Mostly pinched nerves and arthritis.
The pinched nerves are probably from my job. (Carrying rocks around.)
Consult a chriopractor for that and then do regular inversion therapy.
Buy a pull up rack and anti gravity boots.
Hang upside down two times a week to stretch your back and abdomen muscles properly. It will also naturally "increase" your height a bit.
On top it improves the health of the discs in your spine. They get stretched properly again and the amortising fluid can flow back into them.
The increased blood flow inside your discs also provides them with proper nutrition and oxygen again. Your vital organs will get more oxygen and function better.
It also naturally causes your body to produce more testosterone. On top you will sleep better, more relaxed.
The first times will feel tough and you will get sore back muscles most likely.
But it will get so much better after only three weeks, iirc.
Then you can reduce it to once a week to keep a healthy spine.
Please listen to me, this works wonders. I used to have the same back problems as you due to heavy lifting at work.
I haven't had back issues in ages. At 37 I have a much healthier back than at 28.
I wish you fast recovery, brother.