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RageFuel Do Your Parents Know You're Incel? My Ma To Me Today: "Grow a pair of balls"

Alexander Megiddo

Alexander Megiddo

Aug 30, 2018
Simply put, do your parents know about your involuntary celibacy? I tried to hide mine but my parents caught on by the time I was like 25, after sitting me down 3 separate times to ask if I was gay. Probably, some of the younger users (18-25) won't have to worry about this as much, but on us older 'cels it becomes painfully obvious and not even our parents' wishful thinking can rationalize it. On the other hand, I hear some younger 20s incels who might have "hipper", more modern parents are upfront with their parents about their inceldom, which I think is better, cause then if your parents know about what's bothering you they can help you solve it, and not telling my parents when they could have done something about it is something I regret.

My Ma and Pa have started treating me very aloofly since they realized I won't be continuing on their genetic line. Ma especially. Pa being a guy I guess he understands a little even if he thinks I'm a failure as a son. I made the mistake of bringing up my inceldom when I was at dinner with Ma earlier (Pa's on the night shift) and here's what happened:

Me: [don't remember exactly what I had said but I was finishing with my explanation of the 80-20 rule] ...and that's why 80% of women will go to 20% of the guys, aka Chads.
My Ma: *doesn't even say anything, blows air from her nostrils as if to laugh or indicate disdain*
Me: What?
My Ma: Eat your dinner Stephen.
Me: No what? [At this point I've put my knife and fork down. This bitch is always taunting me.]
My Ma: It's just, that's all you ever talk about these days.
Me: Ma, you know that's cause the new Semester always reminds me of what a missed opportunity college has been and how it really was my last chance to integrate into normal society, which, if I'd realized at the time, I would have tried harder than I did. Plus all the Jezebels out in Yoga Pants are threatening to destroy my soul.
My Ma: That's your fault, why are you bitching to me about it? I just wanna eat dinner. Grow a pair of balls and get over it.
Me: Sorry for trying to make some fucking conversation I guess, bitch.
My Ma: [starts crying and other people in the diner look over at us. so fucking embarrassing.]

After that we finished our meal in silence and I drove us home, tried to talk to her and say sorry but she wouldn't have it, gave me the fucking silent treatment all the way back.
Eat your dinner Stephen.
What is with all these septembercels tonight.
Kill your stupid fucking family.

You should have ran the car off the road and ended it for all three of you while you still had the chance.
What is with all these septembercels tonight.
Why the fuck do you negros torture your poor mothers like this?
Seriously i literally rage with shit like this, what were you even trying to accomplish? Why do you want your mother to feel bad for you? Did you want her to feel miserable? A failure of a parent?
It aint her fault society preys on incels.

I know SOME parents deserve bad treatment, but most of the time it seems that you guys have excellent parents and just like to vent in their faces to get some pity.
Truly disgusting.
What is with all these septembercels tonight.
So glad i didnt end up a septembercel.
I've been slowly blackpilling my mom to the point she's worried about her incel-looking/acting grand kids.

I'm not aggressive about dropping pills, I just drop them in a casual, matter-of-fact kind of way.
Why the fuck do you negros torture your poor mothers like this?
Seriously i literally rage with shit like this, what were you even trying to accomplish? Why do you want your mother to feel bad for you? Did you want her to feel miserable? A failure of a parent?
It aint her fault society preys on incels.

I know SOME parents deserve bad treatment, but most of the time it seems that you guys have excellent parents and just like to vent in their faces to get some pity.
Truly disgusting.

So glad i didnt end up a septembercel.
This... Wish I had a decent parent, I wouldn't be so hard on em tbh
Lucky for me both my parents are dead before my mom died I did explain my hatred for women and my urges to rape them. She really did not have much to say about that other then I didn't raise you like that.
Go ooo eee ahh
My mom says that I'm a player, and that I have a bad personality. Just LOL.
you owe her nothing, its not your fault that foids are so shallow in todays society they only go for the top 20%.

my mother realises that its over for me atleast and hasnt brought up my inceldom since i was 19.
Lmao westerncels call their mamas bitch. ı got beat when ı yelling during argue.ı can't imagine what they do if ı say such things
Another difficult encounter with Ma today. This cannot go on...
Grow a pair of cucks OP.
She is right. Tbh you have no right to complain until you max everything and try everything and you still get nothing in return.
My mother knows, but I can’t discuss freely about blackpill with her, because she has a worldview similar to that of a feminist, so she does not care so much about male rights or male problems, she tend to counterbalance my arguments talking about women issues.
Sounds a bit like LARP :feelshehe:
She says i have a good personality.
Do my parents know I'm a virgin loser and never leave my room? Yes bro.
My mother often told me that I should find a girl and marry. I told her about my looksmaxxing plans xD (Nose surgery, hair style) and said that I would like to improve my looks before I try it. She accepted that and also financially supports my nose surgery.
Tell her to set you up with someone if she thinks it's that fucking easy. She needs some Blackpill.
My mother often told me that I should find a girl and marry. I told her about my looksmaxxing plans xD (Nose surgery, hair style) and said that I would like to improve my looks before I try it. She accepted that and also financially supports my nose surgery.
My parents are poor and useless. If money goes between us it's me to them.
My mum would not use such obscene language
My parents have been telling me that they're gonna look for a wife for me in my mother country JFL they know I'm an incel
say sorry
>apologizing like a cuck even though you did nothing wrong

Honestly you really do need to grow a pair, OP.

Why the fuck do you live with your Stacy of a mom, anyway? Living in a dilapidated shack is better than living with that kind of a "mother".

Grow a pair and throw her ass out of your life.
My mother knows, but I can’t discuss freely about blackpill with her, because she has a worldview similar to that of a feminist, so she does not care so much about male rights or male problems, she tend to counterbalance my arguments talking about women issues.
Same shit here. I stopped having any serious discussions with my mother a long time ago because of this. All we do these days is "how's the weather" smalltalk. Before whenever I brought up my issues she'd brush them aside and somehow change the topic to how bad women have it these days. Enraging.

My mother's the reason I'm so blackpilled.
Lmao westerncels call their mamas bitch. ı got beat when ı yelling during argue.ı can't imagine what they do if ı say such things
>allowing a woman to beat you

Unless you are a 12 year old kid, you are a cuck for allowing your mother to lay a hand on you. I'm from an ethnic household too but my mother hasn't had the balls to hit me since I turned 13 a long time ago.
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Why the fuck do you negros torture your poor mothers like this?
Seriously i literally rage with shit like this, what were you even trying to accomplish? Why do you want your mother to feel bad for you? Did you want her to feel miserable? A failure of a parent?
It aint her fault society preys on incels.

I know SOME parents deserve bad treatment, but most of the time it seems that you guys have excellent parents and just like to vent in their faces to get some pity.
Truly disgusting.

So glad i didnt end up a septembercel.
>it ain't her fault
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You mayo white knights just can't stop white knighting. She was the one who gave birth to OP. Therefore it is indeed her fault.
My mother found out after I used too much incel terminology that she looked up online and read the first article demonizing incels (because “not everything on the internet is true, except for what i want to believe”) and proceeded to womansplain inceldom to me.
I've been slowly blackpilling my mom to the point she's worried about her incel-looking/acting grand kids.

I'm not aggressive about dropping pills, I just drop them in a casual, matter-of-fact kind of way.
She's probably worried about you going full CHO tbh. I tried blackpilling my mother a long time ago but she just blamed my personality. Talking to your mother about male issues is an exercise in futility.

She may be your mother - but she's a foid first and foremost.
It's your parents fault they forced you into this tortured existence. It's your parents fault they have such shitty genes.
My parents have never talked to me about anything sexual ever. They know I am a abomination.
go paddock


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