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JFL Dementia Biden consider us as terrorists



MSTOW for life
Jun 16, 2019
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lol, say hello to the glowniggers guys
we've been labeled terrorists for a while now lmao
is it cuz i m sand ?
damn razist joe
Fæder ure
ðu ðe eart on heofenum
si ðin nama gehalgod
to-becume ðin rice
geweorþe ðin willa on eorðan swa swa on heofenum.
Urne ge dæghwamlican hlaf syle us to-deag
and forgyf us ure gyltas
swa swa we forgifaþ urum gyltendum
ane ne gelæde ðu us on costnunge
ac alys us of yfle.

ðe ic onwîcan bêgra âbûtan
Let's focus on niche group people that say the word nigger in the internet instead of the crime and drug in the country theory
But Biden can sniff little girls and it's fine. :feelswhat:
JFL if you think Biden actually read any of that.
He’s just the face of the party, the people in the back make all the decisions.
We wuz al-qaeda an sheet
JFL if you think Biden actually read any of that.
He’s just the face of the party, the people in the back make all the decisions.
yeah, i know, biden probably don't even know where he is most of the time, he just sign the dotted lines
With Niggers and Jews, the country lose
old faggot biden will never take me alive

venting because we're lonely is violent extremism now

we've been labeled terrorists for a while now lmao
I can't believe people forgot that whole Marquis Bailey and Namma Kates debacle after some rando got a bunch of money to investigate us :feelshaha: Half the users on :blackpill:dot club think this site is a honeypot working with the DHS
This retard is your new President

Funny world , really.
was going to make a thread about the report when it was realized but the entire thing is just boilerplate and wasnt sure what angle to approach it from
Well it's not like personally Biden would disagree with what is in the report. He is a male feminist that helped push laws like VAWA (where any domestic altercation (even shouting) between a man and a woman that leads to the police being called has to result in at least one person (man or woman) going to jail), fanned flames of hysteria over campus sexual assault (around the same time that the Columbia rape hoax was taking place in 2014) and also said that when a woman alleges sexual assault, presume she is telling the truth

(while later conveniently dismissing all allegations by a woman, Tara Reade, against him and simply saying that people that believe Tara Reade shouldn't vote for him but that he will stay in the presidential race (https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-voters-tara-reade-shouldnt-vote/story?id=70698747))
The competence of the current administration is underwhelming to say the least. I don’t think any actual “domestic terrorist” is deterred or intimidated by the Biden admin’s new war on domestic terror. How stern and scary can a pro-anal state made up of women and diversity hires, that regularly caves to a mob of blue haired soyboys, white women, and faux intellectual blacks (oops, I meant Blacks, with a capital B. Please don’t call the cops) possibly be?
bro, who isn't a terrorist nowadays
you get classified as a terrorist nowadays if you think torturing animals is bad :feelskek:
Anarcho-tyranny at its best. The murder rate in the US has risen like 30% compared to 2019, but the real emergency is supposed to be ugly guys who write mean things on forums.
[UWSL]whatever I don't live in burgerland [/UWSL]:feelscomfy:
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Incel terrorism exists, just like environmental terrorism or islam-driven terrorism. Yet treehuggers or shitslimes are never wished to be "eradicated" by the ZOG. End of debate.
Well it's not like personally Biden would disagree with what is in the report. He is a male feminist that helped push laws like VAWA (where any domestic altercation (even shouting) between a man and a woman that leads to the police being called has to result in at least one person (man or woman) going to jail), fanned flames of hysteria over campus sexual assault (around the same time that the Columbia rape hoax was taking place in 2014) and also said that when a woman alleges sexual assault, presume she is telling the truth

(while later conveniently dismissing all allegations by a woman, Tara Reade, against him and simply saying that people that believe Tara Reade shouldn't vote for him but that he will stay in the presidential race (https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-voters-tara-reade-shouldnt-vote/story?id=70698747))
The report makes one passing reference to incels, and that's just them listing examples of ideologically motivated extremism, alongside environmental activists and animal rights hippies. You and everyone else here are really blowing this out of proportion.

The policy recommendations of the report are so bland I didn't want to make a thread about them. Maybe I will considering the fearmongering retards on this forum.

I don't give a fuck about VAWA. It's normies that will suffer, not us. I'm not in a position to domestically abuse anyone.
The report makes one passing reference to incels, and that's just them listing examples of ideologically motivated extremism, alongside environmental activists and animal rights hippies. You and everyone else here are really blowing this out of proportion.
I'm not saying a crackdown on incels is imminent just because of whitepapers like this being released but imo unlike Trump, Biden has a track record of feminism and because feminists are opposed to incels it wouldn't be surprising if Biden had no problem with incels being grouped in as violent extremists.
The policy recommendations of the report are so bland I didn't want to make a thread about them. Maybe I will considering the fearmongering retards on this forum.
The recommendations cast a wide net on everyone that isn't neoliberal and pro status quo as being potential "DVEs".
I don't give a fuck about VAWA. It's normies that will suffer, not us. I'm not in a position to domestically abuse anyone.
I see
[UWSL]The recommendations cast a wide net on everyone that isn't neoliberal and pro status quo as being potential "DVEs".[/UWSL]

That's because DVEs do have an increasingly diverse range of ideological backgrounds. Social media algorithms and online communities allow for radicalization even over the most arcane of single-issue topics.

The question is what policies and procedures will remain in place to protect everyone's civil liberties.
That's because DVEs do have an increasingly diverse range of ideological backgrounds. Social media algorithms and online communities allow for radicalization even over the most arcane of single-issue topics.
Radicalization and extremism are extremely vague terms though.

The main reason there appears to be overlap including with incels is because a lot of dissident groups on social media co-opt a lot of terminology and rhetoric from incels and the manosphere. That makes the average person who has no context see no difference in how incels and the dissident groups talk in some instances. This can happen pretty rapidly like it did for white nationalists tbh

White nationalists used to be a lot more traditionalist stormfront types but with the rise of the alt-right (who co-opted a lot of ideas from the redpill and manosphere and specifically from more sympathetic people in the manosphere like Chateau Heartiste and Matt Forney), talk of dual mating strategy, alpha and beta males, dominance hierarchies and how women aren't loyal to a tribe started becoming more common.
The question is what policies and procedures will remain in place to protect everyone's civil liberties.
Judges nowadays don't tend to side with upholding interpretations of the law that protect everyone's civil liberties so you can see how a lot of people here wouldn't have much confidence in that safeguard tbh
Cucktears must be drooling in happines over this.
We've been considered terrorists for a long time now for most of the world, though. Well fuck the world.
I wouldn't put my trust in any Judge making a rational decision; They make decisions based on their personal politics and noone will challenge them on it, either.

It's a very fucked up system that will never be fixed.
Yeah judges all have tended to side with those already in power and the status quo unless there is some new potentially profitable industry that can benefit from interpreting laws in a more democratic way.
Its normies that do all the terrorism, incels haven't harmed anyone

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