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Do you still use "gay" as an insult?

Do you still use "gay" as an insult?

  • Yes I do!

    Votes: 42 53.8%
  • No I just don't think it's funny.

    Votes: 8 10.3%
  • No I dont want to hurt the feelings of actual butt pirates.

    Votes: 4 5.1%
  • This poll is gay.

    Votes: 24 30.8%

  • Total voters
Since LGTB are usually drama queens and are asking for unncessary rights and inventing genres all the time and I dont like them very much, yes I do.
Occasionally i do
It's an outdated insult. Last time I used it against someone was at least 10 years ago
I didn't really as a kid, I didn't want to hurt anybody and I was generally pro-homo. I still don't really hate gays, but since 2010 or whenever this SJW shit kicked into overdrive faggotry ("queerness") has been so extra narcissitic and aggressive and imperialistic. Anyways, "faggot" has come into my vocab thanks to online counterculture and I don't really feel bad about using it. Cuck is better and more accurate, but faggot really strikes a nerve with people.
I normally don't have anything against fags and I'm not scared of them so I'm not homophobic but when they're trying to shove their agenda down your throat the degeneracy needs to stop.
I didn't really as a kid, I didn't want to hurt anybody and I was generally pro-homo. I still don't really hate gays, but since 2010 or whenever this SJW shit kicked into overdrive faggotry ("queerness") has been so extra narcissitic and aggressive and imperialistic. Anyways, "faggot" has come into my vocab thanks to online counterculture and I don't really feel bad about using it. Cuck is better and more accurate, but faggot really strikes a nerve with people.

As far as I am concerned people could fuck their own parents or a donkey and I couldnt care less. It just becomes a problem once they start harassing people with their fucked up sexuality i.e. because they want to print pictures of themselves fucking a donkey in childrens books so to brainwash children into thinking fucking a donkey is a good and normal thing to do. They should just accept that people dont give a fuck and move on but not go further than that. Not demand that people are being brainwashed into thinking its normal. If you want to fuck your own brother or sister or your father or grandmother FINE - go ahead! - but leave me and society the fuck alone with it and dont expect us to consider you as a normal average person with nothing remarkable about themselves. You are not a normal average person with nothing being remarkable about you. You have a fucked up wicked sexuality which is fine as long as you leave me the fuck alone but that is the least you can do and dont tell me what to think about you. I have whatever opinion I want.

Not addressing DaveBuster with this...That are just my thoughts on people with an unusual sexuality.
Sometimes, never seriously though.
More harsh gay words my favorite, but fb gives 30 days block for using them :/
Yes, I use gay as an insult on some occasions.
It can not be an insult because nowadays everything is gay
As a joke, yes.
No, I don't believe I've ever insulted anyone in general.
Only sometimes
I like to say faggot and nigger a lot because it's funny sounding
When I was a kid, gay was not an insult.
Homosexuality hardly existed back then.
Not really tbh. I usually say something is "for faggots", instead.
Yes, all the time.
Yes, why wouldn't I?
I say it ironically tbh.
I don’t have anyone to insult
sometimes ill say that’s so gay. i definitely still call people faggots
I might say something like "this thing is fucking gay".
But i don't call people gay anymore, for that i just say "you're a faggot"
Please refrain from calling incels gay. From this post forward, all comments calling incels gay will be removed. It's offensive not only to incels, but gay people as well and violates rule 4. It has been begrudgingly allowed in the past, but we are actively trying to improve this subreddit and this is one of the improvements that could be made.
I use nigger tbh
Yes, only gays don't do that.
I see black gen z'ers call each other faggot all the time during basketball.
I don't hate gays at all but I love the word faggot and calling things gay can be funny if the context makes sense.
As a memorial to Yamcha, gay.
I insulting other people with word faggot, not gay. As we know, not all faggots are gay and not all gay are faggots.
I use it ironically
Reddit is gay

ITcels are fags
I don't use "gay" any more, my preferred word now is "faggot"

Even if I stopped using it for some reason, like I got bored with it, I still wouldn't get mad at other people who used it. That would be virtue signaling and therefore for losers. No incel ever got pussy from going full SJW retard.

I like saying "fuck this gay earth."
I hate faggot sodomites

Even if I stopped using it for some reason, like I got bored with it, I still wouldn't get mad at other people who used it. That would be virtue signaling and therefore for losers. No incel ever got pussy from going full SJW retard.

I like saying "fuck this gay earth."
Don’t knock antifamaxxing until you try it :feelsLSD:
Yes because it pisses them off not because their called gay but because of the fact that i used it as an insult
LGBT are mentally ill, so yes.
I dont interact with people enough to actually be in a position to insult anyone.

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