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Venting Do you guys have friends

  • Thread starter Deleted member 16023
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Deleted member 16023

Deleted member 16023

Nov 29, 2018
Cause of you do you are on a whole another level than me. Virgins who complain about being blueballed and friendzone atleast have friends I don't , I have no one. My friends whenever I try to talk to them are busy or not in town. I can't even socialize it's worse than being just a virgin. Socialisation is the most basic need after food and shelter and after it comes sex. I want to have friends and I feel lonely , even my parents hate me.
I don’t have friends but most people are too brain dead and blue pilled to be a friend anyway.
No, nobody would ever want to talk to someone that’s not neurotypical and isn’t chad
No, it reminds me more how pathetic my life is at this time of the year. No friends, no social life, can't get dates or casual hook ups with foids. I'm sick of being stuck in the house day after day, I'm not back at my shitty job until the 6th. Dreading that too, what extra shit 2020 will bring.
I don't have friends every single person I've ever come across in my life treats me like shit
Had long b4 but they treated me like trash anyways. I recommend yall to not have any
I have some friends not gonna larp, but they can't do nothing about my inceldom.
From what I've noticed, a high tier incel might have up to four friends irl. A truecel is too ugly, based, and blackpilled to have friends. Maybe if we all lived in the city of Incelabad we would all have a shit load of friends irl...
I have 1 but he lives 100 miles away and I only see him once a year. Apart from that I talk to nobody, online or offline.
I have a select few who I've held contact with since middle school.
If I lose them then I'm completely lonely.
Although we barely meet up, it's more online-based.
I'm avoidant and terrible at making friends/being sociable
Only friends I have exist here, so not real friends if we can’t meet up and have fun.

Most people can’t relate to me because I’m a lifelong virgin autist Christian that hates fags, kikes and degenerates.
Yes and we are all incels. I'm the only blackpilled one. But they're all religious and wouldn't go round fucking whores anyway. We often talk about marriage, like as if there are virgin birds ready for us JFL.

Oh and btw I only hang around wih them like once a months. Oldcels will sympathise since I'm not at school/college anymore and we're all too busy wageslaving.
I have a decent amount, but most of them never talk to me unless I hit them up first or they want to sell me drugs. I guarantee almost none of them would care if they never saw me again.
Cause of you do you are on a whole another level than me. Virgins who complain about being blueballed and friendzone atleast have friends I don't , I have no one. My friends whenever I try to talk to them are busy or not in town. I can't even socialize it's worse than being just a virgin. Socialisation is the most basic need after food and shelter and after it comes sex. I want to have friends and I feel lonely , even my parents hate me.
I have plenty of friends. It’s just that none of them are women. I have always been reasonably popular with males. Women absolutely despise me for being ugly though. I’m getting full facial reconstruction after I become a doctor. I’m fucking hideous.
I have plenty of friends. It’s just that none of them are women. I have always been reasonably popular with males. Women absolutely despise me for being ugly though. I’m getting full facial reconstruction after I become a doctor. I’m fucking hideous.
You don't know how lucky you are , tbh I am ugly but if I was social atleast I could have friends.
You don't know how lucky you are , tbh I am ugly but if I was social atleast I could have friends.
I had several of my friends text me merry Christmas. We will hang out next week. O e said that he will buy me a high class Stacy prostitute for my birthday because he feels bad that I have never had a girlfriend or gotten laid.
You don't know how lucky you are , tbh I am ugly but if I was social atleast I could have friends.
I would be your friend though. I don’t discriminate like foids do.
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So we are in the same situation...

two months ago, I was going to the bakery as usual and then I found a childhood friend at the street and I hadn't seen him in 10 years.
We were really close at school, I remember that we played god of war together at my house... we talked about how our lifes were going and talking about plans for the future...
I realised that he hadn't changed so much and I wanted to maintain contact with him. maybe we could be best friends again.
I decided to give him my e-mail because I don't have any social media account.
He haven't sent me anything...

5 months ago, I found another friend...I didn't have seen him in 4 years and I found him at the bakery and we were having a good conversation... he said to me about his life and dreams ( he wanted to do a nursing course ) and we were talking about the old times...
and again I tried to have some contact with him. He told me that he was on facebook and that I could add him there.
I decided to create an account on facebook just to add him.
he haven't answered my friend request. Probably I'll never see them again.
tbh that was the best and longest conversation that I had this year.
sometimes I think, what is wrong with me? why can't I make any friends?

I feel sad because I try to make friends, but I can't.
I have 1 but he lives 100 miles away and I only see him once a year. Apart from that I talk to nobody, online or offline.
Exact same deal except he simply lives on the other side of town. I still feel lonely
No, I haven't had friends in 6 years or so.
Exact same deal except he simply lives on the other side of town. I still feel lonely
I dont know if that is worse or not. that he lives on the other side of town and doesnt talk to you.
I used to until around the early years of High School.
I dont know if that is worse or not. that he lives on the other side of town and doesnt talk to you.
We talk every day on messaging apps but we're just too busy stemceling and our schedules never allow us to see each other. Besides I like to lift on my free time.
Cause of you do you are on a whole another level than me. Virgins who complain about being blueballed and friendzone atleast have friends I don't , I have no one. My friends whenever I try to talk to them are busy or not in town. I can't even socialize it's worse than being just a virgin. Socialisation is the most basic need after food and shelter and after it comes sex. I want to have friends and I feel lonely , even my parents hate me.

A few who I grew up with all but one have a foid and kids so have no time for me unless it includes wifey.

The other is a blue pilled true cel

I see/speak to them every few months but would see them every week when younger and we were all single.

If you do have friends they'll drop you when they get a GF.
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I only really have one friend. Even then, I don't get to see them often.

Everyone else is too NPC and bluepilled.

It sucks. I'm so lonely.
friendship is a meme , just like love and every other human relationship . all of them are familiarity over TIME no one needs anyone time . those with same goals and concepts about life are together . so fuck off , no body needs anyone and no body owes anyone a thing
Nope. I've always been isolated. If it wasn't for the internet, I would have lost contact with my species.
Never have, never will.
Nope. Can't keep or make them. Only on speaking terms with a few of my many siblings
I luckily have managed to retain most of the friends I ever accumulated from childhood. I’m the only blackpiller but I did get a really funny experiment going. First friend I ever had became Chad in hs, on junior varsity soccer team. However, he’s never had a gf and I blackpilled him pretty hard. Result is volcel woman hating Chad. One time we were getting lunch at the local mall and two foids walk up to our table. One starts giggling and asks my friend if he has a snap. Friend just tells them to fuck off. This was one of the most satisfying things in my life. Foids, who always get everything they want on a silver platter, just got shut down. Sure they can easily get another chad or whatever but watching the puzzled look on their face turn to anger was cathartic as fuck. Only downside is that hanging out with him in public too long is max strength sui-fuel because he literally has foids throwing themselves at him like constantly and I just stand there awkwardly while I wait for him to brush them off. My nickname at school is “henchman” because I get mogged (especially height, I’m 5’3) in like every category by all my friends and I don’t talk much and I just follow them around and don’t say much. Some chadlite in the grade below me calls me Igor.
No i have only one "friend" who i see once in two months and is not even incel
I have a small number of friends and they know I hate women

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