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Do I have a chance /10? I think I am a 4



Feb 6, 2018

Height 5 foot 5

29 years old 

I make decent money.

I have a few good things about me that a girl might like, I am a talented classical pianist and I served in the military.  Is there any hope for me or should I give up?
act like a thug nigga and go for girls shorter than u
Not a chance in hell. It's over. You're a 5'5 twink brudda

Gotta either get swole and run BBC game or LDAR
seems about right
You don't belong here op. Go home and be a family man.
You’re a 4 in this pic, a 6 or 7 with lookmax and a smile. You have a shot
you look like a taliban
KV3 said:
You’re a 4 in this pic, a 6 or 7 with lookmax and a smile. You have a shot

Really? what could I do to looksmax?
I would say its over tbh but you said you make decent money.
What's your budget and I will list u some surgeries you need

KV3 said:
You’re a 4 in this pic, a 6 or 7 with lookmax and a smile. You have a shot

Lol no way 4. I am a 4 and I mog him. He is a legit and solid 3/10
I wouldn't say it's over but you are not attractive. also you are a manlet, I think you can make it with a girl but you probably have a very bad time. effort and patience will reward you at some point I believe though. Don't LDAR yet.
Weed said:
I would say its over tbh but you said you make decent money.
What's your budget and I will list u some surgeries you need

Lol no way 4. I am a 4 and I mog him. He is a legit and solid 3/10

I make enough to save up for a large expense sonewhat quickly. What do you think I need?
Idk if you are balding.. I am not into NW stuff but if you are then get hair transplant.
Sliding genioplasty.
Fix upper eyelid exposure
Jaw implants
That lower lip is too big and your eye area is the exact opposite of chad
Weed said:
Idk if you are balding.. I am not into NW stuff but if you are then get hair transplant.
Sliding genioplasty.
Fix upper eyelid exposure
Jaw implants

I am definitely balding....
4 facially is...generous, IMO. Bad hairline, bug eyes with a lot of upper lid exposure, crap lower third. I'd say 3.

Plus you're 5 foot 5. It's over boyo, LDAR.
You don't look subhuman but you are 5'5...
Truly subhuman looking I’m afraid
Rejoice brother. You're subhuman. Around 3.5-4. At least you look better than me.
KV3 said:
You’re a 4 in this pic, a 6 or 7 with lookmax and a smile. You have a shot

Lol at this normie advice.
ITS OVER. finally a truecell. welcome bro. I love you and know what you're going through
How are you guys giving this guy such high ratings. You guys are either pity rating him or you're truly 1s or 2s if he mogs you.

First he is incredibly small (5'5 is just a death sentence especially since he is black and his competition is a bunch of 6 ft basketball/football Tyrones you'll typically find in the hood)

Second there is his terrible hairline (give him a few years and he'll be bald and he's only 29)

Third his eyes look kinda buggy (no where near aesthetic eye area)

Finally he has a weird head shape almost like an upside down candy corn (but could just be the photo)

And that is just based off my first impressions, to wrap it up its over boyo but you do say you make good money so maybe you can get a gold digging bitch or hire some pmrostitudes.
Just had to make an account to say, if a shredded ex marine with a beard cant get pussy on the daily, im fucking done for. Litteraly should hang myself tommorow then. height doesnt mean shit I had a friend in high school who was 5'5 who still gets bitches everyday, being short means less calorie intake more gains, and more money in ur pocket. take it from a 6"3 underweight and broke dude. its all in your head. just go out and grab her by the pussy (metaphorically)
I would say a 3.5/10 but youre height is one hell of an issue.
So overall 3/10
Just keep trying and keep your expectations low. Get roids and act a little bit like Eazy E who was a midget.
I'm sorry OP, but you're fucked and balding. At least you gpt rated as 4/10 which is higher than me and you can be like 5.5 with surgeries and a hair transplant, but your height kills you.
Normie. Get off of this forum and just live your life, otherwise you'll just ldar like the rest of us.
Weed said:
I would say its over tbh but you said you make decent money.
What's your budget and I will list u some surgeries you need

KV3 said:
You’re a 4 in this pic, a 6 or 7 with lookmax and a smile. You have a shot
Lol no way 4. I am a 4 and I mog him. He is a legit and solid 3/10

anincelforlifelol said:
KV3 said:
You’re a 4 in this pic, a 6 or 7 with lookmax and a smile. You have a shot
Lol at this normie advice.

God he mogs me to oblivion... should I just sui
Sadist said:
How are you guys giving this guy such high ratings. You guys are either pity rating him or you're truly 1s or 2s if he mogs you.
First he is incredibly small (5'5 is just a death sentence especially since he is black and his competition is a bunch of 6 ft basketball/football Tyrones you'll typically find in the hood)
Second there is his terrible hairline (give him a few years and he'll be bald and he's only 29)
Third his eyes look kinda buggy (no where near aesthetic eye area)
Finally he has a weird head shape almost like an upside down candy corn (but could just be the photo)
And that is just based off my first impressions, to wrap it up its over boyo but you do say you make good money so maybe you can get a gold digging bitch or hire some pmrostitudes.

1) I am definitely a 2/10, he mogs me to oblivion, although he's been in the military so he's probably a cunt that likes to abuse other people because of a position that grants him power to some extent.

2) His height isn't being rated, his face is; and he looks normie-tier.

3) Women don't give a shit about "bug eyes" or "hunter eyes," it's all just a massive cope. One good feature or one bad feature isn't what your focus should be, it's about his entire facial harmony. To add to my previous statement, women really don't give a shit about eye area unless you have severe ptosis.

4) His headshape is completely normal, unless you don't leave the house or watch fashion shows 24/7, you will find the vast majority of men have such a headshape.

5) Lens distortion is a real thing; maybe his headshape looks more normal as per your standards with the usage of a better camera.
KV3 said:
Weed said:
I would say its over tbh but you said you make decent money.
What's your budget and I will list u some surgeries you need

KV3 said:
You’re a 4 in this pic, a 6 or 7 with lookmax and a smile. You have a shot
Lol no way 4. I am a 4 and I mog him. He is a legit and solid 3/10

anincelforlifelol said:
KV3 said:
You’re a 4 in this pic, a 6 or 7 with lookmax and a smile. You have a shot
Lol at this normie advice.
God he mogs me to oblivion... should I just sui

PM me your pic kek
You're fucked, guy. Ugly, short, and balding.
You could run the bald / muscular game but you are too short for that :/
As someone who is a regular person, I can honestly say everyone here is out of their minds calling you a 3 and 4. You look like a regular guy with a receding hairline if you're not an awkward piece of shit life wont be hard. And ratings /10 shouldnt matter for anyone who isn't an insecure high schooler
What's your history and past experiences with femoids?

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