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JFL Do Girls like indian boys?

Deathnic in the west.

All the one love hippie BLM white girls are the original nazis. Eugenic machines who would not touch or give a chance to anyone outside their race
Over, am gonna LDAR now
there's no hiding it, curries are extremely undesirable that women can't even gaslight them but tbh reddit is full of western whores so they will definitely hate ethnics.
Yeah I think in terms of SMV it goes white > arab > latino > black >= asian >>>>>>>>>curry>∞>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>abos
Indian boys are shy and silly.
Yeah I think in terms of SMV it goes white > arab > latino > black >= asian >>>>>>>>>curry>∞>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>abos
It's more like white>latino>black>arab>s.asian>asian

Assuming they're the Levant Arabs and not the gulf ones or something lol
Yeah I think in terms of SMV it goes white > arab > latino > black >= asian >>>>>>>>>curry>∞>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>abos
What about us dark medfags?
It's more like white>latino>black>arab>s.asian>asian

Assuming they're the Levant Arabs and not the gulf ones or something lol
Yeah I guess that depends, between lebanease and sand niggas, I agree, but also i think rices > curries due to being able to prettyboymaxx as well as kdramas being popular, curries have literally nothing going for them outside of being chad
What about us dark medfags?
Probably same tier as light arabs but probably mog latinos
Yeah I guess that depends, between lebanease and sand niggas, I agree, but also i think rices > curries due to being able to prettyboymaxx as well as kdramas being popular, curries have literally nothing going for them outside of being chad

Probably same tier as light arabs but probably mog latinos
KPop is a meme tbh it doesn't work+Asianfoids date out cuz they're more well liked and the ratio of wmaf to amwf is against them but brown foids are ugly so browns will always have that.
Deathnic in the west.

All the one love hippie BLM white girls are the original nazis. Eugenic machines who would not touch or give a chance to anyone outside their race
For real. All these bitches are the most sjw ones and yet they discriminate the most. And cancel culture won't touch them. Fuck this world.
It's more like white>latino>black>arab>s.asian>asian

Assuming they're the Levant Arabs and not the gulf ones or something lol
Indo-Aryans > Urban East Asians > Rural chinks/gooks > Pajeets
Can't even bring themselves to tell them to shower or go to the gym lol
Rejecting Indian for being Indian is racism.
Deathnic curries could just go back to their countries and get an arranged marriage, no?
Yeah I think in terms of SMV it goes white > arab > latino > black >= asian >>>>>>>>>curry>∞>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>abos
no way. white>latino>med(white?)>arab>black>east asian>SEA>south asian/desi
in terms of nationality, IMO pakis are the lowest of the low on that ladder
it consistently goes white > latino > black/asian (very close) > arab > indian

anything else besides this is inaccurate.

the reason why some of you guys put arab up there in the list is because youre assuming most arabs are white passing levant arabs. most are dark sand niggers just slightly above curries.

this is how brutal foids are.

Its 2023 and see for yourself in the major cities. Foids only date white or latino men.
"when we fantasize about dating, Indian boys are not something we think about "

Yes because we know all they think about is white colonizers aryan cock. Ffs, how much more evidence do we need before we inact laws to wipe shitskins off the face of the earth, for their OWN sake?
It's more like white>latino>black>arab>s.asian>asian

Assuming they're the Levant Arabs and not the gulf ones or something lol
It's more like white>latino>black>arab>s.asian>asian

Assuming they're the Levant Arabs and not the gulf ones or something lol
Here's s more thorough breakdown imo

NW Euro
Euro Meds
White Latinos
Turks (Kazakhs/Uzbeks)
Pakis/North Indians
Pure Blacks
SE Asian
South Indians
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i think rices > curries
Noodlewhores are more into indian men if they are light skinned and caucasion enough. Never forget that asian women will gladly have darker kids if it means getting rid of their slanted eyes and wide noses, which indian genes can do for her
it consistently goes white > latino > black/asian (very close) > arab > indian

anything else besides this is inaccurate.

the reason why some of you guys put arab up there in the list is because youre assuming most arabs are white passing levant arabs. most are dark sand niggers just slightly above curries.

this is how brutal foids are.

Its 2023 and see for yourself in the major cities. Foids only date white or latino men.
The Latinos they date are European.

Whites (European) > Latinos (European) > Arab (European/Persian) > Black > Asian > Curry

But at least curry foids, because they are also somewhat undesirable themselves, are not in a position to betray their men the way noodlewhores can and do.
white > latino > black/asian (very close) > arab > indian

anything else besides this is inaccurate.

the reason why some of you guys put arab up there in the list is because youre assuming most arabs are white passing levant arabs. most are dark sand niggers just slightly above curries.
Arabs are still above blacks and asians even when they are darker and more ethnic looking simply because they look more caucasion. It's not that deep. Arabs aren't the ones mutilating their faces in order to look like something they are not. Asians are. And of course, the fact that somalis and blacks love to larp as arabs/egyptians should already show you who is superior to who in that regard

Also it's not just levantine arabs that look white you can find them anywhere in MENA. Here are some saudis


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Noodlewhores are more into indian men if they are light skinned and caucasion enough. Never forget that asian women will gladly have darker kids if it means getting rid of their slanted eyes and wide noses, which indian genes can do for her
dayum I guess your right but its not a pairing you see often most noodlewhores could probably find some blue eye animecels before they find a curry caucasiod enough to meet those standards, caucasiod curries are already chadpreets and slay amongst curry foids
dayum I guess your right but its not a pairing you see often most noodlewhores could probably find some blue eye animecels before they find a curry caucasiod enough to meet those standards, caucasiod curries are already chadpreets and slay amongst curry foids
Yes, but the point is it still happens. Tons of Indian men in Singapore and even Canada have an easy time getting with Asian women. Bones matter more than color, and indians mog asians hard in that regard
Yes, but the point is it still happens. Tons of Indian men in Singapore and even Canada have an easy time getting with Asian women. Bones matter more than color, and indians mog asians hard in that regard
I guess I am convinced currycels mogg ricecels, nevER began for North East Asianbros
Yes, but the point is it still happens. Tons of Indian men in Singapore and even Canada have an easy time getting with Asian women. Bones matter more than color, and indians mog asians hard in that regard
Jfl buddy boyo you have selective bias. There are many Ricemen with hot curryfoids. The ricefoids curries get are subhuman themselves.
I despise Pajeets, like they really think that they can ascend to some foid while it isn't at all irl. So betabuxxing and simpmaxxing always. Bloody terrible people.
Jfl buddy boyo you have selective bias. There are many Ricemen with hot curryfoids. The ricefoids curries get are subhuman themselves.
Nope. Inter-country marriages between China and India show more IMCF marriages occur than CMIF couples. And it's not rocket science anyways. The more white a race looks, the better. And since indians are partially caucasion, they will naturally look better than Asians who are 0 percent caucasion

And like I said before, try using common sense. Asian women hate their slanted eyes and wide noses. Therefore, getting with an indian man can give them rounder eyes and slimmer noses. An improvement

Nope. Inter-country marriages between China and India show more IMCF marriages occur than CMIF couples. And it's not rocket science anyways. The more white a race looks, the better. And since indians are partially caucasion, they will naturally look better than Asians who are 0 percent caucasion

And like I said before, try using common sense. Asian women hate their slanted eyes and wide noses. Therefore, getting with an indian man can give them rounder eyes and slimmer noses. An improvement

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It will give them darker skin which is a downgrade,asian foids do everything to look white
Nope. Inter-country marriages between China and India show more IMCF marriages occur than CMIF couples. And it's not rocket science anyways. The more white a race looks, the better. And since indians are partially caucasion, they will naturally look better than Asians who are 0 percent caucasion

And like I said before, try using common sense. Asian women hate their slanted eyes and wide noses. Therefore, getting with an indian man can give them rounder eyes and slimmer noses. An improvement

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90% of curry males do not look anything like that guy below unfortunately. Lol if you ever travel to Curryland you will see it for yourself.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/10y3r9p/what_do_you_think_about_the_racist_attitude_of/
It will give them darker skin which is a downgrade,asian foids do everything to look white
Being caucasion is looking more white. Regardless, we're comparing subu7mans vs subhumans at the end of the day anyways
Women won't deny their hatred of curries. They only defend blacks because of thugmaxxing and Asians because of Kpopmaxxing. Indians have no redeemable traits.
Women won't deny their hatred of curries. They only defend blacks because of thugmaxxing and Asians because of Kpopmaxxing. Indians have no redeemable traits.
Honestly kinda curry fault. No one forced them to post bob and vagene shit to foids.
Honestly kinda curry fault. No one forced them to post bob and vagene shit to foids.
No, it's not really their fault they're born with shit subhuman genetics. They don't even have increased height to compensate.
Women won't deny their hatred of curries. They only defend blacks because of thugmaxxing and Asians because of Kpopmaxxing. Indians have no redeemable traits.
No one defends asian men though
Honestly kinda curry fault. No one forced them to post bob and vagene shit to foids.
True, jfl, they gave that reputation to themselves because of their neurotic obsession with white women coupled with their sheer autism and lack of self awareness
No one defends asian men though

True, jfl, they gave that reputation to themselves because of their neurotic obsession with white women coupled with their sheer autism and lack of self awareness
Asian men are defended if they're prettyboymaxxed.
90% of curry males do not look anything like that guy below unfortunately. Lol if you ever travel to Curryland you will see it for yourself.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/10y3r9p/what_do_you_think_about_the_racist_attitude_of/

One of the noodlewhores in the video said that she wouldn't date a curry because of "cultural differences".

But for some reason she no issues with the cultural differences between her and some Swedish Chad.

Lying whores.
curryniggers have massively better chances with western women than sandniggers. Quite simply because there is no Koran shit behind it that prevents women from being the whores they are in a relationship. And some Indians are even whiter than Arabs. And whiter than niggers anyway. On the contrary, you are a privileged group among nigger immigrants. Only North Asians have better chances here because the women know that Japanese, Koreans, etc. are civilized peoples who are very similar to the West.
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Asian men are defended if they're prettyboymaxxed.
Not really, even koreaboos talk shit about how Asian men are racist and sexist :foidSoy:

But they still fuck them, it's like what white foids do with white men.
Here's s more thorough breakdown imo

NW Euro
Euro Meds
White Latinos
Turks (Kazakhs/Uzbeks)
Pakis/North Indians
Pure Blacks
SE Asian
South Indians
This is sandnigger cope lol. Forgot about mulattoes, they're after white or after latinos.

Niggers absolutely smv mog MENAs hard lol the internet is filled with beurette porn and twitter hashrags of Arabs and nafris complaining about Mamadou from Senegal plowing through their sisters.

Also SE Asians are at the bottom I'm afraid
As a curry born and raised in the US.....this fucking hurts man :feelsbadman::cryfeels:

Some helpful advice for you from the user u/yuidiva that OP quoted:
Bro who hurt u. People got preferences ok and the audacity to bring Hitler and other stupid stuff that u wrote shows ur intellect, u are not as edgy as u think u are . Stupid piece of shit . And no wonder u got no girls . Grow up.
Seems like u got a lot of issues. Seek therapy.best of luck for ur future
This is sandnigger cope lol. Forgot about mulattoes, they're after white or after latinos.
They're not

Niggers absolutely smv mog MENAs hard lol
no they really dont. You're just a nigger lover. I'm watching after some mentally ill black patients at the hospital right now and this nigger is like 5'6 with a horrid looking face, dude barely has a jaw and looks like an ape

Screenshot 20230724 045248 Samsung Internet

the internet is filled with beurette porn
OK. And?
twitter hashrags of Arabs and nafris complaining about Mamadou from Senegal plowing through their sisters.
>muh Twitter
Wow, you sure got me there with such compeling evidence.
Screenshot 20230724 045145 Samsung Internet


Also SE Asians are at the bottom I'm afraid
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Some helpful advice for you from the user u/yuidiva that OP quoted:
she has got no reply, so she is attacking that this man has issues instead of responding to question.
classic foid reasoning, no wonder they are the ones who most visit therapy. just to be more deluded.

foids have the lowest IQ.
and personailty of cardboard.

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