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SuicideFuel Describe experiences you have had in highschool



Stay asleep
Aug 15, 2018
-the gym class held a circle where ppl took turns saying what they do in their spare time or whatever, i said "i like internet and video games" or something like that and overheard a foid saying "wow what a loser"
-the tyrone in tutoring was slapping the ass of a white 14 yr old foid sitting in his lap who was known for her ass, the staff gave him a slap on the wrist (ie "stop that")
-in spanish class, there was some activity where the guys had to choose a foid to do some spanish assignment in the hallway, i chose a random blonde foid and she rejected me in favor of the black taller guy next to me although it was some "como te llamas" shit or something that takes 5 seconds and its rotational
When couples dared to PDA in front of me it hurt physically. I once saw my childhood crush getting her tits and ass groped by some better looking guy. That point marked the beginning of the end
When we had a school trip to Hungary I had a couple as my roomates at the hotel. They used to sleep and shower together.
-For a year in high school i was in the same class as this guy with the same name as me. Keep in mind i was like 5'5 at the time and he was atleast 6ft+, he was an Aryan nordic and he was a bit smarter than me (Got better grades). Pure suifuel i wanted to die every time because i would constantly hear a foid scream out my name but turns out it was the other guy. :cryfeels:

I had other bad experience but i can't remember any others or they're just minuscule annoyances i had.
Currently no one pays attention to me in Uni, so i guess that's a lifefuel bonus for current HScels.
Back when ritalin was still positing on .co I opened one of his gore threads in the middle of class. I immediately back peddled out of the thread but two foids ended up seeing what was on my phone. They told everyone I was into gore. Im in college now but fuck man Mfw ritalincel literally ruined any chance of a active social life :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
When we had a school trip to Hungary I had a couple as my roomates at the hotel. They used to sleep and shower together.
Extreme suifuel ngl, if i was in your place i would have roped immediately
Back when ritalin was still positing on .co I opened one of his gore threads in the middle of class. I immediately back peddled out of the thread but two foids ended up seeing what was on my phone. They told everyone I was into gore. Im in college now but fuck man Mfw ritalincel literally ruined any chance of a active social life :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
Extreme suifuel ngl, if i was in your place i would have roped immediately
I was 17 and extremely in love with someone if I remember well so I didn't care much tbh, also I had no idea I was not even going to get a kiss in the following 10 years.
It was shit on top of more shit.
Nothing i want to remember or care about.
Just begone.
It has been 5 years since i left that hellhole.
Some manlet in my school wrote a love song for some Brazilian femoid and not only was he rejected but he got ruthlessly teased about it for the rest of hs
All 6 years of hs were complete shit and very lonely and loveless
Six years of hs? Repeat grades or different system for grades?
In spain you have 4 years of ESO or mandatory secondary education and then 2 years of some other shit to further your studies so then you can go to college
In spain you have 4 years of ESO or mandatory secondary education and then 2 years of some other shit to further your studies so then you can go to college
And here i thought that i had it bad in Portugal.
You guys have it worse than us.
Freshman year was the worst. Had zero friends in my classes.

Other 3 years had some friends in class so wasn’t as bad.

There are 3 cheerleaders I still remember. A blonde, an ethnic and a brunette who was an assistant to my Spanish teacher. You could say I had a crush on her even though she dated Chad and never talked to me.

No social life outside of school. Rarely hung out with anyone after school. No dates and no girls interested in me.

Only regret is not playing football. Stupid decision on my part. It was also a very stupid thing of the school coaches not to encourage me to join the team as I had a lot of size which they really lacked. Guess they would rather lose than have an ugly male on the team.
I did lowIQ stuff constantly. For example, once I wrote a love letter to a foid and she made fun of me in front of all her friends. Also fell down the 6 flights of stairs we had multiple times.
So many bad experiences would take hrs to list them all, lets just say eating lunch in the bathroom stall, getting mocked by guys, made fun of and gossiped by foids and being avoided like a plague for EVERY group/partner work was terrible on top of getting bullied, humiliated, and treated like total scum in every gym class
When we had a school trip to Hungary I had a couple as my roomates at the hotel. They used to sleep and shower together.
Oh my god i’m so sorry for that
Freshman year was the worst. Had zero friends in my classes.

Other 3 years had some friends in class so wasn’t as bad.

There are 3 cheerleaders I still remember. A blonde, an ethnic and a brunette who was an assistant to my Spanish teacher. You could say I had a crush on her even though she dated Chad and never talked to me.

No social life outside of school. Rarely hung out with anyone after school. No dates and no girls interested in me.

Only regret is not playing football. Stupid decision on my part. It was also a very stupid thing of the school coaches not to encourage me to join the team as I had a lot of size which they really lacked. Guess they would rather lose than have an ugly male on the team.
All i wanted to do was play football
Most memorable experiences:
-getting literally pissed on, kicked in the balls, and thrown to a dirty pool on my birthday
-became a cuck and being used by girls who wanted to approach my friends who didn't even care about them
-somehow became Valentine prom king on my second year of HS
-represented my school for a bridge design competition

Idk man too many colorful experience in HS
-the gym class held a circle where ppl took turns saying what they do in their spare time or whatever, i said "i like internet and video games" or something like that and overheard a foid saying "wow what a loser"
-the tyrone in tutoring was slapping the ass of a white 14 yr old foid sitting in his lap who was known for her ass, the staff gave him a slap on the wrist (ie "stop that")
-in spanish class, there was some activity where the guys had to choose a foid to do some spanish assignment in the hallway, i chose a random blonde foid and she rejected me in favor of the black taller guy next to me although it was some "como te llamas" shit or something that takes 5 seconds and its rotational
I wonder what some good strategies are for helping to deter PDA's? like what can the incel do to stop it?
became Valentine prom king on my second year of HS
FB431F0D 447D 42DD 9CC0 B615E0FF37B8
everyone was laughing at my short height and childish posture its over
Bullied most of Freshman year, kept my head down for my other 3 years. I was on a friendly basis with most males in school (including chads) because if you're nice to most males, they'll pretty much be nice enough with you.

However, I was mercilessly bullied by foids, basically a living dare to them, if that makes any sense. I think in my earlier years as well they tried to make me do stupid things / mess with me because they assumed I was autistic. I have some aspies but the intense bullying freshman year pretty much stopped when they found out I wouldn't be the autist they could pressure into doing stuff.

I try to forget about high school completely, aside from the shit I put up with I just kept my head down and studymaxxed + smoked weed alone pretty much all the time.
bullied freshmen year, ostracized for the last 2 years of high school
-the gym class held a circle where ppl took turns saying what they do in their spare time or whatever, i said "i like internet and video games" or something like that and overheard a foid saying "wow what a loser"
the irony is she probably spends most of her time on social media. Ragefuel.
I wonder if you would get the same reaction now. Gen Z is obsessed with the internet and gaming.
I was pretty much a ghost throughout high school. No one even noticed I was alive. I was a ghost all 4 years
we were playing volleyball in gym class. I spiked the ball really hard and hit a roastie in the face. The whole gym went silent and everyone got mad at me. She had to go home because the blood wouldn't stop
Think even people here would bully me if I told my HS stories
-the gym class held a circle where ppl took turns saying what they do in their spare time or whatever, i said "i like internet and video games" or something like that and overheard a foid saying "wow what a loser"
-the tyrone in tutoring was slapping the ass of a white 14 yr old foid sitting in his lap who was known for her ass, the staff gave him a slap on the wrist (ie "stop that")
-in spanish class, there was some activity where the guys had to choose a foid to do some spanish assignment in the hallway, i chose a random blonde foid and she rejected me in favor of the black taller guy next to me although it was some "como te llamas" shit or something that takes 5 seconds and its rotational
we were playing volleyball in gym class. I spiked the ball really hard and hit a roastie in the face. The whole gym went silent and everyone got mad at me. She had to go home because the blood wouldn't stop
I can’t believe I spent 4 years there and never even made acquaintances with a female. The same thing will happen in college. I gurantee it
Everyone thought I was gay so I was ostracized
we were playing volleyball in gym class. I spiked the ball really hard and hit a roastie in the face. The whole gym went silent and everyone got mad at me. She had to go home because the blood wouldn't stop
funny shit man
-I only ever met up with a friend a couple times, and that was the highlight of my high school social life, otherwise I'd just go home and immediately start to play games. I did have a social circle, though, but we'd never really do much outside of high school except talk on Skype.
-My only jump in popularity was when I made meme comics for a month in freshman year.
-Generally liked by the teachers who were older than 28-30 because I was always attentive and wasn't loud, the younger teachers (24-25 years old, basically first or second years) and coaches seemed like they didn't like me and would treat me somewhat condescendingly.
-I either did all the group projects by myself or I just went with the ride. No one ever wanted to be in a group with me and the teacher would always make me stand up and call people over so I can join their group.
-Treated condescendingly by my peers along with some undertones of rude, babyish sarcasm like I was some special needs kid.
- I remember seeing some girls that would just look at me and laugh or look at me like they wanted to follow me home and kill me.
-Some landwhale's Chadlite boyfriend came and sat next to me after school and the landwhale refused to sit next to him because she said I was "creepy," even though my mood was indifferent and I was just on my phone playing fucking Case Clicker.
-I also spent my high school time gymmaxxing and hoping that I'd get a girl because I was jacked, while hearing stories at the same time about dudes getting sucked off in the bathroom.
-Accidentally knocked a girl over in soccer, and I said I'm sorry in a worrying tone (was more concerned about whiteknights ganging up on me, ngl), and she proceeded to scold me and become borderline condescending to me for a couple weeks. Some fucking Chad popular kid did the same shit to the same girl in basketball a couple months later and he didn't apologize, but this time she laughed it off.

Holy fucking shit, reading these off really makes me more suicidal.
-the tyrone in tutoring was slapping the ass of a white 14 yr old foid sitting in his lap who was known for her ass, the staff gave him a slap on the wrist (ie "stop that")
Kill both of them!
we were playing volleyball in gym class. I spiked the ball really hard and hit a roastie in the face. The whole gym went silent and everyone got mad at me. She had to go home because the blood wouldn't stop
JFL, I'm genuinely laughing my ass off from this. :feelskek:
Only regret is not playing football. Stupid decision on my part. It was also a very stupid thing of the school coaches not to encourage me to join the team as I had a lot of size which they really lacked. Guess they would rather lose than have an ugly male on the team.
I played football and was a lineman for a couple of years. It didn't do shit to affect my chances with women.
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I was ghosted by everyone (even teachers) but occasional bullying by a single guy, rejected, and sitting in the last desk always without single friend i was constantly in sorrow and depression, even my "friend" from middle school stopped giving a shit about me, that's how my social anxiety got to the point i would rather sit at home all day for months playing games than leaving. It was worse than times of middle/primaryschool/kindergarden even tho i was bullied at least i had single friend, in high school NOBODY wanted to talk with me, no shit i dropped out society and normies wanted me to die. In a group projects they would also ghost me even while i was talking and giving them good ideas what the actual fuck. It's a miracle that i still haven't roped when i was 17-19.
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I fell up the stairs one time
I fell up the stairs one time
Lost it :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

Memories of High school:

-People tripping me.
-People hiding my stuff.
-Been called downsyndrome pinocchio because of my nose.
-People poured water on me.
-Sat alone.
-Relentlessly been told to kill myself and that I'd be doing the world a favour.
-Whenever someone found out there was a foid I liked, they'd either tell her in which she'd say shit like: "I'd rather date my fucking dog even if he was the last person on the planet" or some other non-ethnic chadlite would date her in the end.
-Ignored by foids.
-Despised by foid teachers.
-Ignored by pretty much everyone.

The list goes on.

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