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LifeFuel Didn't tip roastie for bad service.

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Oct 27, 2018
Was eating at a restaurant and the roastie waitress barely stopped by our table. I asked her for water one time and never got it. When the bill came up, she was suddenly all nice and smiley, asking how the food was and everything. Hope she enjoyed seeing that "Tip: $0.00" on the receipt.
Was eating at a restaurant and the roastie waitress barely stopped by our table. I asked her for water one time and never got it. When the bill came up, she was suddenly all nice and smiley, asking how the food was and everything. Hope she enjoyed seeing that "Tip: $0.00" on the receipt.

Based, but you know you can never go back to that restaurant again right?

dine and dash the dump. no tip now!
You basically have to wave some foid waitresses over to get any service at all. Male waiters generally do their jobs well. I wish we had the european system, really doesn't make sense that we have to provide their salaries.
You basically have to wave some foid waitresses over to get any service at all. Male waiters generally do their jobs well. I wish we had the european system, really doesn't make sense that we have to provide their salaries.
Just that industry fucking you over expecting the customers to top up the below legal wage.
Just that industry fucking you over expecting the customers to top up the below legal wage.
Yeah and once you get past a $100 bill they're really fucking you since the minimum is 15%. This is why I just hoard all my money
Yeah and once you get past a $100 bill they're really fucking you since the minimum is 15%. This is why I just hoard all my money
That's such bullshit, why should it be a percentage of the bill, why not just state a 1 or 2 dollar minimum. Who the fuck comes up with this shit.
That's such bullshit, why should it be a percentage of the bill, why not just state a 1 or 2 dollar minimum. Who the fuck comes up with this shit.
Cheap cunts, like you said they want to keep everyone on slave wages. If I worked in a restaurant I'd just :feelsrope:
You could've gave hER somEtHing else than a Dirty jew shecKle
I never tip a roastie whether the service is good or bad.
I never tip a roastie whether the service is good or bad.

Most restaurants pool the tips. This means cooks, dishwashers, bussers all get paid tips ontop of their working wage. The Roasie server’s purpose is to make cucks tip higher. Hotter the roastie better the tip
Tipping was made from greedy businesses so they can find an excuse to pay their workers like crap and put the blame on the customers for their shitty wages. Don’t tip at all. If one of the workers gets mad at you, tell them to complain to their bosses not you.
Here in Europe we are never required to tip. USA is cuckold country since you are expected to tip and if you don't they may ruin your food next time. I'm ordering my pizzas online and it comes to my home within 30min-1h no tips needed or required :what::chad:
Its no surprise the western country where foids are ruling the most is the one where tipping is a thing

Somehow you should be rewarded not for your work but for how much you can emotionally blackmail people to tip you
Its fucking genius how well this is setup for female abilities , they're masters at sucking off finances with emotional force
The guys in the kitchen work just as hard if not harder, but she
She is at the front, she is smiling, and she is bringing you food, she deserves extra money and boy is she glad thats how her salary is setup because she will bring home much more cash then the guy preparing food and doing dishes
She deserves it! Cause look at her she brings you food! Haha....

Being a waitress is like a training ground for extracting betabucks
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Good that tipping culture isn't a thing in Germany.
Here in europe you see something you like, you see the price, you order it , you expect good service, end of the story,

None of this fucking bullshit where you have to pay one part of the price, and for the other part spend time judging how good the waiters performance is, and how much money they deserve, like wtf I come to eat food, not to pay attention to how well you do in your job as if you're some kind of star
I come eat food at your place and I should hold mental space throughout dinner judging you and at the end of dinner to review your performance? Horseshit
Imagine if every single service rewarded tipping, you'd spend your entire day waisting valuable mental resources paying needless attention to one's working peformance and how it should be rewarded

Its just so dumb it hurts I dont even know why it upsets me this much
Just order, eat, and pay, its simple,why does it have to be such a shitshow
i was a waiter for couple of months. pure sucidfuel
all the female waiters were WHORES. acted shit to people that seemed poor, and if some buinsness guys came they would make their cleavage bigger and suddenly smile like fucking whores
one time there was a close event of some rich cunts, and ALLL the female waiters came dressed like WHORES
and ofcourse they did like 50% work because they were always flirting with all the managers always while we (the males) work like ants. and ofcourse because "girls cant lift heavy things"
If there's bad service, then it's definitely the right thing to not tip them and probably never go back there.
I never tip roasties lmao
You're a cuck if you do. You only have so many little ways to get back at society, make use of them.
I never tip them just because they look good and if they try to cover their lack of service with fake flirting i'm more than prepared to discuss why I will leave no tip.
Always leave bad reviews on women.
USA i assume ? I heard tipping culture there is terrible, luckily its not that strict in Germany, in fact i never heard about people complaining about getting not enough tips

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