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Blackpill Disabled people should be banned from breeding.



I just have to keep going...
May 1, 2019
Imagine breeding and giving birth knowing that your offspring will suffer for its entire lifetime. How cruel and devoid of mercy is that? It's absolutely morally barbaric; And yet it is allowed and even celebrated, just like that whore of a mother giving birth to that disabled boy condemning him to the life of misery and suffering.

Nazis had the right idea with that although they did went to extremes outright performing "late abortions" still they are saints compared to the Japanese but the Japanese were guided with pure hatred while Germans at least tried to morally rationalize their actions.

The point is, people should not be allowed to breed if they cannot produce a healthy offspring. Instead, adopt. Disabled people are a burden on society. Fair enough if you develop a disability during your lifetime it is always a possibility. But to purposely instrument a birth of a disabled child and to cherish it as love is absolutely disgusting and anyone who thinks otherwise is just a fucking massive hypocrite.

In fact, selective breeding should be mandated by law as to better the society as a whole. We are not far off from that I think it will happen within our generation. All it will take is one successful case to get the train rolling. There will be protests and normies will protest the hardest against it because the whole social hierarchy will flat-line once gene manipulation will be widespread. There will be no more incels or weak to pick on. Machines will take over the most low jobs we are used to sending the bottom of society too. Those that won't be automated will be done by immigrants and outcasts. And the society will move forward. But we were born too early to reap the benefits of that society. No, instead we are just the bodies on which the future generations will build their fortunes. None of it will we ever benefit from.

It's over.
I'm too compassionate to agree with this. Logically it makes sense though.
Meh lets just take women's right to vote away then focus all of society on genetic editing stuff. Then we can talk about this.
I'm too compassionate to agree with this. Logically it makes sense though.
IT please include me in the screenshot
IT please include me in the screenshot

Why is this controversial? I thought it's compassionate tbh. I am just trying to save the poor disabled children from a life of misery.
Why is this controversial? I thought it's compassionate tbh. I am just trying to save the poor disabled children from a life of misery.
IT are trannies and trannies love to astroturf body-positive movements to spread their agenda
agreed. we need gene editing now to purge the disabled. tho with prosthetics we may have cyborgs in maybe 40 years
I agree, they're just going to be parasites and nuisances.
We will have to spend thousands caring for those vegetables.
Kill them all.

the people on this site who have autism
dont wanna have kids, the chances of your kid having it are high asf.

dont put your kid through that

sorry OPs
Foids cannot fathom the idea of treating disabled people like human beings while also acknowledging that we should aim for a zero percent disability rate. They are so self obsessed that they just HAVE TO HAVE THEIR OWN KID EVEN WHEN THEY KNOW HE WILL BE DISABLED AND SUFFER FROM THE SECOND HE IS BORN UNTIL HE DIES.

They have no compassion, no empathy, they cannot step outside of their own bubble for even a second. When they have a disabled kid they are congratulated but when i say people should adopt a kid instead of bringing a disabled person into the world im the bad guy. Amazing. Clown world. I live in a giant circus
"I lived a life of suffering, misery n being depressee, why not bring another life into this world for it to experience it too?"
Many deformities are really just developmental malformities, the genes are fine but the shit environment makes people suffer. Usually embryonic fetal development is to blame.

I agree that we should stop congenitally deformed people from forcing inescapable struggle onto others.
Meh lets just take women's right to vote away then focus all of society on genetic editing stuff. Then we can talk about this.
Best answer possible. Genetic engineering is the future.
20200221 162417
There's only a few political subjects I have a very firm opinion about, this is one of them. Generally our society is way too reserved and cautious to openly discuss topics like suicide and euthanasia. I blame religion for this.

Bluepilled simps cannot grasp the idea of someone being suicidal because they're seeing the world through their own lens. The most outspoken opponents of euthanasia and suicide I've met were some completely healthy and happy young people, their biggest concern in life was most likely that their crush doesn't like them back. Idk. Some crap like that.

It makes me wanna throw up in their face tbh. Who tf do they think they are to rule over somebody else? To decide for others whether or not their life is worth living?

There's misery beyond their imagination: disability is something you just can not judge if you're healthy. It's not up to healthy people to decide for them. A healthy person forcing a disabled person to live should be a crime. Any person with an incurable disease or hopeless diagnosis should have access to barbiturate to end it once and for all..

If there's any chance that a disabled person can pass on his misery to his/her offspring, they should not be allowed to reproduce. We have enough suffering on this planet.
I agree, also low iq and obese people who refuse to lose weight, and old women should not have children.
We can free the next generation from certain inceldom
Say this out loud and you're the bad guy.
I never got this woe is me, I want to die a genetic dead end logic, and I'm autistic. I have a hunch it's supported by NT fakecels who are too scared of deep web forums and they make an account on here thinking it's edgy.
I never got this woe is me, I want to die a genetic dead end logic, and I'm autistic. I have a hunch it's supported by NT fakecels who are too scared of deep web forums and they make an account on here thinking it's edgy.
You never got it? Then maybe you're NT. Fuck the deep web.
You never got it? Then maybe you're NT. Fuck the deep web.
I have a feeling that you're the ones LARPing as disabled. I have low empathy so I don't care what happens to my offspring, I just care whether I'll have it at all. You guys are too high empathy to be autists.
I have a feeling that you're the ones LARPing as disabled. I have low empathy so I don't care what happens to my offspring, I just care whether I'll have it at all. You guys are too high empathy to be autists.
I fucking yelled at my dad for breeding and leaving me on this rock as he on his way out. I'm not just autistic, I'm Tourette's and paranoid. I have several sensory disorders associated with Tourette's and autism. I also have a severely hot temper and some addictions. If you have no empathy you should not have any kids. You'd suck as a parent
I fucking yelled at my dad for breeding and leaving me on this rock as he on his way out. I'm not just autistic, I'm Tourette's and paranoid. I have several sensory disorders associated with Tourette's and autism. I also have a severely hot temper and some addictions. If you have no empathy you should not have any kids. You'd suck as a parent
I'm sorry you had to go through that. And I said I have low empathy, I never claimed having none. I wanted to train myself to recognise distress on other people and be empathetic, but then I discovered PSL forums and learned personality means nothing.
I agree, they're just going to be parasites and nuisances.
We will have to spend thousands caring for those vegetables.
Kill them all.
Make it as painless and stress free as possible. They did not ask to be like that
We will be those people living on sewers dealing drug firearms and brain implants. Can't wait for that tbh
Merciful, based and eugenics pilled.

Imagine sitting with the weird malformed kids in special ed at school. Then imagine being one of them without even the ascension into normal ethnic manletdom. Its probably even worse in third world countries.
Make it as painless and stress free as possible. They did not ask to be like that

Mercyful. Big brain, big heart.
Grow me a new body and transplant my brain into it.
Imagine breeding and giving birth knowing that your offspring will suffer for its entire lifetime. How cruel and devoid of mercy is that? It's absolutely morally barbaric; And yet it is allowed and even celebrated, just like that whore of a mother giving birth to that disabled boy condemning him to the life of misery and suffering.

Nazis had the right idea with that although they did went to extremes outright performing "late abortions" still they are saints compared to the Japanese but the Japanese were guided with pure hatred while Germans at least tried to morally rationalize their actions.

The point is, people should not be allowed to breed if they cannot produce a healthy offspring. Instead, adopt. Disabled people are a burden on society. Fair enough if you develop a disability during your lifetime it is always a possibility. But to purposely instrument a birth of a disabled child and to cherish it as love is absolutely disgusting and anyone who thinks otherwise is just a fucking massive hypocrite.

In fact, selective breeding should be mandated by law as to better the society as a whole. We are not far off from that I think it will happen within our generation. All it will take is one successful case to get the train rolling. There will be protests and normies will protest the hardest against it because the whole social hierarchy will flat-line once gene manipulation will be widespread. There will be no more incels or weak to pick on. Machines will take over the most low jobs we are used to sending the bottom of society too. Those that won't be automated will be done by immigrants and outcasts. And the society will move forward. But we were born too early to reap the benefits of that society. No, instead we are just the bodies on which the future generations will build their fortunes. None of it will we ever benefit from.

It's over.
High IQ and morally-based
Ugly women have ugly children.
If the child happens to be a boy, he will be an incel.
Women like that need to be euthanized for their selfishness
I agree, they're just going to be parasites and nuisances.
We will have to spend thousands caring for those vegetables.
Kill them all.
Agree. No resources for them.
People with genetic disorders (be it physical or non-physical like autism or even clinical depression) shouldn't breed. Ugly parent(s) should not have a son in this market, it's beyond cruel. It's child abuse to have a kid on those grounds.

People are too fucking selfish though and still have kids, even though they're condemning another human being to a life of pain and misery.
the thing is there doesn't need to be a law because foids are already doing that for you naturally via abortions and the internet has allowed them to circumvent regional barriers and can now select perfect mates at a touch of a screen. men who have mental disorders like autism are the at the bottom when it comes to reproduction, so we can actually see evolution taking place - the problem here, unlike autistic men, autistic women aren't having difficulties finding partners and breeding so perhaps a law of sterilisation for autistic foids? in iceland foids are aborting children with down syndrome and cerebral palsy and there's a very real possibility it'll start occurring elsewhere as society continues to normalise murder (abortion), especially as this society continues to individualise with the decline of Christian morality and communities because they can't compete with the materialism of capitalism.

if you're posting here, then you are a victim of evolution and you've hit the breeding barrier. some will slip through, but the majority of us wont ever breed let alone have sex.
If it prevents more Autism sufferers then I'm all for it.

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