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Discussion Did you guys know that the Matrix was created by 2 trans women?



rigged world
Oct 6, 2019

Had no idea about this.. why? I mean we say black pill and all of that which we got from the Matrix. Did you guys know about this???
haha silly incel if you believe that looks matter you actually support trans rights xD
The matrix? The movie? It was NOT created by those clowns. Oops yes apparently it was. Low IQ moment
Does it really matter? What a given movie means and what the terminology that resulted from the movie stand for doesn't necessarily come from the creator, it specifically comes from the viewers who interpret it in their own way.
I hate it when people change what they think a movie means just because the creator came out years later to say "actually its about transgender struggles".
Yeah I saw some woke interpretations of movie. They basically say that movie is an allegory on the process of coming out as trans and conforming to society as a trans person. It makes as much sense as you can expect. Overall I don't give shit because Hollywood movies = worthless propaganda and shitty 'entertainment' anyway so fuck them all.
and who gives a shit about this, dude?

if someone change their opinion about the movie just because of this shit then they literally have NPC tier thinking
Does it really matter? What a given movie means and what the terminology that resulted from the movie stand for doesn't necessarily come from the creator, it specifically comes from the viewers who interpret it in their own way.
I hate it when people change what they think a movie means just because the creator came out years later to say "actually its about transgender struggles".
like when lil nas x came out as gay and everyone said his horse riding song was about riding dick
Technically it wasn't, they were normal dudes when they made the movie.
Wow never knew, now I don’t wanna watch it
By the way, Matrix 4 is on the making. I've watched videos with theories about how the different versions of the matrix are actually about one simulation being created inside the other.
Transwomen Mentally ill crossdressers. They're also kikes so go figure.
What are the odds that two of them just happened to be transgender? Astronomical. No, they both must have went through something that made them this way. And it may have happened later in life. I’ve heard talk they attended drug-fueled hypno sessions with a dominatrix who specialises in turning straight men into sissies and trannies. I can’t back it up but it sounds plausible.
I knew because of this:

Don't be fooled op. Tee matrix dudes were men before getting Jewd.

Those soundtracks were made by a man before transitioning .except tron .but that movie sucks ass along woth the music. Although Tron legacy is vastly superior cuz of daft punk.

And what the fuck is vaporwave?.

But it doesn't matter cuz biologically speakin it's STILL MEN WHO MADE THIS SHIT.
They stole the whole story from a book iirc
What are the odds that two of them just happened to be transgender? Astronomical. No, they both must have went through something that made them this way. And it may have happened later in life. I’ve heard talk they attended drug-fueled hypno sessions with a dominatrix who specialises in turning straight men into sissies and trannies. I can’t back it up but it sounds plausible.
:worryfeels: weird theory but sounds plausible.
the redpill was a metaphor for taking estrogen pills

this is what the matrix really meant guys xd

Im never touching that movie again. Someone get the flamethrower already
They may of created the movies but I’m partial to believing the story was probably ripped off from one of the dead Jew Harlan Ellison’s short stories ala the same one James Cameron ripped off the idea for Terminator from and later was legally forced to credit Ellison for in newer prints of The Terminator on disc in its credits section.

As well I also wouldn’t be surprised if these disgusting tranny freaks ripped the rest of it off from that one nigger bitch people claim is the real author of it in conspiracy circles but whose name escapes me now.
Yeah man, it's pretty disappointing and shameful
So what? I think it's true that the phrase "involuntary celibacy" was first coined by a woman but it doesn't mean anything either. Like... thanks for the metaphor, Lilly, now fuck off.
so they were created by men.

also trannies are disgusting

Had no idea about this.. why? I mean we say black pill and all of that which we got from the Matrix. Did you guys know about this???

Doesn't count.

They weren't trannies at the time of production.

They're "transition" took place after the fact.
they made it before becoming trannies
What silly attempt at a loophole to take "credit" away from men.

JFL at the socialjusticetards
they didn't go tranny until 20 years later though
Supposedly she coined "incel" but involuntarily celibate was already coined long before that, and it's doubtful she actually did coin "incel"
But what if she invented both terms, so what? It's just a word. And the pill thing is just a metaphor that we use as a shorthand for something. It's not like we're necessarily Matrix fans or that Matrix has anything to do with inceldom.
they are still men lol
So it was created by men then
Doesn't count.

They weren't trannies at the time of production.

They're "transition" took place after the fact.

What silly attempt at a loophole to take "credit" away from men.

JFL at the socialjusticetards
They did a good job but dont really care if they are trans or not tbh.
Much that men think belong to them were actually created by us

What's this supposed to mean? They have male brains, and, well, are just male in general JFL.
I knew it
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They probably werent trannies back then
"Much that men think belong to them were actually created by us"

What does he mean by "us" ? He can't possibly have meant "women".
I’ve heard talk they attended drug-fueled hypno sessions with a dominatrix who specialises in turning straight men into sissies and trannies
@mental_out thoughts?
I dunno why anyone would want to do that tbh, I never got the sissy hypno shit, weird fetish.
Would you look into this? Do you think it's a good way to grow your cult?
I'm honestly starting to think people legitimately want to be part of a femboy cult, like its transcended jokes
Lmao :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah:

Reminds me of this
James Cameron only had to pay because of a technicality when he sarcastically said, "yeah I ripped him off" and it was later taken out of context and used as evidence. A machine vs human war isn't new, and predates Ellison by a lot. I think Philip K Dick's Screamers predates Ellison's short story and it's a lot more similar to the type of future war depicted in Terminator, especially the type of killer robot and infiltrators. I think really the only real similarity is the time traveler angle, and then in Terminator 2 the metal hand in the glass display. Not really enough to actually be forced to pay for plagiarism, so he got lucky with that settlement, mostly because of Cameron's big mouth. Matrix has a number of works they ripped off like Total Recall also by Philip K Dick but especially the Schwarzenegger film, and a French philosophical book about how we are living in a simulation.

That black woman claiming everyone ripped her off is just a retard. I guess Frank Herbert traveled back in time and ripped her off too.
Tl;dr shaking my head
i will rewatch this movie now
I dont care about trannies, untill they not telling me to go for ugly old roasties
The Matrix was Directed by two wiggers. The above photo pic is what they looked like when making it.


Oh and even feminists says #MenCan'tBeWomen and they aren't all "TERFS" either.


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