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Do you have any stories of Chad being nice to you?



Better Incel Than Cuck (BITC)
Mar 18, 2018
In the game of life, Chad is clearly superior to us. So it should follow that he should not even see us as a serious threat or competition, yet I feel like there are more instances of him treating us like shit. Anyone have evidence of the contrary?
I don't know any real Chad personally. I know a few Chad lites. Same as normies, some are assholes some are nice. But most of them are a bit aloof and secretive.
I had a few Chad or chadlite friends in highschool, but that was because we where all Albanian so we hanged out together.
Uberchad is usually nice, they're all around good people because good things happen to them. Chadlites seem to make up the majority of high school bully/jock types.
I was trying to surf once and it was only my second attempt, so I was really fucking up the lineup, and some uber-chad swoops down and instead of losing his shit, he tells me that I'm not paddling nearly hard enough to get up to speed, then kinda "coaches" me for a minute.

He was right.
Chad has always been nice to me. I think because i'm black and have a slightly scary mug other guys have always respected me by default? Makes me wish I was gay because women seem to hate my existence the moment they see me for some strange reason. Guys, whether they be Chad or an obvious Incel, have always gotten along well with me.
From what I've experienced in life, most Chad's will be nice. 50/50 of Chadlites will be nice or bullies. Normies will treat you the worst.

But it makes sense. Chad's have an easy life. There is nothing they need to prove to themselves or to anyone else. Therefore they usually harbor no resentment or hostility. Chadlites and normies think they have lots to prove to become Chad so they often resort to backstabbing to beat out others to the top.

Women in general will treat you much worse than any Chad will.
A true Chad isn't a bully. They have no reason to. They're generally very well liked because they have a lot going for them. Chads build others up, they're alpha leaders.
A true Chad isn't a bully. They have no reason to. They're generally very well liked because they have a lot going for them. Chads build others up, they're alpha leaders.
This. I once talked to my HS chad when I was still in HS and he was surprisingly very down to Earth guy, he treated me with respect and that was that.
Staceys won't fuck me but they're a lot nicer to me than chads. Fuck chads
From what I've experienced in life, most Chad's will be nice. 50/50 of Chadlites will be nice or bullies. Normies will treat you the worst.

But it makes sense. Chad's have an easy life. There is nothing they need to prove to themselves or to anyone else. Therefore they usually harbor no resentment or hostility. Chadlites and normies think they have lots to prove to become Chad so they often resort to backstabbing to beat out others to the top.

Women in general will treat you much worse than any Chad will.

Pretty accurate. Most of the harassment I've got was from normies and chadlites. The top mega-Chads don't really get dragged down by associating with you because they are already popular because of their attractiveness, athletic ability, etc. I know a kid who's uncle was in the NFL and who's a hyper-chad in training(seriously, this kid's whole family is straight out of a Nazi propaganda poster), and he's a nice, friendly guy, as are most Chads I come in contact with.

Normies and chadlites bully the most because they're the ones with chips on their shoulder who are socially high enough to bully, but not enough to be Chad. So they harass incels to try to make themselves appear alpha in front of girls and intimidate the rest of the guys. When Chad does it, it's much more low-key and less serious.
Yes. There was this guy at my old school, about 3 years ago. He was 14 but looked 18, he was tall and muscular. You could tell all the girls liked him because they all followed him on Instagram. I was pretty depressed at my old school and he came up to me to ask if I was ok. He seemed pretty genuine. This is the only chad I've come across that seemed nice. The rest either ignored me, bullied me or pissed me off in some way or another.
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Never talked to a chad. Want nothing to do with them
Incels are worst. Chads will genuinely either ignore or be nice to you.

If you're a normie and trying to ascend to Chadlite, incels will try to bring you down to keep you in their mysery
Chads are usually pretty nice guys

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