents? If so, could you share?
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Yeah I do my face got fucked by acne and I was told not to worry about getting girls at a young age
Yeah I do my face got fucked by acne and I was told not to worry about getting girls at a young age
Acne is brutal, man. I might be coping but I feel like it's fine if you don't get girls at a particularly young age. But if you're say 21 years old and above and still haven't gotten one, then there's an issue.

I don't even want to fuck tons of girls or anything, I just want to meet one virgin girl I love then marry her. Unfortunately, the modern American female youth are gross pigs who lose their virginity age 14 and are repulsed by the idea of marriage or monogamy. It's so ridiculously over.
Yeah I do my face got fucked by acne and I was told not to worry about getting girls at a young age
Yeah, same bro.
It fucking pisses me off when I think and look back at my parents saying, "You're a teenager", "Don't worry about", "It'll go away" etc.
Now my face is permenately fucked from acne scars and yet I still have acne to this very day.
Oh, and what's next? Male pattern baldness.
Fuck genetics honestly.
Yeah, same bro.
It fucking pisses me off when think and look back at my parents saying, "You're a teenager", "Don't worry about", "It'll go away" etc.
Now my face is permenately fucked from acne scars and yet I still have it.
Oh, and what's next? Male pattern baldness.
Fuck genetics honestly.

How long did your acne last btw?
my acne ended at 18/19 ish. but i still have scars
pretty bad. many different types of scarring tbh
Fuck bro.
My condolences.
Acne is fucking brutal and has let me both emotionally and physically scarred.
It doesn't get taken seriously during puberty at all and it pisses me off.
Fuck bro.
My condolences.
Acne is fucking brutal and has let me both emotionally and physically scarred.
It doesn't get taken seriously during puberty like at all and it pisses me off.
Nice story, man, I read the whole thing.

The thing is that parents letting you off the leash is not even the beginning of it, past the 80s or so the social relations between the average persons really began to break down and things became pretty incivil even between children... bullying, chad worship, etc.

It became pretty important to have some kind of family status going on where your family knows other families and gets along well with them, as a kind of safety net in case the male children turn out not to be ultra sexy thug gangbangers. They get a shot at talking to young women in a safe environment with fewer chads.

But even at that there is a lot of competition between families, and the winners spend a lot of money and waste a lot of energy and braincells on being the well liked family that has good reputation and always has lots of guests over.

Recently I doubt my parents could compete well anyway, they just couldn't compare with the parents of other children when it came to wealth, shrewdness and sheer social acumen. They mostly wanted to rot and didn't really want children, which is pretty typical of modern parents.

I went off the leash at some point anyway since I enjoyed lying and running off to do whatever I wanted, but I realised pretty early that you don't get very far if you're a lone guy, even if you're free.
Now my face is permenately fucked from acne scars and yet I still have acne to this very day.
Oh, and what's next? Male pattern baldness.
Honestly, why the fuck is there still not a cure to balding and acne? It ruins way more lives than anything else. Forget the spaceX bullshit, devote all our scientists to curing balding, fuck.
Yes, both of them had shitty genes and were shitty parents.
Honestly, why the fuck is there still not a cure to balding and acne? It ruins way more lives than anything else. Forget the spaceX bullshit, devote all our scientists to curing balding, fuck.
Yeah, I can't be sparred a fucking break.
>Acne goes away
>Here comes hairline recession
I’m the hideous monster of the family. Both sides are good looking, which makes things even more awkward for me and explains why I’m ignored and excluded from family events.

don’t blame anyone just bad luck
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I can't blame my parents entirely. My mom was a stacylite who dated plenty before my normie dad landed a good job and betabuxx'd for her. Genetic recombination fucked me over, no doubt got my genes from some distant goblin ancestor. My dad is 50 and still has nw0 hairline, mine has been nw2 since I hit puberty. The biggest factor is the rise of social media and dating apps, giving women an unrestricted access to the entire male population at any time, making it easy to chase chads regardless of where they're located.
I mean they're the ones who gave me shitty genetics so yes. No reason for me to be grateful towards my parents.
Brutal. Kinda the same for me, but just half as extreme tbh (thank god). In principle all these situations sound very familar. Problem is I have autism on top...
This is my first post, and just a general vent for my situation. Sorry if it's too long-

Does anyone else blame their inceldom on their parents for either reproducing with such terrible genetics, or just awful parenting?

I personally blame my father. I am a half white, half curry mutt in America. My dad is a paki bald subhuman who came to America and quickly wifed up my mother, who was a 5'1, 250 pound, single mom at the time. Why did he do this? Because she was white, of course. Then he spread his disgusting seed in her, and out popped me, el goblino.

What's even more fucked up? Neither my mom nor dad made ANY fucking effort to raise me, whatsoever.

Since I was 5 years old, they just fucking put me in my room every day after school on my laptop. All day of every summer since age 5, just in my room on my laptop for 16 hours. Fed me fast food, which made me fucking obese my entire formative years until I starved myself at age 16 and lost 50lbs in 4 months. I asked to play sports, do any activities to get out of the house, and they said no. They never let me leave the house, period.

Another thing - they gave me the most disgusting, hard-to-pronounce, paki ethnic muslim name. What the fuck were they thinking? NOBODY CAN EVEN FUCKING PRONOUNCE MY NAME! Those fucking retards grew up where they had a perfectly normal name and were the same race as everyone else, then they make a mixed race abomination kid, and can't even give him an Americanized first name to help him fit in. Sometimes I lie about my name and people treat me noticeably better. People really ARE turned off by gross ethnic names. Idk why nobody talks about the namepill more. Why would any normal girl date someone with a disgusting foreign ethnic name nobody can pronounce? Fuck my life.

As a result, I spent my entire youth, childhood, and formative years in isolation, on top of being ostracized for being a fat fuck, and a mutt, with a repulsive ethnic name.

My only company was my computer and the internet friends I made online. Who knows how different I could've turned out if they had not made me an obese subhuman since I was a toddler? If they had given me a normal fucking name? If they had not raised me in complete isolation? If they had let me play sports? Etc

Also, despite living in an upper-class suburb and my dad having a shit ton of money, he is a greedy fuck. I'm not one for material things, I really could care less about having the latest fashion or iphone or whatever - I'm not a brat. I understand the value of money and am grateful for what I have. But keep in mind, my parents are making six figures, rich as fuck, living in a mcmansion in the richest country in the world, and they can't even do the bare minimum for their son. I have ONE outfit I wear to school every single day, and a shitty $50 android phone I bought myself.

I've 17 now, and I have basically lived my entire life in complete isolation, excluding some old friends I met in video games, and one other autist I met in school when I was younger, who I no longer am in contact with.

What's more, they have the audacity to get mad at me for staying in my room and being a complete shut-in now that I've grown older. They forced me to get a job right when I turned 16, wageslaving at a fast food job, and are currently trying to force me to join the fucking army (national guard) so they can ship me off to boot camp for the Summer. Are you fucking kidding me? I don't bother anyone, I don't ask for anything, I just want to be left alone in my room and rot in peace, for fucks sake. They did nothing for me as a kid and expect me to be some harvard-attendee, soldier, worker, hybrid model American. Just fucking lol...

I get filled with pure rage every time I see my dad's subhuman face, hear him loudly reciting his fucking durka durka quran bullshit and annoying the whole house, and have to hear his disgusting voice barking at me or others. He is such a fucking idiot. I never have loved him. I've absolutely resented him since age 5 or 6, as long as I can remember, since he used to scream at me and hit me (luckily he's mellowed out on the physical abuse with age). I never even went through that phase kids go through where they just blindly love their parents - I have always viewed him as a completely retarded subhuman (which he is).

When I graduate, I plan to leave as soon as possible, whether it be through joining the military, taking out large loans to get a dorm at a college, anything. And I'll leave at night without any warning or any goodbyes. I'll leave a note telling all my grievances to them, tell them what pieces of shits they are, then never speak to them again for as long as I live. I won't visit their funerals, assuming I haven't killed myself before they die anyway, which is likely.

But at the same time, I cannot help but wonder if I am just being ungrateful. After all, there are kids who's parents literally beat them blue or molest them, or grow up in Africa, so what right do I have to complain? But at the same time, there will ALWAYS be people that have it worse, so where do you draw the line? Am I justified in my grievances?

Does anyone else have similar experiences with ridiculous parents? If so, could you share?
Brutal man. I felt every word of this.
My story is that I'm from an upper middle class curry family in curry land. My country is generally wealthy and better of than other curry lands. No Shariah. No Sati.
Both my parents are high ranking government workers. They both have Masters Degrees and are currently working on their PHDs. My mother gets her own office vehicle and driver.

I also have a unique name that poeple can't pronounce. However, it's one of the few things I like about myself, because the name commands respect.

I don't have anything in my old childhood to compare it with. I grew up in the UK. And it was the only part of my childhood where I was genuinely happy. When got back to this shit hole, I got bulied like hell. Everyone thought I was a catholic, and didn't like me joining them in prayer. I'm actually an atheist, but I just did that shit cuz it's part of my culture. I'm glad that I've left that completely behind me.

The bullying got really bad in sixth grade, and from the age of 11 to 16, I went to school, got beat up, came home and played games on a fucking pentium 3 computer. For years I asked for my parents for a good computer and/or a ps2/ps3. They didn't buy me jack shit. They even took away the crappy computer I had, because they decided that I was spending too much time on it. They blamed the computer for bad grades. JFL. They didn't give me an incentive to study in the first place. I literary had nothing.

On top of that, my mentally ill brother is so whenever I asked for things, they ust pointed out that my brother doesn't have any of those things, and that he gets on fine without then. Then when my brother hit puberty, he tried fashionmaxxing to get foids. And my mother yelled at him saying that classes arent' a fashion parade. So, I made sure never to fashionmaxx as a teen, so that my mum would never yell at me. The school I went to was a shit tier school with a lot of curry-ghetto people. And they all bullied me. Meanwhile, my brother was put into a good school, ofc he didn't do anything in life, cuz he's retarded.

I asked for a good computer, they didn't get me one.
I asked for a PS2/PS3, they didn't get me one.
Eventually, I asked for a phone, and I didn't get that either.
Ontop of that, they didn't even let me use the internet, and I had to sneak out the modem form the hiding place.

They made me feel like shit for my bad grades, and told me that I was the reaosn that I don't have the things I like. The real reason was that I was in a ghetto school, got beaten 24/7 and even the teachers hated me.

Eventually when I was 16, they got me a phone, but it was a crappy Samsung Corby. Meanwhile, all my colleagues had iphones and Galaxy Ss

After my O/Ls were finished, my parents finally changed schools for me, and put me into a school full of religous nutjobs who hated muslims, christians and tamils. I hated it, because they were obsessed with praying all the time, and you couldn't even post shit on fb, without getting into trouble. I was attending a music class at this, and there was this concert the class was performing. We were supposed to wear a full suit, and I wanted to get a full suit made for it. But my mother said it would make me look "too mature". She made me borrow my crappy uncle's suit, which was oversized. My crush at the time was there, and I wanted to look cool infront of her, but I couldn't.

The only good thing that came about at this time was that I got a brand new PC, and eventually a Galaxy Note 2.

After school ended, I was miserable and depressed. My mother immediately made me enter college. I started college right away, and it wasn't a place where I fit in at all. It was a private university, but the culture is now ghetto-tier. I started getting fat around this time. During this time, I was having PTSD attacks form all the bullying and the schooling. I got some nice tech and books around this time, so I was gigacoping for a long time.

Eventually I started to get blackpilled, after my oneitis chose a chad over me. I lost 35 kg in 3 months. Eventually I got over that bitch, and I met my current oneitis. I was actually hanging out with oneitis, and my mum called, she found out that I was with a girl, and she asked to talk to her. idk what they said, but I'm pretty sure I lost my chances because of that incident.

And then, I started to lose my hair. And my parents kept telling me that it's because I lost the weight, and told me to eat more. When it became apparent that I was losing hair for real, she spent 2 years making me go to ayurvedic treatments, which I'm pretty sure actually caused more hair loss. FUCK!

I graduated, but afterwards I became super depressed, and she took me to several psychiatrists. Eventually I convinced her that fixing my appearance would fix my mental health, and she finally agreed to a PRP. But the lockdown came down after just one treatment.
I don't even want to fuck tons of girls or anything, I just want to meet one virgin girl I love then marry her. Unfortunately, the modern American female youth are gross pigs who lose their virginity age 14 and are repulsed by the idea of marriage or monogamy. It's so ridiculously over.
I just want to have someone I could share my hopes and struggles with, someone I could come home to and hug if I had a bad day. America has lost it in this day and age
Brutal man. I felt every word of this.
My story is that I'm from an upper middle class curry family in curry land. My country is generally wealthy and better of than other curry lands. No Shariah. No Sati.
Both my parents are high ranking government workers. They both have Masters Degrees and are currently working on their PHDs. My mother gets her own office vehicle and driver.

I also have a unique name that poeple can't pronounce. However, it's one of the few things I like about myself, because the name commands respect.

I don't have anything in my old childhood to compare it with. I grew up in the UK. And it was the only part of my childhood where I was genuinely happy. When got back to this shit hole, I got bulied like hell. Everyone thought I was a catholic, and didn't like me joining them in prayer. I'm actually an atheist, but I just did that shit cuz it's part of my culture. I'm glad that I've left that completely behind me.

The bullying got really bad in sixth grade, and from the age of 11 to 16, I went to school, got beat up, came home and played games on a fucking pentium 3 computer. For years I asked for my parents for a good computer and/or a ps2/ps3. They didn't buy me jack shit. They even took away the crappy computer I had, because they decided that I was spending too much time on it. They blamed the computer for bad grades. JFL. They didn't give me an incentive to study in the first place. I literary had nothing.

On top of that, my mentally ill brother is so whenever I asked for things, they ust pointed out that my brother doesn't have any of those things, and that he gets on fine without then. Then when my brother hit puberty, he tried fashionmaxxing to get foids. And my mother yelled at him saying that classes arent' a fashion parade. So, I made sure never to fashionmaxx as a teen, so that my mum would never yell at me. The school I went to was a shit tier school with a lot of curry-ghetto people. And they all bullied me. Meanwhile, my brother was put into a good school, ofc he didn't do anything in life, cuz he's retarded.

I asked for a good computer, they didn't get me one.
I asked for a PS2/PS3, they didn't get me one.
Eventually, I asked for a phone, and I didn't get that either.
Ontop of that, they didn't even let me use the internet, and I had to sneak out the modem form the hiding place.

They made me feel like shit for my bad grades, and told me that I was the reaosn that I don't have the things I like. The real reason was that I was in a ghetto school, got beaten 24/7 and even the teachers hated me.

Eventually when I was 16, they got me a phone, but it was a crappy Samsung Corby. Meanwhile, all my colleagues had iphones and Galaxy Ss

After my O/Ls were finished, my parents finally changed schools for me, and put me into a school full of religous nutjobs who hated muslims, christians and tamils. I hated it, because they were obsessed with praying all the time, and you couldn't even post shit on fb, without getting into trouble. I was attending a music class at this, and there was this concert the class was performing. We were supposed to wear a full suit, and I wanted to get a full suit made for it. But my mother said it would make me look "too mature". She made me borrow my crappy uncle's suit, which was oversized. My crush at the time was there, and I wanted to look cool infront of her, but I couldn't.

The only good thing that came about at this time was that I got a brand new PC, and eventually a Galaxy Note 2.

After school ended, I was miserable and depressed. My mother immediately made me enter college. I started college right away, and it wasn't a place where I fit in at all. It was a private university, but the culture is now ghetto-tier. I started getting fat around this time. During this time, I was having PTSD attacks form all the bullying and the schooling. I got some nice tech and books around this time, so I was gigacoping for a long time.

Eventually I started to get blackpilled, after my oneitis chose a chad over me. I lost 35 kg in 3 months. Eventually I got over that bitch, and I met my current oneitis. I was actually hanging out with oneitis, and my mum called, she found out that I was with a girl, and she asked to talk to her. idk what they said, but I'm pretty sure I lost my chances because of that incident.

And then, I started to lose my hair. And my parents kept telling me that it's because I lost the weight, and told me to eat more. When it became apparent that I was losing hair for real, she spent 2 years making me go to ayurvedic treatments, which I'm pretty sure actually caused more hair loss. FUCK!

I graduated, but afterwards I became super depressed, and she took me to several psychiatrists. Eventually I convinced her that fixing my appearance would fix my mental health, and she finally agreed to a PRP. But the lockdown came down after just one treatment.
I read it all. Life is very unfair, man. Fuck. What country were you in if you don't mind sharing?
someone I could share my hopes and struggles with, someone I could come home to and hug if I had a bad day.
Me too. I may just be way too down the women-hate rabbit hole, but I'm not sure if these types of girls exist even for chad.
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yeah TBH my mother and father are nearly 100% to blame for my inceldom
i'd say it's around 95% or so
I 100% blame my parents for my inceldom. They should've never made me and brought me into this world. I've told the story of my conception 10000 times on this site but because you are new I will tell it again. Maybe it'll make you feel better about your circumstance. My dad was a Chad. He is white, had an attractive face in his youth, was naturally athletic with a strong build, and he was literally 6'8". He has good genes, but unfortunately he didn't meet my mother and have me until he was in his 50's (old sperm is defective and leads to ugly children) and my mother happens to be a 4'11", brown, hideous Filipino woman. Her face is 2/10. Her family literally comes from a village where it's not uncommon for people to marry their cousins, so I wouldn't be surprised if she was inbred. My mother was also not super young herself when she had me. She was in her late 30's (old eggs are also defective and leads to ugly children). I came out short (just under 5'7"), skinny, small frame, ugly low T face. It never began for me. What makes it even worse is the fact that I have 2 white Chad half brothers who mog me to death. My father was married to a white Stacy before my mom. I have another half brother who is also hapa (from my dad's first marriage) who mogs me as well. He is 6'3" with a high tier normie face. It sucks to have 3 bros and be the only ugly incel among them. My childhood was pure torture, and my current life is still pure torture knowing that my bros are all successful with women while I'm still rotting.
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Fuck. What country were you in if you don't mind sharing?
I do. It's very small country, and we have a strong SJW presence, I could get doxxed quite easily if these threads were screenshotted.
No. They had no choice as they created me in a lab per the scientists orders
My mother gave me legit all bad traits
Eventually I started to get blackpilled, after my oneitis chose a chad over me. I lost 35 kg in 3 months. Eventually I got over that bitch, and I met my current oneitis. I was actually hanging out with oneitis, and my mum called, she found out that I was with a girl, and she asked to talk to her. idk what they said, but I'm pretty sure I lost my chances because of that incident.
:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
Are all curries this autistic???
They certaintly didnt help a lot
Mine were agressive helicopter tiger parents
I got fucked over
That's why I lost 50lbs in 4 months. Because I caught oneitis and wanted to get with her more than anything lol. So cringe looking back
I lost 35 kg in 3 months, which is 77 lbs!

It did me a lot of good, ngl.
Which is why I still have hope.

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