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Serious Do you have existential crisis everyday at work?



Nov 7, 2017
Everyone here bitch about tfw no gf BITCH I dont give a FUCK about that shit while I am required to studycuck to get a degree so I can wagecuck to afford to live. How is this not the biggest pressing issue for most people? It's the most horrible thing in the world that is propped up and supported by brainwashed normalfag sheep scum. You will find someone cut from any cloth that is one of these work ethic crazy fucks. Work makes me want to fucking kill myself and no one gives a fuck. Stupid fucking fbi faggot was talking to me about I'm going to move forward from him robbing 3 days of my life from me and he's implying stuff about how I just need to move out and trick out my car or whatever the fuck this boomer cunt thinks millennials are into. If the dumbfuck actually read my reddit posts that he had me put in handcuffs for he'd know loud and clear what my issue is but apparently he's braindead
Why were you in cuffs?? Huh? I dont remember that. PM me bro
Why were you in cuffs?? Huh? I dont remember that. PM me bro
I got baker acted. The protocol is to put you in cuffs and the back of a police car like a criminal while they take you to the looney bin
Jfl. They did the same shot to me in the psych ward.

One BIG black dude who worked there told me to "try driving uber to get out"
Bro I'm autistic agoraphobic and have no car. Just shit the fuck up
Jfl. They did the same shot to me in the psych ward.

One BIG black dude who worked there told me to "try driving uber to get out"
Bro I'm autistic agoraphobic and have no car. Just shit the fuck up
JUST SHOWER BRO. And don't bother us with this shit again or you'll get the straight jacket next time.
One BIG black dude who worked there told me to "try driving uber to get out"
there was also a fat nigger where I was who I was asking when I could leave and he was getting all pissy since he obviously didn't have any good reasons for why the fuck I needed to stay. Hope he dies of diabetes
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JUST SHOWER BRO. And don't bother us with this shit again or you'll get the straight jacket next time.

there was also a fat nigger where I was who I was asking when I could leave and he was getting all pissy since he obviously didn't have any good reasons for why the fuck I needed to stay. Hope he dies of diabetes
Jfl I signed my 72 hour first day and the doc threatened me with "if its denied we can keep you indefinately" some Arab cunt.
Jfl I signed my 72 hour first day and the doc threatened me with "if its denied we can keep you indefinately" some Arab cunt.
what a horrible cunt. I misunderstood something this bitch doctor asked me so I replied yes when she had asked me if I owned any weapons and she asked me "where is it" is the most cunty tone imaginable. Thinking about that still brings me to a boiling rage
I'm at the stage of my life where I completely depersonalized myself. I don't even know who I am anymore or what I believe. I am at the peak of my existential crisis. I fucking hate going to my wagecuck job and pretending to be friends with all this normie FAGGOTS AND FUCKERS there. They have no idea what I'm really like. Hope it stays that way tbh.
what a horrible cunt. I misunderstood something this bitch doctor asked me so I replied yes when she had asked me if I owned any weapons and she asked me "where is it" is the most cunty tone imaginable. Thinking about that still brings me to a boiling rage
Oh god. I was in there for threatening myself with a knife. I had to answer so many questions about weapons. Ffs it's a joke
I have a small existential crisis whenever I interact with normies.
Everyone here bitch about tfw no gf BITCH I dont give a FUCK about that shit while I am required to studycuck to get a degree so I can wagecuck to afford to live.
Are you in school or do you work? When I was in uni I was always concerned about money, I could barely even focus on my schoolwork. Now when I'm wagecucking I'm always thinking about how things could be different if I was in uni instead.
Are you in school or do you work? When I was in uni I was always concerned about money, I could barely even focus on my schoolwork. Now when I'm wagecucking I'm always thinking about how things could be different if I was in uni instead.
Wagecucking but going back to school in a field I have serious doubts I could even do properly
no one else think of rope because of work? dread it worse than root canal?
If I had a good job, I wouldn't. The crisis comes from not being able to afford living. If my life was secure, I would be fine working.
If I had a good job, I wouldn't. The crisis comes from not being able to afford living. If my life was secure, I would be fine working.
I wouldn't. It still requires you to slave away doing some shit you probably hate for the vast majority of your time for years and years and there's no way out.
I often wish I'd just get fucking fired but then I'd just be agonizingly bored and completely fucked socially and financially. Even if I was just rich life would be damn boring because I have no friends or many hobbies.
I don’t work but I still have times I question my existence on this spinning piece of shit rock.
I don’t work but I still have times I question my existence on this spinning piece of shit rock.
I prob still would if I was rich but work wouldn't be there to make me so frantic. the only cure is dat pussy. Chad isn't questioning why he is even alive while going to pound town
I sometimes wonder why I'm here. I was an unplanned child, I'm very introverted and reclusive to the point where I would happily go off to a desert island to be completely isolated, I avoid large social gatherings like the plague and I can't get a girlfriend no matter how hard I try.

Sometimes I think I wasn't made for this world.
wage slavery should be everyone's number 1 concern but it isn't which is probably how the system of wage slavery manages to continue working so well
it's fucking bad bro, talk to people working retail or some other subhuman job in their 40s about this and they will start coping, acting offended you implied their job is worthless, get offended you think of them as a slave etc, but when you point out they are basically being forced to waste their short non-repeatable lives for somebody else and that they will work until they die the wagecucks get noticeably bummed out because they can't deny it anymore, it becomes impossible to distract themselves by thinking you just hate them and think they're a servant
I work with a bunch of slave-brains who are happy to work 50-60 hour work weeks and brag like it's a badge of honor. I just do my job and sneak out a few minutes before closing to avoid overtime requests. I work to live, not live to work.
wage slavery should be everyone's number 1 concern but it isn't which is probably how the system of wage slavery manages to continue working so well
it's fucking bad bro, talk to people working retail or some other subhuman job in their 40s about this and they will start coping, acting offended you implied their job is worthless, get offended you think of them as a slave etc, but when you point out they are basically being forced to waste their short non-repeatable lives for somebody else and that they will work until they die the wagecucks get noticeably bummed out because they can't deny it anymore, it becomes impossible to distract themselves by thinking you just hate them and think they're a servant
I feel so bad for those people and wonder how they haven't roped
I work with a bunch of slave-brains who are happy to work 50-60 hour work weeks and brag like it's a badge of honor. I just do my job and sneak out a few minutes before closing to avoid overtime requests. I work to live, not live to work.
they are probably just virtue signaling or one of the extremely brainwashed sheep slaves.
I don’t work but I still have times I question my existence on this spinning piece of shit rock.
Yes, my mind does wonder if I'm some sort of side character in life on some occasions and seen as comedy relief or a comedy relief character in some shitty reality TV show.
Setting my alarm now even though shekelstein hasnt posted shit on my schedule so I can save that soul crushing surprise that I have to work for the morning when I'm tired as hell and wish I was dead
100% how i feel. trying to get a new good job and hating my shit current job are my main focus. getting a gf is like last place.
Waking up a whole hour before my alarm in a state where I'm positive not to fall asleep again be like:lul::kys:
Fucker just tell me I'm off already
What the fuck, still hasnt posted shit and it's like 15 min before work now I have to start getting ready
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Shekelstein just answered my text. I'm working today

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