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Serious Do you feel any empathy for people at r/deadbedrooms?

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
I feel kinda sad when I read stuff like this

I’ve been quiet for a while with reason. But today, I find myself in a hole.

Today I have decided I will never make love to my wife again. You can not make love when the love is not there.

Today, she called me ugly in front of coworkers. Literally, said I was ugly. Then I was talked into fighting my fears and confront her about it. I did. She denied it, but then one of my coworkers reminded her “no, you said it, you said he was ugly”.

So then she back tracks and try’s to wiggle around it... “you know what I mean, like on all your photos for your license and other IDs”. I asked her to stop, as it was not helping.

I had a plan going forward with a divorce. I guess my plan has been expedited today.

This on the anniversary of my fathers death. I will forever hate March 15. I just can’t stop crying.

X-post r/divorce

But then I remember that most of these people are normies who believe that personality matters. The sole reason theyre in a dead bedroom to begin with is because they though using their personality to attract a female was a good idea. I just want to make a new account and yell out "I TOLD YOU SO"
This is the result for <6s who get into LTRs.
Yeah, it's a nightmare dude. Imagine getting married - standing there with your wife vowing to love you forever, and you two are so in love at that point (even if its a facade, it's enough to bring stable sex). Then 5 years later having 0 sex and your wife is no longer a wife but more like a bully, who is about to strip you of all of your assets and take child support for the next x amount of years. This is because attraction isn't proportionate to sustaining a personality but to your continuing good looks; the man she fell in love with at first. Sometimes she never found him attractive but just gave him sex early on in the marriage out of conventionality. It's a death sentence to have an unnatural acceleration into ugliness in your marriage (though inevitable ageing markers are fine, obviously). This is why I maintain a good body, etc, good hair, even though I'm not on the prowl for another girl.
no, it's lifefuel to read, normies are always mocking us, it's comforting to know some of them have terrible lives, feel nothing for them.
They've only experienced a fraction of what incels go through in life
Yes I feel bad for this guy.

He is about to get divorce raped and this cunt destroyed his life.
Nope, I don't feel bad.

The normans are incels in denial. These cucks deserve their fate for choosing the bluepill.

The femoids are hypergamous sluts who only want Chad. The female nature is greedy and spoiled. Can't feel bad for such vile creatures.
Nope, not a single ounce of empathy. Norms regardless of how their relationships end up, hate us in the end, so I can't really spare any empathy for them when they have none for me.
Glad the stupid fuck is probably about to go through a painful divorce raping lol
Why those whores marry them in the first place ? To torture them and cause them misery ? Fucking sadistic sluts need to be raped and tortured to death.
No, I take it as a warning to stay away from LTRs and marriage with used-up sluts who are no longer capable of pairbonding with you. She will never love fuck you the way she did Chad and Tyrone during her teens and 20s.

Better to be a free incel than an enslaved one. Fuck taking on all of the risks and responsibilities of marriage without receiving any of the benefits.
Yes I feel bad for this guy.

He is about to get divorce raped and this cunt destroyed his life.
Yea its pretty sad. This is our fate also if we get married(assuming we escape) in the west.
This is what happens when you bite into the "man up lmao" cuckery, he somehow deserved it, the only thing to do now is divorce.
You can't have a happy stable marriage with modern females
Meh. Thing is, any guy who is married or has been in a relationship of any sort knows that if it happened once, it can happen again. If at least one femoid liked you enough for an LTR - or even a one night stand - then you know others will. It’s nothing like being incel.
I hope every man gets cucked and has to raise Tyrone's baby

married men are dick sucking faggots
sure I do, most of those guys are incels who got lucky
normies deserve every bad thing that has ever happened to them
I feel bad for the men
If you feel any empathy for these mother fuckers you're a cuck and you can fuck right off to /fa. These normie scum literally are the same type of people laughing at us. Fuck all of them. These are cucks who also believe "pErsoNalItY MaTtErS"

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