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Serious Do you sympathize with the alt right?

Do you sympathize with the alt right?

  • Yes they are right in most points

    Votes: 36 37.9%
  • Yes but just because they piss of normies i dont care about politics

    Votes: 20 21.1%
  • No those people are complete cucks for "muh white wamen"

    Votes: 48 50.5%
  • No because i am neet and want your taxmoney and free shit

    Votes: 19 20.0%
  • Honestly i dont care politic is for cucks

    Votes: 14 14.7%

  • Total voters


Mar 23, 2019
Just curious. People want to lable every mens movement "alt right".
Depends. But regarding the Right all I want is the "conservatives" to stop being fucking cucks and finally attempt to repair this society and address real issues.
I don’t care about politics, even though i follow it i couldn’t care less if a war started. Alt right is cucked though, they worship aryan women 24/7, and girls that love attention will take advantage of this.
Middle one and second one tbh.
It’s cope. They need to let it go. Join a noblER cause.
I don't want to foid worship but any foid is better than a white one except jungleboons.
I like their memes. But since they are incels, I think they can join us and stop obsessing over niggers
I think they are correct in most of their views, but they are truly racist, and view the whole world through that context which is pretty vile.

The good: They have a good read on cultural marxism, and objective truth/aka conspiracy theories, and they value traditional society. They also are NWO, deep state/shadow government aware, and understand the concept of social engineering.

The bad: Every other post is niggers, and kikes, throw them in the oven, what a panacea, society will be cured of all of its ills. Like how can you be aware of the actual problems, but somehow the root cause of them always boils down to this. There is some mental defect which generates this thinking.

On racism: There is nothing wrong with being proud of your racial group or national group. There is nothing wrong with believing your culture is superior. It crosses the line when you negate the humanity of others, and you feel palpable hatred for them.

On natsoc/aryanism: You know like Germany is comprised of ethnically french, Swiss, and Austrian peoples in the south, and Scandinavians in the north right? Sounds like a mongrel heritage to me. I get it if Germany had the genetic uniformity of Chinese, or Japanese people, but you don't. Drop the fiction, and focus on being a good culture instead of having pride in an ethnic identity that does not exist. You have the best engineering, and some genuinely beautiful foids, but you need to drop the cancer from your thinking.
I think they are correct in most of their views, but they are truly racist, and view the whole world through that context which is pretty vile.

The good: They have a good read on cultural marxism, and objective truth/aka conspiracy theories, and they value traditional society. They also are NWO, deep state/shadow government aware, and understand the concept of social engineering.

The bad: Every other post is niggers, and kikes, throw them in the oven, what a panacea, society will be cured of all of its ills. Like how can you be aware of the actual problems, but somehow the root cause of them always boils down to this. There is some mental defect which generates this thinking.

On racism: There is nothing wrong with being proud of your racial group or national group. There is nothing wrong with believing your culture is superior. It crosses the line when you negate the humanity of others, and you feel palpable hatred for them.

On natsoc/aryanism: You know like Germany is comprised of ethnically french, Swiss, and Austrian peoples in the south, and Scandinavians in the north right? Sounds like a mongrel heritage to me. I get it if Germany had the genetic uniformity of Chinese, or Japanese people, but you don't. Drop the fiction, and focus on being a good culture instead of having pride in an ethnic identity that does not exist. You have the best engineering, and some genuinely beautiful foids, but you need to drop the cancer from your thinking.
The joke is most german geniuses are jews
I think they are correct in most of their views, but they are truly racist, and view the whole world through that context which is pretty vile.

The good: They have a good read on cultural marxism, and objective truth/aka conspiracy theories, and they value traditional society. They also are NWO, deep state/shadow government aware, and understand the concept of social engineering.

The bad: Every other post is niggers, and kikes, throw them in the oven, what a panacea, society will be cured of all of its ills. Like how can you be aware of the actual problems, but somehow the root cause of them always boils down to this. There is some mental defect which generates this thinking.

On racism: There is nothing wrong with being proud of your racial group or national group. There is nothing wrong with believing your culture is superior. It crosses the line when you negate the humanity of others, and you feel palpable hatred for them.

On natsoc/aryanism: You know like Germany is comprised of ethnically french, Swiss, and Austrian peoples in the south, and Scandinavians in the north right? Sounds like a mongrel heritage to me. I get it if Germany had the genetic uniformity of Chinese, or Japanese people, but you don't. Drop the fiction, and focus on being a good culture instead of having pride in an ethnic identity that does not exist. You have the best engineering, and some genuinely beautiful foids, but you need to drop the cancer from your thinking.

About aryaninism of course nobody is pure even hitler recognize that , what aryanism is all about is putting a standard a really high one so it can serve as pure reference to emulate and improve yourself to the max till you became the ubermench .
So the logical evolution should be aryan transhumanism .
Against a modern world that want to degrade everything to the lowesr common denominator putting niggers as the reference aryanism is putting god as a gold measure.

So yeaa im in
They good for pissing off sjw, but I'm neet and want wagecucks to give me free stuff. Also traditional housewife is not what I need
About aryaninism of course nobody is pure even hitler recognize that , what aryanism is all about is putting a standard a really high one so it can serve as pure reference to emulate and improve yourself to the max till you became the ubermench .
So the logical evolution should be aryan transhumanism .
Against a modern world that want to degrade everything to the lowesr common denominator putting niggers as the reference aryanism is putting god as a gold measure.

So yeaa im in
How about working on mindset, and personal culture regardless of ethnic heritage. If everyone strove to be high caliber that would be a good thing. For 99.99% of any given race, there is someone from another race that everything mogs them.
The joke is most german geniuses are jews
Well the most important figures that started a new era in diferent camps like lutero protentatism, gutemberg imprent, kepler astronomy, leivniz modern math ,kant empiric idealism, Nietzsche and heddeger father of existencialism , and of course pianists , architects ....where nearly everyone was native german had very harsh word toward jews , maybe some of them where shadow jews? Well thats another question
Last edited:
I do even though i'm mixed race
They're all boomers/tards/cucks who are a cancer on this cause. Being incel is not a political position and they all need to stop trying to connect the two, fucking stormfags ruin everything
Well the most important figures that started a new era in diferent camps like lutero protentatism, gutemberg imprent, kepler astronomy, leivniz modern math ,kant empiric idealism, Nietzsche and heddeger father of existencialism , and of course pianists , architects ....where nearly everyone was native german had very harsh word toward jews , maybe some of them where shadow jews? Well thats another question
Because all of them went to the us in ww2 after that they were "american" jewniuses. Not mention that jews often hate themself because of their heritage
The "alt right" are cucks in my opinion.
How about working on mindset, and personal culture regardless of ethnic heritage. If everyone strove to be high caliber that would be a good thing. For 99.99% of any given race, there is someone from another race that everything mogs them.
Thats should be the standard for any society but doent seem to conjuge well with multiracial societies where every group try to claim the throne st the expense of others
I’m not a fan of them but I’m not completely against them either, because it seems people are calling everyone they don’t like “alt right”
Because all of them went to the us in ww2 after that they were "american" jewniuses. Not mention that jews often hate themself because of their heritage
The mayority of those jews came from eastern europe and rusdia , germany pre ww2 had a very limited amount in comparison with countries like poland
Even in that case 70% of novel prizes in usa are europeans white so quite a considerable amount
They are the biggest faggots on the internet
I think the alt right should be swallowed alive by a giant whale and die slowly as the whale's digestive enzymes dissolves them until there is nothing left of them and they scream in agonizing pain while they're being digested. Yes I hate the alt right, I'm black and they want me dead, so why shouldn't I want them dead also? So yeah the alt right can go fuck themselves.
Sometimes it feels like alt-righters and tradcucks are bigger foid worshippers than lefty soycucks
Better than socialists and cuckservatives, but nowhere near as based as us.
Alt right created by goverment in order to get control over radicalized young people.
look. We are persecuted as incels only because of our opinion. But fat pig Spencer was secured to have racist speech in universeties. I told you goverment created it.
I think alt right is more a lable of american leftist propaganda than actual movement. Eceryone who disagree with me is alt right, so everyone is alt right.

So does it really matter, if I "support" it or not?

However now I see a lot of similarities between how dictatorship established in Russia and how neo marxist ideology taking over the Whest. And I am not happy about it. Maybe alt right is the answer. I don't know.

Big teches = oligarchy :yes:
SJW = Orthodox church :yes:
Illegal immigrants :yes:
Hate speach against establishment is a crime :yes:
I sympathize with some ideas, but they are complete cucks, who defend white women no matter, what they do. They don't consider them as autonomous beings, who can differentiate between right and wrong.

They always absolve them from any kind of responsibility. "White foids literally fuck dogs and want to kill their children? That's only because some subversive elements manipulated them! They aren't responsible for their actions!" Complete bullshit, they know, what they are doing and they are heinous, said elements only gave them the courage to reveal their true face. All these years we lived with the illusion, that women were good people, but now, that they have freedom, this illusion is starting to fade. We are the first generation of men to see the true face of the whore. Every femoid out there is a whore, there are no exceptions.

Summa summarum: White nationalists are complete cuckolds, that defend women, who are eager to stab them in the back.

Furthermore, politics are for cucks only. Just think about it: No matter, how complex/eloquent your ideas are, you have to break them down for a vote for a certain party and your vote doesn't count more, because you have acquired knowledge, so any retard out there can achieve the same thing, without even knowing the basics. If you are politically active, you are a cuckold.

No matter, I will still vote for them, anyways, because I share more viewpoints with them than withy any other given party.
Only because they piss off feminists. Their actual politics is mostly cuckery to save white women. Also racism is a cope. Those same white women would rather have an ethnic thug bbc than a sub-8 white guy.
politics are for cucks only
There are always people who want you to do stuff they don’t want to do on the first place. There are low-tier “intellectuals”, involved into selling loweffort books. There are also failed politicians, people who studied political sciences with the goal to have success in a political organization, and then ultimately failed, so they end up being old failed boomers wanting to keep taking money from other people to support their scams. There are also a lot of scammers, especially where the ROI is good. There are more scams in lowstatus groups.

Being involved in politics as a lowstatus incel, is the highest form of cuckery.
Multiple votes are allowed.
They are undeniably right about not wanting your homeland to be flooded by people from other races and cultures, but they should focus way more on the women question. Women are the ones who vote retarded progressive shit into power. Nonwhites who immigrate to white countries are just acting on their self-interest because thanks to women voting for decades, the environment is friendly towards them.

Their focus should be women > elites > nonwhites, and not the reverse.
They're right in most points, but they're also cucks for the "muh white womynz" thing. Some people like Black Pigeon Speaks are very based tbh.
Alt-right is a Jewish psyop, fuck those cucks
Fuck them, their bullshit with white women and racism against ethnics pisses me off.
I agree with them insofar as Jews are a plague on humanity.

But, when it comes to economics, the alt-right falls apart. That is the difference between them and the NS, who believed more in Prussian socialism, blood and soil which exalted the rural peasant and country gentleman.

A lot of people in the "alt right" just want to play fashwave while driving a Ferrari and having whores blow them, in which case they're just jealous of Jews.

The question: the stark contrast between the Hollywood world (the Jew world, a nomadic money and attention precedent world with cummies), and the blood and soil world of wholesome traditional values that lead to fulfilling lives.

The men get this reality check when they realize how much of their lives they waste on Jewish video games.

Cat ladies who clubbed their youth on birth control will die alone, even if they had a kid and were a single mom, they'll still die alone, because their kids will know that mom was just a rotten, selfish, judaized whore, and rather than regularly visit, they'll call the desk nurse occasionally to get an update on the incident that mom had with Shaniqua the CNA smackin up dat old cracka slut.
I agree with them insofar as Jews are a plague on humanity.

But, when it comes to economics, the alt-right falls apart. That is the difference between them and the NS, who believed more in Prussian socialism, blood and soil which exalted the rural peasant and country gentleman.

A lot of people in the "alt right" just want to play fashwave while driving a Ferrari and having whores blow them, in which case they're just jealous of Jews.

The question: the stark contrast between the Hollywood world (the Jew world, a nomadic money and attention precedent world with cummies), and the blood and soil world of wholesome traditional values that lead to fulfilling lives.

The men get this reality check when they realize how much of their lives they waste on Jewish video games.

Cat ladies who clubbed their youth on birth control will die alone, even if they had a kid and were a single mom, they'll still die alone, because their kids will know that mom was just a rotten, selfish, judaized whore, and rather than regularly visit, they'll call the desk nurse occasionally to get an update on the incident that mom had with Shaniqua the CNA smackin up dat old cracka slut.
I completely agree with you, maybe this is the most high IQ post I've ever seen about alt-right.
I sympathize with some ideas, but they are complete cucks, who defend white women no matter, what they do. They don't consider them as autonomous beings, who can differentiate between right and wrong.

They always absolve them from any kind of responsibility. "White foids literally fuck dogs and want to kill their children? That's only because some subversive elements manipulated them! They aren't responsible for their actions!" Complete bullshit, they know, what they are doing and they are heinous, said elements only gave them the courage to reveal their true face. All these years we lived with the illusion, that women were good people, but now, that they have freedom, this illusion is starting to fade. We are the first generation of men to see the true face of the whore. Every femoid out there is a whore, there are no exceptions.

Summa summarum: White nationalists are complete cuckolds, that defend women, who are eager to stab them in the back.

Furthermore, politics are for cucks only. Just think about it: No matter, how complex/eloquent your ideas are, you have to break them down for a vote for a certain party and your vote doesn't count more, because you have acquired knowledge, so any retard out there can achieve the same thing, without even knowing the basics. If you are politically active, you are a cuckold.

No matter, I will still vote for them, anyways, because I share more viewpoints with them than withy any other given party.
I agree with them insofar as Jews are a plague on humanity.

But, when it comes to economics, the alt-right falls apart. That is the difference between them and the NS, who believed more in Prussian socialism, blood and soil which exalted the rural peasant and country gentleman.

A lot of people in the "alt right" just want to play fashwave while driving a Ferrari and having whores blow them, in which case they're just jealous of Jews.

The question: the stark contrast between the Hollywood world (the Jew world, a nomadic money and attention precedent world with cummies), and the blood and soil world of wholesome traditional values that lead to fulfilling lives.

The men get this reality check when they realize how much of their lives they waste on Jewish video games.

Cat ladies who clubbed their youth on birth control will die alone, even if they had a kid and were a single mom, they'll still die alone, because their kids will know that mom was just a rotten, selfish, judaized whore, and rather than regularly visit, they'll call the desk nurse occasionally to get an update on the incident that mom had with Shaniqua the CNA smackin up dat old cracka slut.
True, the mayority of them are the personification of 30 years old boomer cuckservatives
Politics is a cope
Fuck cuckservatism.

While we still don't have gene-editing technology good enough to turn the tide, reactionism (to the pre-feminism and pre-internet society) is the way to go.
That's politics in a nutshell:


Of course, i hate leftists more. But tradcucks and leftycucks are just two different kinds of women worship.
The rogue capitalism and Zionist domination of the Western world was achieved on the backs of sweaty zealous boomers. Now that the boomers are dying off, the elites fear social progress and economic reformation in the name of humanity. To slow down this shift, the elites created the Alt-Lite so they can make a new generation of boomers to prevent this. Immigration is actually favorable for those who want an all white world because the brown people who move to white lands will find it very difficult to carry on there bloodlines, almost every male immigrant is an incel. So if you hate Arabs, you should support immigration because it's essentially turning them into wagecucks for Mr.Shekelberg who will never reproduce.

To prevent a proper resistance from brewing, we are given controlled opposition like Antifa, which is cucked because there is no point in opposing rogue capitalism if you support feminism, which is the rogue capitalism of human bodies and lives. The elites have created a perfect situation against incels and the politically literate, Ziocon cuckold new boomers or "Noomers" on the right, soyboy white knight false opposition on the left... both sides hate incels, both sides don't consider facial surgery a human right.
They're cucks, but it's hilarious when blue checkmarks get triggered over pepe memes and anime profile pics.
No they are white female worshipping cucks. I agree with white nationalism and such but they are still cucks
idk what defines "alt-right" but i agree with white nationalism and restricting foids from voting
My ideal political situation is where i get a state issued GF and an amazon drone follows her arround and spys on her. If a chad tried to flirt with her the Amazon drone tazers him. :)

Mans Best Friend
Alt right is a good gateway to what i see as the best system, national socialism. they have the key social issues down: women not voting, acknowledgement of the reality of race and a huge jewish influence on culture, but too many of them make excuses for the global capitalists.
Not really, many of self-intitled 'alt-rightists' are stuck in the past. Maybe there is no point in fighting globalism/feminism.

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