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Does any wife like her husband? They always treat their husband like shit



Dec 28, 2017
I've legit haven't seen a wife treat her husband well in person. They even treat them like shit publicly.

Why even get married?
females only get married to get emotional comfort/dumping and resource provision. All these beta bux who brag that they are ugly and have a GF are seen as platonic teddy bears by their gfs.
This is something I noticed at a young age. In pretty much every married couple, the woman treats the man like shit. He's always trying to appease her, impress her, is always spending money on her while she openly treats him like a walking ATM.

It's because they're usually not attracted to their husbands and they know how much power they have over him. They know they can divorce him at any time and get the house, the cars, a lifetime of alimony, full custody and child support until the kids are all 21.

Why even get married?

Most women will inevitably want to get married and have children. While ANY woman can fuck chad and even 3/10 women can have flings with Chads, most women can't marry a Chad. Another thing to consider is almost all guys who are financially stable enough to have kids and own a home are well past their prime. So most women have to settle for marrying a betabux normie, ex-chad, or even an incel with a high paying job.

But let's say you have the most ideal scenario...a young and in love couple where the guy is a 9/10 Chad and she's a 7/10 stacy-lite. They get married right out of high school. The problem is...he will age. No matter how good his diet is or how much he stays in shape...his hairline will recede, his skin will lose that youthful glow, he will develop nasal folds...crow's feet...forehead lines. Eventually she will lose all attraction to him.

Imagine a woman getting married to THIS:


And ultimately ending up with THIS:


The age pill is perhaps the most bitter black pill to swallow.
Imagine a woman getting married to THIS:


And ultimately ending up with THIS:


The age pill is perhaps the most bitter black pill to swallow.

Yeah, recently I ran into a guy I went to kindergarten, elementary school and high school with. He had these brown curls and blue eyes. Did a lot of semi-professional sports. Unsurprisingly, very popular with the girls. But apparently, in a relatively short period of time almost all of his hair fell out and he looked like Prince WIlliam in the lover picture. Or even worse. He looked like a shady private detective who smokes too many cigarettes and drinks too much whiskey late at night when investigating a crime case.
Yeah, recently I ran into a guy I went to kindergarten, elementary school and high school with. He had these brown curls and blue eyes. Did a lot of semi-professional sports. Unsurprisingly, very popular with the girls. But apparently, in a relatively short period of time almost all of his hair fell out and he looked like Prince WIlliam in the lover picture. Or even worse. He looked like a shady private detective who smokes too many cigarettes and drinks too much whiskey late at night when investigating a crime case.
Man that signature is really fueling me with insane amount of rage, holy fuck.
there is old Polish song which greatly explains this

the lyrics :
"My beautiful man I’ve once seen in technicolor
This the last letter I'm writing you
Even the picture of you in my mirror is not gonna help me
I’m getting married today

My beautiful man, I don’t really love him, that's the truth
You are the star of my every dream
But a girl can't walk through life all on her own
Life is life, you know it"

tl;dr she wants John Wayne but knows it's impossible so she settles for some average polack to not be lonely
This is a result of conditioning by mass media for the last few decades. It didn't exist prior to the 60's, but at some point we started seeing the trope of the "dopey" husband, the fool who couldn't cope at home without his wife. Hes clumsy and always screwing things up. Before that, men were a dominant authority in the house, whom women were subservient to.

Watch some adverts on TV, and you will see what I mean. Its really insidious and subtle, but its everywhere and has been for decades. When you see it, you will realise its like being in They Live. Mind conditioning programming everywhere, all the time.
Yet we have cucks on here who think ugly and average husbands have it good. They are all literally bossed around by their wives. Women only submit to Chad.
I've legit haven't seen a wife treat her husband well in person. They even treat them like shit publicly.

Why even get married?
My family is traditional Asian the women do everything the men says no back talk. The men even vote double On their wives ballot in elections.
Because most husbands are ugly bluepilled betabuxxes.
This is something I noticed at a young age. In pretty much every married couple, the woman treats the man like shit. He's always trying to appease her, impress her, is always spending money on her while she openly treats him like a walking ATM.

It's because they're usually not attracted to their husbands and they know how much power they have over him. They know they can divorce him at any time and get the house, the cars, a lifetime of alimony, full custody and child support until the kids are all 21.

Most women will inevitably want to get married and have children. While ANY woman can fuck chad and even 3/10 women can have flings with Chads, most women can't marry a Chad. Another thing to consider is almost all guys who are financially stable enough to have kids and own a home are well past their prime. So most women have to settle for marrying a betabux normie, ex-chad, or even an incel with a high paying job.

But let's say you have the most ideal scenario...a young and in love couple where the guy is a 9/10 Chad and she's a 7/10 stacy-lite. They get married right out of high school. The problem is...he will age. No matter how good his diet is or how much he stays in shape...his hairline will recede, his skin will lose that youthful glow, he will develop nasal folds...crow's feet...forehead lines. Eventually she will lose all attraction to him.

Imagine a woman getting married to THIS:


And ultimately ending up with THIS:


The age pill is perhaps the most bitter black pill to swallow.
Great explanation and a brutal blackpill right up my motherfuckin' ass.

I believe there are happy couples that work. It's most of the time looksmatched people who live alternatively or have some common goal, like they open a restaurant together or something. At least that was my observation. Your average married 9 to 5 working couple is NT, which today means emasculated man and bitchy foid.
This is something I noticed at a young age. In pretty much every married couple, the woman treats the man like shit. He's always trying to appease her, impress her, is always spending money on her while she openly treats him like a walking ATM.

It's because they're usually not attracted to their husbands and they know how much power they have over him. They know they can divorce him at any time and get the house, the cars, a lifetime of alimony, full custody and child support until the kids are all 21.

Most women will inevitably want to get married and have children. While ANY woman can fuck chad and even 3/10 women can have flings with Chads, most women can't marry a Chad. Another thing to consider is almost all guys who are financially stable enough to have kids and own a home are well past their prime. So most women have to settle for marrying a betabux normie, ex-chad, or even an incel with a high paying job.

But let's say you have the most ideal scenario...a young and in love couple where the guy is a 9/10 Chad and she's a 7/10 stacy-lite. They get married right out of high school. The problem is...he will age. No matter how good his diet is or how much he stays in shape...his hairline will recede, his skin will lose that youthful glow, he will develop nasal folds...crow's feet...forehead lines. Eventually she will lose all attraction to him.

Imagine a woman getting married to THIS:


And ultimately ending up with THIS:


The age pill is perhaps the most bitter black pill to swallow.

Its over. Real life is the fucking JUNGLE. Human sexuality and mating strategies can be brought down to a science. Hollywood anime romance is FANTASY.
nope. marriage is a cuckold's game
my mom is nice to me and my dad
lol my mom hates my dad its true
I've legit haven't seen a wife treat her husband well in person. They even treat them like shit publicly.

Why even get married?
i have only seen one wife treat her husband well. she is like obsessed with him. their relationship gives me a little hope because he isn't chad in anyway. he's a little tall but his face is kind of below average. he is also low T. he's like a 5/10 and his wife is maybe a 4-5/10. anyway, she basically trapped him with a baby. they were on the outs but she found out she was pregnant with his baby. he wifed her up and she's a very loyal and obsessive wife, always doting on him and bragging on facebook about how "that's bae."

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