No you aren't because you sound like a larp, if you aren't a larp you are so blue pilled that there is no point in you even trying to be "one of us", you're just half assing the black pill, you aren't ruthless enough yet, you don't have enough hatred in you, that's why you seem like a larp, a faker. Your posts sound like that of a blue pilled normie, you clearly aren't one of us, I'll say it again, why are you even on this site, nobody really shares your sentiments, nobody here is still as weak hearted as you are, you've yet to fully imbrace the black pill.
Just do yourself a favor and stop wasting your time, go join reddit inceltears and work on "becoming a better person". At least there you can make some - "I'm a virgin who struggles like they do, but I didn't let that ruin me, where are my obligational virtual pats on the back". Those posts were all to familiar with on the site, that sound a lot like what you said above.
1. Morals are subjective, again you are nothing like us, please don't delude yourself into thinking you are one of us, the thing that binds this sites users together isn't really our sexual frustration, its the mindset that frustration and hatred has fostered, the black pilled mindset, that's why you claiming to be one of us by virtue of being a virgin is a joke, because you aren't black pilled, and we can't confirm whether one is a virgin, but we can confirm based on ones beliefs if they are black pilled.
2. The way you said "grounded in reality" made you sound even more like a larping normie. News flash, ones reality is nothing more than the social norms that were forced upon them from birth, you are acting as if the "reality" you speak about, your perspective, is universal. In the islamic world, having women walk around in slutty clothes and lose their virginities to random guys in their young teens isn't he "norm", forcing women into submission is their "reality". As confused and outraged as you would be to see women walking around scared with burkas on and being beaten, a muslim man from an islamic country would be just as confused and outraged walking around in the average western "civilization".
Its best you leave the site tbh, I can see you getting banned by a mod pretty soon for some moralfag post or some blue pilled shit, its only a matter of time, why prolong the inevitable.