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Experiment Do you like democracy

pick one

  • i love democracy, best governament ever

    Votes: 6 11.3%
  • i dislike democracy but it's the best option

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • i don't really care, democracy is the same as all other forms of governent

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • i'm ok with democracy but foids shoun't vote

    Votes: 15 28.3%
  • democracy is bad should be replaced by something else

    Votes: 14 26.4%
  • democracy is fucking cancer and is just like communism

    Votes: 15 28.3%

  • Total voters


S.T.A.L.K.E.R discord: gdc47
Feb 20, 2019
i wanted to know people opnions in regards to democracy
Yes, but to an extent.
Democracy to an extent. But some people are too stupid to make certain choices
Id rather a dictator that isnt evil that actually cares about the country.
Meh, democracy is alright.
Democracy/limited democracy, with proper testing to prove voting competance. No foids though.
Silly gentile, your vote doesn't count. It's a failed system
The problem of democracy is that (((they))) control all political parties. Alternative political parties are attacked and censored, specially those that are authentically nationalist. And the second problem is anyone can vote, people without criteria (normies, cucks, etc.) who are manipulated by advertising and the mass media. This has nothing to do with authentic Athenian democracy.
The US isn't a democracy, it's a republic, and should stay that way.
If voting made any difference then it would be illegal.
You should have to pass an IQ test before being allowed to vote.
If Foids wouldn't vote, society wouldn't be as Cucked and Pro feminist as it is today.
The US is a constitutional republic. It is not and will never be a democracy despite what bullshit propaganda the Democratic party will tell you . Article 4 section 4 of the US constitution is very clear on this. Read it sometime.
No I don't like it, who should decide how a plane is operated, the pilot or should you have a democratic vote so each passenger gets their say? People just give up and trust who ever has experience and knowledge in that case, is a country less important? And if you have democracy the true rulers are gonna be those that controls the information that gets into the heads of the masses.
  • democracy is fucking cancer and is just like communism
Democracy isn't like communism:feelshaha:Criticize democracy all you want but don't make retarded claims like that
This is not my claim. also it dont say democracy is like communism. re read the comment:

  • democracy is fucking CANCER and is just like communism"
So it basically means democracy is cancer like communism. not saying democracy and communism is the same thing
English is my first language, and I can tell you that poll option meant communism and democracy are the same.

But I understand your position now.
Poll option didn't mean communism anda democray are the same,it just saying both are cancers

low iq
Sure, ignore the native English speaker when you can't form a proper sentence
yes I'm not native speaker but even I understand what OP meant
and note that OP is not native speaker as well
Democracy is retarded, it was alright back when only men could vote but when women got the vote everything turned to shit
fucking cancer
I have a feeling this quote will become relevant when America elects a foid.
97FF224C 39E4 4C34 9BF3 264E827A9CA5

It is over.
Should be replaced by an authoritarian fascist government.
Everyone who think that democracy is bad are cucks. Authoritarian governments are allowed only superior rulers, and superior gets everything while inferior will wagecuck. So, why sommie-shit, nazi-shit and all who anti-democratic shouting that inceldom is not fair?
Everyone who think that democracy is bad are cucks. Authoritarian governments are allowed only superior rulers, and superior gets everything while inferior will wagecuck. So, why sommie-shit, nazi-shit and all who anti-democratic shouting that inceldom is not fair?
Democracy is a tyranny of majority, it doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong it only matters whether population elects you. Authoritarian governments generally tend to think about the long term future more because they know they don't have to appease masses in order to stay in power.
Democracy is a tyranny of majority, it doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong it only matters whether population elects you. Authoritarian governments generally tend to think about the long term future more because they know they don't have to appease masses in order to stay in power.
"Genetic selection is cause of evolution honey, nothing that you think is matter because your genes are degenerate, it's only matters what 8+/10 guys says and think. Girls are think in long term so they pick only worthy guys, not losers like you, because we know that you are not able to protect us or make us arousal, only able to betabuxx so why are you crying about your inceldom?" :Stacey:

Actually, authoritarian rulers are more interested to stay in power because retirement - means death for them. They always do a cruel shit to stay in authority because they fear of their political opponents or revolutions. Democracy preventing that and also make you are equal to other humans at least in law, well, sjw "fixed" that but we can turn it back.
Democracy only works in smaller communities, it makes no sense in countries with hundreds of millions of people.
No democracy is consumerism thus reliant upon foids and the idiotic masses
It's not that bad, but we must apply it like the Greeks conceived it: only men after 30 something must vote and be citizens.
There needs to be a basis when it comes to voting. Owning a house is a good start.
It's not that bad, but we must apply it like the Greeks conceived it: only men after 30 something must vote and be citizens.
That's what they used to have in the west as well but then men voted for women to be given the right to vote.
democracy without foids is fine
That's what they used to have in the west as well but then men voted for women to be given the right to vote.
Kek. But if you think like that, the governments before democracy which existed in the west also failed through being substituted by democracy.
Kek. But if you think like that, the governments before democracy which existed in the west also failed through being substituted by democracy.
Because they were ruled by corrupt monarchs. Dictatorship only works if the ruler gives a shit about his country, kings tended to not care that much about their subjects because they did not have to fight or work for their power, they were just given it by being lucky enough to be born in their respective family so they don't realise the responsibility they have.
The ideal political system in my opinion would be one where the leader of a country chooses his own succesor but he wouldn't be allowed to choose someone who is related to him by blood.
Democracy is the best system we have.

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