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Did I Develop PTSD from Bullying and Social Retardation?



Nov 8, 2017
I don't have it anymore, but I really mean this. I know Incels have a propensity to grossly exaggerate, but I really, sincerely think I got PTSD from being an awkward fuck-up.

I have always been hyper self-aware, and being a legit .5/10 with social retardation from ages 13-16 really fucked me up really badly. Again, I had nicknames like "pizzaface" and people called me "pube beard". Girls made fun of me. So let's look at the symptoms of PTSD and how I lined up

Flashback: Didn't have it at random times. However, situations such as being near a girl in class sometimes brought back quick memories of my most mentally horrific experiences. I'd get lost in these memories. Verdict: Yes

Fear/Anxiety: Oh, most certainly. I'd get scared of being picked to be with a girl in an assignment. I'd be scared of sitting next to one. When we did group assignments and combined our desks, I'd have my desk turned to the side so that I would not fully be in the group. I'd literally get red and sweaty at the thought of standing up to sharpen my pencil or blow my nose.Verdict: Yes

Mistrust: Not really. I kept Oneitising girls and didn't realize AWALT. I also didn't fully realize human nature. Verdict: No

Agitation/Hostility/Irritability: Not outwardly around people I wasn't too close with, because I wanted to avoid being an autist. But I did exhibit a lot of anger and malice around family and friends (Not towards them). Verdict: Partially

Self-Destructive Behavior/Social Isolation: I'd avoid talking to people, especially girls, out of fear of embarrassment. Sometimes I'd do things out of spite for life itself, it's sort of hard to explain. Avoided things out of fear and spite. For example, I started eating lunch alone to spite my "friends", but also because they made fun of me. Verdict: Yes

Insomnia or Nightmares: No. Verdict: No

Emotional Detachment: I always talked in a monotone and was depressed. But I'd also get excited at the prospect of being with a Oneitis. Verdict: Partially

Unwanted Thoughts: I literally had an urge to commit murder that can't be described as anything other than an instinctive urge. Verdict: Yes

tl;dr: If a "yes" is 2 points and a "partially" is 1 point I scored a 10/16 on my self-assessment.
Bullying ruins your mind, no wonder some have taken it to the next level, they were forced to.
I wonder how some people can get bullied and turn out fine, but for others it ruins them.
QuantumDummy said:
I wonder how some people can get bullied and turn out fine, but for others it ruins them.

PArt of it was bullying, part of it was my own severe fuck-ups that I literally obsessed over for years
ItheIthe said:
PArt of it was bullying, part of it was my own severe fuck-ups that I literally obsessed over for years

I've had the same experiences as you.

Especially obsessing over things that happened in the past.
bullying is a way for monkies to weed out the genes that are not to be passed. You are bullied because god and nature hates you.
BlaKdaGGeRz said:
bullying is a way for monkies to weed out the genes that are not to be passed. You are bullied because god and nature hates you.

You are bullied because you are ugly
Many people who were bullied get a personality disorder like ASPD,APD, Social Anxiety, Depression, other anxiety disorders. PTSD of bullying? Could be possible, but iam sure not very often. Go to a retarded therapist and tell him you want a diagnosis. tbh
DestroyedLife said:
Many people who were bullied get a personality disorder like ASPD,APD, Social Anxiety, Depression, other anxiety disorders. PTSD of bullying? Could be possible, but iam sure not very often. Go to a retarded therapist and tell him you want a diagnosis. tbh

Again, a good amount of it was my own doing from being an obsessive social retard. I critiqued myself SO hard.

Definitely don't have PTSD now, though.
Unwanted thoughts? What's unwanted about that?
At least you had sex fucking failed normie.
QuantumDummy said:
I wonder how some people can get bullied and turn out fine, but for others it ruins them.

Different personalities.
"yo yo yo gib attention" fucking loooooool

you werent bullied severley i can tell


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i was diagnosed ptsd nearly 10 years ago now
ItheIthe said:
I don't have it anymore, but I really mean this. I know Incels have a propensity to grossly exaggerate, but I really, sincerely think I got PTSD from being an awkward fuck-up.

I have always been hyper self-aware, and being a legit .5/10 with social retardation from ages 13-16 really fucked me up really badly. Again, I had nicknames like "pizzaface" and people called me "pube beard". Girls made fun of me. So let's look at the symptoms of PTSD and how I lined up

Flashback: Didn't have it at random times. However, situations such as being near a girl in class sometimes brought back quick memories of my most mentally horrific experiences. I'd get lost in these memories. Verdict: Yes

Fear/Anxiety: Oh, most certainly. I'd get scared of being picked to be with a girl in an assignment. I'd be scared of sitting next to one. When we did group assignments and combined our desks, I'd have my desk turned to the side so that I would not fully be in the group. I'd literally get red and sweaty at the thought of standing up to sharpen my pencil or blow my nose.Verdict: Yes

Mistrust: Not really. I kept Oneitising girls and didn't realize AWALT. I also didn't fully realize human nature. Verdict: No

Agitation/Hostility/Irritability: Not outwardly around people I wasn't too close with, because I wanted to avoid being an autist. But I did exhibit a lot of anger and malice around family and friends (Not towards them). Verdict: Partially

Self-Destructive Behavior/Social Isolation: I'd avoid talking to people, especially girls, out of fear of embarrassment. Sometimes I'd do things out of spite for life itself, it's sort of hard to explain. Avoided things out of fear and spite. For example, I started eating lunch alone to spite my "friends", but also because they made fun of me. Verdict: Yes

Insomnia or Nightmares: No. Verdict: No

Emotional Detachment: I always talked in a monotone and was depressed. But I'd also get excited at the prospect of being with a Oneitis. Verdict: Partially

Unwanted Thoughts: I literally had an urge to commit murder that can't be described as anything other than an instinctive urge. Verdict: Yes

tl;dr: If a "yes" is 2 points and a "partially" is 1 point I scored a 10/16 on my self-assessment.

If you're scared to talk to girls, then how are u gonna get laid buddy boyo. Gotta learn to ask out girls even if most of them say no. You'll get used to it.
C450_4matic said:
If you're scared to talk to girls, then how are u gonna get laid buddy boyo. Gotta learn to ask out girls even if most of them say no. You'll get used to it.

I'm not, I' talking about how I used to be. Any inhib I used to have is completely gone now that I realize all femoids are deranged hedonistic sluts.
Yes and that's why i'm socially retarded.
You are indeed (socially) retarded.
That's exactly why we're the way we are, years of bullying and social isolation isn't something you can just recover from.
Minjaze said:
That's exactly why we're the way we are, years of bullying and social isolation isn't something you can just recover from.

Once the damage is done, it can't be undone. You're stuck with it forever I feel.

[font=Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]It's not easy to hide
All this damage inside
I'll carry you with me
Until I'm not alive[/font]

[font=Roboto, Arial, sans-serif][video=youtube]https://youtu.be/ueJqe0-Ydrc[/video][/font]
PTSD must be diagnosed by a psychiatrist, and good luck getting them to recognize your trauma.
Bullying is actually extremely rare. It only happens to the top ten ugliest people in school. Everyone else might get one or two bad comments occasionally. People can just not look past someone with an ugly face. Being ugly is like being popular in that everybody knows you, however it's because of how ugly you are, so everyone wants you to suffer instead of adore you. Everyone will try to justify why they hate you with copes like It's creepy and wierd how he doesn't talk, even though whenever he made an effort to talk to anyone, everyone responded with some variation of fuck off loser.
A female therapist actually told me that my bullying in high school has all the symptoms of PTSD. She was useless and just gave me useless shit advice though.
Bullying is actually extremely rare. It only happens to the top ten ugliest people in school. Everyone else might get one or two bad comments occasionally. People can just not look past someone with an ugly face. Being ugly is like being popular in that everybody knows you, however it's because of how ugly you are, so everyone wants you to suffer instead of adore you. Everyone will try to justify why they hate you with copes like It's creepy and wierd how he doesn't talk, even though whenever he made an effort to talk to anyone, everyone responded with some variation of fuck off loser.
I've been called quiet but never wierd
It's true. I can see this in myself now. I'm almost 28, never had any friends or a girlfriend. My whole life i have tried to deal with people but i just can't connect or relate to them. People always find me boring or dislike me, when i somehow end up in a conversation it's really short and people make it obvious that they don't want to talk and that they dislike me. Because of that i never learned any social skills and now it's almost impossible to catch up in trivial life experiences like making friends and a social circle, getting a girlfriend and experience love.
Wow this mustve been hard.

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