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[Discussion]Create A Game Based On A Fictional Universe.



nevER lose your smile⚡⚡
Nov 20, 2022
In this thread, I ask everyone to come up with an idea for a game based on a pre-existing fictional universe from anime/manga, literature, or any kind of franchise in general.

Here's a few Ideas I have:

Dune RPG
Based around Frank Herberts original Dune novels- it wouldn't focus so much on the main story like with the recently new movies, but it would focus on the broader universe as a whole.

For those who don't know, Dune is set very far in the future, to the point humanity is basically in a "dark age" of sorts due to certain events in this universe. For example, they had to wipe-out AI, since it became self-aware & tried to enslave them, so they have no AI, robots, or "thinking machines" as they term it. I think this adds a lot of uniqueness, as in order to sort of "replicate" these types of functions machines once had, humans developed different "Schools" kind of like "Guilds" in a way, which trained people in certain skillsets.

In this RPG, you would be able to choose one particular "School" or skill-set, and then eventually follow some kind of general RPG story with various quests, options, factions, etc.

Warhammer RPG
Similar in design to the one above, but set in a Warhammer fantasy setting-not 40K.
An mmo rpg in WH age of sigmar would be fire
I'd prefer just standard single-player RPG, MMOs have a habit of becoming infested with normies, foids, and becoming pay2win
A hunter x hunter game in the style of dragon ball kakarot would be cool af.
you're probably thinking of a CPRG if you mean it like the first 2 fallouts, the og baldurs gate games, so on
I could settle for that, but also based on the mechanics in FNV, Oblivion, etc.
A Starship Troopers shooter based on the original 1959 novel, so with power suits and more retro-futuristic tech.
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I want a Hellsing open-world game with DMC type gameplay. Also this game needs to be unapologetically edgy, as it should be, and extremely politically incorrect (as in having displaying swastikas ingame, having nazis wear actual SS uniforms, war crimes, etc). As a bonus, have DLC side-stories featuring Father Anderson and that nazi werwolf as the protagonists for their each story.
It is but it's like 70$
Jfl, an 1/8th of cocaine is cheaper than that. :feelskek:

Modern gaming has become such a soulless & Jewish
A Starship Troopers shooter based on the original 1959 novel, so with power suits and more retro-futuristic tech.
that would be cool, power-suites would be kind of like Fallout power armor.
I want a Hellsing open-world game with DMC type gameplay. Also this game needs to be unapologetically edgy, as it should be, and extremely politically incorrect (as in having displaying swastikas ingame, having nazis wear actual SS uniforms, war crimes, etc). As a bonus, have DLC side-stories featuring Father Anderson and that nazi werwolf as the protagonists for their each story.
Kek based.

Add Black Magick SS as the soundtrack
Good thread boyo bro

My universe will be a mix of power system from JJBA and JuJutsu Kaisen some small elements from CSM and kinda CP 2077


It would more or less a Action RPG with some elements detective and crafting mechanics. You won't create character from strach mind you it would be kinda Witcher series Geralt with backstory but you would still have freedom of choice you will be doing side quests to certain locations. Mind you that it will have elements of immersive sim and certain locations will more or less open and some more closed but alternate routes, kinda like deus ex games,


I would that combat will somewhat be depend on of player, bit slower than in soulsgames but more tactical ( always liked RE4 combat and that you can't move when you shoot ), also using enviro to your advantage.

A) Stats

You would have two type of stats
- Attributes
- Skills

Attributes are

Intellect will govern how many points you can distribute each level to skills, Psionic Energy amount you gain each level and base and how much your Psionic needs recover in combat

Neuroleptics is kinda Tech attribute you can hack terminals, PC's, cars, other people ( kinda cyberpunk like)

RIZZ - Can overall lesser negative attitude outside world has toward you, potential of passing barter, speech checks. Kinda dump stat in theory but read more i will explain that it might have use

Endurance - In short physical stat, how much can carry weight, strength req of weapons ( both melee and firearms, energy ones )

Luck - Game will have not classical difficulty meter so the more luck you will have enemy encounters will be less chalenging due to more positive situations, also crit chance, lowest number of this stat will have effect on that you can't deal with crits and enemy will always DEAL crti damage, while opposite not same but more favorable to you

Skills are

Combat ( Govermed by End attribute )
One Handed ( Daggers, Swords, Mace etc )
Two Handed ( Greats Swords, Hammers )
Guns ( Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns )
Tech Weapons ( Plasma, Laser, Electric guns )

Tech ( Neuroleptics gov )
Medkit ( Medicine )
Neuro Matrix ( Hacking Terminals can be used in combat by using other people )
Pickpocket ( Stealing itams, money )
Ninja ( Sneak skill basically higher sneak damage etc )

Psionics ( Intellect gov )
Anihilation ( Fire, Ice, Lightning and rare spells which dark damage, gravity )
Manifestation ( Can manipulate physical world )
Illusion ( Mental damage, illusions etc )
Summoning ( summoning familiars, gothic spirits, weapons and items )

But main style of combat would be A Devils which can be used by gothic energy ( think them like a stands from JJBA ), now i will steal many concepts from JJK but it would have practically JJK style system of power with stands added to them ( So latter you can obtain magic to heal yourself ( Reverse Devils ) and additional techniquest like extended techniques to your main Devil Technique, Alternate Reverse Devil technique and Domain Expansion ( you trap opponents in territory which greatly enhances your physical abilities and sure hit effect to all your attacks or you will will a rule in area which enemy must follow ). Stands will be more like Devils from CSM you are born with than manifestation of you and DE will be literally ''A Manifestation of Devil to Material world''

At end of the game will have final power up kinda like stand arrows have effect depending on your decision and playstyle.

Will write latter ( story ) cause i need to draw for animation now

Hope somebody might be sligthly interested what i written here

@DarkStar ( great thread )
@K1ng N0th1ng
devil technique will be not chosen kinda defeault basic stuff ( nothing fancy abillity just hit hard kinda but you will be strong like shonen protags )
I know this will sound extremely edgy jfl but hear me out.
Not important type game (shooter)
With the pov type of new age realism (forgot the game but its viral) pov that looks realistic. Sounds edgy, but would generate millions, get millions in appearance on news etc.

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