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Blackpill [Discussion][Toxic Femininity]Normies, Alphas, Betas, and Women Speaking in Code.



I.N.C.E.L. High Command, Psychological Operations
Oct 11, 2019
When normies and women talk in social settings all, if not most, of the comments they make, exchanges they have, and interactions they experience, and other things they say tend to be the opposite of what they intend. I included normies in here, because they - the beta male, almost exclusively - mimic the women they intend to (but almost never will) fuck. They will agree with them, laugh at their stupid jokes, and will do what they will, like what they like. They will be followers and follower (see: the millions of betas that follow Instathot and Twitch Bwitch - bitch and witch who bewitch - whores). But they will ultimately fail to see the true, duplicitous nature of women. However, they fail to see that women lie, reflexively, as a matter of their evolution, in order to manipulate men into getting things out of them and doing things for them. We know them simply as blue pilled incels.

Of import it must be noted here that the more intelligent women amongst them soon realize a fundamental truth: the best way to manipulate a man is to use their femininity to tap into the masculine and bend it to their will (wield). The masculine has a natural, instinctual tendency and urge to be protective, and will use any means - to any extent - in ensuring that end in order to ensure propagation of their genes. Such is the nature of male paternalism.

The alpha males (chads) are not like this in the least, as you would expect. They true are the binary opposite of women, and brazenly give zero fucks about it. They will vehemently disagree with them, be abrasive, arrogant, aggressive, and stubborn. They will do things they want and not care at all about her or what she wants to do or how she feels. They can be racist, misogynistic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and be generally prejudiced in any way they wish... And the women will still fuck him - more importantly, they will WANT to fuck him, and will greatly enjoy BEING FUCKED BY him. They lead and trailblaze their own path. The women simply follow, and the beta males follow behind them. There is a rule here that can almost be taken as an axiom: betas chase women who, in turn, chase alphas.

The men (alpha males in this context) are exemplified by the phrase, "say what they mean, and mean what they say." This extends to, "do what they mean, and mean what they do."

And if alpha males are exemplified by the above, then women are exemplified by the polar opposite.

Women are have a natural affinity for deception, a propensity towards manipulation, and a talent in social camouflage. They are natural social chameleons. They adopt the morals, values, beliefs, and ideologies of the group. They do, because they must. They are, after all, the physically weaker sex and must do this to survive. They rely on the ability to lie, deceive, and manipulate their way out of trouble and into advantageous situations - it is their tools by nature, in nature, just as our muscles and intelligence are our tools by nature, in nature.

Normies are, by definition, the norm. They are the average, the most expected, the most common. Thus, they are the most numerous in any group. Alphas are, by definition, the first (hierarchically). They are the leaders, and are thus, the fewest in number in any random group. It follows, then, that in society that the majority of people will be the normies, and along with them, the women. The implicit lemma which pops out is that normies are equal to betas. Some of you may have already observed, as a corollory, that this puts us squarely in the left tail of this social distribution.

What does all of this ultimately mean? Women have the most influence in society and culture.

The natural consequence of this is that social interactions and situations, from the most mundane to the most delicate, rely on deception. Everything from etiquette to careful use of language exhibits the feminine. As a result, people lie abundantly (both seriously and casually - big lies and small lies), often saying the exact opposite of what they mean. In practice this looks exactly what you would expect: people lie and bullshit constantly. This doesn't rock the boat so that all parties which benefit from the status quo continue benefiting from it. Women benefit from this the most. Others who benefit occasionally are the betas - ones who women would view as sneaky, slimy, and shady. They're the men who lie and tell women what they want to hear to try and sleep with them (yes, the "red pill," at its fundamental core, is betas attempting to stealth their way into pussy, and alphas thinking their natural advantages are something that can be faked and gamed by the betas). Common memes that spread ("men are from Mars, women are from Venus," "women give faint hints and expect you to pick up on them, and looks like they expect men to read their minds," etc.) are yet another result of this influence.

This is why women and normies (most men) are deceptive and hypocritical, and why much social communication is done in code. A common thread that ties virtually all of it together is the following. "I'm saying this one thing, but what I really mean is this other thing that I can't directly tell you, because it will be perceived as rude and offensive. That will hurt you feelings, and I don't want to do that, because that will make me feel like a bad person. Just kidding, I don't really feel bad. I only say that to not appear as a bad person and to keep the advantage you provide for me in this social arrangement. The bad feeling is the fear of losing that advantage." I simply call this large class of social interactions (both communications and actions) the great ruse. This choice of term - ruse - is selected, in part, as a play on "rose," which signifies the strong symbolism of the feminine. That is to say, the great ruse is feminine by its very nature.
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@SlayerSlayer @LeFrenchCel @PLA1092 Please pin this, buddy boyos.
Women are have a natural affinity for deception, a propensity towards manipulation, and a talent in social camouflage. They are natural social chameleons. They adopt the morals, values, beliefs, and ideologies of the group. They do, because they must. They are, after all, the physical weaker sex and must do this to survive. They rely on the ability to lie, deceive, and manipulate their way out of trouble and into advantageous situations - it is their tools by nature, in nature, just as our muscles and intelligence are our tools by nature, in nature.
I could not have put it better myself.
As a result, people lie abundantly (both seriously and casually - big lies and small lies), often saying the exact opposite of what they mean. In practice this looks exactly what you would expect: people lie and bullshit constantly.
This came more prevalent in highschool with people saying things to you and then making fun of you behind your back though I had to accept that its normal.
This is why women and normies (most men) are deceptive and hypocritical, and why much social communication is done in code. A common thread that ties virtually all of it together is the following. "I'm saying this one thing, but what I really mean is this other thing that I can't directly tell you, because it will be perceived as rude and offensive. That will hurt you feelings, and I don't want to do that, because that will make me feel like a bad person. Just kidding, I don't really feel bad. I only say that to not appear as a bad person and to keep the advantage you provide for me in this social arrangement.
It is if public perception is the most important value being honest looks like being rude and mean and may be a risk too large to someones social value. I always feel a cloud of superficiality when in the vicinity of most normies and all foids as in a public setting foids would rather you disappear or die then having to be forced to interact with you, but any freakout could potentially make them look bad and risk a chance on losing out on chad.
Women are have a natural affinity for deception, a propensity towards manipulation, and a talent in social camouflage. They are natural social chameleons. They adopt the morals, values, beliefs, and ideologies of the group. They do, because they must. They are, after all, the physically weaker sex and must do this to survive. They rely on the ability to lie, deceive, and manipulate their way out of trouble and into advantageous situations - it is their tools by nature, in nature, just as our muscles and intelligence are our tools by nature, in nature.
I do think it is overstated. It's not like they manipulate their way out of an ER or rapist's attack or single-motherhood. They usually do this to men who mean good.

Otherwise, agreed. The way they interact, even in regards to little things, is like they are trying to get each other to slip up, so they can have a field day with the unfortunate individual.
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Also, since it seems to be mostly about femininity, I'd say it's not the influence of femininity, rather male sex drive, fueled by our indomitable need to reproduce. The JBWs that that are considered 'bluepilled' or 'divorce-raped' cucks, they are going to SEA and leaving the local gooks with their bastards, basically acting like chads. How many men would stop to help a middle-age foid in need? From my experience, very few to none. How come men spend so much money on young foids to simp, yet, some of them have no qualms about scamming roasties? How come foids say they struggle to get promotions or more favors as they age? Why can't older foids use the 'ruse' that is femininity?

Men getting 'deceived' by femininity is like saying one is getting deceived by a seller even though you are making a conscious choice and know there's no other way to obtain that product.
Idk if they're always being intentionally duplicitous

It's more that even if they were in earnest, what they're saying wouldn't mean anything bc their lives don't mean anything

It's easy to say something and then renege on it when it meant nothing in the first place
This is partly why so many autistic people become blackpilled I think. We have a hard to accepting lies and fabrications and prefer clear, direct communication.
It's probably the same reason most autistic people are non-religious. It requires the same kind of thought to communicate with a foid on their level that it does to believe in God and religion, you are forced to accept things that clearly do not make sense on the face of it and just go along with it.
Also makes sense why so many foids hate autistic men (and women too to be fair) They hate us because we do not go along with their lies and bullshit.
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This is partly why so many autistic people become blackpilled I think. We have a hard to accepting lies and fabrications and prefer clear, direct communication.
It's probably the same reason most autistic people are non-religious. It requires the same kind of thought to communicate with a foid on their level that it does to believe in God and religion, you are forced to accept things that clearly do not make sense on the face of it and just go along with it.
Also makes sense why so many foids hate autistic men (and women too to be fair) They hate us because we do not go along with their lies and bullshit.
High IQ. More foids are religious than men.
I think hopelesscels, when it comes to foids, are likely to blackpilled more than any other man. You take the dive to rid of the mental agony caused by so much gaslighting.
Bwitch, I like that. Nerd culture was doomed, I saw it coming long before roasties hijacked it.

MGTOW used to call them female chameleons. Tbh, a lot of roasties nowadays pretend to be interested in guy stuff like cars and football.

It pays off. Femoids get much more donations on bwitch than guys, while offering much less value in terms of entertainment or gameplay. They just have a rack and attract lonely simp cucks and their money.
High iq thread.

I wish I wasn't a retard so I can post like this
This ruse you talk about is very accurate. It's the basis of social interaction and it's exactly what I am completely unable to do. I'm simply too honest and moral. I am completely unable to play the ruse game.

High quality thread.
I'm amazed by your ability to put your thoughts into words so eloquently, you must have a high verbal IQ.
It is part of human language, there is nuance, white lies, half-truths, straight deception, delusions, omissions, deceit, misrepresenting the truth, rhetoric, etc.

As an incel, I like it that way, it's like a game.

This is why I think democracy is the worst sort o way to organize society

With the preceding ones such as monarchy or theocracy, you had amuch greater likelyhood of enforcing a standard of honesty and directness on society.
But democracy, as it has to pretend that normies/betas/women opinions matter, is built on deception, and this deception spreads from politics to social life
When normies and women talk in social settings all, if not most, of the comments they make, exchanges they have, and interactions they experience, and other things they say tend to be the opposite of what they intend. I included normies in here, because they - the beta male, almost exclusively - mimic the women they intend to (but almost never will) fuck. They will agree with them, laugh at their stupid jokes, and will do what they will, like what they like. They will be followers and follower (see: the millions of betas that follow Instathot and Twitch Bwitch - bitch and witch who bewitch - whores). But they will ultimately fail to see the true, duplicitous nature of women. However, they fail to see that women lie, reflexively, as a matter of their evolution, in order to manipulate men into getting things out of them and doing things for them. We know them simply as blue pilled incels.

Of import it must be noted here that the more intelligent women amongst them soon realize a fundamental truth: the best way to manipulate a man is to use their femininity to tap into the masculine and bend it to their will (wield). The masculine has a natural, instinctual tendency and urge to be protective, and will use any means - to any extent - in ensuring that end in order to ensure propagation of their genes. Such is the nature of male paternalism.

The alpha males (chads) are not like this in the least, as you would expect. They true are the binary opposite of women, and brazenly give zero fucks about it. They will vehemently disagree with them, be abrasive, arrogant, aggressive, and stubborn. They will do things they want and not care at all about her or what she wants to do or how she feels. They can be racist, misogynistic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and be generally prejudiced in any way they wish... And the women will still fuck him - more importantly, they will WANT to fuck him, and will greatly enjoy BEING FUCKED BY him. They lead and trailblaze their own path. The women simply follow, and the beta males follow behind them. There is a rule here that can almost be taken as an axiom: betas chase women who, in turn, chase alphas.

The men (alpha males in this context) are exemplified by the phrase, "say what they mean, and mean what they say." This extends to, "do what they mean, and mean what they do."

And if alpha males are exemplified by the above, then women are exemplified by the polar opposite.

Women are have a natural affinity for deception, a propensity towards manipulation, and a talent in social camouflage. They are natural social chameleons. They adopt the morals, values, beliefs, and ideologies of the group. They do, because they must. They are, after all, the physically weaker sex and must do this to survive. They rely on the ability to lie, deceive, and manipulate their way out of trouble and into advantageous situations - it is their tools by nature, in nature, just as our muscles and intelligence are our tools by nature, in nature.

Normies are, by definition, the norm. They are the average, the most expected, the most common. Thus, they are the most numerous in any group. Alphas are, by definition, the first (hierarchically). They are the leaders, and are thus, the fewest in number in any random group. It follows, then, that in society that the majority of people will be the normies, and along with them, the women. The implicit lemma which pops out is that normies are equal to betas. Some of you may have already observed, as a corollory, that this puts us squarely in the left tail of this social distribution.

What does all of this ultimately mean? Women have the most influence in society and culture.

The natural consequence of this is that social interactions and situations, from the most mundane to the most delicate, rely on deception. Everything from etiquette to careful use of language exhibits the feminine. As a result, people lie abundantly (both seriously and casually - big lies and small lies), often saying the exact opposite of what they mean. In practice this looks exactly what you would expect: people lie and bullshit constantly. This doesn't rock the boat so that all parties which benefit from the status quo continue benefiting from it. Women benefit from this the most. Others who benefit occasionally are the betas - ones who women would view as sneaky, slimy, and shady. They're the men who lie and tell women what they want to hear to try and sleep with them (yes, the "red pill," at its fundamental core, is betas attempting to stealth their way into pussy, and alphas thinking their natural advantages are something that can be faked and gamed by the betas). Common memes that spread ("men are from Mars, women are from Venus," "women give faint hints and expect you to pick up on them, and looks like they expect men to read their minds," etc.) are yet another result of this influence.

This is why women and normies (most men) are deceptive and hypocritical, and why much social communication is done in code. A common thread that ties virtually all of it together is the following. "I'm saying this one thing, but what I really mean is this other thing that I can't directly tell you, because it will be perceived as rude and offensive. That will hurt you feelings, and I don't want to do that, because that will make me feel like a bad person. Just kidding, I don't really feel bad. I only say that to not appear as a bad person and to keep the advantage you provide for me in this social arrangement. The bad feeling is the fear of losing that advantage." I simply call this large class of social interactions (both communications and actions) the great ruse. This choice of term - ruse - is selected, in part, as a play on "rose," which signifies the strong symbolism of the feminine. That is to say, the great ruse is feminine by its very nature.
Good post, I agree that dishonesty, deception and duplicity are very feminine practices

It’s funny how you use core mathematical terms like “axioms”, “lemmas”, “corollary”, “distribution”. People who aren't studied in maths at higher education level, very rarely use these words in a casual context. Maybe you should create a formal list of axioms that define the normie and the alpha, and create some lemma, like:

For all females, normies and alphas, there is an event space F, and a probability function P, which decides the probability that any female will be sexually attracted to a given object aF. Let F = {Normie,Alpha} be an event space for P. Consequentially, P(Normie) < 0.5, and P(Alpha) > 0.5”, with respect to F
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When normies and women talk in social settings all, if not most, of the comments they make, exchanges they have, and interactions they experience, and other things they say tend to be the opposite of what they intend.

The natural consequence of this is that social interactions and situations, from the most mundane to the most delicate, rely on deception. Everything from etiquette to careful use of language exhibits the feminine. As a result, people lie abundantly (both seriously and casually - big lies and small lies), often saying the exact opposite of what they mean.

This is why women and normies (most men) are deceptive and hypocritical, and why much social communication is done in code. A common thread that ties virtually all of it together is the following. "I'm saying this one thing, but what I really mean is this other thing that I can't directly tell you, because it will be perceived as rude and offensive. That will hurt you feelings, and I don't want to do that, because that will make me feel like a bad person. Just kidding, I don't really feel bad. I only say that to not appear as a bad person and to keep the advantage you provide for me in this social arrangement.

A socializing incel will always be a socializing incel
Either you are born normal in the head or you fight for the rest of your life
This is why I think democracy is the worst sort o way to organize society

With the preceding ones such as monarchy or theocracy, you had amuch greater likelyhood of enforcing a standard of honesty and directness on society.
But democracy, as it has to pretend that normies/betas/women opinions matter, is built on deception, and this deception spreads from politics to social life
democracy is the most feminine way
thats why is so relevant now
Good thing I'm a sigma and don't have to deal with any of this.
@SlayerSlayer @LeFrenchCel @PLA1092 Please pin this, buddy boyos.
Good post, I agree that dishonesty, deception and duplicity are very feminine practices

It’s funny how you use core mathematical terms like “axioms”, “lemmas”, “corollary”, “distribution”. People who aren't studied in maths at higher education level, very rarely use these words in a casual context. Maybe you should create a formal list of axioms that define the normie and the alpha, and create some lemma, like:

For all females, normies and alphas, there is an event space F, and a probability function P, which decides the probability that any female will be sexually attracted to a given object aF. Let F = {Normie,Alpha} be an event space for P. Consequentially, P(Normie) < 0.5, and P(Alpha) > 0.5”, with respect to F
I have a few axioms...

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