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Discussion Do you guys think race mixing is okay? Why or why not?



CEO of Incelborea
Jun 6, 2024
I would like to know what everyone here thinks about race mixing. Whether it's good or not, and why.
no just no yikes
All the shitskins can breed with whatever the fuck they want. Our Caucasian brethren need to stay pure as snow
I would like to know what everyone here thinks about race mixing. Whether it's good or not, and why.
Kill race mixers. Behead race mixers. Roundhouse kick a race mixer into the concrete. Slam dunk a half breed baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy race mixers. Defecate in a race mixer's food. Launch race mixers into the sun. Stir fry race mixers in a wok. Toss race mixers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a race mixer's gas tank. Judo throw race mixers into a wood chipper. Twist race mixers heads off. Report race mixers to the IRS. Karate choprace mixers in half. Curb stomp pregnant mud sharks. Trap race mixers in quicksand. Crush race mixers in the trash compactor. Liquefy race mixers in a vat of acid. Eat race mixers. Dissect race mixers. Exterminate race mixers in the gas chamber. Stomp race mixers skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate race mixers in the oven. Lobotomize race mixers. Mandatory abortions for race mixers. Grind mutt fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown race mixers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize race mixers with a ray gun. Kick old race mixers down the stairs. Feed race mixers to alligators. Slice race mixers with a katana.
I'm against race mixing until I can ascend with an ethnic. White peepo can go to hell then
@BurntIvoryKingcel here come to defend NIGGERS like you love to
Since I've been summoned I may as well give my 2 cents. As incels why the fuck should we care about preserving our races or cultures when we've been excluded from breeding all together? If there would come an opportunity to breed with someone of a different race would u really pass off that opportunity for a culture/race that has done absolutely nothing for you?
Good. Well for the people that are lucky. God, I would love to have the physical advantage of a black man and have my current superior intelligence as a white man.
Coal burners get the rope

A good application from race mixing is to save offspring from autosomal recessive mutations.

Besides that?

The jews are killing the white race and we need to preserve it.
I would like to know what everyone here thinks about race mixing. Whether it's good or not, and why.
yes, i'm tired of seeing the ethnic girls i like choosing chads. but then again no amount of ban on racemixing or anything would make them desire me. our opinion on this is pointless
I hate it.
Just ONE reason would be the fact that it causes identity issues.
It’s a bad thing all around and I’d really like to see it be flat out banned.
The person most "right" for you is in your own race. Only someone in your race shares your experience the best, and you can form the truest connection with them.

Race mixing is ALWAYS a product of LUST. It is a FETISH. It's not "love" or "true connection" obviously those don't really exist, but just bear with me for sake of argument). You only race mix because it's your only option, or there is some deranged, irrational feeling of attraction. In other words, race mixed relationships are NEVER genuine.

Furthermore, I would NEVER marry or seriously date an girl who has race mixed (obviously I would sex), no matter her race. That shows that she has poor judgement in choosing a partner.

That being said, would I race mix? Yes, East Asian and White are acceptable to me, but not Hispanic or black. I would have to accept, however, that I could never form a genuine connection with them, and I'd only be race mixing because I was forced to. Women who race mix are not forced to do anything, so they should be the ones judged for race mixing, not men, generally.
Foids being disloyal to just about everything and anything, ranging from their race, culture, politics or whatever ingroup affiliation, is a problem as old as time itself.
I would like to know what everyone here thinks about race mixing. Whether it's good or not, and why.
I don’t care if it’s in the Americas because Native Americans are nothing more than Asians who cross the Siberian land bridge. However I do don’t think it’s that great. However I’m a misanthrope so fuck everyone
It's bad.
Mixed people all have identity issues and a higher rate of mental illness.
Honestly at this point i will take any moderately attractive girl be them chink or latina
Ok for yee but not for thee
Mixed race myself. I fucking loathe race mixing. It creates incels with fucked up health conditions and phenotypes. Also, when I was a leftist, most of the other mixed-race people I encountered were usually some ex-Trumpite. Now Donald Trump is NOT one of our people, but supporting Donald Trump in modern times is usually indictive of other alt-right leanings, in my experience.

I don't know the exact name of where this came from, but Carl Jung wrote about his experience around young boys (10 through to 13 if I remember correctly) regarding their dreams. Lots of these dreams included Pagan symbology, when they'd been raised as Protestant Christians and never came in contact with anything Pagan-related in their lifetime. I believe a similar phenomenon happened to those mulattoes I met in those Antifa telegram chats.

Trump, to quote Saint Tarrant, is seen by many as "a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose", so naturally, being partially white, they gravitated toward that. However, they're also partially black/asian/jewish/etc, so they ended up gravitating toward leftism and anti-fascism. By the grace of God, I haven't felt the leftist pull in a long time.

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