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It's Over Do you have any plans for future?



It Can’t Rain All The Time
Apr 14, 2023
I don’t only eating myself to obesity. What about you?
I might go to college because I am forced to but ik I will eventually fail
My dream is to be a NEET
No. Waiting to reach my breaking point so I can off myself
Aspiring NEET. Hopefully, I can peacefully live in seclusion away from subhumans.
Moneymaxx and then when I have enough money saved up, I will check out of society like Ted Kazcynski did. Would've been awesome to have a farm with cows and animals that I can cope with.
I don’t only eating myself to obesity. What about you?
My plans are:
1) Try not to get fat and stay off smoking
2) Grind at work and throw every extra cent I have into total market passive index funds (“VT and chill”)

Then I hope to god in like 30 years if I manage to stay employed it pays off and I can actually retire. And then beyond that I hope I actually live long enough to spend said retirement. Average life expectancy for men where I live is 77. That mean you have only 12 years after being able to access your retirement accounts so part of me thinks I’m wasting my time even trying

My job sucks and getting a house seems like it will never happen. Cost is just too high and I hate the idea of being in debt even if housing is “smart” debt.

If I could afford a small studio apartment, groceries, and utilities for the rest of my life I would quit my job immediately. The misery and agony just is not worth it. At least for the Boomers 1) the nuclear family structure still existed and 2) having to work your life away at least mean you would own a home of your own and it afforded you a high amount of material wealth. Today I’m just a serf and my female boss and the department head fucking hate my guts.

Other than that? I dunno I don’t really have hope for the future. I used to have dreams and I was willing to work hard to try and get them. They seemed achievable to my bluepilled self, but now I have no hope and I’m just not motivated to even try anymore. Every time I try I just get beat down again. Over and over — eventually you just give up because what’s the point? You’ll just get rejected again.

Where I live there just doesn’t seem to be opportunity unless you have powerful connections and really having powerful connections seems to be everything in corporate structures. Most of the women I meet through work are middle managers who point blank say they don’t do anything and have the collective IQ of a rock and I’m just like how the FUCK are you people getting these cushy jobs? ESG and diversity/feminist hiring has a been a distaste for the end quality of products and also for normal men who just want to get decent jobs they’re qualified for. I hate that Blackrock fuck Fink so god damn much and I hope California and ESG rot and fall off into the ocean.
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Aspiring NEET. Hopefully, I can peacefully live in seclusion away from subhumans.
I hope someday I can NEET too. Working isn’t worth it unless you’re sufficiently high up in a corporate structure and that takes powerful connections or ticking the right ESG boxes.

Now, if you happen to be one of the lucky ones who has a cushy middle management or executive job or if one is a department head or some such in a corporation at that point I get why they work. Because they seem to make a lot of money for very little work at that point.

There’s a reason why the company owners and the execs and the high end managers keep working while 95% of people with the “real” jobs all want to kill themselves and quit as soon as they can.
I might go to college because I am forced to but ik I will eventually fail
Imo unless family is helping pay for college I’d consider certs or trade school. If you do go to Uni study the most practical thing you think you’re realistically capable of with an actual job path and go somewhere cheap like a state school imo since then paying off your loans will be dramatically less of a burden.

If you think you’ll fail and you’re not strong academically then certain majors I do not recommend. Things like comp sci and engineering most people flunk out and those classes some of them are damned hard. Finance is easier from what I gather — my sister is a complete idiot and she’s an accountant so take that how you will.

Some majors are easy as fuck though and they’re usually the ones dominated by women go figure. Classes like sociology and shit or really a lot of classes you basically just write papers and show up to class and as long as you submit the work you pass. I’m just saying be realistic about you think you’re academically capable of because I barely scraped by with my degree and honestly I don’t think I’m smart enough for this field lol. I should’ve become an accountant looking back.
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Yes, the plan is in motion :feelsEhh::feelsEhh::society:
Imo unless family is helping pay for college I’d consider certs or trade school. If you do go to Uni study the most practical thing you think you’re realistically capable of with an actual job path and go somewhere cheap like a state school imo since then paying off your loans will be dramatically less of a burden.

If you think you’ll fail and you’re not strong academically then certain majors I do not recommend. Things like comp sci and engineering most people flunk out and those classes some of them are damned hard. Finance is easier from what I gather — my sister is a complete idiot and she’s an accountant so take that how you will.

Some majors are easy as fuck though and they’re usually the ones dominated by women go figure. Classes like sociology and shit or really a lot of classes you basically just write papers and show up to class and as long as you submit the work you pass. I’m just saying be realistic about you think you’re academically capable of because I barely scraped by with my degree and honestly I don’t think I’m smart enough for this field lol. I should’ve become an accountant looking back.
thanks for the advice i really appericiate
No. Waiting to reach my breaking point so I can off myself
I kinda feel that way a lot too :feelsbadman: it’s hard to keep going when you know your dreams are long crushed and there’s not really any hope for the future. For so many young men now life is just “commute to job you hate that pays shit and makes you want to kill yourself, commute home, play vidya which aren’t even fun anymore and are all pozzed to shit garbage, eat frozen meal alone, go to bed”. What kind of a fucking pitiful muck of a life is that?

Oh but I have air conditioning so therefore I have it better than anyone else in history :feelsseriously: god I hate the “elites” and leftist “intellectuals” so god damn much it’s unreal. None of the things that really matter are attainable for us and that’s why we’re miserable.
thanks for the advice i really appericiate
Np it’s just important to think about the long term financial future and adjacent to that how well you realistically can do in school. I was unrealistic about how good at some subjects I actually could be and that cost me a lot thinking I was smarter than I was.
Np it’s just important to think about the long term financial future and adjacent to that how well you realistically can do in school. I was unrealistic about how good at some subjects I actually could be and that cost me a lot thinking I was smarter than I was.
Good idea
Good idea
Everybody’s mom always tells their kids to be doctors and lawyers and engineers and programmers and astronauts (etc) but that’s actually really terrible advice for “most” people because most people are not actually that smart and don’t do that well in school.

I would never tell someone who doesn’t breeze through school to pursue computer science for example. The drop out rates are extremely high for a reason.

If anything parents often convince their kids to make very bad decisions because the parent isn’t able to see the situation rationally or rationally comprehend their kid’s limits usually. My mother was one such case — I didn’t fully realize just how out of touch with reality my mother was til it was too late.

Anyway good luck to you, hopefully you’ll be able to land a good job that isn’t too miserable. That’d be achieving what I could not. If I could go back in time I’d attend a cheap state university so as not to be saddled with unnecessary debt and I’d probably so accounting as that seems to strike a balance between pragmatism without requiring autistic genius like other STEM subjects can.

Just my opinion though there are lots of routes you could take. The problem with the us system is that it costs so much and takes so much time to get a degree that if you fuck it up it’s too late and there’s no fixing it.
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Save enough money , make enough passive income and move to SEA, die

In the west there is nothing , just being a wagie renter forever and maybe marrying a single mom
I'm thinking about buying a race pickup truck. Or move to a different state.
rotting all day long idk
my future is ruined by foids

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