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Serious Defending rich people is like defending sexhavers



Apr 29, 2019
Both deserve to be shot, both are virtue signaling over things which are necessary for our health and try to dismiss it as something normal completely ignoring our needs and make fun of us. We dont only need economical communism but also need to unironically seize the means of reproduction.

I want to burn both sexhavers and rich faggots I hate you both fuck ill be the next mao ill get ur fucking ass
Both will give you shitty advice that doesn't work AND THAT THEY THEMSELVES NEVER HAD TO FOLLOW TO GET WHERE THEY ARE
Both will give you shitty advice that doesn't work AND THAT THEY THEMSELVES NEVER HAD TO FOLLOW TO GET WHERE THEY ARE
yea, both are born into their position into society and need to be exterminated
I don't mind rich people per se. Problem is a lot of the ultra rich spend billions on propping up feminism, making the lives of lesser privileged men hell.
Depends how they made the money.
most rich people aquired it by having rich parents, but only the "selfmade" ones (usually chads or someshit) are the only shown ones to give the working class an illusion that they can become like said person one day.
Completely true, I've been noticing a lot of similarities between communism and our situation even if I'm not a fan of it.

In fact I'd say communism can only work with first balancing the social pyramid and only then the economic one, but at that point I would prefer a meritocratic system tbh
@PPEcel thoughts?

Both deserve to be shot, both are virtue signaling over things which are necessary for our health and try to dismiss it as something normal completely ignoring our needs and make fun of us. We dont only need economical communism but also need to unironically seize the means of reproduction.

I want to burn both sexhavers and rich faggots
Its funny to watch people rally behind and defend a company, business, or brand as if they give a single flying fuck about them

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most rich people aquired it by having rich parents, but only the "selfmade" ones (usually chads or someshit) are the only shown ones to give the working class an illusion that they can become like said person one day.
tbh fuck these Chad fucks
Communism will never work. Every revolution was finally betrayed. Give up illusions and accept that society is irreparable and the only solution is extinction.
I know full well that communism can't work, that's why I said the only maybe feasible way would be a world-wide revolution of societal nature before we can touch the economic aspect.

Even then it would still be a failed ideology surely, but it's funny to see normies simp so hard for it and then go against the only thing that might make it bearable
yea, both are born into their position into society and need to be exterminated
My family in the US came from the USSR and moved 1 country in the middle, they started from nothing
as new immigrates not familiar to the language and became fairly wealthy, many of them are sub 170cm manlets (suddenly here we are middle class, and would be considered lower in the US because of my cucked parents who stayed here, and I am also stuck here, since gl getting a visa even if you have a family, and I checked if it helps and it doesn't)

majority of people either go up or down their class, in fact many have a lot of debt
75% of upper class people are self-made, and many of those who get wealth, suck at keeping it
however to be fair its genetic, you are either born with the money sense or you are not

its the congress men who get rich of lobbying we should blame
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Plus it's not like rich people need defenders. They can hire security.
My family in the US came from the USSR and moved 1 country in the middle, they started from nothing
as new immigrates not familiar to the language and became fairly wealthy, many of them are sub 170cm manlets (suddenly here we are middle class, and would be considered lower in the US because of my cucked parents who stayed here, and I am also stuck here, since gl getting a visa even if you have a family, and I checked if it helps and it doesn't)

majority of people either go up or down their class, in fact many have a lot of debt
75% of upper class people are self-made, and many of those who get wealth, suck at keeping it
however to be fair its genetic, you are either born with the money sense or you are not

its the congress men who get rich of lobbying we should blame
Both deserve to be shot, both are virtue signaling over things which are necessary for our health and try to dismiss it as something normal completely ignoring our needs and make fun of us. We dont only need economical communism but also need to unironically seize the means of reproduction.

I want to burn both sexhavers and rich faggots I hate you both fuck ill be the next mao ill get ur fucking ass

Based as fuck.

Richcel genocide when!?

Tbh in the future I think family unit should be completely destroyed and children should be citizens of the state not citizens of the family hence they will start fresh. Equal opportunity for everyone. Not like it is right now if your family has deep pockets you basically win at life pretty much most of the time it's not fucking fair. Everybody should start from 0 when they come into this world.

This is some absolute bullshit statistic

Our study of millionaires blows that theory out of the water. Only 21% of millionaires received any inheritance at all. Just 16% inherited more than $100,000. And get this: only 3% received an inheritance at or above $1 million.

Our study of millionaires blows that theory out of the water. Only 21% of millionaires received any inheritance at all. Just 16% inherited more than $100,000. And get this: only 3% received an inheritance at or above $1 million.
Cherrypicked biased study plus I dont care because I've met more than enough rich people first hand that your bullshit can't convince me that they aren't all conniving lying exploitative pieces of shit
Also what the fuck is 'our study' show the actual study paper. Because 'my study shows different.
Being rich and self made is a sign of high IQ.
Based as fuck.

Richcel genocide when!?

Tbh in the future I think family unit should be completely destroyed and children should be citizens of the state not citizens of the family hence they will start fresh. Equal opportunity for everyone. Not like it is right now if your family has deep pockets you basically win at life pretty much most of the time it's not fucking fair. Everybody should start from 0 when they come into this world.
Danilov please. Leftists destroying the family unit is why you are an incel. Poor chad runs though jb pussy in his parents house. Looks are more important than money.
Cherrypicked biased study plus I dont care because I've met more than enough rich people first hand that your bullshit can't convince me that they aren't all conniving lying exploitative pieces of shit
Curry you live in one of the easiest times to make cash off of new tech. Crypto right now is turning out new millionaires weekly. But only the intelligent can take advantage.

Daily reminder the most valuable things can't be bought.
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My stepfather is a multimillionaire former CEO of a publishing company. I've known a lot of rich people. They fall into a few categories:
-born into it
-got extremely lucky. Were in the right place at the right time when something was taking off and got in on the ground floor
-sociopathic tendencies and willing to screw people over to get to the top

Never met anyone who actually worked hard to get to the top. You'd also be surprised by how dumb a lot of them are. The idea that these people know something that you don't is hilarious.
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Curry you live in one of the easiest times to make cash off of new tech. Crypto right now is turning out new millionaires weekly. But only the intelligent can take advantage.
View attachment 380926

Daily reminder the most valuable things can't be bought.
Yeah did you think losing the genetic lottery means you were born intelligent? I surely wasn't, so guess I will be a money incel as well as sex incel
What if you're a richcel?
Being rich and self made is a sign of high IQ.

Danilov please. Leftists destroying the family unit is why you are an incel. Poor chad runs though jb pussy in his parents house. Looks are more important than money.

Majority of wealth in this world is generational and inherited. It's especially true for most household names and brands. Explain to me why should chance decide my prospects in life? I understand that what I am saying is nothing more but an utopian dream. But one day we will progress enough for such discussions to be held. Until then I can only lust after the future.

If being self made is a sign of high IQ then if anything you should agree with my suggestions since the number of self made rich will greatly increase under my proposals while the free riders who acquire their wealth by pure chance of being born in the right family or the right country instead of actually contributing anything meaningful will be eliminated from the equation. They'll be forced to wagecuck in Mcdonalds.

Our collective tax should be used to support and generate equal opportunity for all. Until adulthood. Then it's off you go into the wide world. I mean it can be whatever really, the way it's implemented doesn't really matter. It can be a communist dictatorship or a free market fascist state for all I care as long as the principle of equal opportunity is truly upheld and right now it's a fucking joke even in the western ''''socialist'''' countries who go on and on about how they are so fair and just but if you got the money you can educate your child to 10x the standard of public schooling.

Sure enough even an underdog can succeed with enough determination and will power. Which is why I respect anybody who lifted himself out of poverty. Though most of such self-made individuals are nothing more but a case of a black swan or being in the right place at a right time.

Family unit is an archaic concept we inherited from the animal kingdom. We should distance ourselves from it. Also you are forgetting that looks ARE money. In the future plastic surgeries will be common place. Altering your looks will be cheap and accessible. When that happens money will be everything.

It's true in the short term destroying the family unit probably completely demolished our chances in life but that's only because we are stuck in the GAYEST FUCKING MILENNIA TO BE STUCK IN. This is literally the WORST fucking time to be alive. We are in the middle of a transition. We did not benefit from the past order and we will be too old to benefit from the future one. It's just fucking over. We got unlucky gg born in the wrong fucking year.

When the transition is complete and family unit will be phased out over the coming hundreds of years we will all benefit from it. Though it won't matter to us since we'll be dead so I guess we won't. At least futurecels will be happy I guess.

I truly despise the way modern world operates.

My stepfather is a multimillionaire former CEO of a publishing company. I've known a lot of rich people. They fall into a few categories:
-born into it
-got extremely lucky. Were in the right place at the right time when something was taking off and got in on the ground floor
-sociopathic tendencies and willing to screw people over to get to the top

Never met anyone who actually worked hard to get to the top. You'd also be surprised by how dumb a lot of them are. The idea that these people know something that you don't is hilarious.

:feelsree::feelsree::feelsping::feelsping::feelsree::feelsree: Give me 10k so I can buy crypto :feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels:
Both will give you shitty advice that doesn't work AND THAT THEY THEMSELVES NEVER HAD TO FOLLOW TO GET WHERE THEY ARE
:blackpill:Legit applies to anything important. Only fuckers with good dna, upbringing,connections make it anywhere
My stepfather is a multimillionaire former CEO of a publishing company. I've known a lot of rich people. They fall into a few categories:
-born into it
-got extremely lucky. Were in the right place at the right time when something was taking off and got in on the ground floor
-sociopathic tendencies and willing to screw people over to get to the top

Never met anyone who actually worked hard to get to the top. You'd also be surprised by how dumb a lot of them are. The idea that these people know something that you don't is hilarious.
same thing i have seen. i have seen some rich who got there by hardworking but that is slow as fuck and will take decades.
youth energy all gone, you will have money while being a steap above a living corpse
i dont believe in the ''just work hard'' bullcrap but this thread really shits on wealthmaxxers like me who are trying to wealthmaxx out of inceldom through cope ,

NEETS are getting too confrotable in .co tbh :feelswhat:
i dont believe in the ''just work hard'' bullcrap but this thread really shits on wealthmaxxers like me who are trying to wealthmaxx out of inceldom through cope ,

NEETS are getting too confrotable in .co tbh :feelswhat:
cope thread is on point. i am wealth maxxer as well and can say its accurate. most of us wealth maxxers will at best hit low level millions after years and decades but thats as far as you can go with hardwork. to ever hit double digit millions and beyond you need luck,sociopathy, connections not muh hard work
Explain to me why should chance decide my prospects in life? I understand that what I am saying is nothing more but an utopian dream. But one day we will progress enough for such discussions to be held. Until then I can only lust after the future.
Why were you born a human versus a centipede or bird?
If being self made is a sign of high IQ then if anything you should agree with my suggestions since the number of self made rich will greatly increase under my proposals while the free riders who acquire their wealth by pure chance of being born in the right family or the right country instead of actually contributing anything meaningful will be eliminated from the equation. They'll be forced to wagecuck in Mcdonalds.
The problem with your suggestion is time. If we kill all the the rich now, we'll have the same problem in 100 or 200 years. Its not a permanent solution. Lets say you or I become wealthy. Why should our resources be taken to pay for other men's children, especially when those men have better looks than we do?
Family unit is an archaic concept we inherited from the animal kingdom. We should distance ourselves from it. Also you are forgetting that looks ARE money. In the future plastic surgeries will be common place. Altering your looks will be cheap and accessible. When that happens money will be everything.
Family unit is not currently archaic. We don't derive our family structure from pre-agricultural society. In fact, polygamy is the actual natural state of our species, and what we are regressing to. One alpha holds the reproductive capital of all the females. Like chimps. The modern family unit came about because agricultural society was producing so much excess resources when compared to hunter-gatherers. The males who were in charge of these agricultural societies didn't want their excess resources going to feed and raise the spawn of other males, so a deal was reached that limited males to one female partner, with wealth passed through this structure.

Plastic surgeries will never be cheap. Too much variation in facial and body characteristics to make such a thing possible. Plastic surgery is very difficult. Why are gallbladder surgery and wisdom tooth removal (comparatively easy and cheap) still several thousand dollars, even though they have been done for 40+ years now? Its more likely that mass produced designer babies will be designed with decent looks. But the hypergamy issue never goes away, as all you do is raise the bar. A 10/10 today becomes a 5/10 in this timeline. Foids still select for the top 20% of males.

It's true in the short term destroying the family unit probably completely demolished our chances in life but that's only because we are stuck in the GAYEST FUCKING MILENNIA TO BE STUCK IN. This is literally the WORST fucking time to be alive. We are in the middle of a transition. We did not benefit from the past order and we will be too old to benefit from the future one. It's just fucking over. We got unlucky gg born in the wrong fucking year.
We are a in a transitory generation, but not in the way you think. The future will be post female, with machines replacing them as they already have in many cases.

Give me 10k so I can buy crypto
Invest a small amount in XRT and STA. Wait 3 years.
Spiteful rage is not going to make you rich.
Why were you born a human versus a centipede or bird?

If I was born a centipede I would be making the same exact argument if I had the capacity to do it so what's your point? Just because the world is inherently unjust doesn't mean we have to be too. The whole humanity is based on defying nature.

The problem with your suggestion is time. If we kill all the the rich now, we'll have the same problem in 100 or 200 years. Its not a permanent solution. Lets say you or I become wealthy. Why should our resources be taken to pay for other men's children, especially when those men have better looks than we do?

Because you had the resources paid for you too. It is a loan taken out the moment you are born that you are expected to pay back when you can start earning money. Everybody gets an equal loan and then they all pay it back when they graduate. You pay it for other children just as other children paid it for you the equality is maintained.

But it's just a fancy daydream don't get too worked up about it I know nothing like that will ever happen. Maybe in a thousand years. It's not a snap change it will be gradual and slow just like the leftist overthrow of academics.

Family unit is not currently archaic. We don't derive our family structure from pre-agricultural society. In fact, polygamy is the actual natural state of our species, and what we are regressing to. One alpha holds the reproductive capital of all the females. Like chimps. The modern family unit came about because agricultural society was producing so much excess resources when compared to hunter-gatherers. The males who were in charge of these agricultural societies didn't want their excess resources going to feed and raise the spawn of other males, so a deal was reached that limited males to one female partner, with wealth passed through this structure.

Plastic surgeries will never be cheap. Too much variation in facial and body characteristics to make such a thing possible. Plastic surgery is very difficult. Why are gallbladder surgery and wisdom tooth removal (comparatively easy and cheap) still several thousand dollars, even though they have been done for 40+ years now? Its more likely that mass produced designer babies will be designed with decent looks. But the hypergamy issue never goes away, as all you do is raise the bar. A 10/10 today becomes a 5/10 in this timeline. Foids still select for the top 20% of males.

I believe they will be cheap. Because the culture is shifted towards blackpill now days. It's all about the looks. This site is a prime example of that. It always was but now with global information access it's worse than ever. It will only get worse and the demand for facial surgery will grow. It won't be dirt cheap but it will be much cheaper than what it is now and far more culturally accepted.

Family unit stands in the way of progress it has to go. This world will never be a better place as long as parents have a monopoly on raising their children. The child should be removed from a family and be raised by the state.

We are a in a transitory generation, but not in the way you think. The future will be post female, with machines replacing them as they already have in many cases.

Cope. Machines and AI will never replace female interactions not until they can replicate it in its entirety and be indistinguishable from the real deal.

Invest a small amount in XRT and STA. Wait 3 years.

Thanks boyo I'll look into it.
Both will give you shitty advice that doesn't work AND THAT THEY THEMSELVES NEVER HAD TO FOLLOW TO GET WHERE THEY ARE
The worst kind of people do this shit
Because you had the resources paid for you too. It is a loan taken out the moment you are born that you are expected to pay back when you can start earning money. Everybody gets an equal loan and then they all pay it back when they graduate. You pay it for other children just as other children paid it for you the equality is maintained.
What is the point of working hard if it will all be taken away though? If my kids have an equal chance as yours by default, why should I take any risks to gather more resources?

believe they will be cheap. Because the culture is shifted towards blackpill now days. It's all about the looks. This site is a prime example of that. It always was but now with global information access it's worse than ever. It will only get worse and the demand for facial surgery will grow. It won't be dirt cheap but it will be much cheaper than what it is now and far more culturally accepted.
Surgery will never be cheap brocel. Even the most common surgeries take thousands to perform. The human body is not designed for easy mods like this.

Family unit stands in the way of progress it has to go. This world will never be a better place as long as parents have a monopoly on raising their children. The child should be removed from a family and be raised by the state.
So what is the incentive of having kids if they will just be taken away anyways?

There is no incentive under this system for people to take risks or reproduce. You would need a massive evolutionary change to accomplish this.

Cope. Machines and AI will never replace female interactions not until they can replicate it in its entirety and be indistinguishable from the real deal.
Because you had the resources paid for you too. It is a loan taken out the moment you are born that you are expected to pay back when you can start earning money. Everybody gets an equal loan and then they all pay it back when they graduate. You pay it for other children just as other children paid it for you the equality is maintained.
What is the point of working hard if it will all be taken away though? If my kids have an equal chance as yours by default, why should I take any risks to gather more resources?

believe they will be cheap. Because the culture is shifted towards blackpill now days. It's all about the looks. This site is a prime example of that. It always was but now with global information access it's worse than ever. It will only get worse and the demand for facial surgery will grow. It won't be dirt cheap but it will be much cheaper than what it is now and far more culturally accepted.
Surgery will never be cheap brocel. Even the most common surgeries take thousands to perform. The human body is not designed for easy mods like this.

Family unit stands in the way of progress it has to go. This world will never be a better place as long as parents have a monopoly on raising their children. The child should be removed from a family and be raised by the state.
So what is the incentive of having kids if they will just be taken away anyways?

There is no incentive under this system for people to take risks or reproduce. You would need a massive evolutionary change to accomplish this.

Cope. Machines and AI will never replace female interactions not until they can replicate it in its entirety and be indistinguishable from the real deal.
lol finally a good thread of myself where people actually talk
What is the point of working hard if it will all be taken away though? If my kids have an equal chance as yours by default, why should I take any risks to gather more resources?

Idk what is the point of working hard now if you are going to die alone a virgin? Presuming you are incel. You work hard for yourself. You take risk because you want a better life for yourself.

Surgery will never be cheap brocel. Even the most common surgeries take thousands to perform. The human body is not designed for easy mods like this.

I think it will be tbh. In the past time surgery was basically inaccessible to pretty much everyone now it's already common place just too expensive for every normie to get into it.

So what is the incentive of having kids if they will just be taken away anyways?

There is no incentive under this system for people to take risks or reproduce. You would need a massive evolutionary change to accomplish this.

True, maybe they'll have artificial wombs and just design babies instead jfl. We already had one for a lamb maybe in the future human babies will be grown in labs instead of the traditional way.
Idk what is the point of working hard now if you are going to die alone a virgin?
Robowife plus surrogate son.

True, maybe they'll have artificial wombs and just design babies instead jfl. We already had one for a lamb maybe in the future human babies will be grown in labs instead of the traditional way.
That is exactly what will happen. Future humans will be manufactured in a factory. Good news is that foids will be gone.
That is exactly what will happen. Future humans will be manufactured in a factory. Good news is that foids will be gone.

Yes I hope so. All it will take is for one country to start doing it and the rest will have to follow if they want to stay competitive. I hope China will they look like the prime candidate for that kind of thing. Just start gene-editing unborn children or pump them out straight from the factory have them all be 150iq gods.
Yes I hope so. All it will take is for one country to start doing it and the rest will have to follow if they want to stay competitive. I hope China will they look like the prime candidate for that kind of thing. Just start gene-editing unborn children or pump them out straight from the factory have them all be 150iq gods.
Its inevitable due to a wide variety of factors. I hope I get to see the day that males liberate themselves from the evolutionary framework that makes them beholden to foids and their parasitism.
Dont compare rich people to sex havers
One is a capitalist asshole that sells me cool stuff so ı can cope
Other one is a subhuman
Both deserve to be shot, both are virtue signaling over things which are necessary for our health and try to dismiss it as something normal completely ignoring our needs and make fun of us. We dont only need economical communism but also need to unironically seize the means of reproduction.

I want to burn both sexhavers and rich faggots I hate you both fuck ill be the next mao ill get ur fucking ass
Dont compare rich people to sex havers
One is a capitalist asshole that sells me cool stuff so ı can cope
Other one is a subhuman
they essentially both sell us stupid lies where most men believe them and are slaves their whole lifes for a purposeless existence.
Both deserve to be shot, both are virtue signaling over things which are necessary for our health and try to dismiss it as something normal completely ignoring our needs and make fun of us. We dont only need economical communism but also need to unironically seize the means of reproduction.

I want to burn both sexhavers and rich faggots I hate you both fuck ill be the next mao ill get ur fucking ass
Incredibly based
Yeah except I’m rich

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