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Discussion Do you prefer casual sex (Friends with benefits, one night stands) or long-term romantic relationships?

which do you prefer?

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Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
LTR would be ideal tbh.
But chad only.
For everyone else: More trouble than worth (except if unicorn).

If i had experienced either of those to 'prefer' them woudl I be here you fuck tard?
LTR with consistent sex. I don't want to be on deadbedrooms trying to cope.
LTR is retarded
As if i have a choice :feelswhat:
In an ideal world I would have liked a long-term relationship with regular sex. Now I know that in the real world, it's impossible for everyone other than Chad. And marriage and having kids is cucked for everyone, even Chad.

If I magically turned into someone who's attractive enough to get lucky with a short-term relationship but still not attractive enough to avoid getting mogged and cucked by Chad a little later, I'd probably be a volcel. I'd rather remain single than waste my time with that kind of drama. Plus, getting dumped and not to mention cheated on is emasculating as fuck.

FWB and one-night stands are Chad-only or even Gigachad-only - if I were able to afford them, I would be able to afford everything else too anyway.
Like asking a homeless guy if he prefers houses or apartment blocks
as muslim i prefer LTR in the form of my 4 wives given to me by Allah (swt)
The most successful people I know are all married.
Lol. how is this an appropriate question on an incel forum?
Pump and dump is the only non-cucked option in 2021
Either would be fine tbh
@ordinaryotaku @SlayerSlayer @Robtical @Fancy Alcoholic @SlutLiberationFront @coping_manlet @Fat Link @Alone75 @Diocel @ThoughtfulCel @ionlycopenow
Long term relationship with a teen virgin becky or becky lite.
@ordinaryotaku @SlayerSlayer @Robtical @Fancy Alcoholic @SlutLiberationFront @coping_manlet @Fat Link @Alone75 @Diocel @ThoughtfulCel @ionlycopenow
I would prefer to have Chad's life of a sex addiction over love any day of the week
Long-Term cause it would be more fulfilling
I think 99.9999% of foids are unsuitable for long term but providing the foid in question was then...long term
Pump and dump is the only non-cucked option in 2021
its over
LTR definitely. But even for Chads, it's not a realistic thing at all in the current year. :blackpill:
It depends on who I can have a ltr with. If it's my dream girl oneitis then that. Otherwise consistent with at lease decent looking women is better to me
I really don’t think I’m able to hold a long relationship with anyone
long term. I want something outta life...
When I was younger I would have said ltrs but I have so many trust issues now I can't see myself committing unless she was really something special to me. I don't think I have much of a choice at this point though. Realistically, It's either lock down the first girl who gives me a chance or be incel until I die. No hook ups or fwb for me
Long term. An actual connection with someone. But even just "meaningless" sex would be better than THIS shit! I seriously cannot take fat girls seriously when they whine about Chad "using them for sex". Like, AT LEAST YOU GOT SOMETHING!! If these women lived in OUR situation, they'd commit suicide within a year.
The (((promotion))) of the first one is one of the main causes of inceldom
I haven’t experienced either of them so idk
I wish that I could have a LTR, but my mental state and looks will always prevent me from having one. Its because of that that I would just have a casual or a FWB type of relationship with a foid. I have a difficult time connecting with others.
It's like asking a homeless person whether they prefer an A5 wagyu steak or fresh beluga caviar.
Depends. With a soulmate? Someone I can get along with for the rest of my life? Sure longterm. But thats unlikely so the other is more likely.

But just as likely Ill have neither and blow my brains out
long term relationship although it's an unrealistic goal of mine
Long-term with my looks match. Everything else is degenerate.

Sure, my lizard brain would love to fuck another foid every day but everyone who is not retarded knows that this will not lead to long-term happiness.

If you are sexually fulfilled, the next natural desire is for a family of your own and you cannot have that with casual sex.
Long term. An actual connection with someone. But even just "meaningless" sex would be better than THIS shit! I seriously cannot take fat girls seriously when they whine about Chad "using them for sex". Like, AT LEAST YOU GOT SOMETHING!! If these women lived in OUR situation, they'd commit suicide within a year.

It's like asking a homeless person whether they prefer an A5 wagyu steak or fresh beluga caviar.
@Genetic Dead End @Words2_live_bye
You have to fuck different people all the time, that's why I'm an escortcel.
i'll take anything:feelsrope:

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