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Do you guys care about the enviroment?

Do you care?

  • Yes i do

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • No i don't

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • I used to care until i discovered the blackpill

    Votes: 10 29.4%

  • Total voters


high T af, and a psychopath
Mar 25, 2019
I'm just curious tbh. Personally i don't care, at least not anymore. The blackpill made me stop caring about literally anything ngl.
World is a fuck, burn it all to the ground.
Care a little, but have no motivation to do something about it alone. Waifu cares a lot, even invaded surface world, but interdimentional barier between us
It’s sad that we are destroying the environment and the animals that inhabit it but I’ve abandoned all hope anyway.
Yeah it sickens me when I see people cutting down trees everywhere I go.
No bro i couldnt give two shits about it
Somewhat. Couldn't give a shit about seaside cucks getting their homes wet. It's a shame about the destruction of biodiversity, though...
No, I do not. Everything is fake and lies told by a powerful force in a foreign location.
not at all i hate this planet
The enviroment has nothing to do with our inceldom. Treat it respectfully.
Nope, it's going to go to shit whether I care or not.
I feel conflicted about it. On one hand, I think nature is beautiful and orderly and my instinct is that it should be preserved from the destructive and corruptive influence of humanity. On the other hand I'm not sure I support the existence of anything. The persistence of nature also necessitates suffering, something I don't support. Perhaps as long as things exist, they should be put in order, though it might be better if they didn't exist at all.

Humanity is also part of nature. All human behavior and suffering, including inceldom, is part of nature. Lookism and hypergamy are natural.

So I guess my answer is "I used to care until i discovered the blackpill". I still feel very sad when I see a clearcut forest, hear about plans to get rid of a nature sanctuary, or learn of the extinction of a species. However, I recognize that existence itself is not something I support and it isn't something I should get worked up about.
It’s sad that we are destroying the environment and the animals that inhabit it but I’ve abandoned all hope anyway.
This is pretty much where I'm at.

I'd like to live in a world where beautiful natural land is preserved for people to be in awe of.
However, there is nothing I can do to stop the degradation of the planet. The battle is already lost.
I care but I'm in no state to do anything about it
I feel conflicted about it. On one hand, I think nature is beautiful and orderly and my instinct is that it should be preserved from the destructive and corruptive influence of humanity. On the other hand I'm not sure I support the existence of anything. The persistence of nature also necessitates suffering, something I don't support. Perhaps as long as things exist, they should be put in order, though it might be better if they didn't exist at all.

Humanity is also part of nature. All human behavior and suffering, including inceldom, is part of nature. Lookism and hypergamy are natural.

So I guess my answer is "I used to care until i discovered the blackpill". I still feel very sad when I see a clearcut forest, hear about plans to get rid of a nature sanctuary, or learn of the extinction of a species. However, I recognize that existence itself is not something I support and it isn't something I should get worked up about.
tbh I refuse to believe you’re actually low IQ
don't give a fuck tbh
I feel conflicted about it. On one hand, I think nature is beautiful and orderly and my instinct is that it should be preserved from the destructive and corruptive influence of humanity. On the other hand I'm not sure I support the existence of anything. The persistence of nature also necessitates suffering, something I don't support. Perhaps as long as things exist, they should be put in order, though it might be better if they didn't exist at all.

Humanity is also part of nature. All human behavior and suffering, including inceldom, is part of nature. Lookism and hypergamy are natural.

So I guess my answer is "I used to care until i discovered the blackpill". I still feel very sad when I see a clearcut forest, hear about plans to get rid of a nature sanctuary, or learn of the extinction of a species. However, I recognize that existence itself is not something I support and it isn't something I should get worked up about.
Thank you for your high effort/IQ reply.
if i was in power i would save the environment by killing at least 70% of the worlds population but if im not in power environmental damage is just a means to which the degenerates can be killed and overthrown
if i was in power i would save the environment by killing at least 70% of the worlds population but if im not in power environmental damage is just a means to which the degenerates can be killed and overthrown
That's retarded. We'll all be affected by climate change.
i would rather die than save normies even if it means the world burns
I'd rather die on a thriving planet ngl. Fuck people but not everything else.
Also, Pinochet was a faggot
I'd rather die on a thriving planet ngl. Fuck people but not everything else.
Also, Pinochet was a faggot

Pinochet killed commies and fags anybody who did that is a hERo

if the planet is thriving it will be easier on normies why would i want them to enjoy paradise while i get tormented by them?
Pinochet killed commies and fags anybody who did that is a hERo

if the planet is thriving it will be easier on normies why would i want them to enjoy paradise while i get tormented by them?
Pinochet was America's bitch boy

Tbh different priorities
Pinochet was America's bitch boy

Tbh different priorities

he got put in power by CIA but he was not their puppet he was independent and made them and their drug peddlers fuck off
if i was in power i would save the environment by killing at least 70% of the worlds population
This is what many anarcho-primitivists want tbh, myself too.
This is what many anarcho-primitivists want tbh, myself too.

while i do want 70% of population dead im not retarded enough for anarcho primitivism i just want to kill all the jews, africans, arabs etc as they cause all the pollution and do not contribute anything at least orientals are smart
while i do want 70% of population dead im not retarded enough for anarcho primitivism i just want to kill all the jews, africans, arabs etc as they cause all the pollution and do not contribute anything at least orientals are smart
Well, I think the same. I put that ideology to exemplify, it's not like I agree with that. I want to reduce the population without destroying the civilization, having a malthusian and eugenic government that controls the birth rate, this not only will reduce poverty and overpopulation, but it will improve the genetic quality of the people and reduce environmental pollution caused by overpopulation. This is my utopia ngl.
Well, I think the same. I put that ideology to exemplify, it's not like I agree with that. I want to reduce the population without destroying the civilization, having a malthusian and eugenic government that controls the birth rate, this not only will reduce poverty and overpopulation, but it will improve the genetic quality of the people and reduce environmental pollution caused by overpopulation. This is my utopia ngl.

that sounds like my utopia as well, the civilization would also need to be very autocratic to avoid succumbing to degenerate ideas like liberalism
that sounds like my utopia as well, the civilization would also need to be very autocratic to avoid succumbing to degenerate ideas like liberalism
To avoid succumbing to degenerate ideas it's more effective erradicating (((them))) and all their puppet leaders and politicians, same with destroying their usurer banking system.
To avoid succumbing to degenerate ideas it's more effective erradicating (((them))) and all their puppet leaders and politicians, same with destroying their usurer banking system.

of course and to do that and avoid them infiltrating the government a dictatorship is required to minimize corruption
of course and to do that and avoid them infiltrating the government a dictatorship is required to minimize corruption
A didactorship that destroy the cucked (((democracy))) where incompetent people access the government by manipulating the masses, only to steal state money and submit to (((their))) interests..
A didactorship that destroy the cucked (((democracy))) where incompetent people access the government by manipulating the masses, only to steal state money and submit to (((their))) interests..

every country that introduced democracy has been fucked over there isn't one fucking country that has been better off from democracy, democratic supporters often point to the Greeks for inspiration, WELL THE GREEKS ABOLISHED IT IN FAVOR OF A MONARCHY BECAUSE IT IS SHIT WHEN THE INVENTOR DENOUNCES HIS OWN INVENTION ITS PROBABLY FLAWED
I care more about individual beings than about the environment as a whole.

I'd rather everything crumbles and whole species disappear than some animals are tortured, for example.

I just hate suffering. I don't care if the world ends, it's a hellish world and it will end someday, anyway. Death is an inevitability, suffering, on the other hand, is still at least partially avoidable.
I care about the environment much, much more than I do about people. In spite of the blackpill I think that the environment deserves the utmost respect and care since it is a truly unique phenomenon which is removed from human struggles.
I do. It's like asking normies if they care about hypergamy.
I think I have a fairly normie view of the environment.
I feel conflicted about it. On one hand, I think nature is beautiful and orderly and my instinct is that it should be preserved from the destructive and corruptive influence of humanity. On the other hand I'm not sure I support the existence of anything. The persistence of nature also necessitates suffering, something I don't support. Perhaps as long as things exist, they should be put in order, though it might be better if they didn't exist at all.

Humanity is also part of nature. All human behavior and suffering, including inceldom, is part of nature. Lookism and hypergamy are natural.

So I guess my answer is "I used to care until i discovered the blackpill". I still feel very sad when I see a clearcut forest, hear about plans to get rid of a nature sanctuary, or learn of the extinction of a species. However, I recognize that existence itself is not something I support and it isn't something I should get worked up about.
I had a somewhat similar experience when digesting the blackpill, although in my case it used to be that I just didn't think about it at all, now I actively care in the sense that I hope for an asteroid.
I care more about individual beings than about the environment as a whole.

I'd rather everything crumbles and whole species disappear than some animals are tortured, for example.

I just hate suffering. I don't care if the world ends, it's a hellish world and it will end someday, anyway. Death is an inevitability, suffering, on the other hand, is still at least partially avoidable.
Agreed tbh.

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