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RageFuel Dirty whore lauren southern takes her betas with her to "End islamic sharia" in europe



Had it with these cucks!
Jan 6, 2018
This piece of shit whore is fooling low iq alt right cucks to donate to her so she can keep the degeneracy in europe intact, free from islamic sharia. Muslims are the only europeans left who can help us curb modern day whoredom, but of course lauren and her soycucks don't want that.
What do you expect from (((them)))?

This guy seems cool.
I would do it if she fucked me tbh.
If you have to have a religious establishment enforce anti "whoredom", why fucking Islam lol.
If you have to have a religious establishment enforce anti "whoredom", why fucking Islam lol.
Everything helps. My point is this bitch should focus on the soycucks and rosties, instead of muslims. But she doesn't want to bash sjw's anymore because she knows she's a whore piece of shit, and muslims offend her white pussy. Pretty soon she'll talk about incels next, but she might be afraid of losing 99% of her patreons.
Everything helps. My point is this bitch should focus on the soycucks and rosties, instead of muslims. But she doesn't want to bash sjw's anymore because she knows she's a whore piece of shit.

SJWs are such an easy target, i'd argue that Islam is a much bigger issue nowadays, even if I don't agree with Lauren's technicalities on said issue.
SJWs are such an easy target, i'd argue that Islam is a much bigger issue nowadays, even if I don't agree with Lauren's technicalities on said issue.
The negatives of islam don't outweigh the good they do for anti-degeneracy. They will be useless to us once Incelistan is established, then we can bash them. I edited the last comment you replied to btw.
stop being a faggot

stop fucking goats

The negatives of islam don't outweigh the good they do for anti-degeneracy. They will be useless to us once Incelistan is established, then we can bash them. I edited the last comment you replied to btw.

I guess this is where we disagree. There is a mountain of shit for every modicum of good Islam has to offer.
I guess this is where we disagree. There is a mountain of shit for every modicum of good Islam has to offer.
Sjw's are a way bigger threat than some religious anti-degenerates trying to enter a cucked country.
Globally? Are you sure?
What are the negatives muslims do? Whatever they are I'm sure that's not the reason she's making the documentary.
What are the negatives muslims do? Whatever they are I'm sure that's not the reason she's making the documentary.

I'd start saying shit like honor killing female rape victims but then you might say that shit like that are positives. I personally don't care about Lauren Southern.
I'd start saying shit like honor killing female rape victims but then you might say that shit like that are positives. I personally don't care about Lauren Southern.
>starts off by naming a positive
what do you have against islam?
it's anti degeneracy
muslim countries keep their women in check
what's not to like
If you have to have a religious establishment enforce anti "whoredom", why fucking Islam lol.

This, being a muslim would suck, but I would probably give in and accept allah if it allows me to have a virgin loli wife, its a decent trade off to have to be a strict muslim if I get that shit.
>starts off by naming a positive
what do you have against islam?
it's anti degeneracy
muslim countries keep their women in check
what's not to like
High iq.
>starts off by naming a positive
what do you have against islam?
it's anti degeneracy
muslim countries keep their women in check
what's not to like

Your avatar sets a good example for you bud.
That shit popped up in my recommended vids. Will watch tomorrow and then comment.
Islam by far seems to be the only thing that keeps women in check, by nullifying all the privileges and advantages women have over men. I'm just not 100% on board with Islam due to how authoritarian they are.
I'd start saying shit like honor killing female rape victims but then you might say that shit like that are positives. I personally don't care about Lauren Southern.
That's the excuse alt-righters use to hate muslims. It's usually "honor killings, muh white race, gang rapes, and terrorist attacks set up by (((them)))"
I'm just not 100% on board with Islam due to how authoritarian they are.
That's the reason I'm not on board with them either.
Your avatar sets a good example for you bud.

Alright you are sounding more and more like a blue pilled cuck as this thread goes on. Following the strict laws of islam would be annoying, but I don't see anything wrong itself about the rules they impose. They create social order. If islamic law was imposed world wide there wouldn't be much crime, but if you impose the typical european law world wide the way its setup promotes mass degeneracy and crime always runs rampant under such circumstances, there are just too many loop holes and exceptions in european/westernized law.

If any of us was born in a strict islamic country we'd already be married to some virgin teen and soon to have children. You have yet to answer what everyone else is asking.

why is Islam bad?

what do you have against islam?
what's not to like

Really simple question, how about you start from there.
How about we start Islamic Shariah

not an argument bro
why is Islam bad?

Are we prefacing this argument on the notion that honor killing rape victims and the like are part of what you define as Islam or nah? I just don't want to start naming atrocities done in the name of it and then have you respond by saying that such actions aren't part of fundamental Islam.

answer my question

The only way I can perceive someone justifying that shit is if they think that the female was wholly complicit in being raped. Do you believe so?

Alright you are sounding more and more like a blue pilled cuck as this thread goes on. Following the strict laws of islam would be annoying, but I don't see anything wrong itself about the rules they impose.

What is the difference between their "strict laws" and the "rules they impose"?

They create social order. If islamic law was imposed world wide there wouldn't be much crime, but if you impose the typical european law world wide the way its setup promotes mass degeneracy and crime always runs rampant under such circumstances, there are just too many loop holes and exceptions in european/westernized law.

You are going to have to expand on this a little because the notion that Islamic law creates little crime in practice is wrong and self evidently so. Religion is bound to have schisms, and said schisms are bound to be violent when it's core doctrine teaches violence against apostasy.

If any of us was born in a strict islamic country we'd already be married to some virgin teen and soon to have children. You have yet to answer what everyone else is asking.

Suit yourself buddy. I'd prefer someone a little more developed.
The only way I can perceive someone justifying that shit is if they think that the female was wholly complicit in being raped.
Most sluts can't get raped. Sluts think "A sub6 had sex with me against by will even though I just fucked 9 chads this month."
Most sluts can't get raped. Sluts think "A sub6 had sex with me against by will even though I just fucked 9 chads this month."

Do you have proof of this assertion, assuming you've applied it to the cultural climate of the middle east?
What are the negatives muslims do? Whatever they are I'm sure that's not the reason she's making the documentary.
I actually like music and art and would prefer not to get beheaded for listening to something other than prayer chants or drawing a person. The only good thing about Islam is their control of foids, other than that its mostly cancer.
I actually like music and art and would prefer not to get beheaded for listening to something other than prayer chants or drawing a person. The only good thing about Islam is their control of foids, other than that its mostly cancer.
That's the part I don't agree with. If they kept that stuff under control then they'd be ok.
What is the difference between their "strict laws" and the "rules they impose"?

There is no difference, what I'm saying is that it would be annoying, but I don't see anything wrong with the rules themselves, they impose social order, some are a bit extreme, but our lives would be better if islam was the dominant world religion, not worse. It would take some getting used to, but its a good trade off from my perspective. I might even consider marriage in such a world.

You are going to have to expand on this a little because the notion that Islamic law creates little crime in practice is wrong and self evidently so. Religion is bound to have schisms, and said schisms are bound to be violent when it's core doctrine teaches violence against apostasy.

Evidently so how?, I'm pretty sure if we compared the crime stats of an islamic country to that of america it would be drastically different, and it would be in the favor of the islamic country.

Suit yourself buddy. I'd prefer someone a little more developed.

I think you meant "somewhere" (well I'm assuming)

Ok lets compare the choices:

Developed "less savage" culture where you are sexually starved, depressed, suicidal, and will likely never have children


Undeveloped "savage" authoritarian culture where you have strict lifestyle rules to follow that inconvenience you, but all your sexual needs are met, you don't want to die everyday, you will have many children and possibly even many wives

Goddamn maaaan, this is such a hard choice duuuuuuude (obvious sarcasm). Back to reddit mate (we need a back to reddit emoji), this isn't the site for you.
The only way I can perceive someone justifying that shit is if they think that the female was wholly complicit in being raped. Do you believe so?
You are going to have to expand on this a little because the notion that Islamic law creates little crime in practice is wrong and self evidently so. Religion is bound to have schisms, and said schisms are bound to be violent when it's core doctrine teaches violence against apostasy.
{citation needed}
Last edited:
That's the part I don't agree with. If they kept that stuff under control then they'd be ok.
I guess you could argue the best answer would be less extreme islam. Keep the slut shaming and foid control but get rid of the "kill anyone who draws a picture" mentality (and similar things like that) and Islam would be great.
Are we prefacing this argument on the notion that honor killing rape victims and the like are part of what you define as Islam or nah? I just don't want to start naming atrocities done in the name of it and then have you respond by saying that such actions aren't part of fundamental Islam.
There's nothing in Islamic scripture that says femoids should be killed for being rape victims.
No society is perfect. You can't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs, most honour killings are probably for woman actually whoring around anyway.
I guess you could argue the best answer would be less extreme islam. Keep the slut shaming and foid control but get rid of the "kill anyone who draws a picture" mentality (and similar things like that) and Islam would be great.
Yeah ok buddy create a liberalisation slippery slope for yet another civilisation's culture, worked so well when the West tried it.
I guess you could argue the best answer would be less extreme islam. Keep the slut shaming and foid control but get rid of the "kill anyone who draws a picture" mentality (and similar things like that) and Islam would be great.
High iq. Like what they call "soft patriarchy."
i hope someone kicks this mudshark in her cunt so hard she can never have children
I guess you could argue the best answer would be less extreme islam. Keep the slut shaming and foid control but get rid of the "kill anyone who draws a picture" mentality (and similar things like that) and Islam would be great.

I say don't try to half ass it and ruin a good thing, if the worst thing is I have to pretend to love allah and his prophet everyday and I get to fuck and marry a cute arabic loli then sign me up, allah be fucking praised, i'll even learn arabic, its an easy tradeoff, fuck you can even have multiple wives under islam. Its not a hard choice, just don't fucking draw mohammed and make fun of the religion, that shit isn't hard.

Yeah ok buddy create a liberalisation slippery slope for yet another civilisation's culture, worked so well when the West tried it.

This, I say we take the good with the bad to preserve the good.
There is no difference, what I'm saying is that it would be annoying, but I don't see anything wrong with the rules themselves, they impose social order, some are a bit extreme, but our lives would be better if islam was the dominant world religion, not worse. It would take some getting used to, but its a good trade off from my perspective. I might even consider marriage in such a world.

Then why make the distinction in the first place? Personally, I'd prefer freedom of expression over raping some underage girl in an arranged marriage but that's just me.

Evidently so how?, I'm pretty sure if we compared the crime stats of an islamic country to that of america it would be drastically different, and it would be in the favor of the islamic country.

Pull up some stats my guy. I'm willing to have my mind changed if need be.

I think you meant "somewhere" (well I'm assuming)

Ok lets compare the choices:

Developed "less savage" culture where you are sexually starved, depressed, suicidal, and will likely never have children


Undeveloped "savage" authoritarian culture where you have strict lifestyle rules to follow that inconvenience you, but all your sexual needs are met, you don't want to die everyday, you will have many children and possibly even many wives

Goddamn maaaan, this is such a hard choice duuuuuuude (obvious sarcasm). Back to reddit mate (we need a back to reddit emoji), this isn't the site for you.

I meant "someone" as in not a 12 year old. But whatever, I'd rather have the freedom to be as faggy as I desire, enjoy whatever art I want, then get laid at the cost of almost every freedom a female enjoys in the west. Also I'm a bitter virgin who can't get laid, as much as we are unalike I am one of you.


{citation needed}

You are morally broken. I'd discuss this with you more but I'd rather save my breath for people who are a little bit more grounded in reality.

There's nothing in Islamic scripture that says femoids should be killed for being rape victims.
No society is perfect. You can't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs, most honour killings are probably for woman actually whoring around anyway.

That's fair, that's why I asked you that question. I more so condemn the text for advocating the destruction of apostates/general sexism which is used as justification for more extreme acts. Do you have proof of that last claim? I won't accept "probably".
I'd prefer freedom of expression over raping some underage girl in an arranged marriage but that's just me.
Foids wouldn't be getting raped in a sharia run civilization. That's like saying if we had sex with a landwhale it's rape because we are in a gynocentric society instead of an islamic one, and men don't have all their rights under cucked democracy where women make the decisions for the working class men. And "underage" girl is made up, anything above 13 isn't underage.
You are morally broken. I'd discuss this with you more but I'd rather save my breath for people who are a little bit more grounded in reality..
using Ad hominem is not an argument
try again
I feel like my brain is going to melt out of my eye sockets. This has been (fun?) but we might have to agree to disagree soon.

Foids wouldn't be getting raped in a sharia run civilization. That's like saying if we had sex with a landwhale it's rape because we are in a gynocentric society instead of an islamic one, and men don't have all their rights under cucked democracy where women make the decisions for the working class men. And "underage" girl is made up, anything above 13 isn't underage.

Females under arranged marriages in Islam do not have agency, and marriages are usually consummated. This is rape.

using Ad hominem is not an argument
try again

I'm just being real with you. I'm debating 3 other people and I don't think you are worth debating right now.
Also I'm a bitter virgin who can't get laid, as much as we are unalike I am one of you.

No you aren't because you sound like a larp, if you aren't a larp you are so blue pilled that there is no point in you even trying to be "one of us", you're just half assing the black pill, you aren't ruthless enough yet, you don't have enough hatred in you, that's why you seem like a larp, a faker. Your posts sound like that of a blue pilled normie, you clearly aren't one of us, I'll say it again, why are you even on this site, nobody really shares your sentiments, nobody here is still as weak hearted as you are, you've yet to fully imbrace the black pill.

Just do yourself a favor and stop wasting your time, go join reddit inceltears and work on "becoming a better person". At least there you can make some - "I'm a virgin who struggles like they do, but I didn't let that ruin me, where are my obligational virtual pats on the back". Those posts were all to familiar with on the site, that sound a lot like what you said above.

You are morally broken. I'd discuss this with you more but I'd rather save my breath for people who are a little bit more grounded in reality.

1. Morals are subjective, again you are nothing like us, please don't delude yourself into thinking you are one of us, the thing that binds this sites users together isn't really our sexual frustration, its the mindset that frustration and hatred has fostered, the black pilled mindset, that's why you claiming to be one of us by virtue of being a virgin is a joke, because you aren't black pilled, and we can't confirm whether one is a virgin, but we can confirm based on ones beliefs if they are black pilled.

2. The way you said "grounded in reality" made you sound even more like a larping normie. News flash, ones reality is nothing more than the social norms that were forced upon them from birth, you are acting as if the "reality" you speak about, your perspective, is universal. In the islamic world, having women walk around in slutty clothes and lose their virginities to random guys in their young teens isn't he "norm", forcing women into submission is their "reality". As confused and outraged as you would be to see women walking around scared with burkas on and being beaten, a muslim man from an islamic country would be just as confused and outraged walking around in the average western "civilization".

Its best you leave the site tbh, I can see you getting banned by a mod pretty soon for some moralfag post or some blue pilled shit, its only a matter of time, why prolong the inevitable.
Females under arranged marriages in Islam do not have agency, and marriages are usually consummated. This is rape.
i'm done
it's my fault for taking you somewhat seriously
No you aren't because you sound like a larp, if you aren't a larp you are so blue pilled that there is no point in you even trying to be "one of us", you're just half assing the black pill, you aren't ruthless enough yet, you don't have enough hatred in you, that's why you seem like a larp, a faker. Your posts sound like that of a blue pilled normie, you clearly aren't one of us, I'll say it again, why are you even on this site, nobody really shares your sentiments, nobody here is still as weak hearted as you are, you've yet to fully imbrace the black pill.

Just do yourself a favor and stop wasting your time, go join reddit inceltears and work on "becoming a better person". At least there you can make some - "I'm a virgin who struggles like they do, but I didn't let that ruin me, where are my obligational virtual pats on the back". Those posts were all to familiar with on the site, that sound a lot like what you said above.

1. Morals are subjective, again you are nothing like us, please don't delude yourself into thinking you are one of us, the thing that binds this sites users together isn't really our sexual frustration, its the mindset that frustration and hatred has fostered, the black pilled mindset, that's why you claiming to be one of us by virtue of being a virgin is a joke, because you aren't black pilled, and we can't confirm whether one is a virgin, but we can confirm based on ones beliefs if they are black pilled.

2. The way you said "grounded in reality" made you sound even more like a larping normie. News flash, ones reality is nothing more than the social norms that were forced upon them from birth, you are acting as if the "reality" you speak about, your perspective, is universal. In the islamic world, having women walk around in slutty clothes and lose their virginities to random guys in their young teens isn't he "norm", forcing women into submission is their "reality". As confused and outraged as you would be to see women walking around scared with burkas on and being beaten, a muslim man from an islamic country would be just as confused and outraged walking around in the average western "civilization".

Its best you leave the site tbh, I can see you getting banned by a mod pretty soon for some moralfag post or some blue pilled shit, its only a matter of time, why prolong the inevitable.

We can still have a discussion on our concepts of reality and morals, even if they are subjective in a philosophical sense. You seemed to have no problem doing just that.

But perhaps you are right, maybe this isn't the place for me. I'm not one for dogmatic thinking, believe me I fit in just about as well in every other group I attempt to affiliate with.
I'm not one for dogmatic thinking

that why our side is losing, because we have half hearted guys like yourself worming you way into our groups and saying "I'm one of you", while our enemies are completely dogmatic and their extremists are celebrated. If you think you'll make any impact or get anywahere in life half assing a belief system you are truly deluded.

Pick a side or a side will be chosen for you.

You've already got the light weak hearted thing going for you, so you might as well normiemax and stop wasting your time trying to be one of us, because you never will be.
that why our side is losing, because we have half hearted guys like yourself worming you way into our groups and saying "I'm one of you", while our enemies are completely dogmatic and their extremists are celebrated. If you think you'll make any impact or get anywahere in life half assing a belief system you are truly deluded.

Pick a side or a side will be chosen for you.

You've already got the light weak hearted thing going for you, so you might as well normiemax and stop wasting your time trying to be one of us, because you never will be.

Like I said, i'm not one for dogmatic thinking. It's a shame that everything seems so divisive nowadays.

This is tangentially related; is self criticism part of the blackpill? Genuinely curious.

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