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Do you hate rich people?

Do you

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 58.1%
  • No

    Votes: 12 19.4%
  • Indifferent

    Votes: 14 22.6%

  • Total voters


May 13, 2018
When I was a kid I hated them but now I'm indifferent, I just don't care and LDAR. I remember Elliot Rodger really hated them (even though he was rich too but not a millionaire), said he thought something like "I would love to see these families burn alive" when he was in the Katy Perry private concert
that'd be nice if I was rich but I was born as a low status ethnic
Oh god yes.
(I'm hardcore jealous)
The only kid at school that was nice to me was a really rich kid so not really tbh. I hate middle class people more
More hate than no, but not the most hated group
i dont hate people for being rich
Yes I hate them so much but out of jealousy and when I hear rich people buying a bottle of wine or something like that for millions it enrages me because I could live a comfortable life for that kind of money but to them it´s just dropping a penny on the ground it´s so unfair how some people have so much while I am barely scraping by.
Yes I hate them so much but out of jealousy and when I hear rich people buying a bottle of wine or something like that for millions it enrages me because I could live a comfortable life for that kind of money but to them it´s just dropping a penny on the ground it´s so unfair how some people have so much while I am barely scraping by.
Is the movie The Wolf of Wall Street suicidefuel for you?
low iq if you don't hate richfags.

i have legit one euro left and i have to survive til Monday, meanwhile ...
kill them all

every time i eat rice with nothing i have fantasies of disemboweling richfags.
Yes. Fuckers should be shot and their assets redistributed
This for the super rich people I don´t care what anyone says there are no single person who should have billions even if he worked 24 hours a day no person is worth that much, there are people who work several jobs and can only barely survive they work way harder than these super rich people.

People are selling 1 hour of their life for a wage so why is 1 hour of someones life who works at Mc Donalds worth thousands times less than person who is a CEO for a big coporation? They are not both are selling 1 hour of their life the only difference is the one working at the small time job e.g. Mc Donalds, Janitor, Factory work don´t love their job and only do it for the money so it would make more sense that they got more for slaving away at somethng they hate while the lawyers, CEO´s etc love their high status job so they shouldn´t be paid as much for something they love since if you love something it´s not a job it´s play (Alan Watts)
The only kid at school that was nice to me was a really rich kid so not really tbh. I hate middle class people more
:feelstrash:Im middle class.
I dont hate people bec. of their income but richfags should give me some money
Is the movie The Wolf of Wall Street suicidefuel for you?
In a way I actually love that movie but I envy them so much because of the money, how they can enjoy drugs and food while I can´t because my body is defect and i have tons of allergies so I can´t enjoy things like that so when I watch it I wish I could live that heavenly life but yeah kind of love and hate thing because I hate how they are able to live that life but love dreaming about if that was me.
This for the super rich people I don´t care what anyone says there are no single person who should have billions even if he worked 24 hours a day no person is worth that much, there are people who work several jobs and can only barely survive they work way harder than these super rich people.

When working people are selling 1 hour of their life for a wage so why is 1 hour of someones life who works at Mc Donalds worth thousands times less than person who is a CEO for a big coporation? They are not both are selling 1 hour of their life the only difference is the one working at the small time job e.g. Mc Donalds, Janitor, Factory work don´t love their job and only do it for the money so it would make more sense that they got more for slaving away at somethng they hate while the lawyers, CEO´s etc love their high status job so they shouldn´t be paid as much for something they love since if you love something it´s not a job it´s play (Alan Watts)
Abolish work
But again to OP´s question yes I HATE the rich simply because I cannot be them I will never know the feeling of living a luxurious life like them it´s so unfair I will never be able to.
Abolish work
It really should I actually can´t work but even if I could I wouldn´t want to that might be because I got no passion so I don´t see how working 8 hours a day 5 days a week for the rest of my life would be considered living.
Those who hard for it, no.
However, those who clearly did not lift a single finger for that success, absolutely.
rich kids inherit their family businesses and don't have to work a day in their life while I'm excepted to work to death just to earn barely enough to feed myself
I hate how they judge me on my shitty clothes and car. I can literally feel their judgment even if they don't say anything.
Most poor people would act the same in their position. It's like with nazis.

So I try to hate the system not the players. I wouldn't hesitate to guilliotinemax if necessary though. Our world becomes increasingly a globalist dystopian corporatocracy.

Ideally the only way to attain money should be through your own labor. No inheritage, no interest, no private investing, no skimming of excess profits through private ownership. Cooperative control, so the rich are not able to amass to much power.

If I had better insurance I prolly wouldn't be here.

The only kid at school that was nice to me was a really rich kid so not really tbh. I hate middle class people more
Ikr? it's like with beckys, they are extra nasty to you. :feelshaha:
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depends on how they made their money tbh
I have a distaste for people who used illicit means or inherited to gain their fortune, the rest is mostly fine since they mostly achieved their status through merit and cunning business. The 'rich' I hate are the rich in beauty, the Chads, I have a burning, passionate hate for them.
Ikr it's like with beckys, they are extra nasty to you.
Stacy is far too above you to be threatened when you talk to her, she knows her social status will not decrease. Becky on the other hand knows she isn't the best looking so she feels degraded when you speak with her.
People who are born rich are usually very articulate and a pleasant company. The ones who just became rich or struggle to stay high -middle-class can be utterly obnoxious.
Only rich Jew mass media lowlives like Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, Bill O'reilly, Sean Hannity, Wolf Blitzer and Brit Hume etc.

Also the super rich celebrities that support the Jewish agenda which is damn near all of them (since you basically can't work in Hymiewood unless you either keep your mouth shut about politics or pretend to be or actually are a super libtard Jew worshipper and nigger lover).

So I don't hate rich people for being rich unless their wealth was accumulated in an immoral and or criminal fashion like with the above scum of the earth.
Rich people already get enough shit from leftists (unless they are the megabillionaires that foment leftism around the world like Soros). I hate Chads more than them, and I don't even really hate Chads.
Rich people already get enough shit from leftists (unless they are the megabillionaires that foment leftism around the world like Soros). I hate Chads more than them, and I don't even really hate Chads.
ugly rich guys get to fuck JBs

until they get caught like (((Epstein)))
ugly rich guys get to fuck JBs

until they get caught like (((Epstein)))
Just spend millions of dollars, use your top tier political connections to the fullest and risk your life to fuck a JB while a random poor 15 yo Chad does it for free, without risks and with a willing JB. Kek.
hate everyone who mogs me
I'm jealous but don't hate them unless they're leech ceo's/politicians, believe poor ppl should just work harder, or completely spoiled about out of touch with reality.
No, I only hate the rich Jews who run everything. My family used to be pretty wealthy (borderline millionaire/millionaire) and it made me happy for the time being, until the Obama administration came along and we got taxed to death along with Obama letting in all the H1-B immigrants while not being able to do jack shit about the recession. Your life is so much happier when you have wealth because there's nothing to worry about. Taking away other people's wealth is just fucking retarded. I just wish I was a teen then. I went to a private academy, and I would've gone onto a private high school and I'd be driving a high end car. I was supposed to be born around 1988-1992, but my parents decided to have me much later.

I'm happy for rich people. I just hate the fucking kikes who run the system. Like someone said above me, don't hate the players, hate the system.
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Most middle class people I've met are turbo cunts. They tend to snob me off since I'm from a working class background.
The funny thing is that a lot of these middle class kids are the ones who think they're rich and hot shit.

The kids you see wearing that streetwear garbage, talking about how much money they supposedly have, etc? Those are definitely not fucking rich kids, those are just spoiled middle class kids with a median family income of $50,000-$70,000 who think they're hot shit. Middle class kids were by far the worst to me too. They would all leech off me for snacks and shit throughout middle school. They would also pretend to be my friend so they can take advantage of me. Those same kids are "flexing" shit that they can barely afford on the Internet.
No man. I do not care about how much money people have tbh.
it depends on (((who))) they are.
Yes but it’s only out of envy
no i dont hate them , only soys hate rich people
I hate the upper middle class because they just think they’re rich
Yes, I feel no one deserves anything as there is no free will, and most rich people only got there by sheer "luck" or through inheritance.
It depends on what they do with their wealth. I don't have any problem with people who have high-class possessions or live with high-class values. I don't like the level of materialism that has engulfed the bourgeoise lifestyle, though.
Not at all.
The new rich and other lefties scum are the problem.
Yes as I'm a anarcho communist

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