I knew a seemingly bluepilled guy like that. Short, balding, soft spoken, glasses, wore World of Warcraft merch and had a beard. Could easily pass for a yogscast member. This dude would surround himself with women 24/7 and would struggle to hide his anger when other men inserted themselves into his social group. When i tried to poke him a bit to find out if he really was this delusional he would claim over and over that he had no sexual intentions with any of these women, they were only friends. He ended up having a crush on a bpd chick that he would orbit for months. She would come over to his place and cry to him about whatever and he would sit there and comfort her, later he confessed his feelings for her with no clear response. It continues on like this for months until one day she randomly gets back with her ex. It turns out my best friend was apparently fucking her the whole time this was going on. She liked to get beaten up and humiliated. I told him this.